Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1928 Wings Niya Red Thunder 8 (Part 1)

Chapter 1928 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 8 (Part 1)

June 23, 2244

On the training ground in Area 29, the staff who had just finished their morning training were beginning to disperse. Li Mu was calculating attendance points. Starting last month, all the staff had finally completed their morning exercise. All received perfect scores.

It’s just that in the past few days, many members of the department looked very happy, always giving people a sense of relief. Li Mu knew very well that the members of the department were very happy, not only the people in the 5th department, but also the people in the area People in other departments are extremely happy, and Niya will be transferred to the upper-level District 1 in 7 days.

This period of time has been a great torture for the members of the administrative department in District 29, because they all have to look at Niya's face to act. If they are not careful, they will be scolded by Niya. It is common for them to have their wages deducted. And many of the things Niya ordered gave many department members headaches.

In Li Mu's eyes, these things are commonplace. This was originally the job within the 5 subjects, but over the years, the people in the 5 subjects have neglected to deal with it, and they are more casual about handling some things. So now, for such The intensity of work is difficult for many people to adapt to. Coupled with the seemingly slow but increasing intensity of sports training, many staff members have been miserable.

Looking at the staff members who were supporting each other and suffering from pain, Li Mu smiled easily. Li Mu would get up half an hour earlier than everyone else, first complete his daily exercise, and then supervise the exercise training of the staff members. Score attendance points.

It's just that there is a young man among them who looks completely different from the staff.

"Lao Li, the situation this morning is not very good. I went to bed a little late doing some information last night. There is no need to increase it tomorrow."

Li Mu snorted.

"Xiao Qin, your previous training in subject 3 should be more rigorous than your current training."

Qin Dong laughed and shook his head.

"The intensity of exercise is not as intense as it is now, but it is necessary to exercise three times a day. The current intensity will continue to increase, but"

Looking at the talking and laughing staff beside him, Qin Dong sighed helplessly.

"Maybe these are the last few days, Lao Li, you'd better help me increase the amount."

"Can you hold on!"

Qin Dong nodded and ran quickly. Li Mu liked this enthusiastic young man very much. He has now been promoted to the squad leader by Niya. Li Mu is also very strict about the management of the squad. He told Niya several times After that, he assigned Qin Dong to his team, but was rejected by Niya. Li Mu didn't know why Niya would ignore such a warm-hearted young man.

Basically, Qin Dong's job is to run errands and communicate with other departments in the area about things related to the 5 subjects. This is the most leisurely job, but Qin Dong will still take the initiative after work is over and before he gets off work. Go patrol the streets.

It's just that Qin Dong's workload has increased a lot recently. Originally, there were 5 staff members in the 5th department doing this kind of handover work, but now most of the work falls on Qin Dong alone. In Li Mu's view, Qin Dong Dong Tai is too honest, and the staff members in his team are all cunning.

But the only good thing is that Li Mu never saw Qin Dong complaining about these complicated and trivial things, and he worked hard every day.

After Li Mu finished calculating the attendance points of the last clerk, he started running quickly. It was only 7:34 now, and Li Mu planned to find Niya again.

Because if Qin Dong is not transferred back to the team of Section 5, he may always be placed in such a idle position, because Niya will be transferred soon.

Li Mu knocked on Niya's office. After entering, several team captains stood in front of Niya. Niya was arranging some things. The team leaders listened seriously with serious expressions.

"Listen clearly, I will only say this once. These matters must be dealt with seriously. Don't think that I will leave in a few days."

As soon as Niya finished speaking, Li Mu saw the secret joy in the eyes of several team captains.

"Did you hear that clearly?"

The squad leaders answered immediately and then began to leave. When passing by Li Mu, Li Mu felt a trace of anger from his colleagues. Li Mu knew that once Niya left, his life would not be easy.

"Bunch of bastards!"

After Niya cursed, she took out a cigarette, lit it and took a leisurely puff.

"Ms. Niya, first of all, congratulations on being transferred to District 1."

Li Mu said, Niya stood up and patted his arm.

"Do you remember what I said before?"

Li Mu hesitated for a while and then nodded.

