Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1943 Special Chapter Winter Queen Monster

Chapter 1943 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Monster

3 days ago

July 1, 2076, 3 o'clock in the morning

"There is a path here, Mukes. Take some people to guard it. There will definitely be results."

"What's the meaning?"

In the dim room, only the dim light outside the window could make things a little clearer. There was something dark red in the darkness, crawling on the floor, making bursts of rustling sounds.

"Use your head and think about it, how long can the guys at the water plant last?"

Mux showed a strange smile. The Kuris in front of him has now undergone very big changes. There are a large number of raised bumps on both sides of his head. The whole head looks extremely abnormal, with black liquid From time to time, it will overflow from the nostrils, eyes, and ears, as if it is undergoing some kind of transformation.

Mukes knows very well that the most direct feeling is that Curris looks a bit scary now and feels different. When Mukes faces Curris, he always has a sense of surrender that makes him want to kneel down. This is the body. The divine root living in it told Kuris.

Mukes didn't know how Curris did it. His power became stronger and stronger. This kind of power was simply increasing day by day. Seeing Curris every other day, Mukes felt that he had changed again.

It's just that there was a little episode today. An infectious disease spread in the town and was brought in by outsiders. Now the infected people have been put in the barn next to the auditorium. Without medicine now, getting sick means death. , this is the consensus of everyone, and before they die, Mux intends to turn them directly into food.

We just need to wait for someone to go over and clean up. Mux looked at a map, and Kuris pointed to the place to the south.

"Those guys in the water plant are a threat to us, and they must be eliminated sooner or later. They control the most important water source, and they will definitely find ways to cut off our water source, and there will definitely be insufficient equipment there. The situation, and engines with internal combustion reagents are very good equipment, and there are countless of those things on the road now.”

"Do you mean to block them and let them fend for themselves?"

Kuris smiled sinisterly and nodded.

"Are your eyes and head just for decoration?"

Kuris muttered, and Mux seemed to realize something.

"Are they still alive? Those who have adapted to the power of God?"

Kuris nodded and said.

"This unknown parasite has three stages. In the first stage, after it is implanted in the body, the body will undergo a rejection reaction. At this stage, the parasite is usually killed, but a small number of people can coexist with the parasite. Then the parasitic body is strengthened and gained strength, and the second stage is to be able to use power beyond ordinary people. The cost is that the body's energy will be rapidly consumed, and this kind of object is very afraid of light, but as long as the power is not used, it will This kind of object can achieve a delicate balance with the body, so there won't be any problems."

It is indeed the case for some of the adaptors lurking among those people that Mux ordered, but it is not as easy as Kuris said to be able to reach a balance with the divine root. It was not easy for him to suppress this with his willpower. This kind of power has reached a balance, and then it can be used. Now swallowing some wooden things can also provide the body with energy supply.

"This second stage can connect everyone's consciousness, vision, hearing and even thinking. It is like a specific radio wave. I am still testing it, but people with strong willpower have absolute control. , is a very incredible power, isn't it? The range of your senses should only be about 10 kilometers, so naturally you don't know that there are already several spies in the water plant that I have planted and have never used my power. "

Mux looked at Kuris in shock.

"As for the next third stage, I'm afraid only one in ten thousand can achieve it. I can even help them contain the parasites in their bodies. Haven't you noticed that there are more and more adaptors in these days?"

Mux was startled and broke into a cold sweat. At this time, Kuris walked up to Mux and patted him on the shoulder.

"If you have any doubts, please clarify the relationship between master and servant."

In an instant, a large number of black and red tentacles extended out from Kuris's body. At the moment of attacking Kuris, these tentacles retracted into Mux's body little by little, and then he knelt down on the ground little by little. Reese chuckled.

"Okay, hurry up and get rid of those corpses. I still want to continue researching."

Mux left Curris's room and felt something strange. Although he could control other people at will, he had no way to do anything to Curris. Now that Curris showed great power, Mux I felt unusually uneasy and fearful.

