Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1965 Chain Lock (Part 1)

"I heard that you and Niya Angus were classmates before?"

Li Ang smiled helplessly and nodded. This was a duty room on the 7th floor of Section 11. Li Ang was on night shift today. Not far away, Ye Jiao was quietly looking at some documents of the prisoners.

The room chief was already a little drunk, as were several other team members. Li Ang was just a little drunk. More than a dozen people in the duty room were talking about the major changes that happened today.

Li Ang felt happy for Niya from the bottom of his heart. Li Ang had known since he was very young that Niya was destined to be extraordinary in the future, but Li Ang had never thought of the way she would start her extraordinary life.

Because Niya’s background is destined to be extraordinary, and it is unimaginable for Li Ang to step onto such a stage in such a way. And today, Niya did such a shocking thing as soon as she came on stage. Li Ang wanted it very much. Give Niya a call and have a good chat and congratulate her seriously.

"Hey, Li Ang, if you become rich in the future, don't forget us."

A colleague said, and several other people came over and said the same thing one after another. The guys around him knew very well that Li Ang was removed from his post and assigned to 11 because he helped Niya and leaked the internal information of Section 7. From Ke Lai.

Li Ang just agreed casually. He had indeed thought about asking Niya to transfer him back to Section 7, but not now. After all, Li Ang still planned to stay in Section 11 for a while. He looked not far away. Ye Jiao is much younger than him.

This is the reason why Li Ang doesn't want to leave here for the time being. He is a little worried about that little girl. She can obviously have a better way out, but she is taciturn and not good at socializing with others. Although she passed the business examination with excellent results, However, he had serious shortcomings in interpersonal communication. After interning in some departments for a period of time, he was transferred to Department 11.

She is mainly responsible for sorting out and recording the prisoners' information. These days, Ye Jiao has done a good job in doing this. The reason why she can talk to her is because she and Jean had met several times in the past.

At first, the girl just wanted to know something about Jean. After the conversation started, Li Ang learned something about this girl.

These things shocked Li Ang, because although Ye Chunwang was nominally Ye Jiao's grandfather, Li Ang was surprised when Ye Jiao talked about the past. Just the fact that he would raise Ye Jiao unconditionally made Li Ang I felt very surprised.

"The room manager has been sorted out."

Ye Jiao came over with the sorted documents, and the already drunk head of the room smiled.

"Oh, Xiaoye, you don't need to be so diligent. You can leave it to me in a few days. Come sit down and have a drink."

"Sorry, I have to go on a patrol."

Ye Jiao turned around and walked away. Several female staff members immediately looked over. Ye Jiao's attitude was considered difficult for many people to get along with, but Li Ang knew that she just wanted to get her work done. Do it well.

Li Ang smiled and murmured to his colleagues before leaving with an excuse.

"Are you sorting it out again?"

As soon as he walked out, he saw Ye Jiao in the corridor not far away, holding a small mirror and arranging her hair and clothes, looking very serious.

"I can't calm down unless I do this."

Li Ang nodded in understanding.

"By the way, Jiaojiao, I want to go back to Section 7. Are you willing to go with me?"

Ye Jiao glanced at Li Ang.

"I'm fine just the way I am."

Li Ang could tell that Ye Jiao didn't like the work in the business department very much, but she never said what kind of job she wanted to do.

"I think that subject 7 is quite suitable for you. You are very suitable for record screening work, and subject 7 is a subject that absolutely cannot make any mistakes, because it is related to money, so you should be more comfortable doing this kind of work. "

Ye Jiao looked at Li Ang, turned around and started walking, and Li Ang followed quickly.

Section 11 is the section with the most leisurely work among the administrative departments, but at the same time, there is no hope. Although it has been very busy recently, as major problems occur in the city, the work of Section 11 will become heavier.

The daily task of those who need to go out in the field recently is to look after those who come to work in the fields. Because Li Ang and the others have clerical jobs, they do not need to stand outside in the scorching sun and wind all day.

People who have returned in recent days say that the sun is more scorching than before. Especially at noon, it becomes very hot, and the temperature seems to have risen a lot in this land.

