Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1936 Special Chapter Wise Man 1

Chapter 1936 Special Chapter. Wise Man 1

"Azhi, go back to the house with mom!"

Ran Zhi looked at the people outside the room with a horrified expression. Their smiling faces with contemptuous and provocative expressions made people feel a little uneasy and scared. There were many people watching around, but no one dared to come over. Help this poor person.

Ran Zhi looked at everything in front of him in horror. His mother was crying silently. Then Ran Zhi was pulled into the house and the door was closed little by little. In the last scene, Ran Zhi saw his father being knocked to the ground. Then these people He surrounded his father and started beating and kicking him.

The sobs kept echoing in Ran Zhi's ears. He looked at the door in horror. His mother hugged him tightly. Only his mother's warmth made Ran Zhi feel a little relieved, but Ran Zhi could feel his mother trembling slightly. With.


The door to the room was smashed open, and his father fell in. There was blood on his cheeks. Ran Zhi looked at everything in front of him weakly and horrified. His father was held up by two people. He seemed to have lost all his strength and was violently shaking. Panting and coughing, the leading man looked very fierce. He squatted down and pulled his father's hair.

"Your wife looks pretty good, so give it to us."

For a moment, his father became excited, but was soon beaten again. His mother was pulled up. Ran Zhi sat on the ground in shock and bewilderment. He was so scared that he could do nothing or move anything. Only 8 The year-old Ran Zhi could only watch everything happen blankly, without crying or shouting, he could only watch blankly.

"The house is for you!"

Finally, when Ran Zhi saw his father spit out these words, the people who were holding his mother laughed and let go of their mother. Her mother cried, but she ran over first and hugged the frightened Ran Zhi.

A group of people laughed and looked at their father who took out the house deed step by step. Then they asked his father to sign a contract and walked away with smiles.

Many neighbors nearby came over. Some were comforting the mother, while others were comforting the father who was sitting motionless on the ground. For 2,000 yuan, the house was gone and they would have to move out in a few days.

Ran Zhi didn’t know how much 2,000 yuan was. He only knew that if he had one yuan of pocket money, he would be very happy on weekdays and could spend it for several days. But what Ran Zhi didn’t understand was why no one was willing to help and why everyone didn’t resist. , Ran Zhi often saw this kind of thing on this street, and it happened every week. This group of people would come over fiercely, beat them and take away some valuable things, and even take away the women and children of the family.

With the help of others, the house was tidied up. Some neighbors who had a good relationship with my parents in the past chipped in a little money and gave it to my parents.

"It's okay, Azhi, it's okay. Let's go somewhere else. A friend of my father's knows a good job there."

Ran Zhi looked at his father blankly, while his mother, who was packing things behind him, was still sobbing softly. The dim sunlight shone at the door of the house, and the surrounding area began to darken.

After just a touch of blood red, the city fell into darkness for an instant, but after a short time the lights came on. Ran Zhi looked into the distance. The light was like running water, slowly lighting up from top to bottom, and finally reached the bottom floor, with only the street. Some dim street lights turned on. The electricity at home had been out for several days, and the water was the same.

"Dad, let's go there!"

Ran Zhi said, raising his hand and pointing to the brightly lit place in the distance. His father just shook his head silently, and Ran Zhi couldn't help but shake his head when he found his mother behind him.

"We can't go to that place Azhi."

"Why dad!"

Ran Zhi had been there once with some friends nearby. Everything there was completely different from the street where he was, the clean and spacious streets, the people in novel and beautiful clothes, and the magnificent high-rise buildings.

The father was silent, with a troubled look on his face. He seemed not to know how to answer his son's question and couldn't answer it, because even he himself didn't know why. In the end, the question turned into the father gently patting Ran Zhi's head and urging him. Go get your stuff sorted.

Ran Zhi glanced at the brightly lit place again, and finally closed his eyes. Everything immediately fell into darkness, except that there was a little redness in the darkness under his eyes.

Ran Zhi has grown up a bit. He is already 11 years old and has some strength. He helps his father at the construction site every day. In front of him is a large area of ​​houses under construction. There is endless work to do every day. Every day Ran Zhi is able to get to a salary of 4 yuan.

Ran Zhi, who was carrying some materials and sending them over, saw what his father and the foreman were talking about. Looking at his father, his head was lowered, and his face looked very troubled. Ran Zhi put down the materials and walked over.

His father's salary is 10 yuan a day, which is twice as much as his own. Ran Zai also wants to be like his father soon. Now that he has strength, he can earn more money. Now his life is relatively comfortable, because both his father and he are working on the construction site. My mother would work in some nearby snack shops.

"You have only been here a while. If you don't make friends with us, how can you continue to work here for a long time?"

Seeing the foreman patting his father on the shoulder and his father nodding with a submissive look, Ran Zai didn't know what was going on.

"Just have some fun."

Finally, his father uttered these words, and many people around him smiled. This smile made Ran Zhi look a little uncomfortable.


It was the time when Ran Zhi hated it the most. There was only one dim light in the house, and the whole room was dark. Ran Zhi wanted the house to be brighter, so he suggested to his mother to use his own wages to buy a better lamp, but But his mother rejected it.

