Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1992 Victory or Loss (Part 1)

March 26, 2246

With the first ray of sunshine in the morning, Niya stood upside down by the wall with sweat on her back, her left hand behind her back, her right thumb pointing to the ground, and she was constantly supporting herself up and down. Her body was straight, and her legs were only one centimeter away from the wall.

Sweat flowed down Niya's neck to her chin, and then fell to the ground with a ticking sound. She had been exercising for nearly 40 minutes. This is what Niya must exercise every day, doing handstands and holding up and down each hand 1,000 times.

The well-proportioned and slender muscles are now bulging and do not look stiff. This is what Alpha must do every morning in the past. In the past, Niya felt that there was no need to perform such high-intensity exercises. No matter how hard you exercise, as a mutant, Just enough.

Watching Alpha exercising every morning, everything has been firmly imprinted in Niya's eyes. She must be stronger, not just in terms of strength, so that when doing handstand exercises every morning, Niya always thinks about many issues and sees many things very clearly.

Nowadays, the merchants' struggle to strike is still going on, there are singing and dancing in the family area every night, and the investigation is still going on. Big problems have gradually begun to appear in the strategy of the business department. Every day, the makeshift machinery is producing items in a critical state. However, these daily necessities are far from meeting the needs of citizens.

Many citizens can only queue up to buy items, and they are not available every day and can only be purchased on a rotating basis. Food problems can only be provided by liquid food. Congress has given several liquid food production companies permission to build factories. Some new factories can be built in as little as three days. With the technical assistance of 10 Branch, they can be put into production the same day they are built.

Normal food is no longer available on the market. Most of the food can only be supplied to liquid food companies, while part of it needs to be supplied to some mini factories and individual workshops as raw materials for industry and daily life.

"Did you lose?"

Nia muttered.

dong dong dong

"Come in!"

The door to the room opened. Michelle's face was rosy and her hair was still a little wet. After seeing Niya's exercise, Michelle was a little surprised. This was seen every day. Michelle's own exercise intensity was not as intense as Niya's. elegant.

"Section Chief, please finish sorting it out as soon as possible and start working."

Niya increased her speed and frequency, and soon finished the exercise. She took off her wet sports vest and shorts and walked into the bathroom. Michelle turned on the light and shadow screen and began to report what needed to be done today. Something is coming.

Niya raised her head, letting the water droplets fall and hit her cheeks. Listening to Michelle's report, the two people, who seemed to be incompatible with each other, had been at odds since the beginning of their work. They just didn't have a big fight, and they had been publicized countless times. There were arguments and quarrels on occasion, but when it came to doing things, the two of them had an unusually high degree of harmony.

"And one more thing"

Michelle's expression became extremely serious. Niya turned off the water, wiped her body, put on her uniform, walked out of the bathroom, opened the curtains, leaned against the window edge, and lit a fire. A cigarette.

"Tell me, there's nothing unspeakable!"

"The problem of illegal body trade has arisen in the back-office departments of many companies, and those women are re-employed."

Michelle didn't say any more, holding the phone tightly between her thumb and index finger, and Niya already laughed.

"I've already told you Michelle, we can't solve the problems in District 29."

"Don't they have anything like being born women?"

Niya walked over and patted Michelle on the shoulder.

"Anyone who violates the law will be punished by working in an agricultural base for three months, just Michelle."

Michelle looked at the ground feebly, and Niya exhaled a puff of smoke.

"We will lose miserably this time!"

Michelle regained her seriousness. Although she didn't want to say it herself, it was indeed the case. This investigation seemed to be a comprehensive victory for the administrative department. Tens of thousands of people from major companies were arrested and questioned, and more than 500 companies paid A huge fine was paid, and the tax revenue suddenly increased a lot. This money can be distributed to 120 districts to benefit the citizens in the area.


Niya's fist hit the door frame, and Michelle glanced at the sunlight coming through the window glass. The large-scale investigation was soon coming to an end.

"A coin that rolls down from the top of a pyramid will eventually come back to the top as long as the structure of the pyramid remains unchanged."

After Michelle finished speaking, Niya smiled helplessly. This investigation has indeed had a huge impact on the market, but there is a good thing. As long as the investigation continues, although the market will become chaotic, There will be new vitality in the market, which is invisible to people at the middle and lower levels.

Niya didn't think of this at the beginning and was obsessed with the investigation. It was just a mistake. However, the situation was not as she thought. The merchants were extremely strong and twisted into a ball, directly cutting off the city's flow. The supply chain directly kills this hope.

"What a pity, Section Chief! If successful, the solid business class system will be broken."

Michelle saw it very clearly. Soon after the large-scale operation began, Michelle understood that such a large-scale investigation could destroy the structure of the pyramid, and once the structure was destroyed, the coins thrown would not You'll get back to the top easily.

The economic structure will begin to reshape itself, and countless opportunities and hopes will be thrown out. The future should be an era of hand-in-hand progress, rather than the same situation as in the past, where the people at the bottom control 90% of the city's resources.