"If I don't deal with them now, it doesn't mean I won't deal with them in the future. Even if I am transferred now and can't control them anymore, what about the future? This is their last chance. If it remains the same, I will wait until I become the section chief." , I will definitely make a careful calculation."

Li Mu laughed, but deep down he was just happy, because it was not that easy to become a section chief, at least in Li Mu's opinion, even with a background like Niya's, it was not that easy.

"By the way, what do you want me to do with you?"

Li Mu looked at Niya seriously and said.

"Lord Niya, I think Xiao Qin is excellent in all aspects. Why would such an outstanding person put him in such a position?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

Li Mu became embarrassed and didn't know what Niya was thinking.

"I just think that if you, Lady Niya, are transferred out of here, it may be difficult for Xiao Qin to be transferred back when the next section officer comes."

Niya bit her cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke and said with a smile.

"If you think you have the ability, you won't get far!"

Niya started walking as she spoke, planning to patrol the streets. This was Niya's favorite thing to do on weekdays. Li Mu didn't know what Niya meant by what she said, and didn't ask any more questions. Somewhat helpless.

The people in the 29th district’s business department are also happy that they can make money once Niya leaves. This is what everyone is most concerned about. In the past six months, the people in the business department have not made a penny. All construction and repair costs in the area, as well as some money held in the area, etc., are all deducted from the respective departments or district rights.

As long as Niya leaves, for the administrative department, congressmen and some businessmen here, it will be clear after the rain, and the peace of the past can be restored in District 29.

Li Mu then went downstairs and returned to his team's office. He saw that many members of the team were already working. At just 7:51, Li Mu took out some bread and made a cup of tea, and planned to casually After coping for a while, start working.

Niya was smoking happily while walking on the street. People along the street greeted her and she felt very happy when she saw the clerks on the street questioning and recording things in detail.

In the past few months, Niya has truly realized the superiority of the system established by Jill, as well as the subsequent details added by her sister, which allows Section 5 to serve as a collector of all aspects of the situation in the neighborhood, and then these situations can be quickly The feedback is reflected to each department, and then it can be convenient for each department to make adjustments in all aspects.

These adjustments largely rely on this reasonable basic patrol system. Niya knows that although this system is currently in use, it is basically placed in a semi-idle state. It is better to do less than to do more. This is the current situation. The overall status of the department.

Various aspects of residents’ home life, ranging from the durability, convenience and water output of a faucet, to what residents hope to obtain and do in the area in the next few months or years. As well as how much income you hope to have, etc., are all included in the patrol inquiry regulations of Section 5.

The collection of this information can be recorded in a timely manner and can be viewed by everyone, especially some of the needs of residents, which can provide some business opportunities for merchants. But it is different now. These things have deteriorated and are not the residents. What is needed in the area, but what local managers can provide to residents, whether they need it or not.

Niya never thought that a small inquiry system could effectively rectify the chaotic economic market at a time when corruption is prevalent. It is a pity that such a good system is not available in most 5-section management offices. , are not being implemented seriously.

Niya has seen the changes in just six months. Some items that are convenient and suitable for local residents have begun to circulate, and businessmen are also willing to take care of this place. After coming and going, the economy here has improved, and women They can make money not only through special services, but also through trade with merchants.

This system can accurately feed back many things to various departments, and it is easier to control in every aspect, especially the 9 departments that have the pricing power. Now they are the third section chiefs. In the internship stage, because everything in the city is chaotic now, if you want to make a reasonable price, without the support of these hard and real data, it is naturally difficult to set a more reasonable price.

Once the price does not take into account the timing demand and supply situation in various parts of the city, it will become extremely chaotic, and even add fuel to the already chaotic market economy.

During this period of time, Niya has seen a lot of things, things that she had not noticed before but had already seen. Niya has become more and more thoughtful. In the past, Niya was too lazy to think about these things, because in Niya It seems to Niya that these things are a bit complicated for her, but now it all seems very simple to Niya.

"Ms. Niya, I heard that you are going to be transferred. Come to our place for a drink when you are free."

As soon as Niya walked through a street, some women who were playing cards in the tavern ran over, including the three women who had teased Niya before and were punished. Now the women in the area have an impression of Niya. I have changed my mind and feel that this officer is different from other people and is actually very easy to get along with.

