Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2027 The Lost Land 4 (Part 2)

"Take everyone with you and retreat to the north!"

Agata stared quietly at the blue light that appeared in the dark night sky. Several frontline strongholds had already sent news that Jean from Section 13 was coming. Agata knew very well that no one could stop Jean.

After looking back at the ruined city behind him, Agata turned his head and the vehicle started. Agata only asked his men to bring some food and weapons, while others could only stay behind. It was important to escape now.

Agata smiled easily. Many years ago, she had met Jean several times. She took the initiative to ask Jean a question, what exactly are we to you.

It's just that Jean didn't answer this question, not even once. Agata smiled and the car started driving quickly. Once they encountered the purge, they would go directly to the more harsh northwest and wait until the purge was over. return.

Agata took a drag on the cigarette, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and then smiled bitterly. After learning the information about the outpost, Agata immediately organized his men to retreat, even if Jean hadn't come over. , Agata also plans to retreat, and there will be no good results in a head-on confrontation with Xingke.

"If you can't answer this question, let me answer it for you, Mr. Jean! We are like a chronic death disease. One day the city will die from this disease, hahaha!"

Agata smiled excitedly. Although she did not take away the weapons and supplies, the people living here would definitely take the opportunity. However, in this land, people speak with their fists, so in the end they had no choice but to hand them back obediently.

9:13 am

A small town occupied by armed forces was wailing. No one knew what happened, but the only thought was to escape, but the man in front of him showed no mercy, and corpses appeared one after another.

"We did nothing, nothing."


Several people who were caught up threw away the weapons in their hands. They looked at Jean in horror, but the next second their chests exploded and they fell to the ground with flying blood.

Gene looked at a car that had started not far away with a cold expression. With a whoosh, Gene instantly moved to the front of the car, raised his right foot high, and slashed down instantly.

There was a loud crunching sound, accompanied by blue particles, and the entire car and the people in the car were instantly smashed to pieces. Gene took out a cigarette from his pocket. There was no one alive in this town. He turned around And started running.

This was already the enemy's sixth stronghold. In less than a few minutes, Jean had already seen a stronghold where gang members were gathering in front of him, and Jean rushed in instantly.

This is already the last large stronghold on the outskirts of the Northern Crimson Tide. Jean plans to eradicate all the armed forces in the northwest without leaving any one behind. It will take a long time for stability in the future.

"You devil!"

A man cried out and fired angrily with the gun in his hand. But the moment the three bullets were fired, the man stopped breathing. The bullets hit the wall and sparked, and Jean slowly moved forward. There was blood splattering behind him.

Some people surrendered, but before they could make a gesture of surrender, Jean had already passed by them. In less than a minute, hundreds of people were lying on the ground, not breathing.

"It starts again!"

Jean said lightly, and he slowly walked out of the town. He closed his eyes, and there was only the sound of the wind whistling in his ears. Jean continued to move forward.

Soon Jean stopped. In front of him was a large city built in front of the mountains. However, there were only a few residents left in the city. Jean walked slowly over and did not see any armed forces. People, near the stronghold in front of the city, are some people who are grabbing everything that can be taken away.

A small-scale conflict broke out. The person who grabbed the weapon first opened fire without any hesitation. The situation in the entire city was extremely chaotic. Jean stood on the periphery and watched quietly. It seemed that the armed forces had already After evacuating, Gene took out a cigarette and quietly witnessed everything in front of him.

Several half-year-old children were shouting, holding the weapons in their hands, as if they had received some great gifts. At this time, a group of children discovered Jean. There were more than ten children, the youngest of whom looked to be only six or seven years old. , they looked at Jean quietly, their eyes full of hostility.


One of the leading children fired. Gene stretched out a finger to hold down the bullet that was shot at him. For a moment, the other children panicked. Gene did not take action, but just looked at the situation and began to retreat. Among the children, the leader did not retreat and was always confronting Jean.

"I've heard about you, you must be Gene from Section 13!"

Gene nodded slightly. The bullet in front of Gene fell on the ground and made a slight noise. The child in front of him in the wind and sand walked towards Gene without any hesitation.

"Get out of here."

Gene still remained silent, and the children in front of him looked very excited. At this time, the children who had retreated gathered around him.

"Even if you kill us, we will never surrender!"

A slightly younger girl said excitedly, and some children nearby agreed.

Jean showed a soft smile, then turned around and walked away. For a moment, Jean felt a deep sense of powerlessness and self-blame in his heart. Looking at this child was like seeing Tianhen and Tianai in the past. Two siblings.

"If you had the chance to live in the city, would you like to go?"

Gene asked, and the group of children behind him were moved for a moment.

"We won't go, the people in the city just think of us as bugs and garbage."

Gene grinned slightly with a slightly bitter expression, and then walked slowly. He didn't know what to do. No matter what he did, he couldn't change the established fact of the barrier zone. Who could change all this? Maybe no one could change all this.

In the dusty sky, Jean was smoking alone, looking at the hard ground under his feet with some sadness. A large golden field in his mind was burning in flames, and all the pictures became fragmented.

It has been a century since the establishment of Brilliant City, and a century is neither long nor short. It is long enough to accomplish many things, but when I look back, I find that nothing has changed and nothing has been accomplished.

In my memory, before the establishment of Brilliant City, the eight of them sat together, customizing and perfecting various things at night, and during the day they discussed the division of the city with people from major forces.

