Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2096 Encounter (Part 2)

"If you don't leave, it will be too late to start dinner, miss."

Jean looked at Le Xiao sitting on a chair by First Avenue with interest. Although she agreed to be his female companion at the banquet, she showed cowardice when the occasion came.

Jean was still waiting for Lexiao, and finally Lexiao started to move. Looking at her awkward look, Jean seemed very happy.

This time, Gene went to a businessman's banquet not because he wanted to get in touch with businessmen and achieve something. His purpose was to take Lexiao to experience the upper class society, at least to let her clearly see what the top class was like. What is the banquet like?

It's good to gain some knowledge at this stage, but Le Xiao always kept his head down.

After finally arriving at the banquet venue, it was obvious that Le Xiao was stunned by the luxurious atmosphere in front of her, and her body became stiff.

Then Jean went to the businessmen's room and dealt with some things. These businessmen made conditions open and closed, and Jean just agreed to them casually.

Whether they support it or not, the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area will definitely be implemented. Although it is no longer the same as in the past, there must be a solution to the problems facing the city.

Everything Jean is doing now is to pave the way for Lexiao's future. This is a prerequisite. Jean plans to attend more gatherings like this in the future and constantly send out various signals at the gatherings.

In this way, the businessmen will look over, and the nature of the businessmen is very clear to Jean. They only hope to be on good terms with Jean, so as to obtain greater profits, especially since many people at the bottom have been expelled and left vacant. Houses are like chickens that lay eggs for businessmen.

The implementation of various bills in the city has also been a point of development for businessmen, and the implementation of bills must be led by the secretary.

Once Section 13 has a secretary, it will no longer be a department that handles miscellaneous matters. The implementation of a large number of proposals within the Executive Section will also come to Section 13.

Once a breakthrough is opened, the solidified city will loosen up. Gene is looking forward to Le Xiao's future performance after taking office. Regardless of whether the performance is bad or excellent, Gene has already thought of a series of measures after making the decision.

The banquet was finally over, and Lexiao looked a little depressed. Gene carried Lexiao back and forth between the buildings, and the child smiled again.

Jean knew very well what this kind-hearted little girl was thinking. Her little thoughts were so simple that they could be seen through at a glance.

Today's Le Xiao reminds Jean of Ji Mo. In the past twenty years, Ji En has been in contact with Ji Mo the most. He is now the section chief of Section 9. Like Le Xiao, he has a very kind heart.

It's just a little different from Le Xiao. The end of the season is too idealistic. This is what Gene often reminds the end of the season.

Gene has not been so happy for a long time. The reason why people can be happy is because they have good hopes for the future.

However, this happiness did not last long.

Another sun in Jean's heart has fallen. Originally, Jean planned to let Le Xiao go up and partner with Ji Mo. The two of them share the same philosophy. They should be able to work together well to change the current situation of the city.

However, now everything collapsed in front of Jean, almost without any warning. Jean never thought that the end of the season would have such an amazing change in these years.

Gene didn't know when the end of the season started to change, but the fact had already happened, and the result before him was reality.

For a moment, Jean didn't know what to do. Once again, he watched something happen and was helpless. Many people passed through Jean's mind.

Monica's shadow gradually became clear at this moment. She didn't do anything. She just did what most powerful people would do in that chaotic era, just because she was a woman.

When the city was established, Monica's calls for death grew louder. She seemed to know that she would never be able to bask in the dawn of a new era, so she chose to continue doing evil until she was solved by Jean himself.

Gene is powerless. He knows very well that he cannot save Monica, because she has decided from the beginning and will never compromise for anything.

Gene thought of Hawke and Ye Chunwang, both of whom were his first students during the city's construction period. They had no choice and devoted themselves to the construction of the city without hesitation.

Ye Chunwang spent his life diligently cultivating the land, repeatedly dealing with the land day after day, and even now he is still dragging his old body around the fields.

Hawke was originally intended to be Jean's successor, but unfortunately things went against his wishes. Until the age of retirement, Jean was still running around the city.

During the mutant riot, Gene saw Hawke holding his wife, and he was very clear about the powerless pain. For the first time, Gene realized how difficult it was to change something.

After that, Jean devoted all his efforts to the business department. Those students grew rapidly and took over the important rules of managing the city.

In Alpha, Jean sees an infinite future. Her thoughts are the most similar to Jean's. She knows exactly what the city currently needs.

Reasonable systems and perfect laws, and Alpha achieved it. The foundations of various systems in the city today were laid by Alpha when he was in office.

What Gene regrets the most is the incident involving the Hillman family. He could have prevented it, but the city's conditions did not allow it. At the moment when the Hillman family collapsed, Gene heard all the shattering sounds.

Jean could do nothing, nothing could be done, he could only watch the era collapse, countless criminals springing up like mushrooms after rain, and the barrier zone was completely formed at that time.

Once again, various tragedies were being staged in the city. At this time, Gene thought of Fry, the man who devoted himself to the edge of the city. He could obviously have done more, but Fry gave up.

Gene was powerless when it came to Nabe's parents, and it was precisely because of Gene's powerlessness that ultimately led to all tragedies. Gene would go talk to Fry every year, but he was still the same.

Now, the same problem has occurred, and this time it is basically not the same as in the past. He let the end of the season go. The rationality in his consciousness did not allow him to do so, but this time Gene made a change.

Gene doesn't know what the future will hold, whether he will continue to face the end of the season next time, and what to do this time.

The city has reached a desperate situation. Although many people are aware of all this, they are unable to reverse the current predicament.

After what happened at the end of the season, Gene began to hesitate. Is it really useful to let Lexiao go up? Whether such a big gamble can succeed? If Jean loses this time, Jean will no longer think about flowers and sunshine.