What makes most women in the area feel different is that Niya has never looked down upon them, and will even listen carefully to some of their requests and suggestions, and the reasonable parts will soon be accepted. Get responses and start implementing.

Along the way, Niya was greeting many people. Every night when Niya was free, she would walk on the street and go to some places to have a drink.

This is the consistent style that Niya has maintained since she was a child. She will never look down on anyone and will face everything seriously, no matter how unbearable and unspeakable it all is.

"Lord Niya, it would be great if you could stay here forever."

Niya sat on the side of the road, took the drink brought by a woman, smiled and shook her head.

"Even if I stay here, it won't change anything. You will still have to rely on the men who come here every night."

The woman became a little embarrassed. Niya hurriedly said sorry. The woman pursed her lips and smiled and shook her head.

"Actually, many of us are not accustomed to it, nor are we born low."

Niya nodded in understanding.

"This is the kind of place this city is. Don't gamble. If you want to play, keep it within 1 yuan per game. Got it?"

The woman hummed gratefully. Now the area has become a bit newer. Many houses and areas have been repaired, which looked so bad. The whole street is also much tidier. Although it looks like it has been repaired, But the ground is much cleaner, and there is no unpleasant smell in the air.

After Niya finished her drink, she stood up and held out a dollar. The woman bowed gratefully. The most important thing Niya had to deal with in the past few months was the secret exclusion of women, which had been solved. More than 30 such incidents.

Looking at everything on the street, Niya suddenly felt a little reluctant, but the transfer order from above had been issued. Locke had personally come to persuade Niya, and Niya agreed. It would not be a good thing if the stalemate continued.

Now Niya's concept has changed. From where she is now, she can only see the surrounding problems. Although she can solve some problems, it is too difficult. She cannot achieve the level of her sister. Niya knows that she must You have to go up. Only when you become the chief of Section 5 can you be able to solve most problems.

As for Qin Dong's problem that Li Mu said this morning, Niya did not intend to pay attention to it. If the young man could not break through the current predicament on his own, he would not be able to go further. This is what Niya has done over the years. The most important thing I know from all kinds of people I have seen, including everything about myself.

"Upper level!"

Niya looked back at the glorious and majestic city behind her, and smiled helplessly. Niya knew what kind of place District 1 was, and she knew everything about that place very well, because Niya grew up in the upper class. When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time wandering around District 1.

Niya continued to walk on the streets. She planned to wander around the streets for a few days, and then wait until the day when she was officially transferred.

Didi didi

Niya answered the phone.

"What's wrong, Mom?"

"When you are transferred to the upper level, you can go home and live there."

Niya hummed, said some happy things to her mother and then hung up the phone.

Arriving at the street bordering the 30th arrondissement, Niya stood quietly at a bus stop, looking at the rusty platform. The stop sign looked like it had been wiped and cleaned. Before the subway was built, it looked like this. Bus platforms are very common. This platform was cleaned a few days ago. Niya did not order it to be demolished, but still kept the platform.

Many insulting words or ridiculing words were carved on the signboard and on the ground with pens or sharp metal.

Niya has heard some women say that in the past, women would wait for the bus to arrive near the platform every day, and then pick up customers on the platform. Now the buses have completely stopped running in Bright City.

Only some tourist bus companies are still operating, but the buses will never arrive at this platform again. Many problems have occurred in this place, so many. Niya sat quietly at the platform, quietly Smoking a cigarette, he stretched out his hands comfortably, holding on to the back of the chair, and crossed his legs.

Niya didn't sympathize with the women here, but she felt helpless, a feeling of helplessness from the bottom of her heart. She was not great enough to be able to change the fate of a woman who grew up in a miserable environment and was finally reduced to such a profession. This kind of It was something Niya couldn't do and couldn't do.

The only thing Niya can do in the past few months is to make their lives better and better. Now that she is leaving, this place will return to its previous appearance. There is no doubt about this, because the local people Managers will continue to make money and turn this place into an exchange for money and desire.

At this time, Niya thought of Qin Dong. Niya stood up with a smile and glanced at the bus stop. Niya walked over and raised a finger. Along with a flash of red thunder and lightning, as the metal panel dissolved, Niya wrote three words on it.