Every night, Gene would listen to Ellie talking about the beautiful blueprints in her heart, and just listen quietly. Gene would not refute everything Ellie said, because they had become gods and had absolute power. This power can check and balance everything, and can create many things that humans need. Everything Ellie said, Gene agreed with, because it can be realized.


There was a noise, and an empty can of liquid food rolled past in the wind and sand, and Gene came back from his thoughts.

Everything in the past flashed through Jean's mind quickly. Jean raised his head. There were slightly shiny blue particles next to the cigarette in his mouth. There was a deep sense of powerlessness on his face.

"Everyone living here is a real person!"

Jean looked forward, and vaguely he seemed to see Monica, a powerful mutant who roamed this land in the past. After contacting her many times, Jean discovered that she was not a villain, but a human being. A truly free person, she never cares about anyone's eyes and enjoys it all the time.

"The world is bad enough, Gene. I'm not someone like you who can afford something. I'm just an ordinary woman. I just need to live freely of my own will before I die."

In the end, Monica died, and it was Gene who took her life with his own hands.

"If I really want to die, I hope to die in your hands. After all, you are the man I admire most in my life. Just let me be the cornerstone of the new era. After all, you in the new era need some My achievements are enough for everyone to see, and I just hope that one day I can bask in the light of the new era!"

Jean sat quietly on the ground. This place was the place where Monica passed away in the past. At this time, Jean thought of Hydera, who was also a similar existence to Monica.

Hydra is a symbol of the legalization of Brilliant City. Jean has been Hydra's grievance officer in the name of another director since Hydra was imprisoned.

During the 30 years he was imprisoned in Hydera, he never complained about wanting to have his sentence reduced or to go out. Instead, he mentioned things in prison countless times in his complaints.

Hydra always used his actions to show that I was not guilty, and that I could be free even in prison. Hydra once said something in his complaint, and Jean was surprised by what he said.

"What do we live for? When we were children, we were fearless, innocent and happy, and felt that we were different, as if everything was at our fingertips. However, as time goes by, we encounter problems that cannot be solved, so we We started to be rebellious and felt that we had nothing to do. We had plenty of time and we still had opportunities. However, before we knew it, when we grew up, we found that we had no opportunities. At this time, we learned something, kept a low profile, became obedient, and became capable. Bow to those who are stronger than you, but no matter how hard you try, once you start to become useless, you will be kicked away. Until one day, we figured something out and decided to break everything and start over, relying on our own efforts Come to obtain a happy life, work hard, and year after year we finally have a little harvest. However, there will always be people in this world who want to get something for nothing. You need to always be careful about your back, because these people will always want to step on you. As you climb up, you must always be vigilant. And when you finally achieve your so-called happiness through hard work, you can spend your old age peacefully, but at this time you are watching the people and things you were familiar with in the past slowly disappearing, and you begin to We are afraid of death and become timid. Finally, when we get old, we become chatty, like to miss the past, become sarcastic, and become the old people we used to hate. In the end, we will all lead to death, and death is The fairest thing in the world, no matter how glorious you were in the past, no matter how miserable you were in the past, you will only be reduced to dust in the end!"

"Live to die!"

Jean exhaled a puff of smoke easily. The words Hydra once said in the complaint to himself were exactly the same as what the teacher had said to Jean before he was dying.

Jean stood up and continued walking. At this moment, Jean thought of Alpha. The third era of Brilliant City started and ended because of her, and she was Jean's most proud disciple and a daughter-like existence.

Jean still clearly remembers taking Alpha to the barrier area when she was very young. At that time, Alpha had already begun to understand things.

"I will change this place, I will definitely do it!"

Gene still remembers that when he heard Alpha say that, he was very relieved, extremely relieved. In the years that followed, watching Alpha grow stronger day by day, and when he grew up enough to shoulder the entire era, Gene was extremely gratified.

However, things went beyond Jean's expectation. Everything collapsed so quickly. Alpha had already understood everything. It can be seen from her last letter to each section chief that she knew exactly how to solve all problems. , but time doesn’t allow it, and neither does time.

Jean still remembered Alpha's hoarse roar. At the last moment, Jean clearly felt the great sadness in Alpha's heart. She had regained her consciousness, but she still punched herself.

There is no regret medicine in this world. Jean knows very well that the fourth era of Brilliant City has begun, but in those quiet and unknown places, the products of the collapse of the next era will begin to brew again.

Jean clenched his fists. The first era from the perspective of the people was over, and ended in a chaotic collapse. The second era of legalization also ended amidst the boiling public opinion. The first era with a complete system ended. Three eras also ended because of the excessively expanded monster called capital.

Gene is helpless about the end of it all, and has tried various methods, but the city will always be like a huge monster, eating everything every once in a while.

Gene's clenched fists unclenched again, and he felt powerless. The establishment of the Brilliant City was only possible when the warm sunlight shone on this cold land, because Ellie turned into the sun, and this land It was warm, so it was named Bright City.

The light that can warm everyone still rises and sets on time every day, but the light of the sun is no longer enough to warm people's hearts. Even under the sun, today's era can still make people feel chilly.

"Is there such a person? The kindness in the heart is like the sun, it can warm the people around you."

Jean smiled bitterly and pressed his forehead with one hand. Then he continued to walk. He had to go back to where Tianhen and the others were. Mo Xiaolan should have found Tianhen and the others by now. Jean informed Mo before he came. Xiaolan, only Mo Xiaolan can know about this matter.

Soon Jean's figure was submerged in the wind and sand.

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