Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1973 New Generation (Part 2)

in the dark


There was the sound of water falling on the floor. A tall boy of fourteen or fifteen years old kept swallowing. He was holding on to the window edge with both hands and standing on the toilet with his feet. There was water on the ground. He was terrified. Looking down, lightning flashed and crackled on the ground from time to time, and a wire exposed in the water not far away was beating from time to time.

Water is still dripping from the broken water pipe. The boy is barefoot. He is already a little exhausted. He has been shouting for a long time, but no one has responded. This is the second floor of an equipment room next to the school playground. Floor bathroom.

"Is there anyone? Help me."

The boy yelled again with a look of horror on his face. He looked at his clothes and shoes that were still on the side, and they were submerged in the water. He had just arrived here half an hour ago, and the boy also knew that the surveillance here had already been monitored by a group of them. It was broken and the school has never been repaired. This is the gathering place for small gangs in their school.

It was already past 11 o'clock, and outside the window was the school wall. There was not much light anymore. The lights in the dormitory were turned off. He ran out before the lights were turned off. He originally planned to secretly stay here with his girlfriend. They were on a date, but when the two of them were just getting down to business, there was a sound outside. It should be the patrolling security guards. The boy didn't think much and asked his girlfriend to leave first, while he attracted the footsteps. After all, even if he was discovered, it would be the worst. Just to be punished.

Originally, the boy wanted to leave directly through the window of the bathroom on the second floor. There was a mud floor below, but the window had been sealed. The night before yesterday, when the boy and his friends came here to smoke and drink, it was fine, but Now it is sealed and welded with metal strips.

The boy didn't pay attention to the sound of running water at first. When he heard the footsteps disappearing, he was about to leave, but he saw the flashing light. When he opened the door, he found an exposed wire crackling in the water.

A look of despair was written all over the boy's face. He did not dare to move and could only squat. If he stepped on the water, he would be electrocuted.

His legs were already numb, and the boy could only curl up on the toilet. He tried to climb up to the partition, but the boy gave up immediately. This kind of partition was very slippery and narrow. It would be difficult to climb up. If it falls accidentally, it's doomed.

But what surprised the boys was that the water on the ground kept rising. The boys thought it was an illusion before, but now it seems that it is not an illusion and they can clearly see that the water level has risen, but this is obviously a bathroom. At this time, Under the flickering electric light, the boy was horrified to see a black thing at the drain outlet.

The drain outlet is blocked, so the water cannot flow effectively. The bathroom door is closed and the water cannot flow out at all.

"Someone come and save me."

The boy shouted in despair again, with a cry in his voice. He was going to die here. This was the thought in the boy's mind at this time.

11:08 pm

Ran Zai walked quietly to the door of the dormitory, and the dormitory administrator immediately stuck his head out and looked at Ran Zai doubtfully.

"Where on earth have you been?"

Ran Zai looked gloomy, turned his head and said fiercely.

"Is there a problem?"

Although the administrator was a little angry, he still suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Go up and sleep quickly."

The administrator knew very well that he could not afford to mess with this kid. Although he had only been here a few days, his guardian was the section chief of Section 1, and the principal had reminded him many times to take good care of this kid.

"By the way, classmate Ran Zai, are you hungry? I have some food here, would you like some?"

Ran Zai returned to smiling.

"Sorry, I'm going to go to bed."

Seeing Ran Zai's wet body, the administrator was a little confused, but didn't think much about it.

Ran Zai was in a bad mood. He now wanted to go back to the dormitory to sleep. Walking through the lit corridor, Ran Zai did not choose to take the elevator, but walked up the stairs. Ran Zai's expression looked a bit ferocious in the darkness.

"It's so simple to kill a person. You just need to find a time tomorrow to take away the things in the bathroom. No evidence will be left at the scene. That guy has a criminal record. It's very simple, isn't it!"

Ran Zai walked up the stairs step by step, walking very slowly. He smiled evilly. At this time, his feet became a little unruly. He really wanted to go back to the dormitory, but his feet could not take even half a step.

"The only way to be saved is to realize what death is!"

Ran Zai laughed again, but the next second Ran Zai's expression turned cold.

