Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2168 Confrontation 3 (Part 1)

November 15

6:03 am

Le Xiao struggled to open her eyes amid a violent shaking.

"Get up quickly, we're going to the ground floor after washing up."

Le Xiao glanced at it blankly, and then pulled the quilt over. She wanted to sleep for a while. Anyway, she didn't have to report to the General Affairs Department today. She had to go to the shop on the ground floor. C roughly pulled off the sheets and opened the curtains. , the sun shone in, and Le Xiao was directly picked up by C.

"Cousin, when did you get up so early?"

Le Xiao was a little surprised. Although she hadn't seen her for more than ten years, Le Xiao's impression of her cousin Le Ying was still in her student days. C smiled in a good mood.

"If I didn't get up, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Le Xiao was right when she thought about it. The only difference between now and before is that before, you only had to get up at 7 o'clock, but now you have to get up at 6 o'clock. There is no leisure time at noon and afternoon, and there may be more and more things in the future.

C has already washed up and finished exercising. She usually gets up on time at 5 o'clock every day. This is a habit she has maintained since the School of God.

"Hurry up, I'll give you 20 minutes to take a shower. People from Section 5 should already be waiting on the roof."

Le Xiao hummed and hurriedly rushed into the bathroom. C turned up the light and shadow screen. Early this morning, a headline dominated the news, and it was about the Su family.

The ATL brand company under the Su family has recently launched a rental experience event. It will be launched at 30 stores in the city at 8 o'clock this morning. Go to the official ATL page. Hundreds of clothes are already listed on it. These clothes can be rented. Yes, in terms of money per day, the highest is less than 2 yuan, and the lowest is 10 cents.

C is a bit strange. After all, if you do this, it will most likely put this brand, which has already suffered a lot of criticism and criticism, into an even more embarrassing situation. This brand is aimed at young people and was established thirty years ago. , is already a very old brand.

Moreover, this kind of rental does not require a deposit. It only needs to be calculated based on the weight at the time and signed a rental contract. The contract has also been published on the page. C glanced at it and found that there were no so-called loopholes and very detailed rules. Wear and tear compensation and other instructions.

The most important thing is that this contract has been recognized by the Law Department, which means that if both parties violate the terms of the contract, they will be sanctioned by the law, and the law will be directly enforced.

C did some calculations and found that if you rent a piece of clothing for 10 cents for a week, it will only cost about 3 yuan including wear and tear. It seems to be a good deal. In the upper right corner of ATL’s official website page, there is a picture of the family patriarch. The image has been changed to Le Xiao.

"It's really fast."

At 6:15, Le Xiao walked out of the bathroom in neat uniforms and went upstairs with C. Sure enough, the lift for Section 5 was already waiting, and a director officer from Section 5 was standing next to the lift.

"Master Le Xiao, Miss Le Ying, please."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"Excuse me, I'm not very good at driving a helicopter yet."

Lexiao actually doesn’t know how to drive at all. Although there is an autonomous driving mode, the most important thing is that this kind of lift is not yet equipped with an AI system, and many judgment and other mechanisms still need to be completed manually.

The lift arrived at the ground floor in just 15 minutes. On the brand-new streets of District 118, there was a long queue at the entrance of the hospital, and the store was also open. Ma Tao was sitting inside. Now the responsibility of the store has been transferred to the local government. Section 5, Section 6 and Section 7 are assisting, collecting various rental data.

As soon as the lift landed, reporters who had been waiting around rushed over. C followed Le Xiao into the store. Ma Tao immediately asked someone to stop the reporters. Many people on the street stopped and watched. .

The recent news about Le Xiao is one after another, which is too exciting. The first is that she is now the acting section chief secretary of Section 13, and the second is that she has become the patriarch of the Su family. She has become a brilliant The darling of the city's media, as long as Le Xiao is there, a large number of reporters will be stationed there.

After entering the store, Ma Tao immediately walked over and took out some reports collected and compiled in the past few days. Le Xiao walked to the side of the glass room and sat down at the table, and looked at it carefully. C followed.

"Cousin, aren't you going to make a movie?"

Leying shook her head.

"I don't have any roles in movies recently, so of course I can only wait and see what happens every day."

