Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2221 Father and Daughter (Part 2)

"Brother, would you like to surrender yourself? If you surrender and give a proper explanation, at least we can do it after serving prison time."

Tang Ye helped Tang Xiwen up and shook his head.

"I have no way out, Xiwen."

Tang Xiwen cried and shook her head. She stood up and took Tang Ye's hand.

"Let's go together, brother, if this keeps up."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Tang Ye can only say this now. He knows very well that he has no way out. Even if he explains everything, it will be in vain.

If it weren't for Cheng Tiantian, Tang Ye would not have chosen this path. Her death had no meaning. In the last days of her life, Tang Ye was very happy.

The reason why the two kept secretly communicating was because Cheng Tiantian owed a lot of money. If those debt collectors knew that she had a boyfriend, they would definitely come after her. Tang Ye was also very poor at that time and had to bear the burden. My sister’s life and study.

Those gang members who were like rats would do anything to make the debts bigger. Tang Ye was very angry. He didn't know why the business department tolerated these people.

Even though the business department started to take action later, many people were ruined by such debt collectors. Tang Ye clearly remembered that one night, the debt collectors came to Cheng Tiantian's house, and he could only hide away. In the cupboard, Cheng Tiantian could only cry while watching those people move around, and then was humiliated by the group of people, and finally they left after losing some money.

The principal is only 10,000, and Cheng Tiantian has paid back 8,000, but still owes 5,000. The reason why she paid back the money is for the sake of her parents, because if she does not pay back the money, her parents will continue to suffer from those gang members. With their threats, life cannot be peaceful.

Therefore, in addition to working in a coffee shop every day, Cheng Tiantian also works in some barbecue shops until three o'clock in the evening before going home. She has to get up before dawn in the morning to clean up garbage in some neighborhoods.

Even after such efforts, Cheng Tiantian still failed to pay off her debt. In the days before her death, these gang members still chased her. Even after her death, these gang members did not let her parents go. , but because Cheng Tiantian's death was not an accident and was caused by the use of panty liners produced by that company.

So the company helped Cheng Tiantian pay the remaining debt and gave her parents a sum of money. Tang Ye smiled slightly.

"Go to sleep, Xiwen, I have already said, there is no turning back, because they can't hear or see those wailing voices, those who died in despair, they can't see or hear, so they They are just a group of cruel machine products covered with hypocrisy. It is already too late."

Finally, Tang Xiwen returned to the room. She had never seen Tang Ye with such a sad expression. She knew that maybe it was when she first entered junior high school. There was a period when Tang Ye was particularly depressed. Maybe something happened during that period. As a result, the soup industry has become like this.

After his sister left the room, Tang Ye sat quietly by the bed. He couldn't sleep because he remembered the past again. At that time, Tang Ye didn't settle the matter, but kept looking for all the evidence, hoping to provide evidence for Tang Xiwen's death. The gang members continued to exploit Cheng Tiantian through coercion and inducement.

But soon Tang Ye was found by those gang members. He was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. The other party threatened to kill him and his sister if he dared to say anything again.

"Sir, please provide more specific evidence so that we can open a case for investigation!"

Tang Ye laughed. The last words that crushed him in his mind were what the officer opposite said when he was telling everything in the Public Security Management Office of Section 5. Tang Ye really couldn't produce any evidence, including the IOU documents. It is relatively formal, and there is no way to legally sanction these gang members.

Tang Ye was desperate, he just wanted to destroy this cold city, and it was at this time that he met a man. On a cold night, Tang Ye didn't know where he went. He was drunk, but this At that time, he still remembered that this man carried him on his back and then took care of him.

It wasn't until he woke up the next day that Tang Ye discovered that he was in Frye Mental Hospital, and the person who saved him on that cold night was Frye. After that, Tang Ye said a lot, and Frye was also comforting him.

After that, Tang Ye often went to Frye Mental Hospital and would bring some gifts. He just wanted to have a good chat with Frye, and Frye was also happy to chat with Tang Ye.

Until one day, Tang Ye just came home from school on vacation and found that his home was smashed to pieces. His sister Tang Xiwen cried in horror, saying that a bunch of people wearing hoods came into the house and smashed everything.

"We will investigate carefully sir."

As always, Tang Ye no longer believed in Xing Ke's words. After that, Tang Ye joined the creators, discussed with many like-minded people, and secretly began to implement some plans.

This happened just because Tang Ye was interviewed by a reporter and talked about Cheng Tiantian's experience. After that, his home was smashed. Tang Ye knew that it was the group of people who were warning him.

It's just that there was a follow-up to this incident eight years ago. At that time, Tang Ye had already joined Creator for a few months. Big news broke out at the bottom. A gang of more than 100 people was arrested. They were suspected of multiple crimes. And there are rumors that Niya, the chief of Section 5, rushed in alone and beat up more than 100 people before being arrested.

Along with the arrest of a group of people, more than 100 people from the administrative department were also removed. When he saw this news, Tang Ye was actually a little happy in his heart.

However, the statement that justice will not be absent is obviously incorrect. Justice in its absence cannot be called justice.

Even if this group of gang members were sentenced to a maximum of one hundred years in prison and a minimum of thirty years, they could not make up for everything they had committed and caused many tragedies. This result cannot be changed.

Since then, although the world has become better and better, especially in terms of public security, the crime rate has dropped significantly compared to 20 years ago. In many areas, the crime rate is basically zero for a month, but it still cannot change many people. The fate of running out of food.

