Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2016 The Lost Place 1 (Part 1)

January 31, 2247


"Hurry up, it will officially start after 0 o'clock. I hope you can march according to the plan. If you encounter danger, please fire the flare directly. Rescue will arrive in a few minutes! I wish you all good luck!"

Zijuan stood quietly at the door of the southern guard station. The march would start from here. 300 teams would march towards the west and east respectively. After marching through the barrier area of ​​more than 1,000 kilometers for more than a month, they would finally return. Go to the northern guard station.

Each team is still undergoing final preparations. They will set off in more than three hours. The section officers in charge of each team are still confirming the marching routes of the teams.

Each team will start with a delay of 3 minutes and march according to the route that has been drawn up. This is the barrier area march operation plan that has been finally launched after many years. Once it encounters any resistance, it can fight back unconditionally and without distinction. , once a threatening armed force is established, destroy it directly.

This march was extremely heavy for most people, because there were many small-scale conflicts in the barrier area last year. The mutated people in the barrier area raided the team training outside, and actually caused more than 100 deaths. People died and thousands more were injured.

The barrier area currently seems like a fog to most people. In the dilapidated facilities built by humans in the past, a large number of armed forces gathered, and most of them were ruthless criminals.

"Teacher Li Chu, why are you here at this time?"

In the office of the section chief of Section 3, Osman looked at Li Chu who walked in with confusion, and he smiled coldly.

"Don't worry, I just want to watch these young people go out. By the way, give me a copy of the team's list. I can help take a good look."

Although Osman had doubts, he immediately gave Li Chu a complete list of 300 teams, which included three levels of teams: ABC.

Among them, the A-level team has at least 5 mutants, while the B-level team only has 1 to 5 mutants, and the C team has no mutants.

The standard for this evaluation is combat effectiveness on the one hand, and the coordination and action capabilities of the team's practical training courses second.

Li Chu immediately entered the B1189 team and immediately called up the information of the team members. Osman was still busy with other scheduling issues, and Li Chu muttered leisurely.

"The best place for soldiers to end up is on the battlefield, isn't it?"

Osman looked at Li Chu doubtfully, he smiled and continued.

"It is common for people to die on the battlefield. There is no need for you to worry about Osman over this matter. There is no way there will be no casualties."

Osman stood up, his face serious, he covered his chest and coughed.

"Teacher Li Chu, the life of every soldier is important. That's why we have drawn up such a long march plan, so that we will not let the series of tragedies in the past happen again!"

Li Chu waved his hands and then laughed.

"I'm just talking casually, Osman, there's no need to get excited. Well, I'll go take a look at the city wall and watch the soldiers leave in person."

Osman looked at Li Chu and felt something strange. He would come over suddenly, which caught Osman off guard. The final manager of the city this month is Gu Yi.

"Teacher Li Chu, you tonight"

"How should I put it? I'm still a little worried."

Li Chu stood at the door, smiling sinisterly, but his voice sounded worried.

Osman smiled.

"It's okay, Teacher Li Chu. We have formulated a complete battle plan."

Li Chu hummed and stared at the B1189 team on the light and shadow screen. The captain was Tian Hen, the deputy captain Xima, the military doctor Ren Jia, and Owen, another survivor of the Jizhigrad War.

"Really, a failed farce!"

Li Chu fell into invisibility. He came directly to the city wall. Two light and shadow screens appeared. Li Chu pressed his hands on the light and shadow screens. The background of the screen immediately turned blood red, and black digital characters appeared on it. As the designer of the city's AI system, Li Chuben was a talented programmer, and it was too easy to tamper with data.

Li Chu did not use his authority, because once the authority was used, it would be recorded. Li Chu did not want other people to know these things. Soon the action route of the B1189 team was tampered with, and the destination was the western armed forces. At the gathering place, Li Chu didn't want the team to come back safe and sound.

Li Chu originally planned to handle the incident in the mine by himself, but he was a god. In the end, Li Chu chose Tianhen because this child was brought back by Jean, and he had paid attention to every move of this child. But in this matter, Li Chu probably understood something. There is no future for such people, who will do whatever it takes to get the upper hand.

"There's only so much he can do."

