Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1981 The Monster without a Name (Part 2)

"Miss Xianglin, you are really welcome to come."

Beckinsale smiled and stood in front of a private lift with a group of parliamentarians behind him. This is the central square of the film and television area. Now the film and television area has an extremely huge plan that will transform the film and television area. Most of the buildings are directly transformed into the appearance of each era, and many large-scale light and shadow equipment that can be quickly generated are connected.

Today is the filming of a food program. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Beckinsale took the initiative to invite Yin Xianglin, the president of the Food Association, to come over and plan to record the program together. As the former secretary of the General Affairs Section, Yin Xianglin has always been there in recent years. Appearing on various food programs, she has completely transformed into an entertainer. She never talks about anything in the power world. Even if someone asks insinuatingly, Yin Xianglin will tactfully refuse.

"Thank you, Ms. Beckinsale!"

After getting off the elevator, Yin Xianglin smiled and shook hands with Beckinsale who came to greet her. The reporters immediately rushed over.

Yin Xianglin just answered some questions casually and left directly with Beckinsale. The bodyguards in the film and television area immediately blocked the reporters behind.

Located directly east of the square is a newly built Film and Television Entertainment Association building with an iconic colorful dome and a steeple with a strong visual style. It has a total of 5 floors and is more formal than the previous Film and Television Entertainment Association. .

Everyone who works on the film and television entertainment page must register formal information within the association, and these information will be directly stored in the 6 departments, making it more convenient for the management of the business department.

It's just that the problems of the Film and Television Entertainment Association are still old problems, and they haven't changed much from the past. All the chaos in it has quietly become the same as before.

"Miss Xianglin, can you give me a little private time!"

Beckinsale asked with a serious expression, and Yin Xianglin nodded after hesitating for a while.


After a while, Beckinsale brought Yin Xianglin to her office. She poured a glass of water for Yin Xianglin. Originally, today was the live recording of the most popular food show in Beckinsale's company, but Beckinsale asked the recording team to The person delayed the time a little, and she wanted to find a chance to talk to Yin Xianglin.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, Miss Beckinsale."

"I have discussed many things with your husband Wu Qun. I want to ask one thing now about the General Affairs Department."

Yin Xianglin's expression became serious. She had left the power world for many years. What she was most willing to mention these years was the things in the General Affairs Department, even though she was asked about it by countless people.

"I'm sorry, Miss Xianglin, this matter is very important, so I can only use this method. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Beckinsale bowed, and Yin Xianglin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"What I want to ask is about some investigation materials after large-scale investigations in the past. In whose hands is this information now?"

Yin Xianglin understood instantly. This was a cleanup of the film and television area that Alpha had carried out in the past. It started because of a case. The investigation ended with the intervention of the gods, but many people were still arrested. A lot of things were investigated, and the last person to handle the information at that time was the General Affairs Department.

Yin Xianglin immediately understood that 20 years later, many of the people who were not dealt with in that large-scale investigation have become senior executives of the Film and Television Entertainment Association and have developed very well in this industry.

Yin Xianglin knew the reason why Beckinsale asked these things, and she shook her head.

"Sorry Ms. Beckinsale, I don't remember these things."

Beckinsale hummed and said nothing more, because she knew Yin Xianglin's difficulties, and she, not even Wu Qun, had ever mentioned these things.

Although the seven major associations have now secretly reached an agreement and there will be no cross-industry evil competition, which is very good for the film and television entertainment association as a whole, the issue that Beckinsale is most worried about now is the translation of Old accounts.

The large-scale raids in the past exposed too many problems in the film and television area. Although it has been twenty years, many high-level officials today have been involved in some serious crimes in the past.

In the past 20 years, the 5th Section has never been held accountable. That was because the city was extremely unstable during these 20 years, but it is different now. Beckinsale knew very well that the 5th Section would definitely take action on the film and television area.

In the past, Bright City used to have a retrospective statute of limitations for criminal cases, but with Alpha's strong intervention, the law canceled the statute of limitations for cases more than ten years ago. Even if the crime was committed 20 years ago and was not arrested, if there is evidence now, Arrests can still be made.

