
Ike put down the spoon in his hand. He had just finished dinner and looked at the setting sun outside the iron window in front of him. There were large areas of fiery red in the sky.

Ike's eyes were full of sadness, and his expression that had been calm all day changed significantly. He was not a fool, and he naturally knew what kind of consequences this matter would have.

Will the father use the privilege?

Ike looked confused, but soon he started laughing.

"No way!"

Ike already had a clear answer in his heart. He was very aware of his father's stubbornness. His eldest brother was almost exactly the same as his father.

Over the years, due to some policy issues, Ike often quarreled with the two of them. Ike regretted it a little. Now that I think about it carefully, those quarrels were completely unnecessary.

From a very young age, Ike realized that he was not getting along with his father and brother, and what he thought was completely different from what the two of them thought.

But Ike was not as smart as his brother since he was a child, and his academic performance was average. Although he reluctantly became a technical engineer, he was only qualified. Originally, he looked at his father's back when he was a child. Ike also wanted to become a scientist and contribute to the Mars base. contribute to its development.

At the age of 30, Ike recognized the reality clearly. He had no talent. This kind of thing was a gap that could not be overcome with hard work. His brother inherited his father's talent very well, but Ike himself did not.

The greatest pain for a person is to recognize the reality clearly. The passion and ideals he once filled with collapse in the face of reality.

After that, Ike was depressed for a long time. It was his brother who pulled him into the parliament and became an ordinary executive, responsible for the management of engineering technology.

This is something I have never experienced before. As a manager, I plan and assign tasks well.

In the past, Ike strictly abided by his self-set schedule every day, worked hard, and had never been exposed to management. In the days when he became an executive, Ike experienced unprecedented fun, and also found that he was still direction to work towards.

This new direction made the cooled blood in Icke's body boil again. Becoming a good manager can also contribute to the Mars base.

His father's other identity is that of a manager, and he seems to have inherited some of his father's talents. Over the past few years, Ike has completely found his future direction and goals.

Over the years, Ike's approach has also received support and recognition from many people. Nothing is more important than being recognized for everything you have done.

Ike planned to continue on this path, but his life returned to the same old way, and his concept of management ran counter to that of his father and brother.

Thinking of this, Ike laughed helplessly, but the next second, Ike's expression turned serious.

Now, we can only hope that the Guards can find different evidence, otherwise once they enter the trial stage, their charges will be confirmed.

Ike couldn't figure out who was setting him up. Although two parliamentary positions were vacant due to the departure of his brother and sister-in-law, and he had a high chance of being elected, when did such a secret and despicable frame-up begin? Yes, who is that whistleblower?

Lloyd did not clearly say who the reporter was, but he mentioned that the evidence and logic were consistent and there were no loopholes. The most important thing was that the reporter had nothing to do with him, and he had not offended him. .


The cell door opened, and Lloyd was carrying a dozen beers and a portion of fried potatoes. He turned around, closed the door, and put down his things.

"There are a lot of rumors outside now, and the situation is not very good. Maybe I should postpone the arrest."

"At that time, you may be dismissed directly because of suspected cover-up behavior."

Ike said as he took a can of beer. The gray-brown bottle had Lloyd's name on it, indicating that the beer was produced by fermenting their wheat.

Ike said after taking a sip.

"It still tastes the same, terrible!"

Lloyd smiled.

"I just don't know when your father will use his privileges."

Ike shook his head.

"He will not use his privileges. Once he does, the consequences will be serious."

"This matter is difficult to handle. The biological DNA information found in your home has been confirmed. Starting tomorrow, we will investigate all the people who have been to your home. If"

Lloyd looked at Ike with a serious expression and said.

"I mean, if you can't find evidence, what are you going to do?"

Ike thought for a moment and said.

"Admit guilt!"

Lloyd looked at Ike blankly.

"We can't let my dad keep worrying about this matter. After all, if the peace of Base 66 is broken, you know better than anyone what it means."

Lloyd sighed.

"Of course I know. The only thing I don't know is who the guy who framed you is and what his purpose is."

Ike smiled helplessly.

"Who knows!"

8:03 pm

Qianyu returned to his apartment a little tired. To the east of the base, this is where most single citizens live. Basically, citizens with families can get detached three-story houses with front and back yards. Family planting areas, while ordinary citizens’ planting areas are planned to the west.

The apartment was nearly 60 square meters, which was enough for one person to live in. Qianyu lay directly on the bed in the bedroom. She was very tired. For several hours, she had been asking everywhere, looking for clues. She had asked many friends to help with the investigation. .

Now she can only continue to wait for the results. Qianyu feels bad because she is a little worried about the attitude of the base commander and cannot find any breakthrough in this matter.

After lying down for a while, Qian Yu got up. She planned to go to the bar, meet some old classmates, and bring Fila to her home. The little girl might starve to death if no one took care of her.

Qianyu laughed heartily when he thought of Fila.

Over the years, I learned most of the things about Ik through Fila.

Some people have begun to use their privileges to make a fuss, which Qianyu is very disgusted with, but the effect is very good, and many people are already questioning the base director.

Various conspiracy theories have even begun to appear. These rumors will not stop in a short time. This scene will appear before every election of new members. Qianyu has had enough. She just doesn't like to argue with others. I don't want to participate in the parliamentary election.

Regardless of whether the base commander uses his privileges or not, this incident will have very bad consequences.

Didi didi

Qianyu picked up the phone and found a familiar number.

"Come out and have a drink, Miss Qianyu!"

"Mr. Bernal!"

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