Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1930 Wings Niya Red Thunder 8 (Part 2)

Chapter 1930 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 8 (Part 2)

July 7, 2244

9 a.m.

There was no one on Congress Avenue, and there were many cars parked on the empty street. Only on the avenue near the General Affairs Department could you see pedestrians and vehicles passing by. The shops were all open, and the owners and clerks of each shop Standing at the door, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

A few days ago, they received a notice from Section 5 to check the street facilities, so they needed their cooperation. However, early this morning, many store employees felt something was wrong because there was no one on the road. Only later did they see both ends of the street. They are all blocked, and some alleys on the side of the street are also blocked. They are blocked directly by Section 5 and no one is allowed to pass.

At this time, the shop owners gathered together and walked towards the square at the entrance, where only 5 people from Section 5 were guarding.

"You have hindered our normal operations, and we will sue you."

Several staff members were silent. Before blocking the place, Niya had asked them not to say a word and just look at the blocked intersection.

The businessmen started talking at once, but the five people from Section 5 remained silent. Soon they returned to the temporary guard box on one side, closed the door, and the businessmen walked over and surrounded them. There was a direct beating at the guard box. At this time, a businessman suggested going to Section 5 to protest.

A large number of people walked toward the right side of the square in a mighty manner. After a while, they arrived at the courtyard of Section 5. It was deserted and deserted. There were almost no section staff in sight. Only two were working near the management car. The clerks seemed to be checking for obstacles. The merchants walked over and asked directly. Several management vehicles had been disassembled. The two clerks were busy and ignored the merchants.

The businessmen entered the reception hall of Section 5 and found that there was no one in the hall. Then the businessmen pressed the reporting phone number 000005. However, the phone in the hall rang, and a light and shadow screen immediately popped up, but there was no sign of anything. people.

Several businessmen gathered together and wanted to go upstairs, but one of the businessmen stopped them in the next second.

"You are looking for death. This is inside the Business Department. Ordinary people cannot go up there without permission. When the time comes, they will accuse us of entering the Business Department without permission. What will you do then?"

The businessmen stood in the hall with helpless expressions. They could only wait. However, until 10 o'clock, for a whole hour, there was no one in Section 5, except for two clerks outside who were still repairing cars. Some businessmen went over and asked, but the two car repair clerks just talked to themselves and did not talk to the businessmen at all.

11 o'clock sharp

Two hours have passed, and the businessmen still haven't seen anyone from Section 5. Some businessmen who couldn't help it have gone back. The street is still lifeless. People can be seen on the horizontal street opposite the General Affairs Section, but the whole street There was no one on the two-kilometer-long street. It was almost time to eat, and the businessmen became anxious.

At this time, the businessmen who were still waiting in the hall of Section 5 saw two mutants from Section 5 coming in. They hurriedly ran over and gave chase. However, the two mutants ran towards the cafeteria and looked at After the two mutants entered the cafeteria, they began to carry the lunch boxes.

"What's going on with you guys?"

A businessman asked angrily. The two mutants carried the food and walked away, but they were blocked by the businessmen.

"I have something to do with Lady Niya. We have to rush to deliver meals to the patrolling department members. Please get out of the way!"

The merchants became reluctant, and one of the mutants immediately spoke.

"If you don't get out of the way, you may be guilty of obstructing official business and you will be arrested immediately."

The merchants were a little scared. They all knew that Niya had done this deliberately. Because of the support of the district councilors, the merchants were not afraid of Niya's proposal to dismantle the tables and chairs occupying the road and move the cars on the street. command.

Finally, the businessmen got out of the way, and the chefs in the canteen had already started to clean up. Several businessmen ran over and asked, and the head chef smiled awkwardly.

"We don't know the orders from above either."

At 11:21, under the noisy voices of businessmen, three councilors came to the entrance guard box and ordered them to immediately lift the blockade. A clerk in charge took out the order issued by Niya to comprehensively inspect all facilities. Orders for troubleshooting and maintenance of public facilities.

"You have interfered with normal business operations. I can sue you at any time."

