Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2002 Ascension (Part 2)

8:39 pm

Xima looked at the miners in front of her. They had already explained some things. The problems in the mine were far more complicated than Xima thought. They had already explained a lot of things.

"That's it. Please go to the next room and wait for the people from Section 5 to come over and conduct more detailed inquiries."

Xima looked at the recorded confession, and many things were shocking. Just helping the criminals in the city escape to the barrier area was something that happened every day in the mining area, and helping the criminals transport some supplies out.

"Where are the captain and the others?"

Xima asked, and a team member told Xima that Tianhen took a mining manager and the miners to the bottom of the mine. Xima was slightly suspicious, thinking that Tianhen's expression was a little different before.

The authority of their 3rd department can only conduct preliminary inquiries and screenings, and they have no authority to directly conduct criminal investigations. But why did Tianhen let the manager and the miners go down? Xima stood up, she was a little worried.

"Vice Captain Xima, the people from Section 5 are here."

Xima stopped and looked over. Some people from Section 5 were already hurriedly coming here. Less than 10 minutes after Xima finished recording her confession, they came over. This efficiency surprised Xima. .

In the past, it was impossible for Section 5 to be so efficient. Seeing the people from Section 5 running over in a hurry, Xima looked back at the mine behind her and didn’t think much about it. Now she had to hand over what she had just done with Section 5. Places discovered by simple inquiry.

8:41 pm


Niya slapped the table. There were 6 section officers standing in front of her and more than a dozen council officers standing next to them.

"What do you six do for food? I ask you, why do you have so many questions?"

Niya's voice was very loud and filled with anger. The six officers remained silent and looked ashen. In just a few hours, countless problems were exposed. Many missing persons cases in recent years were related to the mining area. relation.

Niya looked at the shocking cases that had been investigated. Especially in the past few years, the equipment used by many mining companies is relatively old, because the maintenance cost of new mechanical equipment is high. This maintenance cost is enough to hire too many people. People, and many insurance companies are also involved.

Looking at the countless bones found in a photo, Niya looked angrily at the six officers in front of her. They were all officers near the mining area.

"Listen clearly, I have clarified all the issues, please hurry up."

The six people immediately bowed and saluted and ran out in a panic. Michelle on the side was still processing some documents. The matter in the mining area became an explosive event in the city, and many businessmen were involved.

Although many businessmen have surrendered, and some businessmen were directly arrested. Niya took out a cigarette and stood up a little irritably. Several council officers said nothing, they were all dealing with the matter. Some criminal documents submitted by the head.

Niya originally planned to deal with some problems in the mine with the idea that she would be criticized by many parties this time, but she found that so many problems were exposed. Starting tomorrow, people from Section 1 will take over the operation of the mine. Workers who have no problems can continue as usual. Once construction resumes, some companies in need of raw materials will not be out of stock.

The criminal investigation a few months ago has pointed the problem to the mining area. Most of the raw materials in the black market transactions come from this place.

Raw materials coming out through formal channels are not as profitable as raw materials circulating in the black market. Niya walked out of the headquarters door angrily and looked at the clerks coming and going on the street.

If you want to change the city, you must get to the bottom of it and put all the issues on the table. Only in this way can you clearly understand the direction. Now all the subjects are very cooperative. The next step is the question of 7 subjects. 7 subjects The internal problems are quite numerous.

At the party that night, Niya casually asked Li Ang something, and Li Ang also told Niya something. Not only were the external problems, the internal problems were equally serious. The only department that could perform work quickly and efficiently was only one department. Because there is a group of elites in Section 1, most of them were trained by King Xue, and they are a complete whole.

"Section Chief, I think it would be better for you to go to the General Affairs Section."

Michelle said, holding her mobile phone and pointing to some questions on the light and shadow screen. Niya immediately understood that the mining of many mining companies was signed and authorized by the directors of the General Affairs Department.

Niya immediately accepted the document, turned around and ran out, followed by several council officers.

Mining is different from many other industries. It is an industry that adjusts and changes based on production capacity and market demand. What is special about this industry is that the General Affairs Department authorizes mining or not.