Li Chu had seen many people like this, but they were just rats in the ditch. Li Chu just wanted to put an end to the leaks of the Black Mountain Research Base, regardless of whether they had seen what was inside the Black Mountain.

And some of the things the team had done before made Li Chu feel unhappy. Looking at Tian Hen was like looking at himself in the past, Li Chu laughed.

"If you can come back alive, I might give you a chance!"

Soon Li Chu completed the tampering of all the data. This data would not leave any flaws. In Li Chu's view, things in Black Mountain must not be leaked. This team is very likely to become a breakthrough.

The dead mining manager could not have left only one record. The whereabouts of the other record holder has not yet been found, but Li Chu copied the records and found that the file had been copied more than 10 times. , but according to the last transmission node, it can be determined that there are two copies. Now C has only recovered one copy, and the other copy has not yet been recovered.

The remaining share was most likely taken away by Tianhen. It is impossible for a smart person like him not to leave anything close to him. In addition, Jean has barely taken care of Tianhen in these years. Li Hatsuya didn’t hope that one day in the future, Gene would have to deal with the children he brought back from the barrier zone with his own hands.

"Let me help you this time, bastard Jean!"


Tianhen just got up from the bed in the dormitory, and the rest of the team also woke up. Now they are starting to prepare. They have adjusted their time for this march in the barrier area. They have been resting since yesterday. Tonight, Tianhen yawned and felt refreshed. He smiled happily.

"When I come back, I will be promoted."

Ren Jia, who was on the upper bunk, laughed.

"Captain, I might get married next year."

Tianhen was stunned, and several other people in the dormitory also laughed.

"I don't even know when your kid found a girlfriend."

"last year."

Tianhen smiled helplessly.

"Captain, can you ask your sister out next time?"

A team member asked, and Tianhen immediately stood up and pressed his head.

"Go and take a good look at yourself in the mirror. In what way are you worthy of my sister?"

For a moment, everyone in the dormitory laughed. At this time, the dormitories were opened, and Owen and several other team members stood at the door.

"Move quickly."

Tianhen nodded, everyone quickly finished dressing, and soon the members of the team left the dormitory. There were 21 men and 9 women in the B1189 team.

At 10 o'clock, Tianhen led the team members into the maintenance room and started to get their own supplies. Tianhen looked at the backpack containing weapons and ammunition. The moment he picked it up, Tianhen felt a trace of doubt, because he felt The weight is wrong, it seems a little lighter.

But soon Tianhen didn't care, maybe because there was less ammunition, because the funds for Section 3 are now seriously insufficient, and Tianhen didn't care much about weapons and ammunition. As a mutant, he can have them even if he doesn't need to rely on weapons and ammunition. With powerful lethality, no one knows the situation in the barrier zone better than himself.

"Captain, the backpack is a lot lighter."

Xima behind him raised his doubts, and some team members also weighed their backpacks, but they were not sure. Tian Hen thought for a moment and said.

"Let's go. The funds for Section 3 are so tight now. Maybe some of our team's ammunition is allocated to C-level teams."

Xima was still a little confused. She wanted to open the backpack to check, but the team behind her was already urging her. Then Xima picked up the combat backpack of another team, weighed it and found that the weight had also reduced, so she didn't care and just went He put on his backpack and picked up an automatic rifle, pistol, tactical saber, 12 grenades, 3 flash bombs and night vision goggles.

Each team will be equipped with 10 sniper rifles. Tianhen took two of them, Xima also took two, and everyone else took one of the remaining sniper rifles.

After getting some equipment and weapons, the whole body weight was more than 40 kilograms, and the food supply was only available for 7 days. After 7 days, they would arrive at the supply point to replenish food and water.

It's just that this time the departure started from the south. Originally, Tianhen thought it was starting from the east, so that their team could go towards the south route. The south route was relatively stable. Tianhen was very clear about this. But now they have to go from the west. Although Tianhen has never been to the west, some people from the west know that there are many armed forces there and there are many mutants.

Although Tianhen was a little worried, he immediately eliminated this worry. The purpose of this march was mainly to deter the criminals in the barrier area. They should not blindly start a war with Section 3.

