
As the kidnapped people landed in the 98th District Public Security Office, a large number of reporters swarmed over, including Fite. The administrative department did not stop the reporters from conducting interviews because it was necessary to make the public clearly aware of these riots. The terror of elements.

Many people recounted their experiences during the two hours of being hijacked. Most of them were very angry, and some even cursed in front of the camera.

"Sir, you were very close to that rioter. How did you feel at that time?"

Feite looked a little confused and uttered two words.


Feite glanced back at the southern guard station not far behind him. They had just been released, and within a minute, people from the administrative department came to pick them up. After that, all their identity information was checked, and they were also Many questions were asked and finally they were sent out.

What Feite is most worried about now is that Chen Yong is followed by people from Section 3 and then arrested. The most terrible thing is that if Chen Yong goes to the secret base outside the barrier area, he is very likely to be discovered by the Executive Section. Speaking of the West, The creators have more than thirty secret bases, which store a large number of weapons and equipment, as well as some scientific and technological achievements.

If all this is discovered, it will have a very big impact on the creators' overall plan.

Feite quickly completed the interview with reporters and then went directly to the subway station, intending to go home directly from the subway station.

After getting on the subway, Feite regretted it. If he had used poison, Chen Yong would definitely die, but he himself would also die. In the end Feite could not hold back. He could only pray that Chen Yong would not be caught.

"It's really unpredictable."


On a street, many people were watching. The personnel from Section 5 on the outside formed a human wall to block the onlookers. However, there was a noise in the house, and soon a man wearing a black hood was arrested by Section 2. The people brought them out and they got directly onto the lift.

Qin Dong and Lilian returned to the Public Security Office in District 48. Twenty-one people had been arrested. They were all reported and had no identity information during the door-to-door investigation by the administrative department.

The two of them were sitting in the temporary headquarters. On the 21 light and shadow screens, 20 people were being questioned and investigated, and one person was on the way to be escorted.

There is currently no way to tell whether these people are rioters, but Section 4 will soon bring corresponding medical equipment. If they are rioters, they should have heart rate bombs installed in their bodies, but they still cannot be taken lightly. sex.

This kind of brain control chip placed in the human brain cannot be detected by the device because there are special substances on the surface that can interfere with the detection signal.

All the people who were arrested without identity information insisted that they were not rioters, but they hid secretly because they did not want to pay taxes. They usually worked as part-time jobs, and the prices were not high. Many of them even knew Many employers who had employed them for a long time also turned a blind eye. Many employers who had employed them for a long time were also arrested.

As criminals, they will be sentenced to ten years in prison, and those employers who know that they are criminals but fail to report them will need to face at least one year in prison and one year of labor punishment.

People who know these gangsters have already come to the public security management office. A comprehensive and detailed investigation is required. More and more people are being reported, and some are indeed acting suspiciously and are under investigation.

At this time, the latest investigation result came over. One of the reported persons was a habitual thief. A large amount of stolen goods and even light and shadow materials were found from his home. In order to alleviate the crime, the habitual thief confessed to other criminal suspects. , the local Section 5 quickly dispatched and quickly arrested six criminals based on what the man told them.

"It should be very busy these days."

After Qin Dong finished reading the investigation of the case, Lilian smiled and picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Why, aren't you happy to be my partner?"

Qin Dong smiled awkwardly.

"By the way, Xima and the others don't know what the situation is like."

"It should be soon."

Lilian laughed. This time, the tracking and arrest operation was not simply handed over to the special forces. Xima personally led the team to the barrier area.


In the wind and sand, Hima was wearing tattered clothes and a veil. She was surrounded by five members of the special forces, three men and two women. A group of people looked like scavengers. They were in an armed camp in the west. Among gathering places, this gathering place is quite large.

Chen Yong has been locked, and he looks like he is from the barrier area. Section 3 used the latest ultra-low-altitude silent take-off and landing machine developed by Section 10, which has perfect stealth function. They kept an eye on the truck along the way, and The truck was not out of their sight.