Beauty section!

Then Niya turned around and walked away with a smile. This place needs to change in the future, but the person who can change everything here will not be herself. Niya can be sure of this, because Niya really can't do it. Destroy their ingrained lives and make them accept another life.

July 1, 2244

When she got up early in the morning, Niya packed everything and prepared to go to the General Affairs Section to carry out the handover work today, and then go directly to the Public Security Management Office in District 1 to have a look.

Just after 8 o'clock, all the department members gathered together, and the squad leaders were waiting with smiles to see Niya off.

Niya simply carried a small bag and left after tidying up the office. As soon as she came to the yard, she saw the staff waiting. After Niya walked over, she glanced at everyone quietly. clerk.

"I'm leaving here today. Before I leave, I want to reiterate again. When you have nothing to do, think more about why you put on this uniform."

Niya's voice was loud and clearly reached everyone's ears. The team leader and the officers of other departments began to hold a farewell ceremony. The local councilors also came. There were many people outside the large courtyard of Section 5. people.

Niya simply talked with the section officers and council members and then planned to leave, and the section officers also began to disperse on their own, getting ready to start work.

"at last."

Niya said, then hesitated for a while and then said.

"I just want to say one thing, I don't want to come back here again one day."

Niya didn't say it clearly, but the officers and councilors present all knew what Niya wanted to say. Immediately, a group of people laughed and said something, but these things sounded too high-sounding to Niya.

Then Niya walked to the door, Li Mu stood at the door, and Qin Dong had already arrived on the street. He smiled and watched as a large number of people in the neighborhood continued to come over. His impression of Niya had changed from a few months ago. Things have changed. Now Qin Dong thinks Niya is a great boss.

"Be careful. If you need to give in on some things, give in. If you can't stay any longer, I can help."

Li Mu shook his head.

"Lord Niya, I just need to stay here. It will be somewhat useful. I can still do what I can."

As soon as Niya left the courtyard of Section 5, the corner of her mouth raised. Several women came over and gave Niya a bouquet of colorful flowers. Niya just said thank you, waved and walked away. .

There were more and more people along the way, and many women came out to see Niya off. Niya walked slowly and chatted with several women who came with her. Some clerks on the street also followed. .

"Actually, I think Lady Niya is pretty good."

Next to Qin Dong, several female staff members said, and Qin Dong hummed.

"Because actual actions are enough, far better than those illusory and beautiful bubbles."

Qin Dong murmured in a low voice and finally arrived at the subway station. Niya looked at Jean sitting on the guardrail at the entrance of the subway station smoking a cigarette with some surprise. His uniform was hanging casually aside. Niya turned around in embarrassment. Pass over.

"Thank you everyone! Thank you."

After Niya finished speaking in a loud voice, she turned around and waved with her hands. She didn't look at anything behind her and walked straight to Gene's side.

"Go away, bastard, have a drink with me tonight."

Jean nodded and glanced at the residents in the area. Almost all of them were women. Jean turned back and lifted up his uniform.

"It's a beautiful scene. You're doing well. Keep up the good work."

Niya snorted coldly.

"What a shit, those bastards, when I come back next time, if I still don't change my ways, I will arrest them one by one. I will make them spit out every bit of how much they have eaten."

Jean smiled and stepped into the subway station with Niya. Jean was happy at this moment. In his memory, Ellie had done this kind of thing countless times. There would always be someone to say goodbye when she left. Like this Gene has seen this scene countless times, but this time, he hasn't seen it for a long time.

"What are you laughing at, bastard."

Niya gave Gene an elbow, and Gene shook his head.

"I'm thinking about something from a long time ago."

Niya leaned back comfortably on the seat and the subway started to move. She stretched out her hands to cover her cheeks. She felt that everything in the past two years really seemed like a dream. It was just a sweet dream, not a nightmare.

"Get along well with Michelle."

As soon as Jean finished speaking, he found that Niya had fallen asleep. She smiled helplessly and looked at the warm yellow flashing past the car window. Jean felt a hint of warmth. This was what he used to teach students in school. Something I rarely felt when I was young.