Humanity is bound to enter the era of mechanization. Only by completely solidifying and entering the era of mechanization, where humans are controlled and monitored from birth to death, can most of the problems in human society be eliminated.

This is what Jean does not want to see. If such an era really comes, then the human species cannot be called human.

Everything that started at the end of the season came to an end quietly. The acting department suppressed everything and announced the truth that the people can believe.

Time always passed by unknowingly. Jean kept attending banquets of some businessmen, and often went to the Agriculture Department and the prison every three days.

June 3

Gene received a call from Niya and heard about Le Xiao again. Gene was a little helpless. Niya would still personally read some case reports submitted by Section 5 as always.

Le Xiao never called him. Gene didn't expect this girl to have such a stubborn side. He didn't plan to go there, but planned to wait until the girl took the initiative to come to him.

The city seems to have completely restored peace, but in fact there is an undercurrent, and Jean is still tracking down those who are planning to subvert the city.

It is certain that these people are using the maze-like huge underground sewers built when the city was first established. These sewers have been abandoned for more than half a century, as well as some subway lines opened in the past. They are intricately intertwined. Then It's their best hiding place.

After a whole day of investigation with no results, Gene returned to his empty home, planning to go to the Agriculture Department early tomorrow morning to discuss something with Ye Chunwang, and by the way go to the prison to see Alpha's situation.

The time has come, and the wise man still knows very well what he wants to do, so he will make some appropriate demands, and his next request is not difficult to guess, let them leave the prison.

The night was a bit unbearable, so Jean went to the ground floor and went to the cemetery managed by Ran Zai. He was still the same, with a playful and smiling face.

"I'll make some guy the secretary of Section 13."

When Gene said this, Ran Zai was a little shocked.

"You're kidding me, Mr. Jean."

Jean nodded.

"This time it's not a joke. If that guy becomes the secretary of Section 13, I will specially recruit you to become a member of Section 13."

Ran Zai burst out laughing.

It was obvious that Ran Zai didn't believe it.

"What kind of guy is he?"

Ran Zai asked, and Gene smiled mysteriously.

"He's a guy you can't even imagine."

After Jean left, Ran Zai's expression became serious. He knew that the city was about to change.

Only then did Le Wen come out of the house.

"Is Section 13 going to have a secretary?"

Ran Zai nodded.

"This is not a good thing, what should I do?"

Lewen shook his head and limped into the house. His hiding was not completely smooth in the past. In the end, Lewen was found by the people from Section 2. In order to escape, Lewen's leg was injured. After that, he was very lucky. After finding a hiding place and surviving with only a little water and food for nearly half a month, Ran Zai finally found him and brought him back to the cemetery.

"do you need my help?"

Ran Zai asked at this time, Le Wen seemed a little hesitant.

"After all, your daughter has been demoted and can only work in the agricultural base. She should be unable to endure such work."

Lewen smiled and shook his head.

"That child is very resilient. No matter what she encounters, she will adapt quickly and move forward."

Jean came to the Agriculture Department early in the morning and talked with Ye Chunwang about the agricultural base. All preparations were in place, and Jean knew that Ye Chunwang was sure to revive his apprentice.

After going to the prison again and talking to the wise men, at dusk, Gene planned to walk back slowly. When he came to the long slope outside the food guard station, Gene saw a man lying on the ground with his waist pressed. The woman is Le Xiao.

This surprised Jean. Jean looked at Lexiao with interest. She was still struggling to support her, and then she climbed up, but almost fell down. Jean stretched out a hand.

Le Xiao laughed happily, and the fatigue and pain just now seemed to disappear instantly.

"The job with a monthly salary of 2,000 as mentioned before is still valid. If you want, you can come to work after taking a few days off."

Le Xiao was still stubborn. Jean didn't know exactly what Le Xiao's job was, but at this moment she seemed to have given up on the idea of ​​continuing to suffer in the Agriculture Department.

"I know! Mr. Jean, please give me a job."

"Department 13 is currently short of a secretary, Miss Le Xiao. I am appointing you as the secretary of Department 13 now."

Le Xiao was stunned in front of her. She began to tremble uncontrollably, but Jean directly logged Le Xiao's information into the database of Section 13 without giving her any chance to explain or refute.

When everything was settled, Jean's gambling game began. He looked at the slightly crazy girl in front of him, but he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart and jumped up. Everything about her was real and she was a kind-hearted person. Ordinary people have a lot of shortcomings and shortcomings.

This time, Gene decided to take a gamble because he was running out of time and there was nothing he could do.


Gene sat quietly on the steps of the Congress Hall, Locke sat beside him, his expression was solemn, the night was already very deep.

"I will finish everything tomorrow morning and then officially prepare to leave the city."

Locke hummed. He had already informed all the students at God's Academy, as well as the current section chiefs and secretaries, that Jean would have a battle with Alpha tomorrow morning.

Some things cannot be explained in words.

At this moment, Gene's phone rang, the number 001301.

"Almighty handsome and gentle Chief, please help me, please?"

Le Xiao's crying voice came out.

"What's wrong, Secretary?"

Gene laughed, and Locke walked over, his expression serious and helpless, but he was very satisfied with everything this little girl had done recently. Her actions brought unprecedented vitality and hope to the city.

Le Xiao kept talking about the various tasks that Michelle had put down, especially the entertainment activities in the ten bottom districts planned by her. Le Xiao was very anxious.

"It's okay, just do it one by one. By the way, Le Xiao, come to Congress tomorrow morning. You probably haven't received the notice yet."

"What are you doing? I'm almost dying."

Gene smiled and stood up.

"You'll know when you get here."

At this point, the story of the Brilliant City Era Volume is completed. Starting tomorrow, we will return to the update of the main volume. The main volume and other independent country stories will be updated every day.

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