Mining mining is closely related to the 10th Section. Many raw materials will enter the 10th Section and be allocated and managed by the 10th Section. Therefore, the authorization for mining mining is long-term. The General Affairs Section will mine as long as the General Affairs Section orders it to stop. , it must stop, other departments are only responsible for some things on the surface.

Because almost 90% of the mining industry is controlled by families, this was something that was assigned to families when the city was founded.

The Angus family also had a mine in the past, which ceased production 30 years ago. It has not been further exploited until now. This is not because the General Affairs Department does not allow mining, but because the Angus family purchases raw materials from other mining companies. .

"I can go alone, you can continue your work."

Niya did not ask the governing officers to follow her, but directly drove a helicopter towards the General Affairs Department.

The hall of the General Affairs Section was brightly lit, and Locke stood quietly in the hall. Staff members who came and went would greet him, and Locke nodded with a gentle expression.

Looking at the shocking information submitted from Section 5, Locke knew a lot of things. He sighed helplessly. He had just talked with some directors of the General Affairs Section, and many of them were He is his own student.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, she saw a lift hovering rapidly in the sky, and then slowly descending. Niya jumped out of the lift and rushed into the hall with a few menacing steps in her uniform. Everyone in the hall was frightened for a while.

"Call these people on the list."

Locke smiled and nodded, walked over, stood next to Niya, and stretched out his hand to hold her arm.

"Let's walk and talk and wander around the neighborhood."

Niya looked at Locke with some anger.

"I'm here to do business."

Locke nodded.

"Let's go!"

In the end, Niya followed Locke and left the hall. Many people in the general affairs department had solemn expressions.

A few minutes later, the two came to the back of the General Affairs Department, where there were dormitories and some activity playgrounds. Locke smiled and pointed to the dark dormitory opposite.

"Look, everyone in the General Affairs Department is here now."

"Fat man, please change the subject with me."

Locke's expression became serious.

"Girl, can you give me some face?"

Niya turned around and tugged on Locke's collar.

"Damn fat man, you saw what you saw in your eyes and still allowed it to happen. Now that there is such a big problem, how can you ask me to give you face?"

Locke's eyes drifted to other places. He knew that this day would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. Locke could only pretend not to see some of the things happening privately among his subordinates.

When the families handed over their immunity rights, they made it clear that the management of the mining industry should be managed not by the administrative department, but by the general affairs department. The gods also agreed to this point.

"I don't care how much money they make, but if these things are allowed to happen, I will take care of them."

"So I'm here to discuss with you. I will release their punishment, but only internally."

Niya let go of Locke.

"Why did you pretend you didn't see the fat man for so many years?"

Locke said helplessly.

"These problems started after Xiang Rin left, and they started unknowingly"

Niya took out a cigarette, lit it and smiled helplessly. She was somewhat aware of Locke's work intensity. Many problems from the 13 departments would come to the General Affairs Department day and night every day, and Locke just dealt with these problems. It's going to be too busy.

In the years since Yin Xianglin stepped down as secretary, the directors have relaxed their management of the mining industry, and they have indeed reaped a lot of benefits from the mining industry.

"What makes me angry is that even though I know what will happen if I don't care, those guys still don't care. Did you see that, fat man? What is the situation in the mining area? It's not an exaggeration to say it is a hell on earth."

Locke sighed.

"So how do you want me to talk to you calmly?"

"Can you deal with things first, girl? I will continue to deal with the work with them. We will talk about these things after this large-scale investigation is over."

Niya clenched her fists and adjusted a light and shadow screen.

"Many businessmen from the family have already confessed that they secretly bribed some directors, and then the directors did not ask any questions. Even the problems in the mining area that had occurred before were suppressed directly. I Those bastards under my command have already confessed, and some of the incidents that happened before have been suppressed by them."

Locke sighed.

"I will let them explain some of the key issues, but when it comes to handling them, I will handle them."

Niya turned around and started walking.

"I know, Fatty. I will ask Michelle to send you some documents privately. You can handle it yourself. The related issues must be explained to our 5th Department in the next few days."

Looking at Niya leaving, Locke looked at the dark dormitory behind him with a slightly sad look. The General Affairs Department was very special because it had to integrate and process the things submitted by various departments and then transfer them to the Congress. Many places were far more complicated than Other departments imagine it to be much more complex.

