
Bernal had just had lunch and stepped into the guard building. Under the escort of Lloyd and many members of the guard, Bernal walked through the noisy streets.

The protests are still going on, and Mars Base 66 is on full strike. Now Bernal just wants to go see Gable and Icke and his son and talk to them.

After all, the current situation is very unstable, and someone must stand up. That must be someone who can be convinced. Gable is one, and so is Ik.

There are also many objections among supporters, and we must strike while the iron is hot.

After taking the elevator to the holding room on the third underground floor, Bernal motioned to Lloyd and the others to just wait at the door, and walked in with the key.

After opening the cell, both Gable and Ike looked at him for a moment, with anger in their eyes.

"Teacher, Ike!"

Bernal smiled and bowed.

"What are you doing here?"

Gable asked coldly, while Ike remained silent. Bernal sighed and sat on a chair by the door.

"I hope teacher you can come forward."

"This is your own business, isn't it? Your Excellency, Base Commander."

Gable said, and Bernal scratched his head.

"It won't work if you don't come forward, teacher. There is now a full strike in the base. Although I expect them to last for up to half a month, it seems that the punishment order issued this morning is not effective."

Gable smiled helplessly. He naturally knew the student's thoughts and wanted to be on his side and help him lobby those citizens who objected to let them continue to work.

"Unfortunately, I am no longer the base commander, and I have no responsibility or obligation to help you lobby anyone."

Bernal nodded.

"I know I didn't say anything and did it all of a sudden. It's indeed a bit much, but teacher, you have to understand what reality is. If we don't do anything now, sooner or later this place will be finished. Even if it can continue, One day, once the invaders arrive, we will no longer have any chance."

Gable laughed heartily.

"Are you still thinking about Asgard?"

Bernal hummed.

"They will definitely launch an invasion. It's just a matter of time. I think teacher, you have to recognize the reality now. Just help me for the last time. How about it?"

Bernal looked at Ike, who was sitting in the corner with his head lowered and silent. His eyes at this time contained anger.

"Ike, I'm sorry that I didn't let you participate, because like the teacher, you are too stubborn and you will not accept such an approach."

"Mr. Bernal, if you do this suddenly, it will cause chaos to the existing society."

Bernal nodded.

"It is true that I admit that there is a big difference between the plan and the actual situation, but if all citizens are not allowed to smoothly enter the new society, everything in the future will be increasingly difficult to unfold."

Gable stood up and walked to Bernal.

"What do you want me to do? Give a speech that gets everyone to support you? Do you think it's possible? I asked you before, what do you want to do?"

Bernal hummed. The situation from yesterday to today made Bernal feel the crisis, because if the strike continues, the construction transactions between the bases will be extended indefinitely, and the things promised to those bases are There is no way to achieve it.

Now is an important time to establish a trusting relationship, and Base 66 must be fully mobilized.

"Teacher, I guarantee that the future society will not be as bad as you think. Please help me."

Bernal stood up again and bowed.

Gable looked at his students blankly. Bernal was like this in the past. He was very good at dealing with people and was the best among his students. He had personally dealt with many troubles in aid transactions with other bases over the years. fixed.

"What if I say I don't want to?"

Gable asked, and Bernal shook his head.

"If you don't want to do it, teacher, I have no choice but to think of other ways."

Bernal said and turned around to leave, when Ike stopped him.

"Mr. Bernal, what is the situation now?"

"There are still some minor problems in 21 bases, but it is only a matter of time to solve these minor problems. This morning I held a brief meeting with other base directors, and we have already discussed the future social resource allocation issues and production capacity issues. A comprehensive deal has been made, and now as long as our base can start construction normally and we can devote all our efforts, it will only take two years to connect all Mars bases and end the miserable life of second-class citizens."

Gable hesitated because he didn't know whether his student was telling the truth or a lie.

"Remember, teacher, you once asked me in the past what I would like to do if I served as base commander in the future."

Gable nodded.

"I said, you will know it by then. Isn't that the case now?"

Gable pondered. He didn't know what to do. He was indeed a little angry, but he had talked about a lot of things with his son in the past two days, and heard a lot of issues from other bases from his son. These things he usually Although I have heard some about it, basically all my energy is spent on my own base and scientific research.

"Teacher, I hope you can think about it, at least think about your granddaughter."

For a moment, both Gable and Ike looked at Bernal angrily, and he shook his head.

"I mean the future of children. In such a shared society, is there really a future? What has been the result over the years? I think you two know better than me what the future means to children. What?"

Bernal turned around and walked out of the cell. He looked back at the father and son again.

"I hope you can think carefully about it, teacher. You can't delay it any longer. If you continue like this."

"It's going to be hard to consolidate your power, isn't it, Bernal!"

Gable said, and Bernal snorted.

"Teacher, it's good that you know that now is the time to decide whether you can increase your investment in the future. Once you miss this opportunity, the future will become difficult and difficult, and society will begin to be turbulent."

Bernal left, leaving only the silent father and son. Ike was very entangled in his heart. He knew that what Bernal said was the truth, but his actions made everyone very entangled now.

"What do you think? Ik?"

Gable looked at his son, and Ike lowered his head and shook it.

"Father, I don't know! What Mr. Bernal said is indeed the truth, but what he did is too chilling!"

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