The six people were less than 10 meters away from Chen Yong. Chen Yong was looking in front of some people setting up stalls, as if he wanted to change something.

The other 25 members of the special force were also nearby, and everyone was watching to see if anyone was approaching Chen Yong. Xima thought that the worst possibility was that the rioters might kill them in order to prevent their base in the barrier area from being exposed. Chen Yong, this is what Xima is most worried about.

At this time, Chen Yong moved, and Xima immediately walked over casually. Several gang members who helped immediately went over to inquire. Several stall owners mentioned that the man just wanted to replace the parts of the motorcycle.

But he refused because the stall asked for 10 cans of liquid food or three kilograms of water. Chen Yong was still watching everywhere. He had to get a mobile tool, otherwise it would be difficult to walk to the base on foot, and the surrounding area There may be people in the business.

There was only one chance, and Chen Yong knew it very well. On the way here, he saw an abandoned motorcycle in a ruins outside. After checking it, he found that if he only needed to replace some parts, it could start immediately.

Chen Yong only needs to get the bacterial battery and the motorcycle's transmission. The transmission just now was too expensive, and the model was somewhat inconsistent. Chen Yong is an expert in mechanical engineering. He used to serve the Hillman family, but After the death of the Hillman family, they could only make a living by hiding around the city. It was at this time that the creator found him, and he agreed to the request to create the door.

Chen Yong used to work in the Hillman family's base in the barrier area and knew everything about the barrier area. The reason why he was so confident was because he knew that the business department definitely wanted to find the location of the base.

Chen Yong is not afraid of being followed. Even if he is followed, he has a way to 100% get rid of the people in charge. There are many abandoned bases in the Altan Ula Mountains in the west, but the real base is in an unexpected place. .

Chen Yong planned to use the ventilation duct in an abandoned base to escape. Chen Yong had climbed into that secret ventilation duct many times in order to build a new base for the creators. Unfortunately, it was built in that abandoned base. It's difficult to get up, so it's better to dig out a new one.

Chen Yong was sure that the business department would not act rashly now, so he looked around swaggeringly. Soon, Chen Yong saw a transmission of the same model in the house next to a half-collapsed house. He immediately walked over and found the house. A woman's voice came from inside, and soon a strong man came over.

"Friends, if you want to play, you have to queue up and get five cans of liquid food at a time."

Chen Yong immediately said that he wanted the transmission on the ground, and the big man thought for a while.

"Eight cans of liquid food."

Chen Yong readily took out the liquid food. The strong man immediately became suspicious because he had never seen the liquid food Chen Yong took out. He immediately opened a can and raised his thumb after tasting it.

"Friend, where did you come from? How could you get such good liquid food?"

Chen Yong didn't say much. He picked up the transmission and started walking. These liquid foods were given to him by someone from the military affairs department when he passed by the southern guard station. Needless to say, this kind of military liquid food is delicious and nutritious. Very good too.

Chen Yong quickly found the bacterial battery, and after deliberation for a long time, he replaced it with the thirty cans of liquid food left in his bag, leaving only two cans for himself to eat later.

When Chen Yong came to the edge of the ruins, he opened a can of liquid food and ate it. The solid content was much greater than the liquid, and there was also meat. It was really delicious.

After eating, Chen Yong took out some tools and pipes he had just obtained, and repaired the abandoned motorcycle in a few clicks. Chen Yong started the motorcycle directly. He looked around without thinking too much. It moved forward slowly and evenly.

Chen Yong smiled helplessly in the wind and sand. He didn't know why he had fallen into this situation. When Chen Yong was very young, his parents divorced due to debt problems. Chen Yong did not live a good life with his mother. In the end, When Chen Yong grew up, he separated from his mother.