In the film and television area that is not yet easy to stabilize, Beckinsale no longer wants to see chaos. Over the years, she has been exhausted trying to balance the problems of all parties. These problems should be buried as time goes by, rather than in the dark. Exposed to sunlight at this time.

Although Beckinsale didn't see any actual signs that Section 5 would check the film and television section, there was only one point, because the current section chief of Section 5 was Alpha's sister.

Seeing Yin Xianglin's uninformed look, she would not tell Beckinsale. Even though she had left the practice department for so many years, she would not bring up any issues in the practice department.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Miss Xiang Rin."

Yin Xianglin agreed, and then Beckinsale arranged for someone to take Yin Xianglin to the set. She was alone in the office, looking a little melancholy. In the past, she wanted to make the film and television area a place where she could stand on the stage with hard work and talent. , but capital is needed behind everything. Once it is related to capital, a lot of things will happen.

Things have reached this point. Recently, many people in the Film and Television Entertainment Association are most worried about the past transactions of money, power and sex. These problems have led to many vicious cases in the film and television area.

Nowadays, everyone is afraid that Wu Ke will turn over old scores. If these issues are investigated, the Film and Television Entertainment Association may suffer a very heavy blow.

Beckinsale's idea was to take it one step at a time, but that obviously didn't work. She had already asked many senior executives familiar with the matter, but they couldn't give any answers to this matter.

This is what Beckinsale is most worried about now. Once 5 subjects take action, the entire film and television area will be greatly shaken, and the entire industry will suffer an extremely heavy blow.

"President Beckinsale."

A female secretary hurried in. Beckinsale looked at her in confusion. She looked panicked.

"what happened?"

"The chief of Section 5 is here."

Beckinsale's expression tightened, and she immediately got up and walked out quickly.

3:09 p.m.

Niya yawned and lit a cigarette. The regional officers and squad leaders gathered in front of her. This time Niya came alone. She drove the lift alone without notifying anyone in advance. people.

"Lord Niya, I wonder if you came here with any instructions?"

Niya chuckled and patted the officer on the shoulder.

"It's nothing. I just want to come and have a look. I've been under too much pressure at work recently. I can just walk around casually. No need to follow me!"

Niya said and turned around and walked away. A bunch of members of Section 5 behind her looked at them with fearful expressions. Many people felt very uncomfortable about the series of things Niya had done recently.

"By the way, why can't you see even one person on patrol from Section 5 on the street? I've already given the order before, right?"

The section officer immediately ran over in horror.

"That's right, Lady Niya, today is mainly about..."

"Okay, there's no need to explain. I'll go and look around by myself. You guys just work hard!"

Niya didn't wait for the officer to continue speaking. She had already walked quickly to the crowded street. Everything here was still as bright and beautiful as before. Niya had been here before, but she was doing engineering. At that time, their Lightning Skull Guild took on a lot of construction work in film and television areas.

Sure enough, no one from Section 5 could be seen on the street, only a pair of surprised eyes. Niya was wearing a uniform and holding a hat in her hand, looking carefree.

There are a lot of women on the street, and all of them are very beautifully dressed. This is a characteristic of the film and television area. There are a large number of film and television entertainment industry practitioners here, and the entire area provides film and television entertainment.

After walking around the street for a long time, Niya saw many members of Section 5 running out of the alley in a hurry. They all looked out of breath and disheveled. As soon as they saw Niya, they ran over. , bow and salute.

"What big case are you going to handle?"

A squad leader said in a panic.

"No, Lady Niya, we just came from that way"

Niya smiled easily, patted the squad leader on the shoulder, and told him to work hard.

After a while, Niya came to the door of a film and television company. This company covers a large area, but only has 3 floors. It is a famous film and television company in the city. Niya lit up another cigarette and took one step directly. Stepped in.

"Nothing has changed here!"

The buildings in this place were built by their lightning skeletons. At this moment, several rapid footsteps sounded behind Niya.