Such a structure will be broken if businessmen do not tighten it. Although there will be certain serious problems and many people will become victims of such changes, change is like this. It has never been gentle and peaceful. There were only countless bloody battles.

This time, the businessmen are closely related to the parliamentarians, because the division of urban industries is the tone they have slowly set early in the morning.

Now it seems that so many losses of merchants are just a bunch of numbers. Once the market starts to operate normally again and the structure of the pyramid remains unchanged, these losses will only continue to return to the market and finally return to the pockets of the merchants. Nothing has changed.

"Indeed, we lost completely!"

Nia replied with a serious expression.

"This is what Miss Alpha wanted to do in the past!"

Niya did not nod. Indeed, she had seen her sister alone and sad countless times in the past, always talking to herself about a lot of things. Niya would also talk to Alpha about these things from time to time, but these things were very important to the young Niya. It was too complicated and complicated for Ya, and Niya didn't understand it at all, but now she completely understood the reason for her sister's unwillingness and anger.

The solidification of the city will continue to intensify in the future. If there is no such huge problem, this solidification will continue to intensify, the city will not change in any way, and everything will reincarnate countless times until the city is destroyed.

"Let's go, Michelle. In the future, we have to put an end to everything we have today, no matter we win or lose!"

The two of them quickly went downstairs, and soon arrived in the hall. At this time, many people from other departments were already here, waiting to hand over some questions in person.

Many staff members turned around and bowed to Niya and Michelle. At this time, Niya saw Li Ang in the crowd, and she walked over with a smile.

"Come over here, everyone, continue!"

After a while, Niya handed Li Ang a cigarette. Li Ang took it and looked through it for a while, then lit the cigarette with his finger.

"Is your body completely fine?"

Niya asked, and Li Ang looked at the white particles on his fingertips with a smile and nodded.

"Thanks to Dr. Huashen, I have become no different from a normal person. You really dare to do this!"

Li Ang smiled bitterly. Thanks to Niya, Li Ang had been living a life of running errands for more than half a month. Many insignificant problems that could be postponed or even solved directly by phone were asked by the team leader. This month is coming to an end. Li Ang clearly knows that the work review evaluation of the three of them is probably only D, and it is impossible to even get B. If they come back next month, they will get it for three consecutive months. May be transferred out of the headquarters.

"I'm really angry, my energy was wasted."

Li Ang coughed. He didn't smoke much, but he would only accept it if Niya handed it to him.

"The current mechanism of Section 7 to review corporate and personal taxes is too weak and has many loopholes."

Niya smiled easily and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Then why don't you just perfect it?"

Li Ang replied with a bitter smile.

"You think I am you, I don't have your family status, nor your strength."

"Why did you come back to the headquarters less than a month ago?"

Li Ang laughed.

"Don't think too much, the work is still going very well. Let me remind you, Niya, don't think about coming down from here after it's over."

Niya looked at Li Ang blankly.

"What did you say?"

Li Ang stretched out his hands to hold Niya's shoulders and said seriously.

"You and I have known each other since we were children, and I know your temper. Nowadays, almost all voices in society are criticizing Section 5, and everyone is pointing the finger at you."

"It's none of my business, huh, let them talk if they like."

Li Ang grinned, but his expression immediately returned to seriousness.

"Once the market opens, the merchants will launch fierce attacks one after another, and there will be many voices asking you to step down. No matter what happens, you must stay in this position. As long as the gods don't give the order, they will take it. There's nothing you can do."

"It's okay, I won't do it."

Li Ang smiled easily and put his hands on Niya's cheeks.

"Don't lie to me, that guy Jewell also mentioned that we grew up together, you bastard!"


Li Ang slapped Niya hard on the cheek. Niya's eyes widened for a moment, and he punched her in reflex. Li Ang stumbled a few times and covered his nose and looked at the panting Niya.

"There are many things that cannot be done by a person who has never dealt with these problems. A bastard who can adapt in a short period of time. Isn't this what you are most afraid of? If it weren't for Michelle, you would have collapsed."

Niya's eyes dimmed. At this moment, she was no longer as strong as she seemed on the surface. She looked helpless and raised her head, quietly exhaling smoke.

Michelle, who was standing at the entrance of the passage, stared quietly at the two people in the distance. She was surprised that Niya would show such an expression, but Michelle did not go over, but quietly blocked the entrance of the passage.

"If it's just a problem that can be solved with your fists, I believe that except for the gods, few people in this city are your opponents. But the problem now is that your fists are of no use. This time, you are the only one who has the problem. It’s unbearable for people.”

"Why are you talking so much? Anyway, I am the only one who gets scolded in the end."

Li Ang sighed helplessly.

"So I give you a suggestion. Go talk to other section chiefs and the manager. You are not Miss Alpha, let alone her. You can't do the same thing as her. You can do the same thing that she can't do. Niya, I have thought so since I was a child."