"By the way, we have three days off tomorrow. Do you want to go shopping together?"

Li Ang asked, and Ye Jiao hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Is this a date?"

Li Ang was stunned and smiled helplessly.

"So be it!"

This girl always makes surprising remarks sometimes. To others, these words may seem like a joke, but in fact Ye Jiao is serious.

"But it can only be regarded as an invitation between colleagues and friends, not an invitation between men and women."

Li Ang added, and Ye Jiao nodded seriously.

Patrolling the long corridor, a circle at this speed takes nearly half an hour. The current prison tower is completely different from the prison in the past. Jewell has heard that the officers in the past were able to get some benefits from the prisoners from time to time. , but it is different now. The prisoners all live in single rooms and have designated floors as a place for activities and exchanges.

Their job at night is mainly to patrol the prisoners on several floors under their jurisdiction. From the surveillance video embedded next to the door, you can see what the prisoners are doing.

The people on their floor are basically LV4 to LV5 prisoners, some who commit crimes such as theft and robbery, fraud, and violent injury.

Going up to the 40th floor and above are the prisoners from LV3 to LV2. They are generally suspected of serious assaults, homicide and other slightly more serious crimes. The top is the prisoners of LV1. Most of these prisoners have served more than In 30 years, he committed relatively serious crimes.

This group of prisoners is similar to the underground LV0 criminals. They will be sent to the underground excavation site from time to time to work. As for why they need to dig, the surface is to build an underground outward passage so that they can conduct future research on the world outside the barrier area. investigation.

Although Li Ang didn't know why, he heard a director from Section 7 mention it before that it was very difficult to investigate because of the flying method.

However, Li Ang did not go into details. After all, the person who designed and built this prison tower was the current section chief Latis. Li Ang had met this woman at Niya's house before. She always smiled and was very maverick, which was similar to Niya's. The older sister, Alpha, has a better relationship.

"The higher up people see it, the greater the hope!"

Ye Jiao muttered something coldly, and Li Ang was startled.

"Do you know what I'm thinking? Can you read minds?"

Ye Jiao stopped and said.

"Didn't you mention this before? You have questions about this allocation method. Today you were talking about it with others while eating. Just now, your eyes stayed on the elevator sign with the floor number for a long time. "

Li Ang sighed helplessly.

"You're really good at observing people's emotions."

Ye Jiao said seriously.

"People are often like countless neat parts put together. What role does each part play?"

"Okay, okay, let's discuss your theory of human observation when we have time."

The two of them have almost completed a circle. They are responsible for things from the 6th to the 10th floors. The current cells are very solid and have everything. Basically, there is no big difference between the prisoners in the cells.

The two planned to go to the 8th floor to continue their inspection. As the elevator ascended, Li Ang raised his head and thought carefully that Ye Jiao's words were right. She said the essential thing in one sentence.

This may have been the original design concept of this prison. The word "hope" is obviously something that is hard to see in a prison, especially for those prisoners who have served long sentences. After all, they may only be able to live like caged birds throughout their lives. Here, it's just that the Prison Department has a system. If you don't want to stay here anymore, you can actively apply to be exiled to the barrier area.

That place is more cruel than a prison. Once you set foot on that land, you must start preparing for survival.

The view of the city becomes clearer as you go up. The cells here are all rotated, which means that the prisoners on the back can also see the whole city after a period of time. During the day, they can see the hustle and bustle under the sun. city, and at night you can see the city with neon lights.

Although I don’t know what the prisoners who saw all this were thinking, there is conclusive data that shows that the probability of re-offending for some prisoners after their release has been declining year by year.

Looking down at hope from the prison, and for many prisoners, the city is their hope.

"Most people probably spend their long prison lives with such expectations."

Ye Jiao spoke again, Li Ang hummed, and the two continued to patrol. When they came to the middle place, there were many directors gathered, and in the middle place that was originally the duty room, the department staff were sorting out , the two immediately walked over and bowed.

"You two also come over and help, take things and clean inside."

The two didn't think much about it. After entering, they saw many department staff busy wiping.