A council member said angrily, but immediately one of the clerks spoke up.

"The law stipulates that all citizens are obliged to cooperate with the administrative department's inspection operations. In order to ensure the safety of citizens' lives and property, we have the right to conduct any inspection."

"What can be found?"

The councilman said angrily, making one of the clerks laugh.

"Who knows, maybe the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or next month if something is damaged somewhere on this street, there will be problems. Who will be responsible then?"

"I will give you 5 minutes to lift the blockade immediately, otherwise"

The clerk in charge said with a smile.

"Sorry, Mr. Congressman, you are not our supervisor. If you want to complain to us, you can always go to our supervisor. However, complaints can only be made one level at a time. I hope you can understand the system of our administrative department."

At this time, the five staff members returned to their posts and continued to eat, eating very slowly, talking about something while eating leisurely.

The congressmen were very angry. At this time, one congressman dialed Niya's phone number.

"Your Excellency Niya, please"

"I'm sorry, I'm busy. If you have anything else, wait till I get back."

Immediately the councilman started talking about blocking the street for no reason.

"When I think about it, it seems that this is indeed the case. I'm sorry, Mr. Congressman, we have fired more than 200 people here and are seriously short of manpower. Today, no, maybe the inspection can be completed tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest."

The phone was hung up, and the congressman who called immediately called again, but no one answered.

For a while, the businessmen and councilors became angry. It was almost 12 o'clock. At this time of day, the flow of people here is very large. Most of the people who come to District 1 for business will eat on this avenue, so this Most of the avenues are filled with restaurants.

The real reason is that many restaurants sometimes have to queue up, so many bosses tried to conspire with the legislators to install a lot of tables and chairs at their entrances, so that some people who can't wait and have to go elsewhere can Guests dining here can sit down and eat immediately. Eating here is not cheap, with per capita consumption of more than 50 yuan.

But now Niya doesn't know where she is at all. The congressmen have started calling to inquire, and the people from Section 5 who are guarding the posts don't know where Niya is.


Niya got up from the bath happily, then changed her clothes, and sat comfortably on the sofa. Wishes of fine and red electric current flowed on Niya's long wet hair, and wisps of steam rose up. There was a fragrance in the whole room, and Locke sat in front of the desk with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong, Fatty?"

Locke glanced sideways.

"Girl, if nothing happens, go back as soon as possible."

Niya took out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff, leaned back leisurely, and then exhaled a puff of smoke.

"What the hell is that idiot Tamai doing!"

Locke cursed, Niya laughed, then shook her head and said.

"His essence is rotten, and it's useless no matter what. I've long been dissatisfied with you idiots. If I were promoted, I would leave none of those idiots and bastards behind." Tell them to get lost."

Locke sighed and scratched his head.

"Nearly eight areas in the southern part of the bottom floor are about to become black areas. After you left, the number of cases increased sharply. How about I find a way to transfer you back to the bottom floor."

"The approach of treating the symptoms but not the root cause, fat man, I advise you to think about it carefully. Today's section chiefs have no ability to deal with such a situation. Also, I will stay here until tonight before going back. , Fatty, help me get some food and drink."

Locke stood up, closed his eyes, and looked a little sad. At this time, the office door was knocked open, and a male secretary from the General Affairs Department in a white uniform came in. He seemed to be walking over cautiously.

"General Manager, the Medical Association has submitted 387 protests, and the association's councilors are already here."

Locke pressed his forehead. He didn't know what to do. Since this secretary took office, although his work ability was good, he handled everything by himself. He didn't dare to make any decisions. This was very uncomfortable for Locke. point.

"I understand. Let's arrange for them to have dinner here and start the meeting at 2 o'clock."

Then Locke looked at Niya and said.

"If you want to eat, go down and eat by yourself."

Then the two of them left Locke's private rest area. Niya stood up. Now she was hungry. She soaked in the warm pool for almost two hours. After Niya went downstairs, she noticed a food table. Niya approached the familiar figure with a smile.

"Why, eat so little? You will be hungry."

