Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2047 The fluttering butterfly 5 (Part 2)


In a mansion located on the eastern edge of the family area, close to District 7, the lights are brightly lit, and bursts of laughter can be heard. In a pavilion on the second floor, eleven people gather together, and there are There are many dishes.

Many dishes have tasting labels, which are very eye-catching. All the furnishings in the room look old, many of them are solid wood furniture, and even the drinking and eating utensils are somewhat faded, and some have chips.

It's just that the atmosphere of the family looks good, they are happy and everyone is talking and laughing.

"Chloe's child's grades have improved recently, which is really worthy of celebration for our family. Let's drink to Chloe's bright future."

The eldest man in the family raised his wine glass, and everyone else raised their wine glasses. This is the mansion of the Chloe family, and there are 12 people in total including Chloe.

With four generations living in the same room, the atmosphere in the entire family is relatively harmonious, and everyone is very happy every day.

The Chloe family is a relatively special family in the entire family. This family is the last family. Basically, the 12 members of the family need to rely on a little relief money from distant relatives and Congress.

The Chloe family once had its glory days, and the old man who just toasted was Zam, the patriarch of the Chloe family's glory days, but that was half a century ago.

Half a century ago, the young Zam took over the family from the deceased first-generation patriarch of the Chloe family. At that time, they ran many grocery stores, wineries, and a machinery parts factory. The strength in the entire family is also very strong.

Zam devoted almost everything to his family and worked diligently. However, one day Zam fell ill. After finally recovering, Zam felt that life would be useless if he continued to be so busy. Meaningless.

From then on, Zam began to live a leisurely life, and the family business no longer was done by himself, but was handed over to some young people in the family. The result was losses, and some grocery stores began to close down one after another.

At this time, other relatives and families advised Zam to go back to work, but Zam still ate, drank and had fun every day and was too lazy to take care of the family business. As a result, thirty years ago, the Chloe family could no longer bear the bankruptcy, but it did not They did not disappear because they had a powerful family as their backing.

This backer is Ivy’s family, and Ivy’s mother Ista, as Zam’s eldest daughter, naturally cannot ignore the Chloe family. With Ista’s help again and again, the Chloe family has come back to life, and temporarily had gained a firm foothold, but Zam was still eating, drinking and having fun.

Gradually, things about the Chloe family spread in the family circle, and under Zam's influence, the members of the Chloe family, who were not many in number, began to eat, drink, and have fun every day.

Because I think money is enough and I can live happily every day. In such day-to-day fun, Chloe's family, who finally found a foothold, fell into a huge crisis again with several changes in the city. middle.

In the end, the Chloe family went bankrupt more than ten years ago, but the family did not disappear. Istar would give them a sum of money every month. After that, Istar could no longer stand it and gave them a sum of money. , and even let them move into some of their family's properties, hoping that they would work well, but the family did not use the money to do business.

In just over a year, all the money was spent by Zam and others, all spent on enjoyment. Ishtar was completely desperate and cut off the money he gave them every month, and Zam himself In the end, he had no choice but to take the whole family to the General Affairs Section. Finally, after repeated attempts at persuasion, the Congress agreed to give each member of the family a monthly relief fund of 500 yuan.

After all, the Chloe family has made a huge contribution to the establishment of the city. In addition, regarding the family's immunity and marriage issues, the Chloe family has long stood up and spoken out to support Congress's approach.

At this time, Zam's third son Tok and his wife gave birth to the fourth generation of the Chloe family. For the future of the Chloe family, the whole family directly named the child Chloe and planned to place all their hopes on this child. On children.

Chloe has been told by her grandparents, uncles and aunts since she was a child that she is the hope and future of the family. The whole family's idea is very simple, to train Chloe to be an elite among the elite, so that she may earn a lot of money in the future. , so that the life of their Chloe family will be easier.

Chloe showed great talent when she first entered elementary school. The whole family was very happy about this. As expected, Chloe accepted the special recruitment of All-Field Academy when she was 10 years old and became the youngest in All-Field Academy. Special admissions.

The family was extremely happy, and all this could not be done without Ivy. Zam’s grandniece is very good. She has been with Ivy since Chloe was sensible. The whole family also hopes that Chloe can learn from Ivy. Learned everything from him.

It's just that Chloe's grades have been poor in recent years. The whole family is afraid that she will be kicked out, so they take care of everything every day just so that Chloe can study with peace of mind. At this time, Chloe is in the room Study here.

"Go get some snacks and drinks for Chloe."

Zam said, and Chloe's mother, Lil, stood up with a smile, took a plate of cookies, poured a glass of milk, and walked up to the third floor. Chloe's room is the one with the best view in the house to the east. Small independent room.

"Chloe, eat something and then continue studying."

As soon as Lil entered the room, she saw her daughter who was already asleep on the table. She couldn't bear it, but she soon woke up Chloe, who wiped her saliva and said sorry.

"You have to work hard. You can't be satisfied just because your grades are good. You have to work harder."

Chloe hummed in a sensible and obedient way. Watching her mother leave, Chloe showed a lonely and slightly sad expression. It was a fact that her family was very good to her, and the atmosphere in the whole family was very good, from childhood to adulthood. She was very happy.

It's just that Chloe doesn't want to work so soon. Her family's wish is for Chloe to enter the practice department. After all, once she enters the practice department, her income will be very stable if she gets promoted, especially the welfare package of the 1st department is very good.

As long as you are top-notch in all fields of the academy, you can easily enter the first subject and move up. Now Chloe has a salary, 500 yuan a month. Although it is not much, it is very good for the entire Chloe family. , every month Chloe would give the money to Grandpa.

Chloe felt that all this was very strange. This was not the life she wanted. Although her family thought that she could definitely make a difference in the business department, Chloe did not think so, because there were more students in the academy than in all fields. She is full of excellent people.