July 2, 2244

Niya yawned and got up from your bed. It was already 3 pm. She and Jean had been drinking until dawn last night. Looking at everything familiar, Niya got up from the bedroom and went directly to the next door. In the bedroom, when she opened the door, a breeze blew in her face, and the white curtains fluttered with the wind. Niya smiled, looked at the burgundy desk, and then closed the door.

"Micah, get me some food."

Niya then went downstairs to the kitchen, where the food had been prepared early.

"Second Miss, eat quickly."

Niya started to eat and drink. After asking, she found out that her parents had gone to a relative's house early this morning and might not come back tonight. There were only a dozen people at home, and the servants were all busy on the plantation.

"It's true, my daughter ran away on the first day she came back."

Micah sat next to Niya with a smile and asked some things about Niya during this time, and Niya just picked some key points to talk about.

"By the way, Miss Second, Miss Michelle came back early this morning. You and she are colleagues now, right?"

Niya nodded with a smile. After eating, Niya took a short rest and then walked on the lawn, chatting and laughing with the bodyguards of the family.

"real or fake."

Niya was a little surprised. People in the family are now spreading rumors that Michelle and her father Charles had a very fierce quarrel. The relationship between father and daughter has fallen to the bottom. Naturally, Niya knows the reason. Michelle investigated it personally. In the case of Ai Bolun Pharmaceutical, Michelle also arrested many doctors and relevant persons in charge of Ai Bolun Pharmaceutical.

Since its establishment thirty years ago, Aibelun Pharmaceutical has become one of the top medical companies in the city. Now Michelle's actions have dealt a heavy blow to her family's industry.

Niya doesn't care about these rumors in the family, but plans to visit some friends' homes during her vacation. Especially for some reason, Niya really wants to take a look at Ivy, because Ivy will be there next year. Married, and married at the end of the season.

This is another combination of two big families, which is a relatively sensational thing in the family circle recently.

"Okay, I've almost rested. I have to test your current level."

Niya said, and more than 10 bodyguards got ready with enthusiasm. Niya took off her coat and looked at the bodyguards who were attacking one by one with a smile. She easily defused all the attacks and shuttled among the bodyguards. With.

After half an hour, the bodyguards all bowed seriously.

"Thank you, Miss Second, for your guidance."

Niya smiled and waved her hands.

"It's not about coaching. Just practice hard when you have time. I'll go out for a walk."

Niya did not take the main entrance, but jumped directly from the fence and landed on the spacious street. After looking around, Niya walked to the door of Ai Bolun's house and looked inside. There were many people inside. , residential areas are full of shaking figures.

Niya soon planned to leave, but at this time, in the distance, a white beauty ran towards this side quickly, and Niya scratched her head.

"Is something wrong, Miss Niya?"

Looking at Michelle, who was wearing a white sportswear, with her hair tied up as before, Niya smiled, looking a little embarrassed.

A few minutes later, the two sat on the bench of Abron's house. Niya was a little embarrassed, but she still talked.

"I heard that you and your father had a fight, and it was quite violent."

Michelle nodded slightly and did not avoid the question.

"As for those rumors, most of them are false."

As soon as Michelle finished speaking, Niya became even more embarrassed. Now the entire family circle is talking about Michelle, because she is unwilling to give her family any convenience, which makes many people in the family. Said, this is very much like my sister.

"Miss Niya, have you ever had a quarrel with your family?"

Niya could see that Michelle was in a bad mood, so she nodded and laughed.

"I often quarrel with my mother, and I also had a quarrel with my sister before, and my sister even beat me in the street."

Michelle hummed.

"By the way, Miss Niya, you have been transferred to District 1 now. I hope you can handle things according to normal rules and regulations, instead of doing things at the bottom or middle level. I hope Miss Niya can do this. , this is related to the overall face of the Business Department, every move you make may cause the outside world to misunderstand the Business Department, and thus be taken advantage of by some interested people. I hope Miss Niya will consider this carefully."

Niya scratched her head. Of course she knew what Michelle was going to say. The upper class was not like the middle and lower classes, and messing around would cause a lot of problems.

"Okay, Miss Niya, I have to go back to Section 5."

Niya looked at Michelle suspiciously.

"Aren't you on vacation today?"