Li Ang walked over and put his hand on Niya's arm.

"You are not alone now. In the past, Miss Alpha only had one person, but it is different now. If you do nothing, the situation will develop to a point that you cannot bear. You must take action now. Go find her first. Let’s talk to King Xue, the chief of Section 1.”

Niya groaned and looked at Li Ang in disbelief.

"I won't go find that annoying guy."

"You are not a child anymore. Maybe you really hate him, but this department must express its stance on this matter. The departments that were divided in the past have begun to come together. It is all because of you. There is no need to worry about face. After all, the Nia Angus I’ve known since I was a kid is such a thick-skinned bastard that even bullets won’t scratch her!”

Niya pressed Li Ang's forehead angrily.

"You bastard!"

Li Ang laughed loudly.

"After you became the section chief, you started to care about some things. This is the case in the power world. Many things are mutual, not unilateral. Use your not-so-smart mind to think about why you are Standing here, that day’s televised speech was your original intention, right? The people’s eyes are not blind, and their ears are not deaf. Make all preparations, and they are long-term preparations, to make the 5 subjects into what you want! This It’s something that Miss Alpha and Mr. Gill created.”

Niya hummed, her expression changed a bit, and Li Ang turned around and walked away.

"What about you? What are you going to do? Just like you said, you know me very well, and I know you too, you bastard."

Li Ang said with a smile.

"I will stand up there. You just need to wait for me up there. I have found the road. All that is left is to open it up. Remember?"

Li Ang turned around, smiled intently, and continued.

"I am the son of a winery owner and a businessman. Section 7 is the best place for me."

Michelle looked at this ordinary member of Section 7 quietly and felt something strange. Niya ran over quickly.

"Michelle, please stay here and deal with it. I have to run around today, okay?"

Michelle hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Then please give me the authority corresponding to the section chief."

Niya made an OK gesture and looked at Li Ang, who had already begun to communicate with the people in Section 5.

At this time, Qin Dong ran over quickly from a distance.

"Lady Niya, I have already submitted the documents."

Niya patted Qin Dong on the shoulder and nodded seriously.

"I went on to work."

Michelle glanced at the light and shadow panel of her mobile phone. It was true that new information about the victims in the film and television area had been submitted for verification. The information was organized in detail and there was nothing missing.

"He has been working in miscellaneous jobs for a long time. He has been managing logistics since he entered Section 3."

Niya said with a smile, and Michelle hummed. This man's name is Qin Dong. Michelle only noticed him a few days ago because he did a good job of organizing the documents of the victim list, which was very clear at a glance. Michelle checked Qin Dong's information and found that he was the nephew of Qin Xiaoxuan, the former secretary of Section 5.

As well as some of Qin Dong's past resume, Michelle was a little surprised. Seeing Niya's happy look, Michelle said.

"It's better to promote such talents directly."

"It's still early. Let's wait and see in a few years."

Michelle looked at Niya suspiciously, and Niya ran quickly. After Niya left, Michelle immediately summoned the directors related to today's work.

In a large office, Michelle immediately started assigning tasks, looking extremely serious. Now Michelle has adapted. In the past, Michelle would still pay a little attention to her attitude towards these directors, but now This reserve disappeared.

7:29 am

After the handover, Li Ang immediately planned to go to Section 6. Just when he walked out of the headquarters of Section 5, he almost bumped into someone.

"Hey, good work!"

Li Ang looked at Jean with some surprise, and immediately smiled and bowed.

"Lord Jean!"

"By the way, do you still have wine in your wine cellar?"

Gene asked with a smile, and Li Ang was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect you to still remember me, Lord Jean."

Gene pointed to his head.

"I have a good memory."

Li Ang shook his head.

"have nothing left!"

Gene nodded and looked at the young relative running. He knew he was lying.

"If anything, if something good happens to you one day, remember to buy me a drink!"

Li Ang stretched out his hand and waved.

"Let's talk about it then!"

Gene smiled and looked at Larry behind him.

"You can go in by yourself."

Larry hummed.

"Lord Jean, I'm really sorry that it took so long to catch one."

Gene leaned against the door comfortably and looked at Larry who ran in. He now understood why Ye Chunwang asked him to take care of this child. Larry always did things step by step, just like farming, and Ye Chunwang naturally did the same. He wanted to show Jean what kind of successor he had chosen. Now Jean understood this.

Investigating something that requires a leap of logic, Larry did not think about what happened next. Instead, he conducted various investigations step by step. Finally, he synthesized the investigation data and began to make inferences.

For a month, Larry traveled around the streets to investigate. He even investigated in detail what the prisoner had eaten and what streets he had visited.

"it should be no problem!"

Gene smiled and raised his head. It seemed that it would take at least one or two years to return Larry to Ye Chunwang. During this period, Gene would also be doing other work. What Gene was most worried about now was the barrier area.

"Let's go out for a walk in a few days!"

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