After C finished speaking, he said to go upstairs to rest. Le Xiao nodded and started to read.

Within a few minutes, Le Xiao already felt his scalp numb, because after a few days, it was obvious that the actual effect of this mechanical ball was much better than that of humans, because there was no need to eat or sleep, and it could work 24 hours a day without sleep. As long as there is electricity as an energy source and maintenance can be carried out, a mechanical ball can create more than 200 yuan in profit for an owner a day.

What should we do? If this kind of thing really comes on the market, many people will be unemployed.

Le Xiao was worried. The rental fee for this kind of mechanical ball is 100 yuan a day, and it can be used for 48 hours on a single charge. Even if it does some transportation work, it can be used for more than 30 hours. The advantages are too obvious.

An ordinary worker, even a mutant who starts with 100 yuan a day, can do less than one-fifth of what a mechanical ball can do in a day.

The owner of a restaurant rented a mechanical ball to replace manual food delivery. Previously, the manual delivery fee was 5 cents within the area and 1 yuan outside the area. However, the person who delivered the food could get 60% of the 3 cents within the area and 3 cents outside the area. The other is 6 cents. No matter how fast a person runs or how hard he works, delivering 50 orders a day is already the limit.

And many people only work part-time delivering food for meals to earn some extra money. They earn less than 100 yuan a month delivering food. However, the mechanical ball rented by this boss actually completed a terrifying 400 orders a day, and the food delivery fee was all Into the boss's pocket.

Based on the average order of 60 cents, the boss earns 240 yuan from delivering food alone. After excluding the 100 yuan a day rent and the 40 yuan charging fee, the boss can still pocket 100 yuan steadily.

The delivery volume of these 400 orders requires at least 20 people to complete it. It seems that if 20 people complete the order, the boss can still earn 96 yuan in delivery fees. In fact, the boss can get a higher income by using a mechanical ball to deliver food.

The manpower of 400 orders is already the limit, which means that there is no upper limit for the mechanical ball to deliver food, and it flies at a low altitude. The food is delivered in a straight line and then dropped down. The time and cost are greatly saved, and the boss can carry out a wider range of operations. Catering covered.

This is something that humans can't touch at all times. This restaurant owner actually made a net profit of 1,000 a day, because although the space of the mechanical ball is limited, it can hold meals for 10 people at a time, and it only takes 20 to cover a straight line distance of 1 kilometer. It can arrive in seconds, which is the most stable food delivery state of the mechanical ball.

And because the mechanical ball is equipped with AI, it has very powerful data processing capabilities and can accurately deliver the meal to the orderer's hands, and accurately locate the meal picker through monitoring in the streets and alleys.

It only takes 1 minute to deliver an order at the fastest, and at least 120 orders can be delivered in 2 hours from 12 o'clock to 2 noon. And there is no need for the boss to plan anything. The restaurant only needs to prepare the food and prepare it. After printing the meal coupon code, the mechanical ball will automatically recognize it, automatically plan the shortest food delivery route, and the fastest food delivery mode area.

The food mechanical ball can also be placed neatly and appropriately inside the ball through the robot hand. Although twenty or thirty people can deliver meals in the afternoon, there are fewer people delivering meals in the afternoon and the efficiency is low. However, the delivery efficiency of some meals in the afternoon is low. Infinitely improve through the mechanical ball.

This advantage becomes even more obvious at night. Nowadays, many people in the area who are far away from the place where they can buy food and tea will open the windows of their homes or go directly to the rooftop to wait after ordering, and they can get it in less than 3 minutes.

Many people are very satisfied with this efficiency, and now some people even rent mechanical balls to carry out material transportation and handling.

Because Cars have been completely abolished in Bright City, most of the time materials are moved from one place to another by some mutants. They can carry several tons of things at a time and move them very quickly.

The mechanical ball can also be made larger. The maximum load-bearing capacity is currently 3 tons. The key is the speed advantage. Although a 3-ton weight is placed under the mechanical ball, the speed will be less than 10 meters per second, but it is still much faster than a person. .