Niya looked at the dishes Michelle ordered, a stew of vegetables and meat, pumpkin soup, as well as some bread and a few pieces of whole grain cakes.

"Will not!"

Niya then immediately ordered some meatloaf, a large bowl of noodles, including two fried eggs, and some side dishes. The chefs in the general affairs department watched Niya walk away with the big plate, and Michelle found one In a deserted place, a set of tables and chairs was set up, and Niya took the initiative to move over.

Looking at Michelle's solemn and solemn expression, she seemed to be still thinking about something, but her hands had already started to move, and Niya started eating without speaking.

"Miss Niya, I hope you can sign this joint protest."

As she said this, Michelle took out a joint protest she had drafted. Niya looked at it briefly and smiled helplessly. This was a protest submitted by Michelle to Section 4. Many of it has been involved in cases. Matters of this nature were suppressed by Section 4 and refused investigation by Section 5. Michelle listed a large number of cases in the medical industry. Michelle intended to handle these cases, but was blocked by Section 4. Any No information was given to Michelle, including some evidence in the case and so on.

Looking at the signatures, Michelle was the only one. This is a joint protest system within the executive department, but it must be signed by at least 20 department officers, of which at least 5 are director officers.

After Niya signed her name, Michelle immediately stood up, bowed slightly, and formally said thank you. Niya pulled Michelle and asked her to sit down.

"You don't have to be so polite, Michelle, there is no need to work so hard."

"Miss Niya, this is not a matter of working hard or not, but these things are the root cause of the chaos in the medical market. No one has paid attention to it for so many years. If this continues, the entire medical industry will collapse."

Niya raised her hands and smiled.

"Stop! I think it's better for you to talk to the manager about these matters."

There was a trace of displeasure on Michelle's expression, and she continued to eat. Niya probably knew what this girl wanted to say, and she should have noticed it. Niya had heard about it in the past few days, and Michelle was in Section 5 The department was initially responsible for medical cases, but was later transferred to the public opinion section.

The citizens' opinions are basically out of office, because the patrol system of Section 5 has basically not changed much in the 120 districts. Many so-called opinions are formulated internally, and everything is to serve interest groups and serve the interests of the public. Find a justifiable reason for their journey of interests.

"Miss Niya, those suggestions are really great. I've read all the stuff in District 29 and the first half of the year."

Michelle said, and Niya hummed.

"Go talk to the steward."

Niya said again that these matters can only be dealt with by the general manager. After all, Michelle has been effectively isolated by the 5th department, or the entire business department is the same. Niya does not intend to mix with Michelle, because the general manager I feel that I and Michelle have different opinions, and if this continues, there will definitely be a quarrel one day.

After Michelle finished eating, she placed the bowls and plates and took them up. She bowed slightly and walked away with the bowls and plates. At first, Niya felt that Michelle might want to win over her. After all, she was weak and weak. It is difficult to do something, but now it seems that Niya has nothing to worry about. Niya has noticed a very outstanding point in Michelle since she was a child. Self-reliance is a habit that Michelle has maintained since she was a child.

Niya glanced at the dishes on some tables nearby. No one was clearing them. The chefs would come to clear them later. After watching Michelle put the dishes on the washing table, she turned around and walked towards the elevator. .

"That girl should be fine. She can do it even if she doesn't need help."

Niya put her hands on her chin, lit a cigarette and took a comfortable drag.

Niya has been wandering around in the General Affairs Department all day, and has already had someone come over to take her phone back to the office in District 1, Section 5. Niya plans to have a drink with Locke in the evening before going back.

However, at around 5 o'clock, Niya saw many people running upstairs with solemn faces. Niya followed her up. A very fierce sound came from the secretary's office. It was Locke's voice, and everyone was silent. Surrounding the door of the office quietly, Niya heard many people say that Michelle and the manager had a heated argument.

The voice was still loud, Michelle's voice just sounded higher in tone, without any anger, while Locke's tone seemed unusually angry.

It was close to 6 o'clock when the office door opened. The secretary of the General Affairs Department stood aside with a serious expression, holding the door open with one hand. Michelle came out, then turned around and bowed deeply. .