"The vacation is now cancelled."

Michelle said, stood up directly, and soon changed into the uniform of Section 5 under the light. At this time, Niya noticed Charles running over behind him, surrounded by bodyguards.

"Michelle, where are you going?"

"go back to work!"

The four cold words were daunting. Charles looked a little angry, but Michelle had already walked straight up. Niya looked around and could only stand up.

"Miss Nia."

Charles stopped Nia.

"Hello Mr. Charles."

Looking at Charles walking towards her, Niya didn't know how to respond.

"Can you help me persuade that girl Michelle, Miss Niya?"


Niya laughed heartily.

"Useless Mr. Charles, she is the kind of person who is meticulous and won't give up until she achieves her goal. No matter how much she tries to persuade Mr. Charles, although I feel sorry for the loss of your company, I will not follow the rules and regulations next time. Enough."

Charles was a little at a loss, Niya turned around, waved her hand, and walked quickly.

Looking at Nia leaving, Charles fell into deep thought. His knowledge of Nia has been with her since she was born. However, for so many years, he only knew that Nia was a degenerate, but now Nia seems to be There has been a change, which is something that surprised Charles.

Recently, the family circle has rarely heard anything about Nia. On the contrary, Charles has heard a lot about Nia in the society. It seems that for so many years, Nia has been the source of jokes in the family circle. , has become a thing of the past, and now everyone in the family is talking about their daughter.

What Charles is most worried about is not the family's pharmaceutical company, because Charles knows very well that the nationalization of medical care is inevitable, and no matter how he maintains resistance, it is impossible to disobey it.

What really caused a quarrel between Charles and his daughter was that Charles introduced a marriage partner to her without notifying Michelle. Although Michelle did not show it when the other party was around, she became furious when she came back.

Watching my daughter getting older day by day, she is almost 30 and has reached the age where marriage is being discussed, but her daughter refuses to let go no matter what, even the word "no marriage".

Charles was just worried that with his daughter's personality, she might not even be able to find a marriage partner in the future. Many bad rumors about Michelle were circulating within the family circle, and even spread to the outside world.

At this time, a cute little boy came over.

"Dad, where is the eldest sister?"

"Michelle, have you finished your homework?"

The little boy smiled and shook his head.

"Dad, the eldest sister is not here anymore, can I play?"

Charles picked up Michelle and nodded.

"Have fun, Michelle."

Charles looked at his youngest son, innocent and lively, and the anger in his heart reduced a lot. This child did not need to inherit any burdens. Charles also knew that this optimistic child would be very unhappy if he inherited the family. The second eldest child, Miguel, is as stable and sensible as himself, and he knows how to watch people's actions, so he can inherit the family business very well.

The third eldest, Miluer, is a bit like his wife Freya, but only in a certain part. She is more like herself. She can also assist her brother very well and protect everything in the Abron family. The biggest headache for Charles now is The eldest daughter who is inhumane and has a heart of stone.

"Dad, don't tell eldest sister, otherwise I may be scolded to death by eldest sister next time."

Charles hummed and shook his head with a smile. Michelle had almost no memory of his mother, because Michelle had been taking care of him since he was a child, and the same was true for Miguel and Milu. Michelle is teaching them everything about this.

"Is this the crystallization of your wish? Freya, it's too cruel."

Charles looked at the sky behind the Abron family and couldn't help but murmured sentimentally.


Niya sat awkwardly in the living room of Ivy's house, looking a little uncomfortable. Standing beside her were the housekeepers and servants, and Ivy's parents. Niya held the tea in her hand and looked at Ivy next to her with a smile.

"Your business seems to be getting better and better recently, congratulations."

As Niya said, Ivy's parents opposite started talking about the family business. Once they started talking, they couldn't stop at all. Niya could only listen attentively. Ivy next to her pursed her lips and smiled. She didn't expect Niya today. He would visit suddenly, and it was the first time in my life that Ivy had seen Niya like this.

"Mom, let the chef make something rich tonight."

Ivy said and stood up gracefully and stretched out her hand to Niya. Niya immediately took it and Ivy gently held Niya's arm.

"We went to my room."

After arriving in Ivy's bedroom, Niya still didn't relax, and Ivy burst into laughter.