What Ran Zhi doesn't understand is why he and his father are so frugal now that both he and his father have money. His father hasn't come back yet. Ran Zhi doesn't know what's wrong. He obviously leaves work with his father, but it's already 10 o'clock in the evening for his father. Not back yet.

The tired Ran Zhi fell asleep after eating. In a daze, Ran Zhi heard a burst of sobbing. He climbed up from the bed and looked at his mother sitting at the table wiping tears through the crack in the door. The father looked a little dull and was eating.

Looking at his parents' expressions, Ran Zhi didn't know what was going on. His parents had never had any serious quarrels. They were both honest and responsible people. Ran Zhi had basically never seen his parents or other people since he was a child. Too intense a conflict occurred.

"It's okay, just once or twice at most."

Seeing his father's sad face, his mother could only nod her head. Seeing the two hugging each other again, Ran Zhi felt a little more at ease.

The days of working on the construction site passed quickly because I was very tired every day. I didn’t have to think about anything. I just worked when I woke up, ate when I was hungry, and rested when I was sleepy.

Every day is numb to Ran Zhi, and Ran Zhi is getting tired of these endless days. Today is another payday. After Ran Zhi received his salary, he felt a little bit happy, but his father was again He was pulled over by the foreman and his group.

Seeing his father's embarrassed look, Ran Zhi secretly followed him this time. Every time his father asked him to go back first, but this time Ran Zhi didn't listen to his father's words.

A group of people were laughing and talking to their father. Ran Zhi listened for a long time before he understood that they wanted to take his father to play cards, but his father obviously didn't want to go. He looked at the fat foreman with big yellow teeth and put his arms around his father. , the original kind face disappeared.

"You have thought about it. If you don't go today, how can we be friends in the future?"

"I've been there several times, but it's me every time."

Some people around laughed and began to push his father, intending to forcefully pull his father away. At this time, Ran Zhi couldn't hold it in any longer, but he didn't go over. He saw that he was always kind and gentle. An angry expression appeared on the father's face.

"I won't go even if I say I won't go. I've already lost thousands of dollars to you. What else do you want? Isn't it important to leave a way for others to survive?"

Seeing his father's angry roar, the people who pushed him relaxed their hands for a moment. The foreman was stunned, and then he immediately laughed and pushed his father away.

"Didn't you win a few times? What do you mean we work together to bully you, right?"

The foreman winked and the group of people dispersed, and then they left. Only then did Ran Zhi run out. Only then did he realize that these people took his father to gamble. Ran Zhi had seen too many gambling people, and they always It's poverty, which is not a good thing.

"Azhi, it's okay."

Looking at his father's gentle expression, Ran Zhi was still a little worried, because he saw the expressions on those people's faces when they left were vicious.

Ran Zhi's worries came true. In the next few days, when his father and himself were constructing, either the construction tools were lost or they were assigned to some tasks that were difficult to complete by one person. As a result, the work was not done well.

"Go away, you are no longer needed here."

In just half a month, his father and himself were fired. Seeing his father pleading, however, no matter what his father said, the person in charge was determined to fire his father and himself. Ran Zhi began to argue with the person in charge. stand up.

"Listen, little kid, I don't care what happens to you. I don't care about this matter. If you are really threatened by others and then deliberately excluded, you should go to the local administrators and tell the matter. It's not my fault. It says here, what I need is someone who can complete the work every day, I don’t care about the rest, go away, this is your father and son’s salary these days.”


Seeing the person in charge angrily smashing two paper envelopes containing money on the table, some scattered bills spilled out, and the person in charge also turned and left. Ran Zhi looked at the person in charge in a daze, and then looked at When he was talking to his father, he lowered his head and bent over to pick up money, and there were bursts of laughter from all around.

Ran Zhi has seen this situation countless times. Not only his father, but also many other people living at the bottom are like this. They are weak and timid, and can only swallow any insult. This is the first time Ran Zhi feels like this. Life, if it stays like this for the rest of your life, would be too sad.

The days of tossing and turning began. Every time the family went to a place, it was difficult to find a stable job, and life was always busy.

It is difficult to stay in one place for a long time. Now Ran Zhi finally understands the reason for his mother's saving. It is difficult to find a long-term and stable job. Ran Zhi can only go to some construction sites with his father to work as temporary workers. Ran Zhi never thought about the huge difference between the wages of workers and the wages of regular workers.

Looking at the houses and high-rise buildings that he and his father had participated in the construction in front of him, Ran Zhi wanted to ask the city's managers why they had put in so much blood and sweat, but they couldn't even have enough food and clothing, and they still suffered. Some vicious bullying, especially by gang members, is even more unscrupulous, thinking that they will always have a good relationship with managers.

No matter where you go, you will always see all this, those guys who live a comfortable life by oppressing others, and most of the people who are bullied are always cowardly, obviously angry and unwilling, obviously suffered humiliation, but they Unable to resist, the bottom class for Ran Zhi is like a cage that imprisons people's thoughts and personalities.

Most of the people in the cage were like this. They had no strength to resist at all, because they were very tired every day, running around every day, and didn't even have a little time. Ran Zhi didn't know how long such days would last. Only then can he find peace.

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