Moreover, it is not easy to graduate from the All-Area Academy. Many current students can only become teachers in the end. The All-Area Academy is like the talent reserve room of Section 1 Chief Xue Wang. To be honest, Chloe doesn't like it too much. She actually admires Shengde. The students there have outstanding talents that are not inferior to those of All-Field College, and their excellence is top-notch. There is a limit to the excellence of All-Field College.

In Chloe's view, All-Field Academy seems to be a mechanical factory, while Saint Deity is a free creative field.

"What should I do."

Chloe is only in her teens now, but she has already fallen into a huge confusion in her life. Her poor grades are not because she did not study well, but because she deliberately filled in the wrong answers. Her senior sister Ziyu Er has discovered this a long time ago and uses it to threaten himself, often treating himself as an errand boy.

Chloe met Zi Yu'er recently. She has now entered the 5th subject, but she is not satisfied. It seems because she contradicted the section chief of the 5th subject on the day she passed the exam, and her life will definitely be difficult in the future. Originally, Zi Yuer He was supposed to go directly to Section 1, but was forcibly included in Section 5 by the head of Section 5.

The rare weekend is coming to an end. Chloe will go back to school tomorrow morning. She doesn't want to go to school, and she doesn't feel comfortable staying at home. The only thing that has made Chloe happy over the years is the days spent with her aunt Ivy. Now Now that my aunt is getting married and starting a family, she no longer has time to take care of herself.

A sad expression appeared on Chloe's face. She really wanted to live a free life instead of living like this. Chloe felt a little fed up, but life would go on, and everything would be business as usual tomorrow morning.

While thinking, Chloe ate the cookies and drank the milk. She was still a little tired and wanted to have a good sleep. Then Chloe took a bath and fell asleep. The laughter of the family downstairs was still there. While continuing, Chloe smiled helplessly. In fact, her family was really good to her, but they seemed to have lost their hands and feet.

Chloe slept very soundly that night. Early the next morning, at the urging of her mother, Chloe packed her things and prepared to go to the All-Field Academy. She took the pocket money for the next five days. After 20 yuan, Chloe left home.

Although everything in the school is free, you have to pay for meals yourself, but the price of food is much lower than outside, and there are many varieties of food. The most important thing is that it tastes good.

20 yuan is Chloe's food expenses for a week, which is completely enough. As long as she eats selectively, she can save 2 yuan.

It was just 7 o'clock when Chloe got on the subway. In less than 20 minutes, Chloe arrived at the gate of All Fields College. At this time, many students came back and Chloe stepped into the school gate.

"Good morning Mr. Billy."

Billy stood at the door with a smile, looking at Chloe who greeted him, he greeted her kindly and patted Chloe on the shoulder.

"Don't mess it up this time."

Chloe snorted and started running. Billy looked at Chloe walking away and sighed helplessly. This child cleverly answered some questions wrong every time he took the exam. In Billy's opinion, He was very happy, especially after learning about Chloe's family situation, and Billy also felt a little helpless.

There are still more than 300 students in the college. In the past few years, nearly 200 people in the college have entered the 1st subject. After all, the 1st subject now needs a big change. In the future, these children will gradually enter the 1st subject. King Xue will continue to transfer some of the past People were kicked out of one subject and replaced with their own students.

The entire teaching of the All-Field College is carried out around the content related to the Acting Department, and the work of the 1st Department is the top priority.

Chloe arrived at her dormitory first and chatted with her roommate in the same dormitory. The other party was very happy because she had good grades and was 2 years older than Chloe. She was looking forward to entering the business department because she was an orphan. Coming from the academy, Chloe understood her roommate's thoughts. It was very lucky for her roommate to be able to enter the All-Field Academy because of her intelligence.

After a while, Chloe came to the classroom. Monday's class was a chemical identification class, which required chemical identification of physical objects. This course is very important because it has a lot to do with the qualification appraisal of subject 1.

An item needs to be identified according to the city's corresponding qualification regulations to see if it meets the qualifications. Sometimes even some items that need to be identified for qualifications in the first subject will be sent for students to identify and give an evaluation report.

Chloe stared blankly at the teacher talking about something on the podium, and gradually became distracted. At the end of the class, Chloe didn't hear anything.

It was not until the morning classes were over that Chloe planned to go to the cafeteria, but at this time she was called over by her homeroom teacher Billy.

"Teacher Billy."

Chloe lowered her head in fear as she entered Billy's office, while Billy smiled kindly.

"Sit down Chloe."

Chloe hummed.

"That's right, the teacher just wants to ask you, when can you take the exam normally?"

Chloe was startled, and her body immediately trembled, but Billy didn't blame her.

"When I was your age, I would also encounter these problems, but most of the time, I didn't try to escape them."

Chloe lowered her head, and Billy stood up and pressed Chloe's head comfortingly.

“How about trying to be your best?”

Chloe looked at Billy in shock, and Billy continued.

"Your qualifications are no worse than Zi Yu'er, how about trying to surpass her and become number one in the school?"

"Teacher me."

Chloe didn't know how to answer.

"If you don't stand first, you won't be able to see many things, and your current confusion and hesitation are meaningless. Try to be first first. In this case, maybe these confusions and hesitations will disappear. ."

Billy said, and Chloe didn't know how to answer. After a while, Billy said with a serious expression.

"Chloe, if you still mess up this exam, then I have no choice but to ask you to leave here. We don't need a student here who doesn't even want to show his talents to others."

Chloe immediately stood up and apologized repeatedly, admitting that she had indeed made the wrong question on purpose during the exam. Billy nodded with satisfaction.

"As long as you understand, then this time I hope your grades will be at least in the top 5 of your grade. If you can't do that, just leave here."

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