Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2191 Confrontation 10 (Part 2)


There were crowds of people outside the Reed Theater. Many theater lovers gathered outside the Reed Theater. On a light and shadow screen, an announcement was being played that the Reed Theater would be closed for a month starting today.

Everyone is muttering, and they don’t know what’s going on. There are performances every night at Reed Theater, and there are still seven or eight hundred people coming to watch the stage play. Many people are a little helpless, and some people who are familiar with Jie Lin also confirmed that After that, Jielin said that some things in the theater needed to be renovated, and she was sick and needed to rest for a while.

At this time, at the edge of the empty stage in the Reed Theater, Jaylin was waiting uneasily. After a while, Claude and Becky came out from the small door on the right.

"How does that go?"

Becky waved her hands and said helplessly.

"We've already looked around Section 2. It's heavily guarded. It's impossible to know where Shadow is being held."

After the creators learned about the shadow's arrest yesterday, they immediately discussed the strategy. The best way was to kill the shadow directly. They could activate a powerful bomb to directly level Section 2, but it was difficult.

The captured shadow should not have explained anything yet. This is what the creators are most worried about. However, many people have different opinions on this matter. Many people feel that they are creating some chaos in the city and then take the opportunity to enter Section 2. , directly dropping bombs, but such a proposal was quickly rejected because it was simply impossible to accomplish.

If the whole body is involved, if there is any mistake, the acting department will definitely carry out larger-scale operations.

This matter is basically a dead end, Jie Lin bit her thumb and asked solemnly.

"You two should be more familiar with the structure of Section 2 than I am. Can't you think of something to do?"

"The structure should have changed a long time ago."

Claude said and Becky nodded.

“Although we participated in the construction of Section 2 in the past, things are different now.”

Both of them were the first batch of scientific researchers who existed when Bright City was founded in the past. They participated in many constructions of Bright City. Especially when the Business Department was first established, the two people who were still alive participated in the 12 departments of the Business Department. Some of the planning and design, two of them have participated in the construction of Section 2.

The design drawings were produced by Becky at that time, so the two of them should be well aware of the structure of Section 2. That's why Jielin ordered the two of them to go to the site to check it out yesterday to see if there was any way to do it. Order something.

Although the shadow does not know the secret of the core, once he confesses something, their creator's system will be exposed, and the existence of the shadow will also reveal more things, and the business department will definitely investigate vigorously.

The shadows are very likely to be continuously detected, and the most important thing is that the cadres will also surface soon. This is what Jielin is most worried about now.

"Akimi recalled all the shadows last night."

Claude said, and Jaeline spoke.

"Achimi and Marcus cannot be trusted."

"I agree with this. I also think these two people can't trust us, but we can't trust them either."

Becky said, and Jaylin got off the stage irritably.

"What did Dean Fry say?"

Jielin's heart trembled and she said immediately.

"The dean told us not to move. Many things are not ready yet. Once we start moving, it will be impossible to end, and some of the opportunities we finally created will be wasted."

Claude and Becky's eyes met, and Becky nodded.

"We want to talk to the dean tonight."

Jie Lin said immediately.

"The director has told us not to go to the hospital in the near future. We may have been targeted there."

The two were surprised at first, but then became suspicious, and Claude spoke directly.

"What on earth are you hiding Jalyn."

"there is nothing."

Jaelin said and Claude laughed.

"I think it's better to speak out. After all, none of us are fools. The dean is a little different from the past."

"What do you mean?"

Jaylin's anger climbed onto her face, and Claude raised his hands and said.

"I don't mean to be criticized, I just feel that the feeling given by the dean to us is completely different from the past. The dean has personally said before that there will be a war, but now he is doing this, which makes people feel that something is wrong. What happened? ."

"Nothing happened."

Behind the curtain, Lolita came out. The two did not continue to ask questions. Becky spoke again about the shadow.

"When Section 2 was built in the past, it was an underground fortress-like structure. There was only an escape passage, which was very secretly located 20 meters underground. Once anything happened, it could ensure that people inside Section 2 could escape from here. There is a tunnel back to the ground. Where the tunnel connects to the ground, there is a drilling machine that can connect the underground escape tunnel to the ground in just one minute."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lolita laughed ferociously.

"So after you go and see it today, how long will it take for us to reach the passage?"

"According to the current technology, it can take up to 2 minutes, but it is risky because there are alarm-type surveillance within a few kilometers around Section 2, and people from Section 5 will patrol along the street. It is too difficult to achieve this."

Lolita said after thinking for a while.

"If we don't do this, we are very likely to be exposed in advance. Let the boy Seer prepare to hide first. If he is seen through, he can only hide in the barrier area first."

Lolita said and Jaylin nodded.

"It's just that I'm afraid that the Seer family's company is going to be finished."

Once the shadow tells Purcell, such a result is inevitable, and the business department will definitely take action immediately. There will no longer be a hiding place for Purcell in the city, only some secret bases in the barrier area are the best places to go.

"We will adopt a plan tonight to wake up all those frozen mutants. There is no other way. Although we may lose a lot of combat power, there is nothing we can do if we don't do this."

"You can let the Netherworld soldiers take action. This is the most effective method that I think is currently available."

Claude said, and Lolita immediately rejected it.

"It's not yet time to activate those soldiers. Once activated, our trump card will be exposed. Those ghost soldiers can only wait for the appropriate time to activate and become the strongest trump card in our hand."

The three of them all looked at Lolita, and Jie Lin hesitated. As long as Akimi recalled the shadows first and told them not to move, it would still be difficult for the business department to identify other shadows. If the shadows arrested now After explaining, at most only Seer will be involved. As long as Seer runs away, the business department will still be unable to find anyone.