Li Ang noticed some medical equipment. He picked up a towel and planned to join in the cleaning. When he was squatting down, the man wearing a mask next to him handed over a detergent. Li Ang said thank you and took it.

"Really, do you want to go have a drink together tomorrow?"

Li Ang's voice sounded extremely familiar, but he agreed the next second.


Li Ang was stunned. The blond-haired Jewell next to him took off his mask and looked at the shocked Li Ang with a smile.

"Why are you here?"

Jewell laughed.

"I just came here last month and was specially recruited."

Li Ang stood up and looked at Jewell in complete disbelief. The special recruitment was only applicable to those citizens who had performed well when harm occurred in the city and had the intention to enter the law enforcement department.

Only then did Li Ang notice that there were cuts on Jewell's forehead, which looked very deep. He didn't know why he saw Jewell here. As he spoke, Jewell began to clean them.

"I can't survive anymore. I'm in debt. I have no choice but to come here. My grades are pretty good. I was admitted after the exam last year. But because of some problems, I stayed in school for a little longer and almost got kicked out. Apart from."

Li Ang smiled helplessly, and he could probably imagine what was wrong with Jewel.

"Be a woman!"

Jewell smiled and patted Li Ang on the shoulder.

"But I was lucky. Although I don't know who it was, I was not fired and the matter was settled."

Li Ang and Jewell talked in a low voice while cleaning. Only then did Li Ang know that Jewell was having an affair with a female instructor at the Academy of Behavioral Sciences. This woman gave Jewell a lot of conveniences. Later, the matter was revealed. After people reported the matter, the two were held accountable, but I don’t know why the incident was ignored.

Jewell would not officially enter the administrative department until March this year, but due to the previous emergency, they were directly assigned to the administrative department. As soon as Jewell arrived, he would directly serve in the upper level.

"By the way, what are we going to do?"

"Don't you know, the wise man who planned the January riots was caught by Jean from Section 13."

Li Ang was a little surprised. He had been providing assistance in the city before and didn't know about this. He and Ye Jiao only returned to Cone the day before yesterday.

"You two, move quickly."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and began to clean. After a while, the house was cleaned out, and the medical equipment was moved in. Several people from Department 4 began to come in to deal with it, while they were on standby outside.

The elevator door slowly opened, and the man who walked out first was known to everyone. He was Hua Shen, the current dean of the 4th Medical College and the leading doctor in Bright City.

Several directors from Section 4 pushed a hospital bed. On it was an old man in his 90s who was in a coma. He was the wise man. Li Ang stretched his head and looked at him. He looked very weak, and his face and hands were covered with blood. Bruises, signs of stitches in some places.

Soon after the room filled with people from Section 4 was completely disinfected, the wise man was pushed in, and several people also saw Section Chief Latis coming out of another small elevator.

"This old man is also amazing. I watched him being brought in with my own eyes that night. Those of us present were also placed on the floor of the operating room and were responsible for helping carry some things. I didn't hear the old man say a word."

Li Ang swallowed. The wise man looked just like an ordinary old man. At this moment, the wise man suddenly opened his eyes, curled up his mouth slightly, and showed a smile. Everyone present felt a chill.

Immediately, the director came over and gave them an order to stay nearby. If the people in Section 4 needed anything, they were asked to run errands. The floor around the duty room must be wiped and disinfected every two hours. Until you can leave.

Huashen quietly looked at the various indicator data of the wise man. In the past few days, this guy had been hovering on the line of life and death several times, but his amazing willpower allowed him to survive. This is something that cannot be explained by medicine. Only willpower Can sum up everything.

Tonight was also very dangerous. The reason why he was moved from the operating room on the 48th floor to the one below was because of the temperature. The direct sunlight in the past few days caused different temperature differences between floors. The indicator suddenly increased. Huashen looked for many reasons, and finally thought that it was related to the temperature.

Although a thermostat was available, his body was so depleted that even the movement of air could cause problems for his recovering body.

This is the most complicated surgery Huashen has had in recent years. He will need at least dozens of surgeries, large and small, to survive.

"You go to the business room and rest, I will watch him."

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