"Your Excellency Niya, welcome to our film and television area!"

Beckinsale walked over quickly with a smile, stretched out a hand, Nia patted it, and then continued to walk in slowly.

Some bodyguards in the company noticed this, and just as they were about to come over, they stopped where they were. Several mutant bodyguards didn't know what to do at this time.

A lady at the front desk ran over immediately.

"Sir, we are here"

"Call your company's chairman, Luo Er, to come out. I want to see him if I have something to do."

For a moment, the expressions of everyone present changed suddenly.

Immediately the front desk lady ran to make a phone call, and after a while she came over in a panic.

"Our chairman is not here today. Lady Niya, please come back tomorrow."

Niya smiled, walked directly in, and walked leisurely to the elevator. Several bodyguards around her felt unusually uncomfortable, and Niya glanced at them.

"Your Excellency Niya, how about we find a place to sit down and talk?"

As soon as Beckinsale walked over, the elevator had already opened, and Nia ignored her and walked in.

"I just want to come here to get back some things that my sister lost here in the past!"


Niya's fist hit the elevator wall, and the elevator wall was dented in an instant. Beckinsale just looked at the closed elevator door quietly. She closed her eyes silently. The film and television area was finished. This was a ban. What you know now.

At this time, Niya put away her smile, and her expression became serious and angry.

Recently, Niya browsed some cases of large-scale investigations conducted by Alpha here in the past. Many cases actually had witnesses and physical evidence, but in the end Alpha's investigation was stopped by the gods.

Niya still clearly remembers that Alpha who came home that day was extremely angry. Niya clearly remembers the unwillingness and anger on his expression.

"Just let me help you clean up this mess, Alpha!"

The elevator door opened directly, and Niya walked out in one step. Many bodyguards looked at Niya blankly.

"Irrelevant people, get out, I won't say anything to you!"

It can be seen that these bodyguards are from a powerful mutant guild. They are watching Niya walking down the corridor blankly. No one dares to stop her. Anyone who is a mutant knows what Niya has done at the bottom. , not to mention that she is now the section chief of Section 5.


With a loud noise, Niya kicked open the office door.

"Hey, Mr. Rohr, didn't you say you weren't here? Well, now you have to go back with me to assist in the investigation. The charge is that you want to murder!"

The middle-aged man sitting in the office looked at Niya in horror.

"I want a lawyer!"

Niya directly took the mobile phone and opened a light and shadow screen. On it were the investigation results of those cases. There were clear personal and physical evidence, including a testimony. At this time, Rohr swallowed and became a little at a loss.

"Let's go Mr. Rolle!"


Niya walked over directly, picked up Luo Er, and dragged him out of the office.

After a while, Niya dragged the shouting Rohr downstairs.

"Your Excellency Niya, I'm afraid your actions are inconsistent with this."

Before Beckinsale finished speaking, Nia had already walked over.

"Why, I am a section chief here to arrest a murderer. Do you need anything else? Well, I have been coming here from time to time recently. After all, there are many criminals hidden in this place, and we have to slowly uncover them one by one."

As soon as I arrived at the door, people from Section 5 and regional officers from other sections were already standing outside.

"Lady Nia."

"As for why there are murderers here, I don't think you need to explain anything. You have completely failed in your duty!"

Niya said easily. She looked at the people around her and took a deep breath.

"Now I will give you a choice. Surrender yourself immediately. If you don't surrender, I will arrest you one by one! I will give you one hour to think about it. I don't care who you are, how brilliant you are now, how rich and powerful you are now. Due to your status, I will arrest you all!”

For a moment, everyone present showed shocked expressions. Roll, whom Nia was carrying, used to be the son of a certain chamber of commerce president. He had committed multiple assaults and murders 20 years ago. During the large-scale search, the crime was exposed, but he did not receive any punishment. He has lived peacefully for the past 20 years and even opened his own film and television company.

Niya smiled happily and looked at the bewildered members of the administrative department.

"Now I am arresting all of you on the charge of abusing power for personal gain. You will all lie on the ground with your hands on your head!"

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