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Manager, but I also hope that Mr. Manager can consider my proposal carefully!"

Michelle saluted and bowed to the secretary next to her, then turned around and walked away under the surprised eyes of a bunch of people. Niya laughed. When Michelle passed by, the two looked at each other and Michelle left alone. .

When it was approaching 8 o'clock, Niya was sitting comfortably in the office. Locke's wine cabinet had been opened and several bottles of wine had been taken out. Niya was drinking comfortably when Locke walked in.

"Fat man, what's wrong? If you're unhappy, just move that girl to the bottom floor and let her have a good experience."

Locke sighed.

"A lot of what that girl said is correct, but having to deal with these things will make the city unstable. Now the city can no longer withstand these storms. If this continues, the situation at the bottom will only worsen."

Niya put down her wine glass and said with a confident smile.

"It gets worse, but if it's not dealt with, it's just a slow death."

Locke looked at Niya. This little girl had also changed. From the girl who only caused trouble all day long, she became a reliable and sensible woman.

"Then what do you think we should do!"

After Niya took the last sip of the wine glass, she walked to Locke's side and put one hand on Locke's shoulder.

"You can figure it out on your own, fat man. I'm in a position where I can't talk."

Niya said and walked away. Locke looked at Niya leaving bitterly. In the past few years, the changes in the acting department have become worse and worse. The five subjects laid by Alpha are the foundation of the acting department, and this foundation is now It has been completely destroyed. Among the first-generation section chiefs, except for Section 3, Section 6, Section 8 and Section 11, the section chiefs have been replaced in several other sections.

Although the successors are still former students of the Seminary, this cannot change the current predicament of the executive department. The parliamentary factions have begun to work on their own, which is no longer what they used to be like in the past. There are even some fights between factions. .

Locke was already extremely distressed. He didn't know what to do next. Michelle, who was arguing with him today, always appeared in his mind. What she said was correct. Precisely because what she said was correct, That's why Locke had to argue with her.

Locke once asked Gene how to clean up this mess. Gene just shook his head because he didn't know what to do.

Many problems are deeply rooted and cannot be solved by recommending a few capable people, especially now that the conflicts at the bottom have been intensified. Whether they are man-made or not, conflicts always exist.

The issue of resource allocation has always been the source of intensification of such conflicts. However, the social structure is this kind of thing. A few people control the economy and the majority creates the economy. No matter what era, it cannot be changed.

After a while, Locke picked up the wine and held his hand against his aching stomach. This was an old problem. He would suffer from stomachache when he was too stressed. He took a big sip from the bottle and then put it down melancholy. bottle.

Although the current secretaries of the General Affairs Department are capable, their work ability is only average. Since Yin Xianglin left the General Affairs Department, although the place is still the same as before, the situation is not as good as before.

Locke had already considered changing his secretary, but there was no suitable person. Then Locke brought up a light and shadow screen and quickly opened a document. This was a list of backup personnel given to him by King Xue, with a total of 31 people. , are all people from colleges in all fields, and are now distributed in 9 subjects except subjects 12, 11 and 10. The lowest official position is section officer, and there are 6 director officers.

Two of the 31 people have passed the secretarial exam and become secretaries' backup. Locke is worried about this matter now. He probably knows what King Xue is thinking. This approach can indeed solve the problem in a short time. There are many problems, but once something like a faction appears within the executive department and is established, suppression of non-factionalists will occur frequently.

This is something Locke does not want to see. This will seriously affect the promotion system of the executive department. Nowadays, although there are large and small factions in the executive department, the promotion system has not been greatly affected. If there is only one faction within the acting department, the situation will become precarious.

King Xue wants to create an elite-centered business department. The elites are in charge of everything, and this group of elites was educated by King Xue. This is an issue that requires great attention. If it really becomes Xue King in the future, If Wang envisions the situation, Locke is to blame.

It is true that the method proposed by King Xue for the integration of business departments was very reasonable and effective. However, Locke couldn't agree with such a plan. After looking at the personnel list again, Locke closed the file, leaned back tiredly, and took a sip of wine. .

