Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 196 Collapse (Part 1) 65 more updates please subscribe!

Le Xiao scratched her head and looked at the bill in front of her. The more detailed content had been updated, but she was asked to make a plan report. She had only made some simple plans before. She searched in the database of the business department. But what surprised Le Xiao was that there was no such thing as a template.

In desperation, Le Xiao could only download a standard plan and execution document template from the Internet. Gu Ningning also said that it was enough to fool around with it, but Le Xiao also deliberately added a lot of his own. idea.

To put it simply, this bill is to put the multifunctional mechanical ball developed by Section 10 into an area for experiments to see what changes will happen if it replaces the work of mutants, and whether it can be completely replaced. The purpose of the bill The purpose is to allow mutants to join Section 3 or Section 5, live under the comprehensive control of these two sections, and be given certain wages and benefits.

Le Xiao took a look at the salary. If it were divided according to the sixth level of mutant SABCDE, Le Xiao thought about it.

"Just write 2,000 to 12,000. In terms of benefits, there are three types of benefits: medical care, education, and transportation. By the way, you can also get preferential treatment in some stores. Hehe, I will still think about it. When the time comes, If this bill really passes, they will have to thank me. In this way, although the mutants will earn less, at least their wages and benefits will be guaranteed, neither party will suffer, and all three parties will be satisfied."

Le Xiao was typing excitedly on the light and shadow interface. This light and shadow keyboard will turn into a solid object the moment your fingers touch it. It will feel very good, soft and flexible, and you will not feel tired even after working for a long time. Le Xiao was so excited at this time that she felt as if she was beating a drum, and she chuckled.

Some customers and the boss and clerk in the store were a little surprised to see Le Xiao, who was sitting in the corner, looking at the clothes, smiling stupidly, and making hahaha noises from time to time, but they did not dare to say anything, because Le Xiao was wearing the 13th Department Secretary's uniform. The boss even went over to refill Lexiao’s uniform from time to time.

Le Xiao felt as if she was flying. When she thought about the detailed plan she had made, she felt happy. She could make the plan completely according to her own ideas, and she was the final decision-maker, and she felt happy.


Le Xiao snapped her fingers and closed the light and shadow screen with a smile. She had already modified it once, and was doing it very carefully and in detail. It was implemented according to the steps. The specific implementation results can naturally be recorded in detail.

"Thank you boss, how much is it?"

When it came time to pay the bill, the boss blinked.

"Oh Master Le Xiao, you think you think highly of us by coming to our place, no need."

Le Xiao was not happy. After settling the money, she left the beverage shop on a commercial street in Baihu District. She just sat there for a while and drank something for 3 yuan and 60 cents.

Le Xiao's palms became sweaty when she thought that she had already advanced 12 months' salary from the treasury, and she gritted her teeth.

"Anyway, I'm going to live in the General Affairs Department. I'll have food every day and a place to sleep. As long as I don't starve to death."

Gene's family Le Xiao did not dare to go back, because the look in the morning made Le Xiao understand what Zi Yu'er said, and a bunch of people were guarding her.

Arriving at the cafeteria on the first floor of the General Affairs Department, the aroma of rice attracted Le Xiao. She swallowed, and the department members and some governing officers passing by all greeted her symbolically. Le Xiao walked over saying good lunch. .

"I'm sorry, Mr. Le Xiao, if you want to come to the General Affairs Department canteen to eat, you have to submit the information to the General Affairs Department before 6 o'clock in the morning so that we can prepare meals for the corresponding number of people. You didn't apply for this, right? If the meals I gave it to you, that’s it”

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll go out to eat later, but I forgot, haha."

The plan to get a meal in the general affairs department didn't work.

At this time, these things popped up in Le Xiao's head. After all, she came to eat every day, and she was the only secretary in Section 13. The chef recognized her as soon as she came. After all, it was really embarrassing. How much did she eat when she occasionally came to work? Just one meal is fine, but if you eat it every day, Le Xiao will be embarrassed.

Fighting the hunger all the way, Le Xiao went to the 7th floor and knocked on Michelle's office. Sure enough, Michelle was working.

"Your Excellency Secretary General, the bill has been prepared. I hope you can help me take a look at it."

Le Xiao said and bowed sincerely. Michelle stopped what she was doing and nodded. Le Xiao hurriedly turned on her mobile phone and passed on the plan to do it between 8 o'clock and 11 o'clock this morning.

Michelle watched quietly, but just after watching for a while, anger surged in her heart, but she quickly suppressed it. Her joy and anger were completely out of control, but Le Xiao smiled in front of her. With a Yingying look on her face, Michelle felt a wave of heat rushing straight to her forehead.

"How about that, Secretary-General, this plan!"

Le Xiao still asked cautiously and leaned over slowly.

"Just wait until the regular meeting at the end of the month to submit it."

Le Xiao blinked.

Didn't you get any training? Hey, something is wrong. Is it because I went to her house last night?

Michelle swallowed and planned to continue working, but Le Xiao was still standing in front of her.

"Can you give me some advice, Your Excellency Michelle?"

For a moment, Michelle gritted her teeth, her temples moved slightly, her hands slowly closed and dragged her chin, her eyes stared at Le Xiao like a tiger or a wolf, and she stood up straight.

"Listen carefully, I will give you 5 days. If you still fool me with your plan like a primary school student's essay in 5 days, then please go to the Congress Hall in front of more than 2,000 people." Come and submit your plan."

Le Xiao's face turned pale, and she looked at it confusedly. Michelle adjusted the plan written by Le Xiao, enlarged it, stood up, and pointed to the first page.

"Are you going to pay the salary of the mutants? At least first find out the economic level of District 108, taxes over the years, and the general family situation of the mutants. At least have a rough idea of ​​all the types of mutant-related jobs in District 108. These things All funds must be sent to the 7th Purse Management Section and the 9th Business Section for accounting. All funds allocated must have complete and detailed information and be connected with the secretaries of Sections 3 and 5. If the work of mutants is replaced by machines, they will How are you going to report if you don’t have these things? Are the things on your shoulders just decorations? A lot of information can be found in the City Information Management Section. Some things may involve laws. If you don’t understand, you can go to the 8th Legal Affairs Section for consultation! "

The volume of Michelle's voice rose instantly, and her anger was completely revealed on her face. She stood up and walked over step by step. Lexiao stepped back to the door step by step. Her neck seemed to be broken, and she shrugged. I didn't dare to lift it up even though I was pulling it.

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