"Forget it, it's only been a few days since I started school. I still need to have a good relationship with my classmates."

Ran Zai turned around and ran out of the dormitory quickly. The administrator didn't say anything this time.


bursts of crying

The boy curled up on the toilet cried in horror, his voice was hoarse. He didn't want to die, but everything around him was full of despair. His feet were slipping. The boy stood up, and his hands could just reach the top of the partition.

The water was almost over the toilet lid. He was holding on to the top of the partition on his tiptoes, trying to support his body to climb up. Suddenly the boy's foot slipped and he screamed in horror. A burst of noise came from his arm. There was severe pain, but he still held on to the partition.

The surface of the toilet is already covered with water droplets. Soon the water will cover the toilet lid and he will have no place to stand. Once he comes into contact with the water, he will be electrocuted immediately.

Despair made the boy pull his body upwards with all his strength. He kept crying and the water had reached the edge of the toilet seat. The next second, the boy stood with his feet on the window edge that was only a few centimeters away, as if he had temporarily overcome the crisis. , but the situation is still not optimistic, and his hand is almost unable to hold it.

"Someone come and save me, help me."

The boy continued to shout desperately, and the water continued to rise at an unstoppable speed.


With the sound of the bathroom door, for a moment the boy saw that the flashing electric wires went out. He could no longer support himself and fell directly.


The water splashed, and the boy screamed in horror.

"Hey, how's it going?"

The boy gasped and looked at the receding water, and at Ran Zai in front of him. His legs were weak and he had already peed.

"Didn't you say you wanted me to die?"

Ran Zai leaned over with a ferocious expression and grabbed the boy's hair.

"I'm just giving you a warning tonight, don't mess with me in the future, or you will really die next time!"

Ran Zai turned around with a smile. The water flow had receded. The boy behind him began to cry. Ran Zai smiled with satisfaction.

The boy trembled and looked at Ran Zai who was leaving the bathroom. He and Ran Zai were in the same class. Their small group always caused trouble in the school from time to time. Others were afraid of them. Fights were common. .

This new student was targeted by this small gang. Because he seemed to deserve a beating, they teamed up to tease him. As a result, he resisted, and the boy who was the leader of the small gang threatened to kill Ran. load.

After a while, the boy calmed down. The anger made the boy wake up. He picked up the wet clothes and pants, put them on, and ran straight away. He must teach Ran Zai a lesson, but the anger immediately His mind cooled down, and he felt fear when he thought of Ran Zai.

After being scolded by the administrator, the boy returned to the dormitory, but he found that the dormitory was empty. The boy was still hesitating whether to tell the teachers about this, but the next second the boy gave up such an idea. .

"It's better not to have anything to do with him."

At this time, on the top floor of the dormitory, Jean was smoking a cigarette and looking at the school below. Jean had seen everything that had just happened. If the kid didn't do anything, Jean would kill him directly.

"It looks like it needs more attention!"

Jean smiled easily. Jean had asked the principal about Ran Zai's situation in the past few days. To most people, Ran Zai seemed to be no different from ordinary people, and he was very smart. Although he had just arrived, his learning progress was very good. Very fast.

When Jean came here, he immediately found Ran Zai and witnessed what he did. After hearing a few words about the small gang in this school, Jean probably knew what happened. It was very common to bully freshmen. thing.

Malice has been rooted in Ran Zai's heart, and this malice has grown up with Ran Zai and will come out uncontrollably. Gene is very sure of this.

Ran Zai only lived with the two couples for half a month, and the malice in his body did not escape. The reason why Jean did not kill Ran Zhi was just because Ran Zai said that he should not kill Ran Zhi, so Jean Did so.

After continuing to observe for a while, Jean quickly left the school. He planned to go to the General Affairs Department, where Ye Chunwang was waiting for him.

The wind kept whistling by his ears, and Jean quickly moved towards the place where the light was strongest on the top of the mountain. It was time for the 12th Department to change.

Natasha has decided to retire after the eastern agricultural base stabilizes and teach in the school of the business department to continue to provide talents for the 12th department.

The matter of deciding the successor should be decided after tonight. Gene didn't know what Ye Chunwang was thinking. After all, he and Hawke were of the same generation, but they are still working now.