Mukes looked at the quiet auditorium. It was quiet inside and seemed to be about the same. Then Mukes glanced inside and saw nothing strange. Although he wanted to open the door, he thought about it. Still giving up, Mux quietly leaned against the door of the barn, quietly thinking about what kind of method was needed to deal with Kuris.

Nowadays, the existence of Kuris is a great threat to Mukes.

The smell could be smelled through the barn door, and Mux laughed. It seemed that those who were infected would treat outsiders more cruelly.

"Who are you anyway?"

Phyllis quietly stared at the piece of crystal clear blue material protruding from his chest, like a spar. Looking at the corpses of the townspeople in front of him, Phyllis felt extremely excited at this time. As expected, he brought the virus in and infected them with the virus.

The moment they were gathered together and brought to the barn, these infected people shouted that it was all their fault. Phyllis could not say anything. What they did next made Phyllis lose consciousness for a moment. When she woke up, with only the crying Suzy, several other women, and several children behind her, Phyllis realized that she had done it.

This was not the first time. During this journey to hell, there were several dangers. Phyllis couldn't remember at all what happened, but he survived.

The body could no longer feel the cold and hunger, and even the feeling had been lost. Phyllis was a little scared. He swallowed and stretched out his hand from the long sleeve. It had become different from a human hand. , there are crystal clear crystals attached to the surface of the skin. Those wounds that are directly opened are shining with a slight light blue light. The edges of the wounds have turned into hard crystals.

No one left because they all knew that going out might infect more people. At this time, those who came all the way were far away from Phyllis. Only Susie was closer. Phyllis never interacted with her along the way. No one has been exposed to it, but the virus was still inadvertently transmitted to others last night when others came in to take food to themselves.

The eight people who are still alive have already agreed that in a few days they can leave the barn as long as they see that they have no symptoms, and these dead people will eventually turn into ashes because of the virus.

You can already see obvious changes on the corpses. Phyllis can see it very clearly. This is the most obvious change in the body that Phyllis is aware of now. You can clearly see the changes in the skin of the corpses lying opposite. With slight changes, the virus has begun to multiply in the body. Phyllis has seen people infected with the virus die before they even get sick. The virus reproduces extremely quickly.

Phyllis now recalls some things in the past, leaving only helpless and sad memories. The reason why he went to the military was actually not just for the supplies, but because his friends and family had not received them for many days. When food arrived, he would enlist and go to the coast to deliver things. The military gave the food on the spot, and Phyllis gave the food to his friends and family.


There was a soft voice in the darkness, Phyllis looked over, Suzy came closer, and Phyllis immediately stood up and left Suzy's side.

"Do you often do this kind of thing?"

Susie asked, and Phyllis could see the smile on the pretty girl's face. He didn't know what Susie was referring to.

"He doesn't hesitate to help others."

Phyllis was a little surprised, then said with a wry smile.

"Maybe. When I was very young, my grandma would often tell me that there is no harm in helping people who are in need."

Susie laughed. Phyllis helped them a lot along the way. Everyone got help from Phyllis, but in the end everyone abandoned him. After entering the town, Susie also felt It was very inappropriate. She originally wanted to help Phyllis, but Phyllis has always refused to be approached by others since she met her. Now Susie knows a little bit about the reason. Phyllis is Annihilation. Carrying the virus.

"Just like that afternoon, if you hadn't helped us, we might have been by now"

Susie did not continue. She just felt that Phyllis was very special. Others might have some selfishness, but there was no selfishness in Phyllis. He was very enthusiastic, let alone in this situation. In the last days of the world, even in the society of the past, no one like Phyllis can be found.

In Susie's view, this is the most beautiful quality that a person has lost. Susie also heard about what happened in the town yesterday. Originally, this place might not have become so cold and terrifying, but in fact many people's initial decision Let everything here become like this.