After sorting everything out, many people in the team were holding their phones, planning to call relatives, friends or loved ones. Tian Hen took the phone and looked at his sister's number. He originally wanted to call back, but when he thought about the previous few Tian and his sister quarreled again. She was like a housekeeper now, nagging him as soon as he got back. Tian Hen couldn't stand it.

Didi didi

Just when Tianhen was hesitating, the phone rang. He was startled and hurriedly answered it.

"You're going to the barrier area, why don't you give me a call?"

"Is it necessary? It's not a big problem. Your brother and I have the ability to protect ourselves."

Tianai on the phone laughed.

"Just brag, Niya will beat you up every time and you will be unable to get up."

Tianhen was a little embarrassed because his sister's voice was a bit loud. He hurriedly avoided the team members and went to a quiet corner and said impatiently.

"Okay, I know I'll be careful myself."

"I'd better tell Jean that if you are in danger, he can rush over to rescue you and tell me the route to where you are going."

Tianhen immediately refused.

"This is the secret of Section 3, how can it be done?"

"Hurry up, you have forgotten, I saved you several times when you were a child."

Tianhen is a little angry. Although what my sister said is true, my sister has advantages, but it is also a disadvantage. She always worries too much about some things, and always thinks of the worst when encountering anything. , and has a mouth like a machine gun, finding countless excuses to prove that her worries are worth it.

Tian Hen still remembers the years when he and his sister lived in the barrier area. The most memorable time was when his sister kept crying that day. No matter how he coaxed her, her sister pulled Tian Hen and hoped that he would not go out, but the food and food for the two of them were We are already running out of water, and we will starve to death if we don't go out.

My sister couldn't speak at the time. She could only tell Tianhen what she heard with gestures. In the end, Tianhen didn't go out. When she went out the next day, she found that a place where food was exchanged for food had been washed with blood everywhere. They are all corpses.

"Move quickly."

Tian Ai continued to urge.

"I see."

Tian Hen was a little impatient, but he still sent the action plan in his hand to Tian Ai. His sister was always so recalcitrant, and Tian Hen couldn't talk to her. Since she could speak, the brother and sister basically bickered. The mark will always only be a share of being beaten.

"Really, you have such a bad character, if anyone marries you in the future."

"You fart, I will only look at one man in my life."

Tianhen sighed helplessly. He learned Jean's identity from Niya. He was extremely shocked at the time, and his sister also knew that it was impossible for her and Jean.

My sister is only very well-behaved and sensible in front of Jean. At other times, my sister has a bad temper, a bad personality, and is quite shady. Tian Hen doesn’t know how her sister became like this. She is still like this before, but she just can’t speak out. .

"Listen carefully. If you encounter any danger, don't hesitate. You would rather let others take the back seat than come back to hear it."

"What are you talking about? I am the captain of Team B1189 after all, and"

A serious voice came from the other side of the phone.

"You are my brother and the only relative I have in this world."

Tianhen sighed.

"I see. You seem to be still busy over there. Is something burnt?"

Tian Hen heard the buzzing sound on the phone, but soon heard Tian Ai's fussy voice, and he pressed his forehead helplessly.

"It doesn't matter if it's burnt or not, as long as it's served by me, the guests will still eat it. If it doesn't work, I'll just feed it to them. Everyone will forgive me anyway. I'm so cute and beautiful."

Tianhen felt a little speechless for a moment. My sister has this kind of character.

"I know, I will be careful."

After hanging up the phone, the nervous part of Tian Hen's heart relaxed. This was also the case in the past. Every time Tian Hen went out, he knew that there was a sister who needed to be taken care of waiting for him at home. Therefore, no matter what happened to Tian Hen, as long as he returned It would be nice to see his sister at home. Tian Hen desperately wanted to climb up, half of it was because of his sister. He just wanted to give her a good environment.

Back in the team again, everyone had basically finished making phone calls. Only Owen and Xima had no one to contact. They stood together and talked about something with serious expressions.

"Please be careful, the real barrier area is completely different from training and what you thought in the past!"

Owen hummed and looked at Tianhen.

"There is no light there, it is a place very close to death!"

Tianhen was a little surprised and he laughed.

"I didn't expect such words to come out of your mouth."

Owen ignored Tianhen, turned around and walked directly to queue. Tianhen glanced at the time, it was just 10:38.

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