"This can only be done for now!"

Locke said and closed his eyes helplessly.


Niya yawned and just turned to the main entrance of the No. 5 compound. She saw that the hall of No. 5 was packed with people. Congress Avenue was almost dark now. The blockade was still going on. Businessmen were waiting in the hall. But the hall of Section 5 was empty.

Niya has carefully allocated the patrols and other tasks of the only personnel in the past few days, so there is no one in the hall of Section 5.

"Officer Niya, we hope you will lift the blockade immediately."

A businessman was about to explode with anger. He walked over and shouted. Niya took out a cigarette and leaned against the door of the hall.

"Sorry, I'm really too busy. I will definitely take people to check it out in the next few days, and all aspects of the problem will be carefully checked. It's so late, everyone should go back first. I have to deal with some things now."

Niya said and walked directly. Looking at the guys gathered around, Niya took a step forward. Red particles floated in the air. One person was forcibly pushed away. Then Niya went directly upstairs. For a moment, the hall There were angry voices everywhere, and the businessmen immediately united and planned to sue Niya directly for abusing their power and obstructing normal operations.

Niya ignored the businessmen in the hall. Niya returned to the office, casually glanced at some reports on today's patrol work, and planned to have a drink later and go to bed.

But just a few minutes after sitting down, Niya's phone rang. After Niya picked it up, she immediately laughed. It was a call from a law firm.

Soon there was a knock on the door of the room, and Niya watched a large number of lawyers walk in.

"Your Excellency Niya, now my client hopes that you will lift the blockade immediately. Your actions, Your Excellency Niya, have violated the rules."


Niya raised her legs on the table.

"You continue talking, I will listen slowly."

The lawyers talked a lot, but Niya just smoked silently, then turned on a light and shadow screen and tuned to the entertainment channel.

"Your Excellency Niya, please take this seriously."

"Okay, okay, I understand. It's just that this is within the scope of our 5th subject. I also do things according to the rules and regulations. It's just that there is really a lack of manpower now. After all, we can only conduct this kind of investigation once a month." , if you cancel and apply again next month, it will be very troublesome. It will be checked in a few days, and I will send some people to check it tomorrow."

Niya said as the lawyers immediately gathered around.

"Your Excellency Niya, this is our lawyer's letter, I hope you"

The moment Niya stared blankly, the lawyer in front of Niya shut up.

"You can go to the Law Hall to sue me at any time, or Section 5, but soon it will be your turn to investigate. I will investigate carefully. As for some cases in your law firm, I will investigate them carefully. Yes, after all, there are some cases that I think are unfair, so I will investigate them carefully. I have carefully looked at some of the trial cases you have taken over, and I will start the investigation soon, and I hope you will cooperate then."

For a while, all the lawyers looked at Niya with livid faces. Niya stretched her body, lit a cigarette comfortably, and blew out a puff of smoke.

"It's okay. I will summon you every few days. Although I have nothing to do with it legally, our Section 5 has the right to ask about the details of the case. Well, I'll start with you tomorrow, Lawyer Chen , please come to our Section 5 tomorrow to be questioned and investigated."

Niya said and immediately brought up a case. This was a case handled by this leading lawyer in November last year. At that time, they were the defendant but settled with the plaintiff.

Section 5 did not pursue criminal matters, so the matter was left unresolved.

"Your Excellency Niya, this matter has been dealt with, I hope."

"It's not what you want, but I want to investigate these things thoroughly. I don't care what kind of work you do behind the scenes, but criminal punishment is necessary. I will find out one by one. I don't care who is behind you or what they have." Support the bullshit legal stripes! Do you have anything else to say? If you have something to say, just say it, if nothing else, get out of here. I need to rest now, or would it be better for me to throw you out!"

For a moment, the lawyers looked serious and could not say a word.

"Also, tell your client to hurry up if you want to file an indictment. Hurry up and file Section 5 directly with the Law Office. I'm ready. Don't be so fucking coy. I'm born with this temper. , if you don’t sue me, I will sue myself in a few days, and the result will be the same. Let’s go to the law hall to explain clearly the things that occupy the road and park randomly and affect the traffic.”