Susie wasn't sure what kind of bigger disputes there were in the town, including those monsters. The only thing she knew was that everyone wanted to survive, and in order to survive, they had to compromise with everything around them.

In order to survive, Susie made countless compromises and encountered countless hells. However, after meeting Phyllis, Susie felt more and more distressed because there was no trace of anything in Phyllis. A little bit of compromise.

Being able to come here is because Phyllis has been urging everyone to take action. It is obvious that many people no longer want to continue walking. Waiting for death is the best choice for them, but now everyone wants to survive.


The door of the barn was opened. At this time, crooked people walked in one after another. They still looked numb. They directly grabbed the corpse inside and used the black and red tentacles released from the body. All this made Everyone who saw it felt fear. Phyllis stared at everything in front of him quietly, not knowing why there was always a feeling in his head that he wanted to kill these things.

"He's not dead yet?"

A slightly gloomy laugh came, and Phyllis raised her head and looked over. It was the man named Mux who controlled the entire town. Phyllis's body became a little hot.

The bodies were soon carried out by them. Mukes glanced at the still living people and walked over with a smile.

"I heard that this virus should kill people very quickly, but you have come here. There should be carriers who have developed antibodies among them. You should know who they are, right?"

"it's me!"

Phyllis stood up on her own initiative, Mux laughed, and then walked over step by step.

"This is a big discovery. Now, others can leave, but you stay."

Phyllis nodded. Susie looked at Phyllis with some worry, but finally left under the leadership of some monsters. Only Phyllis was left in the barn, and Mux closed the door again.

Phyllis doesn't plan to leave here, just stay quietly. Once the virus spreads, it will be fatal to the entire town. However, Phyllis is thinking about a problem now. Those monsters have no effects after being exposed to the virus. question.

Mukes returned to Kuris's residence. As soon as he entered the house, there was a rustling sound, and Kuris came up from the basement.

"How's the situation?"

"It looks like there will be no problem, this virus will have no impact on us."

Kuris laughed.

"Now that the virus carrier is known, it's better to kill that guy directly. After all, he always tries to do something sneaky."

"It's not necessary."

Kuris said, turning around.

"That guy can at least integrate ordinary people now, and everyone will listen to him, which can save us trouble."

Mux looked at Kuris dissatisfied.

"What should we do if we are carriers of the virus?"

"Observe him for now, and remember to give him food and water every day. There are too many unknown things in the world today, and we have to understand it step by step, especially this annihilation virus."

Then Mux turned and walked away, when Kuris said.

"Remember what I told you. You are responsible for the ambush on that route over there. As long as they are cut off from their access to mechanical equipment, they will not be able to hold on."


Mukes replied impatiently, then he glanced at the brightly lit ordinary people's residence in the distance, and walked over with a sinister smile.

Even if he doesn't kill Gerry, he still has to teach him a lesson. This is something that Kuris has thought about for a long time. After all, Gerry actually rejected his proposal.

4 a.m.

Gerry had just returned to the house from the fields, and Silly had already fallen asleep. Gerry was a little tired. Every night he had to carefully take care of the recently planted crops, which were their only source of food.

Gerry wanted to contact the mine. At this time, there was a slight knock on the door. Gerry opened the door and saw Mux standing outside. He asked with some fear.

"It's so late, do you have any instructions?"

"Come out with me Gerry."

Gerry hummed, and some people who hadn't slept looked at Gerry in horror as he was called into the darkness. Many of them were a little worried.

"Listen up, Gerry, if you still don't change your mind and still have your own little thoughts, don't blame me for being rude."

Gerry swallowed and watched as his body was wrapped in black and red tentacles and lifted directly into the air.

"Do you hear that clearly, Gerry, this is the last chance I give you, do you think I don't know? Those infected with the annihilation virus, you want to see if this virus has any effect on us, right? !”

Gerry broke out in a cold sweat. He immediately shook his head, saying that he had no idea about such a thing. However, the tentacles wrapped around Gerry's body became tighter and tighter. Gerry was almost suffocated. He felt as if he was about to be crushed. He was stunned, and then screamed in pain.