With Ye Chunwang in the Agriculture Department, Jean was very relieved. At this time, Jean's mood was a little complicated. The General Affairs Department was getting closer and closer. At 11:40, Jean stepped onto the square of the General Affairs Department.

The entire square has been expanded and modified several times and has become very large. In the future, some important gatherings of many departments will be held in this square.

Although it was already late at night, you could still see a lot of department members coming in and out. The workload of each department has been very heavy these days. Jean walked in all the way and faced the department members who were bowing and saluting one by one. Just smile.

This time, Gene did not go in through the window, but took the elevator. As soon as he got out of the elevator, Gene saw a clerk standing outside the door of Locke's private lounge. As soon as he walked over, this clerk with dark skin and smile Just bow slightly.

"Lord Jean! The section chief is waiting for you inside."

"Larry, do you want to do something over here?"

Larry hummed.

"The section chief asked me to wait here."

Gene nodded and opened the door to Locke's private resting area.

"Why did you come here?"

The room was filled with the smell of alcohol. Ye Chunwang was eating salted peanuts with a glass of wine in front of him. It was already half full. Locke was eating barbecue with a smile.

"Xiaoye, are you planning to retire?"

Gene smiled easily and took off his hat. It seemed a little heavy when he put it down. Ye Chunwang smiled and shook his head, which surprised Gene.

"It's about Larry."

Jean looked at Ye Chunwang in confusion, and he stood up and poured Jean a glass of wine.

"This child will take the business exam this year. I hope you can take him with him for a while. It only takes a while."

"I'm not quite suitable."

Gene replied, took a sip of wine and lit a cigarette. Locke beside him laughed.

"Just do me a favor. Anyway, you are very free now. There should be no big problems in the city."

After Jean sat down, he thought for a while and then looked at Ye Chunwang.

"Are you planning to hand over subject 12 to that child?"

Jean asked and Ye Chunwang nodded.

"In the eyes of many people, the child may be a little dull, a little submissive, and not very smart. He is not a researcher. He is an inconspicuous existence in the 12 subjects."

Ye Chunwang said everything Jean wanted to say. Jean knew very well that the work in Section 12 was not as easy as it seemed. Even with the AI ​​​​assisted system, the workload was still very heavy, especially the work of the management. If there is even the slightest problem with the amount of grain received and shipped out, it will lead to drastic price fluctuations in the city.

Including who should be given priority for food supply, how to supply it, and the impact of supply on the city. These things all need to be taken into consideration. Even though there are two advance investigation reports from the two departments, as a manager, the most basic judgment is necessary. Gene didn't think Larry had such ability.

"Remember what I said, Gene, I have only one criterion for choosing a successor."

Gene hummed.

"I don't need you to let him enter Section 13. He can go to Section 5. You can take him around the city when you have time. That's fine."

"Let's wait until he passes the business examination."

Ye Chunwang hummed. He knew very well that the people Gene had brought out in the past were all very good. He and Hawke were both brought out by Gene because Gene was very patient, even though he seemed indifferent. , actually very careful.

"That's it. It's settled on Jean. If he passes the section examination, he will be temporarily assigned to Section 5. You can just take him with you for a while."

Gene hummed.

"I'll work until the day I have to retire."

Gene looked at Ye Chunwang blankly. He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, stood up and walked out of the lounge.

"Is it really okay, Xiaoye?"

Ye Chunwang smiled easily.

"If there is any problem, I have already left this place and will not take the initiative to come back to try. Jean, I heard Rose say before that you will pass the exam every year. It is a person named Yin Cai who has passed the exam." The girl who failed the exam twice.”

Gene smiled helplessly.

"That big mouth!"

"You also want to try different methods, right Gene? Elite-oriented education no longer works, right? It has failed many times. Let's take a look at those clumsier children. They may be surprisingly successful. tenacity!"

After Ye Chunwang left, Gene fell into deep thought. Locke Jiahui on the side did not disturb Gene.

After a while, Gene stood up.

"Little Fatty, come with me for a walk."

Locke wiped his hands and followed quickly.

"Where are you going?"

"Barrier Zone!"

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