The lawyers remained motionless and stared at Niya in a daze, when Lawyer Chen came over immediately.

"Miss Niya, we will definitely discuss it with the clients, as for the case."


Niya knocked one hand on the table, then put her hand on her chin and looked at them.

"You are the ones who came to cause trouble first. Now that it has already started, I have a stubborn character. When I was at the bottom, I beat up one gang after another. I didn't stop until they were scared when they saw me. Hands, get out!"

The lawyers opened the door one by one and left dejectedly.

The businessmen in the hall were talking and laughing, still waiting for the results of the lawyers' negotiation.

"Hmph, that kind of girl just needs a little warning."

"I really thought I was."

At this time, with the sound of people going downstairs, the businessmen gathered around, but everyone saw that something was wrong with the faces of the lawyers. The leader, Lawyer Chen, was wiping his sweat and looking quite panicked. He looked at the contents of his mobile phone. There is an inquiry notice that Niya just sent to him, asking him to come to Section 5 at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to accept the inquiry on a case.

At this time, many businessmen felt that the lawyers had a slightly different attitude from those who had just come up. They were all trying to persuade them to dismantle the tables and chairs and put the parked vehicles in the parking lot. The businessmen became dissatisfied, but in the end everyone Everyone could only leave the hall.

Niya happily looked at some information in the office, and she sneered. No matter what means and methods were used, the essence would not change.

No matter what the other party did, Niya was best at playing rogue. Niya decided to have a good time with these guys at the top. No matter what the outcome was, Niya didn't care. The worst she could do was to lose her hat.

Nia said, throwing her hat on the table and smiling.

"If the situation is even worse, wouldn't it mean going to jail?"

Niya knew very well that if she wanted to be stable in everything and cooperate with the other party, she would not be able to do anything and would only be led by others. Niya smiled confidently and walked to the window. The door to Section 5 would be open every day, but there would be no one there, and no staff would answer them.

"You are too immature to tell me the law and play tricks with me."

In the early morning of July 8, businessmen gathered again in the hall of Section 5. Niya yawned and walked with five or six people. The businessmen kept talking about asking Niya to lift the blockade.

Some businessmen began to relent and said good things, but Niya ignored them. After leading the people to Congress Avenue, she asked them to take out some tools from their booths.

"Okay, you guys are responsible for the inspection. I have to go elsewhere. I'm sorry, everyone, our Section 5 still needs to patrol. We are seriously short of manpower, so we can only dispatch these people."

As Niya said, the businessmen had just gathered around, and Niya had already jumped onto the roof of the building with a whoosh. Seven people from Section 5 entered the street with tools and began to dismantle the poles, and then debugged and inspected them according to the procedures. , and the merchants suddenly realized that it would be impossible for such a small number of people to complete the inspection of this two-kilometer-long street in a short time.

At this time, in the inquiry room behind Section 5 Management Office, Lawyer Chen had already sat down, and a clerk gave him a glass of water and said.

"Mr. Lawyer, please wait a moment. We don't have enough manpower here, so we can start questioning later."

Lawyer Chen hummed, looked at the clerk who was leaving, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead. He had already informed the client of the previous case that a boss's son had a conflict with others because he was drunk, and the result was... The gang beat up the other person severely, but the matter did not go to the Law Hall. It was finally mediated outside the hall, mediated by Section 5. In fact, this case was already in the category of violent assault, and the victim was The victim was seriously injured and is still in the hospital. Once convicted of this crime, he will be imprisoned for at least 3 to 5 years.

Lawyer Chen had communicated with people from the Lawyers Association last night, and they said they would find a way, but there had been no reply as of this morning. At this time, Lawyer Chen's phone rang.

"how's it going?"

"Lawyer Chen, this matter is a bit difficult to handle. You should go and communicate with Officer Niya yourself. The people above have said that you don't dare to take care of it for fear of setting yourself up for trouble."

After nearly an hour, the person who asked the question finally came in and started questioning.