"You, relax, why did you come here suddenly today?"

"I heard that you are getting married to Ji Mo, so I came to congratulate you."

"You can do whatever you want, Niya, but I remember you were not like this before."

Niya smiled helplessly, then walked to the window and lit a cigarette.

"What happened to that kid at the end of the season?"

Niya asked. The reason why Niya came here today was because she heard some rumors about the end of the season. It seemed that she caused some big trouble at the bottom, and then was brought back by Jean. She seemed to be a different person. .

Ivy shook her head.

"I asked him, but he refused to tell me, so I won't ask."

"Are you willing? If you want, you can refuse, after all."

Ivy stretched out her hands and raised her head in contentment.

"Whether you like it or not, this is how it is. We will hold a wedding on January 3 next year. Don't make any excuses not to come to Niya."

Niya hummed and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"By the way, Leona is pretty good now."

Niya said, Niya also heard about this from the bodyguards. People in the family circle are talking about it. Leona will become the secretary of Section 6 next year.

"Well, she is very busy, very busy every day. I only see her when I go to the headquarters of Section 6 when I go to the company to do things."

Nia burst out laughing.

"That lazy guy must be feeling very uncomfortable right now."

"What about you, Niya?"

Ivy asked, and Niya scratched her head.

"Now I just want to climb up and reach the position of chief of Section 5."

Ivy nodded in surprise, pulled Nia and spoke seriously.

"If you need help with anything, I will fully support you Niya, just go ahead and do it."

Niya looked at Ivy with some surprise, and then spoke hesitantly after a while.


"I don't know what people in the family will think. Niya, if you really become the section chief, I think this will be the biggest news in Brilliant City in recent years."

Niya hummed, not knowing what to say, but she still chatted with Ivy seriously, and the two talked about everything over the years.

It wasn't until dinner was over that at 8:31, Ivy's cheeks turned red and she sent Niya to the door of her house.

"Thank you so much for today, Nia."

Niya hummed.

"I wish you happiness."

Ivy nodded and took Nia's hand.

"You have to try harder Nya."

Niya hummed, Ivy suddenly hugged her, and Niya laughed with some emotion.

"Bye now!"

Niya glanced at a motorcycle placed in the corner of the yard. Nowadays, motorcycles are no longer allowed on the road because they are not as stable as cars. Even if they are equipped with AI systems, many accidents have occurred.

Looking at Niya leaving, Ivy felt a little emotional. Her concept of Niya had completely changed. She couldn't be like Niya. Now many women in the family circle would talk about Niya. Ya, the layer of dust that always shrouded Niya in the past has long since dissipated, and this forgotten pearl has only now begun to shine slightly.

All this is obvious to all people who are familiar with Niya in the family circle. Ivy often has dinner with her classmates, and Niya is the one everyone talks about the most.

"One day, the city will become better and better."

Ivy smiled and turned around and returned home. Then she walked to the motorcycle, stretched out her hand and touched it, and then showed a happy smile.

Niya strolled along the path and walked towards her home unhurriedly. She was going to work in District 1 the day after tomorrow. When she returned to the family area this time, she felt different from the past, especially when she encountered When meeting some people I knew in the past, these people would not even look at me in the past, but they would greet me and ask questions.

If you think carefully about the past, from childhood to adulthood, you have been doing mischief all the way.

After Niya returned to First Avenue, she looked east. Niya planned to go to the prison department to see Li Ang early tomorrow morning. The guy didn't even tell her anything. Li Ang was also dismissed because of his relationship and was transferred to That hopeless 11th subject.

Niya took out the phone and dialed Li Ang's number.

"Is the idiot asleep?"

"What's wrong? Do you want me to help you find the prisoner?"

Li Ang said with a smile.

"Idiot, do you have a day off tomorrow? How about we have a drink?"

"No, it's better for you to have a good rest. I'm fine now. That's it. I have to go on a patrol."

The phone hung up, and Niya was a little helpless. She knew that Li Ang had a strong personality and would not accept her help.

"Forget it, that idiot!"

Niya smiled and looked at her lawn. In the darkness, only the three-story building with a warm yellow light stood. Niya ran over quickly.

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