Locke had become somewhat exhausted over the years. Of course, the overall low work efficiency of the General Affairs Department was also a problem. Locke walked slowly.

"Times have really changed!"

8:51 pm

There were many traces of excavation in the mine at the end of a tunnel with an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. Tianhen stood in front of the wall and stroked the rock coins. He could see a lot of ore scattered on the ground, as well as some that had been installed.

Blood stains were seen in many places, some human tissue parts, and even a few dried female corpses.

"I've told you everything I know. Sir, please let me go!"

Tianhen held the man's cell phone. He didn't know what they found at the end of a tunnel. Tianhen didn't intend to go there to see it because it was very dangerous.

The 14 people behind him were lying on the ground dying one by one. Two of them had been directly executed by Tianhen. They explained a lot of questions and Tianhen smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, as long as we get the things, it will be fine when we get up there, you know what to say, right?"

Chen An kept nodding his head, blood still flowing out of the corners of his mouth. Some workers looked at these people from Section 3 in horror. Tian Hen looked at Ren Jia next to him, and then the 12 living people were asked to stand up. , a worker cried for a while.

"Spare us, sir, we don't dare anymore, we really don't dare anymore."

Tianhen said with a relaxed smile.

"I'm just asking you to go in and identify the scene."

Chen An felt something keenly, and suddenly Chen An shouted.

"You will regret it if you kill me. If I die, what I hold in my hands will be exposed immediately. The cruel things you did inside will definitely be known to the people of the whole city."

Tian Hen's face showed confusion, but he soon laughed.

"These things have nothing to do with me."

After saying that, Tianhen directly ordered them to go in, but each worker struggled. Tianhen instantly ejected and pinched a worker's neck until he was motionless. Tianhen threw him directly into a tunnel. Go, the structure here is not very stable, and it will collapse with just a small blast. The place they mined privately is very secret and very difficult to find. Tianhen has already arranged everything.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, there was a voice. Tian Hen frowned slightly. Owen rushed in. The others were frightened. Ren Jia immediately stopped Owen. Owen was panting and sweating. He didn't see Tian Hen when he came to the bottom of Mine No. 13. They found this place after searching everywhere.

Owen looked in shock at the whimpering and bruised workers on the ground, as well as the two dead people and a manager who seemed to be dying.

"Tianhen, what are you doing?"

"Nothing done!"

Tianhen replied easily, Owen immediately turned around alertly and planned to run away, but Tianhen quickly pressed him to the ground with quick eyes and hands. Owen, who was pressed tightly by Tianhen, roared angrily.

There was a rattling sound, and a lot of sand and stones were scattered on the stone wall. Owen wanted to get up angrily.

"Don't get excited, just listen to what we have to say first."

Owen calmed down after a few minutes. He looked at the miners opposite in disbelief. They had killed many people, and those people were lured from the bottom to come here to work in order to make money after they died. Get the insurance money from the insurance company, and in this underground world, everyone knows that accidents happen frequently.

If an accident occurs, the mining boss will basically give the mining manager a sum of money to deal with the matter, and will also give other people a comfort fee.

"We were wrong, we were really wrong, and we will never dare to do it again."

A worker begged, and Tianhen pointed to a tunnel nearby. There were several women who were killed by them. They were all brought in and severely violated before being killed.

"The reason why I do this."

"Leave them to the law to deal with Tianhen. The era we are in now is not barbaric."

Tianhen smiled slightly and suddenly took out his gun. A tall miner had already pressed a sharp metal against the neck of a team member.

"Let me go up, I don't want to die."

Tianhen threw away the gun in his hand, smiled slightly and got out of the way, but his eyes had already signaled to his men, and the other miners got up. At this time, Tianhen suddenly took a step forward, accompanied by a light red sound. particles, the worker was unable to move in an instant, and his head was directly twisted off in the next second.

Gunshots rang out, and several escaping workers were directly hit and fell to the ground. Tianhen looked at the few people who were still alive, and Owen stood up.



Tianhen ignored Owen and punched him in the abdomen. Owen fell softly.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time."

The rest of the team took action. Tianhen picked up Owen and walked into the tunnel leading to the outside with a slight smile.

"This world is like this Owen! There is no need to invest too much enthusiasm for some scum."

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