At that time, the Hillman family's school had a plan to recruit future talents for the Hillman family across the city. Chen Yong signed up and passed the test. Everything was for survival. After knowing the scope of the test content , Chen Yong spent his last money to buy materials from others, and after studying seriously for a month, he passed the test.

Since then, Chen Yong's mediocre and dark life has ushered in the dawn, because his grades were very good and he became a mechanical engineer without any great pressure. Then at the age of twenty-four, Chen Yong stood on the third A crossroads of life choices.

It was the Hillman family that allowed Chen Yong to escape from the darkness and gain ten years of light, so Chen Yong entered the real Hillman family without any hesitation. After learning something, Chen Yong felt a little regretful at first. Because he might not be able to leave for the rest of his life, but in the end Chen Yongyi devoted himself to the research of the Hillman family without hesitation.

Chen Yong knew very well that those of them who had served the Hillman family had no future at all, because their current results were doomed from the beginning.

Among the creators were many people who had served the Hillman family in the past, and the Fite he was staring at was one of them. In the long years of research by the Hillman family, there was no human freedom at all, although it was not necessary. Worrying about food and clothing only requires careful research, but things like people seem a bit incredible to Chen Yong.

Obviously you don't need to think about food and clothing, and you do what you like, but many times you always long for freedom, but what can you do if you are free?

Being tied up may not be a lucky thing, or it may be an unfortunate thing at the same time. Chen Yongneng looked back from time to time. He knew very well that those mutated people hidden in the wind and sand were running near him. Chen Yongneng Feel it.

"It's impossible to catch me."

The worst thing Chen Yong thought about was to detonate the bomb, because even if he didn't, the creators should have been prepared to kill him at all costs when he was about to approach the base.

Chen Yong thought everything clearly. He laughed, laughing crazily in the wind and sand. He just felt that his life was too ridiculous.

Chen Yong didn't know what he had done in these years, just like a pure machine. At this moment, Chen Yong thought of the female neighbor. She was actually twenty years younger than him, and she actually fell in love with him. .

At this time, Chen Yong's mind was filled with the past few years of getting along with the female neighbor. Chen Yong was actually very happy because there was someone who really cared about him and asked for help. At this time, Chen Yong stopped the motorcycle and turned on the transmission. There was some malfunction in the machine. He got out of the car and started repairing it. After repairing it for a while, Chen Yong laughed.

The transmission was basically scrapped, because it was something that was about to be scrapped. Looking at the rusty, scarred, and almost falling apart motorcycle, Chen Yong thought of himself.

In fact, Chen Yong has not completely ignored his female neighbor in these years, so this female neighbor has been pestering him for so many years. That night was wonderful. For the first time, Chen Yong felt the tenderness of a woman, unlike those of the Hillman family in the past. The women sent specifically for them to provide them with physical needs are completely different.

"What on earth was I thinking?"

Chen Yong pressed his head. After some hard work, the transmission could be used again, but Chen Yong didn't know where it could go. The motorcycle was on the road again. It was still more than thirty kilometers away from the abandoned base. Maybe You can get there, maybe you can't.

Half an hour later, the motorcycle was completely scrapped and the mountains could be seen in front of him. After Chen Yong came down, he drank some water and started walking looking at the compass in the wind and sand.

The abandoned base was right in front of him. Chen Yong only had to walk more than ten kilometers to reach it. It might be his last way home, but Chen Yong still had hope. He looked back at the dazzling city under the light behind him and felt helpless. smiled.

"You can never go back."

Chen Yong started to walk on foot. He walked slowly with his eyes closed. His mind was full of everything over the years. Bit by bit, Chen Yong felt a little regretful, but this regret lasted only for a moment. He stopped.

"If I explain everything, can you let me go? Can you let me go?"

Chen Yong's voice was drowned in the wind and sand, and at this time a person appeared in the air, Xima came out, Chen Yong looked at Xima in astonishment.

"Do you believe what I say?"

Seema nodded.

"If you explain everything, you can be freed within certain limits without going to jail. I promise."

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