Especially for some high-altitude operations, the mechanical ball simply took advantage of it to the fullest. Le Xiao felt more and more anxious, especially what Alpha said that night about the mechanization era. Le Xiao only felt a lot of pressure.

Although the mechanical ball has a very high maintenance fee, according to the test results actually put on the market today, this kind of mechanical ball needs maintenance about once a week, and the maintenance cost ranges from 500 to 1,000, and may exceed 3,000 per month, but This is only 10% of the value of the mechanical ball that can currently produce thousands of yuan a day.


Le Xiao stood up. She knew very well that the capital market was very optimistic about this mechanical ball. If they saw such excellent data, capital would definitely drive the parliamentarians to vote to put the mechanical ball on the market and open the corresponding 10 subjects. technology.

Once the technology is opened up, it means that the technology will become more mature, the cost will continue to decrease, and the technology will get better and better. This is what capital likes most.

"What can I do."

Le Xiao held her hands, and Ma Tao came in carrying two hot breakfasts with a smile.

"Master Le Xiao, you haven't had breakfast yet."

Le Xiao patted his forehead in surprise. It was indeed almost 8 o'clock. He had forgotten to eat breakfast. He was just hungry. Ma Tao said that he turned around and went upstairs. After entering the living room, he immediately stood up straight. body and walked over respectfully.

"I have deployed manpower all around to ensure nothing goes wrong."

C nodded and stood by the window blowing smoke. She was always staring at the people passing by. Many people would stop and take a look when they passed by. The shop was already full of people, and 10 people from Section 7 were already waiting for review. .

Currently, only 20 mechanical balls are provided for testing in the region, 8 have been rented out, and 12 are left. Many businessmen want to rent them, but they need to meet the qualifications and industry quota allocation.

"Any more orders, sir?"

Ma Tao asked with a smile, C shook his head.

"Just help Secretary Le Xiao in the store below."

Ma Tao exited the room. He knew after seeing C that this woman was a high-level executive in Section 2. Although he didn’t know what she was planning to do as Le Xiao’s secretary and cousin, she must be investigating the rioters. Tian Ma Tao has assigned people from five departments to patrol along the street, with this street as the center.

Ma Tao returned downstairs and Le Xiao had already finished eating. Ma Tao immediately packed it up. Le Xiao quickly got up.

"Master Le Xiao, you continue to be busy, I will be idle."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly, and could only continue to bury her head in reading. She felt that her head was very big now, and it was impossible to find a way to weigh this proposal. At this time, Le Xiao thought about it, and although she had thought of a way, she still had to How to convince those members of Congress is a big problem.

If both of us take a step back, the problem will be solved. This is what Le Xiao thinks. The biggest function of this mechanical ball is to deliver food. If it is only open for food, it should not have any impact.

After all, many people deliver food for extra money, and there is another reason why Le Xiao thinks so. After seeing this work report on the mechanical ball this morning, Le Xiao immediately thought of the agricultural base construction plan in the barrier area. , the sooner the base is built, the sooner those in the dark and cold wind in the barrier area can bathe in the sunshine.

Le Xiao still clearly remembers the scene she saw after being brought to the barrier area by Jean for the first time, and when there was almost a violent conflict that night. She did see everything in the barrier area. It felt like the soul Out of body feeling.

Le Xiao saw more things. It was as if she was quickly browsing around the barrier area with the sunlight, and the impression in her mind was very strong.

At this time, a person appeared in Le Xiao's mind, with a panicked face and strange behavior, especially two fingers missing from his left hand. Le Xiao had definitely seen this person before, but he just couldn't remember it.

Le Xiao never told anyone else about this matter. After all, it was better not to talk about this kind of dream-like thing. There was also that Ellie. Le Xiao was a little angry. Last night, Ellie came to look for him again, and she always wanted to kill him. Scared half to death.

Le Xiao stood up with satisfaction and clapped her hands, feeling that the problem had been solved. Looking at the merchants who had entered the store and registered in front of some Section 7 personnel, they all wanted to rent the mechanical ball. Le Xiao walked over and planned to take a look.

At this time, a businessman in the crowd looked at Le Xiao with a smile, but his eyes seemed a little dull, but no one noticed that a series of numbers flashed in the businessman's eyes.

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