"Okay, I'm just giving you a little punishment today, there will be no next time."

Seeing Mux leaving, Gerry huddled on the ground in pain, with marks all over his body. He got up little by little with difficulty. After returning to the edge of the farmland illuminated by lights, many people gathered around him.

"You'd better be careful, Gerry, those monsters are hard to deal with, just in case"

Gerry said with a painful smile.

"It's okay, they won't kill me yet, because they still need me."

Gerry knew very well that they still needed to manage the people here by themselves. They only needed to issue corresponding orders and execute them themselves. This was the best for them, but Gerry never thought about those monsters. If they surrender, he will definitely find an opportunity to contact the guys in the mine.

Then Gerry returned to the house and fell asleep. He smiled coldly. He would always find a way to deal with those monsters. This is what Gerry believed. Those monsters could not suddenly appear. As long as the reason was known, Find the source and solve them.

July 4, 2076

At 11 o'clock in the morning, after Gerry finished some work in the town, he came to the farm. Many people who had just finished their work just came back. Gerry planned to go to the farmland to see the situation, and just when Gerry was planning to go to the farmland, While inside, he saw many monsters running on the road. A man was caught by the monsters. As soon as Gerry looked over, he saw something strange.

"Isn't that Archon Redes here?"

Then Gerry saw Mux standing at the entrance of the town, as if he already knew that the sky was a bit gloomy today and the monsters were out and about.

Gerry brought a few people closer, but as soon as he got closer, he was stopped by the monsters.

"Go back to work."

Mux yelled, and then looked at Redes who was put down.

"Isn't this your Excellency the Archon? Why are you here alone?"

A somewhat tired Redes looked at Mux with a smile.

"Of course I have nowhere to go, so I have to come back here."

Redes glanced at the people on the farm. It seemed that the place was still the same. They still didn't notice the monsters' weakness of being afraid of light. Thinking carefully about the sunny day that day, if they followed Vila's suggestion and attacked, maybe Something will be gained, and this is not the situation now.

"Come with me, Archon, and let me show you around our current town."

Redes was led away by the monsters. He knew what Mux wanted to ask.

"Tell me everything you know about what's going on in the water plant. We've been having problems with our water source since yesterday."

"There will never be water again."

Redes said something, but he wouldn't say anything else. He came back here and just wanted to return to his home. Even if he died, it didn't matter. Now he had nowhere to go.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. When I turn you into a monster, I will know everything."

Redes looked at Mux in horror and began to struggle, but he was suppressed by the powerful monsters and could not move at all.

"You monsters!"

Redes yelled, and Mux just smiled and shook his head.

"Soon you'll be one of our kind."

Redes looked at the changed town and felt extremely heartbroken. This used to be his home. Now Redes can still remember that on sunny days, he would always visit everywhere to help the town. The people there solved some problems, but now all this is no longer the case.

Along the way, Redes thought about many issues. Although he hated Vierla at first, his hatred is gone now. He has indeed done a lot of stupid things, and he has not changed much from the past to the present. , Redes was soon taken to the former ruling house. As soon as he entered, Redes smelled an unpleasant smell, and he was escorted towards the past conference hall.

The moment he entered, Redes felt creepy. In front of him was a large group of black and red things, which looked extremely terrifying. Mux threw Redes directly in, and in an instant, a bunch of black and red things appeared. The tentacles entangled Redes, and he screamed in horror.

"Feel it well, Lord Archon, this is the power of God, and if you cannot obtain this power, you will die."

"It's you who died."

The moment he saw a large number of black and red plants crawling on his body, Redes suddenly roared, took out a flash bomb from his pocket, and threw it directly. Mux looked in front of him blankly. everything of.

"You bastard!"

The bright white light filled the room in an instant, and in just a moment, a large number of monsters whimpered and turned into dust, and Mux screamed in pain.

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