"It's not worth taking such a big risk."

Jie Lin said, Lolita shook her head.

"It has to be done. It is worth paying some losses now. After all, if we do nothing, it will be too late when things go wrong."

Lolita said and came to Jaelin's side, pressing her shoulder with one hand.

"I'll be personally involved tonight."

Claude and Becky both nodded. Lolita has already planned to ask the cadres to implement tonight's plan. It must be implemented. Lolita doesn't want to let future plans go wrong. She has just discussed it with the AIs. , AI will assist, and the execution success rate of this plan is close to 100%.

Moreover, this attack should be beyond Xingke's imagination. Those frozen mutants are all clones. Even if they die, it doesn't matter, because there are as many as they want.

After making up their mind, Becky and Claude left. There will be a cadre meeting at 7 o'clock tonight to formally discuss some of the details.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Jaylin asked and Lolita laughed.

"Don't worry Jaylin, this is what we have to do."

Jie Lin looked at Lolita suspiciously, because there was a hint of evil in her eyes. Jie Lin felt a little scared of Lolita like this. From time to time, she would see Lolita showing such a look. Jie Lin felt that Extremely unfamiliar.


Mo Xiaolan looked at the information in front of him quietly. The identity of this man was already clear. From the past, the Business Department found information about this man named Zhang Mo in the archives on the ground floor.

Sure enough, these rioters formed before the city established a DNA profile. Zhang Mo died in prison 48 years ago, and even the medical records from that time were found.

"Check, check carefully, who made these medical records."

Mo Xiaolan was very puzzled as to how Zhang Mo, who was serving his sentence in prison, could fake his death, but R next to him immediately spoke.

"The prison was very chaotic back then, wasn't it? Moreover, Latis lent all the money collected from the prisoners in the prison to the Angus family, which was in great difficulty at the time."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"That's indeed what happened. Section 11 has been providing blood transfusions to the Angus family. Although the Angus family had returned the money to Section 11 several times twenty years ago."

Mo Xiaolan also knew that it would be impossible to find out such a thing. All it took was the clerk who received the money to do some random tricks, and he could tamper with everything without leaving any records.

Because this kind of fake death has happened more than once or twice. As long as you have enough money, you can buy everything, fake your death to escape from the prison, and then lurk in the city to continue living. Such cases have been caught by Division 5 in the past ten years or so. There were several cases, but there was no way to investigate who let these criminals go, because it was a bunch of people.

No one would admit it, so the officers who were in charge of the prisoners at that time went to prison, had all their duties revoked, and were fined heavily.

Although such things no longer happen, they often happened in the past. Mo Xiaolan looked at Lilian who was still issuing investigation orders, feeling a little uneasy.

At this time, a clerk came to the room and reported that Zhang Mo had woken up, and Mo Xiaolan laughed excitedly.

"Let's go and talk to him first."

Soon R pushed Mo Xiaolan to the basement. In a room, Zhang Mo opened his eyes and looked very weak, but his consciousness was clear. It would take half a month to fully recover, but as a mutant, Zhang Mo is still Very spiritual.

"Mr. Zhang Mo, please think about it carefully. If you are willing to cooperate with us, you will not need to go to jail. You will only need to live under supervision and in a designated area in the future. This is the biggest amnesty I can give you. ."

Zhang Mo looked at the Section 2 Chief in front of him expressionlessly, and he laughed.

"I'm just a nobody among the creators. I don't know the core things at all."

Mo Xiaolan smiled with his chin in his hands.

"Even if you don't know, can you please tell us your purpose there?"

Zhang Mo fell into silence. It seemed that he didn't want to say anything at all. Mo Xiaolan then asked.

"Listen to my speculation first, Mr. Zhang Mo, you should be there to meet someone."

Zhang Mo shook his head.

"I just focus on business."

Then Mo Xiaolan laughed, motioned for R to push him away, and soon came to another room. A group of experts in facial expression linguistics had already drawn a preliminary conclusion that Zhang Mo was lying.

Looking at the video replay just now, several experts explained. When Zhang Mo said that he was just taking care of someone, he was half-truth and half-false. What kind of response was he? And when he said that he was just looking at the business department, he was obviously lying. .

Mo Xiaolan can basically confirm that Zhang Mo should be planning something with a certain rioter in the venue. Now the headquarters of Section 5 has been completely closed. All the spectators and players inside cannot come out and must accept it. Strict NDA testing and interrogation, as well as comparison of past information, including confirmation from relatives and friends, can only leave.

When this incident just happened, Mo Xiaolan asked Niya to seal off Section 5 and not allow anyone to come out. Now that the investigation is still going on, it is very possible to find a big fish from the headquarters of Section 5.

Mo Xiaolan listened to an expert who continued to analyze. Zhang Mo's expressions after he woke up made him even more convinced that Zhang Mo's work should be looking at someone, and this someone was most likely a core member of a certain creator.

Because in the two previous cases, the brains of the rioters were blossoming. It is certain that there is someone behind the scenes watching these rioters. Once they are caught, they will immediately activate the self-destruction of the brain control chip, thus killing the arrested person. people.

Mo Xiaolan has completely determined this point. All he needs to do is look at Zhang Mo's series of reactions to basically confirm it. The subsequent plan can also be carried out smoothly. Mo Xiaolan smiled brightly.

"By the way, check the defensive measures in Section 2."

R smiled.

"No matter how brave those guys are, they won't dare to attack the 2nd subject."

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"I'll check it as soon as I ask you to do it. After all, we are facing a group of lunatics. We can't make any mistakes. By the way, there is no way to enter the outside of Section 2, right?"

R nodded.


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