After half an hour, Lawyer Chen felt something was wrong and Niya did it on purpose.

"I have already answered this question."

"Sorry, Lawyer Chen, it's just some details in this question. I hope you can answer it more specifically, or more vividly."

Lawyer Chen was a little angry, but he could only continue to answer some questions. However, one morning passed, and he only asked some simple questions that did not even touch on the essence of the case.

"Lawyer Chen, I will tell Lady Niya the content of the inquiry later. If Lady Niya has no questions after reading it, that's it. If Lady Nia has questions after reading it, I may ask you to run for a while tomorrow. trip."

Lawyer Chen swallowed and walked out of the courtyard of Department 5 at about 11 o'clock. At this time, he saw a colleague walking over.

"What to do, it seems"

Lawyer Chen gritted his teeth because he couldn't think of any way to solve it. For that kind of young lady, money obviously couldn't solve anything, let alone power.

Another morning passed, and the businessmen on Congress Avenue watched these technicians inspecting them all morning. They only inspected two poles, but the tools were already randomly placed all over the floor, including some projects that had been rented. The car hasn't started yet.

At this time, several staff members looked at each other and smiled knowingly. They often walked around this street and had been angry a lot. They dared to be angry but dared not speak out. If they were not careful, they would be prosecuted.

Now seeing the sad faces of the bosses on this street, the clerks are very happy.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Niya returned to the office. At this time, the five directors of Section 5 had been waiting in the office for a long time. Their faces became solemn when they saw Niya.

"Niya, please lift the blockade quickly and give them some time to remove the road-occupying facilities and the vehicles on the street. We will"

Niya stared at them sideways, then lit a cigarette and took a leisurely puff.

"If there is anything else, let me tell you."

"Also, the Lawyers Association, please give me some face. Lawyer Chen has also said that he will apologize to you, so you just..."

Niya laughed heartily.

"Common crime, if the lawyer knows that such a serious case is so serious and still wants to help handle it, can he be convicted as an accomplice, right? Face is something you earn, not give. I have found the evidence. In a few days God will wipe out those bastards."


The director above Niya immediately shouted, and Niya laughed.

"If you're unhappy, you can just find a crime and place it on me. Then you can fire me directly or send me to prison. It's okay. You can do whatever you want!"

All the directors stood up for a moment, and Niya walked over and shouted without fear.

"Look at what the upper levels are like now. The law has become a protective umbrella for those bullshit bastards. Once there are problems, department members are transferred. Now the entire administrative department can no longer hold its head up at the upper levels. What on earth have you been doing all these years? ? Kowtow? With whom? A bunch of bastards, I put my words here, no matter what you say, I will definitely investigate everything thoroughly."

Niya said and sat back on the office chair. The five council officers looked awkward and extremely serious.

"What you do will make..."

"What will happen!"

With a bang, Niya opened her phone and saw a photo of a man on crutches with suture marks on his cheek. He looked in pain.

"This is the case that Lawyer Chen took over. Now that we have the evidence, I will arrest them later. Those hurtful little ones have been running around for so long. If they dare to resist, I will break their bones. !”

Niya suddenly stood up as she spoke, and the five council officers turned pale.

After a while, more than 30 people from Section 5 had gathered in the yard, and they had all received the information Niya had sent to them.

"Okay, now let's follow my mother to arrest people."

Many people gulped because some of the people on the list were members of Section 5 who had been expelled a few days ago.

"Also, I hope you will quickly ask the previous officer to come over and explain why there are so many missing things in the evidence room. Where did they go? Also, including those who took the confessions, why did the original confessions and the last revised ones go? The confessions are different. Don’t tell me any nonsense about being drunk at the time. If you can’t investigate, I will directly ask people from the 2nd Section to investigate. I will take every witness to the 2nd Section until they speak out. So far as the truth is concerned, I need the original surveillance video of the place where the incident occurred. If I can’t find it here, I will personally go to Section 10 and let the people in Section 10 find a way to help find it.”

After Niya finished speaking, she looked at the more than 30 staff members in front of her.


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