Tang Ye did not have any regrets and devoted himself to the actions of the creators without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Tang Ye laughed, then turned off the lights, pulled up the quilt, and planned to have a good sleep and get up tomorrow to continue to the construction site. He had to find a way, even if the business department managed everything so rigorously and conscientiously, But there are definitely still loopholes in the construction.

2:31 am

Ran Zai looked at a piece of information quietly, a report about a large loan shark gang that was arrested in the past, and Cheng Tiantian's name was among them.

"If it had been found a few days earlier, maybe a breakthrough would have been found by then."

Ran Zai sighed helplessly, and Luo Hao closed his eyes. This gang relied on loan sharking and collusion with local section officials and staff, taking advantage of people's weaknesses and constantly making money.

If it weren't for the fact that one person in the gang committed a case, but there were flaws in the local officer's report on the case, Niya discovered something fishy when she reviewed the case, and asked Qin Dong to investigate it directly.

After an investigation, a large number of crimes were exposed. Niya immediately rushed to the area, beat the officer severely, and then went to the gang members' place alone.

The case was not even reported, only a few words were circulated in the city. Ran Zai smiled helplessly. He probably knew what Niya was thinking. After all, there was nothing praiseworthy about this kind of thing.

This case can be regarded as the last corruption case within Section 5. Since then, there has been no such case within Section 5, and the gang members have also fully restrained themselves. Those who have not yet restrained themselves are now either in the barrier area or in prison. inside.

"Do you want to find a reason to arrest him first?"

Luo Hao asked, and Ran Zai shook his head.

"We can only continue to look for opportunities."

There is no place in what Tang Ye just said that can be used as a breakthrough.

"How's it going over there?"

Ran Zai asked, and Luo Hao immediately brought up a light and shadow screen, and soon saw some records and reports on the Feite incident. Ran Zai stood up after looking at it for a while.

"I'll go over and take a look."


Alpha looked at a tube of anesthetic injection in her hand and sat quietly under the hotel room where Fit and Gu Ningning were. She held up the cigarette in her hand. There was only one way now, to forcibly inject Fit with anesthetic and then arrest her. Fit, perform surgery on him immediately and remove the bomb and brain control chip.

This anesthetic is prepared by Huashen. It only takes 1 second to reach the brain at the moment of penetration, anesthetizing the person without giving Feite any chance.

Alpha is waiting for an opportunity now. Several section chiefs are sure that the rioters will definitely do something. The reason why Fite is still so calm is that he is also waiting for the rioters to take action.

The problems caused by the virus had ended a few hours ago. Alpha did not expect that it would be so fast. From discovering the virus to creating virus inhibitors, and then inhaling the virus inhibitors for everyone, the whole process took less than 3 hours.

The people also cooperated very well, and Alpha smiled. This is all thanks to the fact that over the years, the business department has often conducted various linkage simulation exercises in the region.

Looking at the dark night sky in the distance, Alpha is now sure of one thing. The city is ushering in dawn, because the city is indeed changing. Such changes started after Le Xiao came to power. In just a few months, the city can Such a huge change has been the result of more than two decades of hard work by the successors of this era.

Many things often only need an opportunity to connect. Alpha is convinced that in just a few years, the city will completely transform and many problems left over from the past will be solved.

Alpha has often been thinking about one thing recently. This is also the issue that the wise man discussed with himself most in prison. Providing corresponding products based on the local economy and demand is the current way out for Brilliant City. There is no need to go to the bottom Chasing the too-fast pace of the middle and upper classes, there is no need for everyone to accept the continuous advancement of technology.

Alpha closed her eyes and felt quietly, a touch of cyan particles rising slowly, and soon she clearly saw Gu Ningning and Feite, laughing and talking about something. It only took a moment , Alpha will go up and catch Fite. Only he is capable of this task.

"It's already so late, what should I do?"

Gu Ningning asked, holding up the wine glass in her hand. She was already a little drunk, and so was Feite in front of her. Feite shook his head and said.

"It's still early, isn't it?"

Gu Ningning moved her chair and leaned over with a smile.

"Can't you do something for your daughter? At least she is your daughter."

Fit laughed.

"I'm thinking about it."

"how much longer."

Fit didn't answer, just looked out the window. His mood was happy and cheerful now, but everything was only temporary. He knew very well that once he calmed down, everything about him would be swallowed up by his past self. of.

Fit has noticed a long time ago that he cannot escape the shadow of the past. These things will always appear, constantly tormenting his life and eating away at his mind.

There is only one road left, and this road is only destruction and death.

"That's good. You can move freely within the prescribed range. These conditions are already very good. You can continue to study."

As Gu Ningning said, Feite glanced at the time and then smiled.

"The time has come and it's time for me to leave."

As Feite put down the cup, Gu Ningning became alert and her expression became serious.

"I want to arrest you Mr. Fit, please surrender immediately."

Feite stood up, raised his hands, and came to the window step by step. As soon as he smiled, a light appeared in the distance. In an instant, Gu Ningning realized what it was. Feite suddenly pressed the place on his neck. , there was a clicking sound, and a dark ghost mask covered Feit's head. As soon as he turned around, Gu Ningning had already stopped in front of her.

"Ningning will be dead if she doesn't leave."

As soon as Fit finished speaking, a violent cyan light lit up, and violent black particles were instantly released from the cyan.


Accompanied by a burst of intense light that instantly lit up the night sky, a giant shock wave visible to the naked eye spread over the area, like a dazzling fireworks.

The next moment, Feite was tightly clamped by Gu Ningning, but Feite showed a pleasant smile.

"Sorry, I can't help it."

Fit stared at Gu Ningning as his eyes began to turn black. He fell softly to the ground. There were sounds of broken windows and clicking rocks everywhere. Alpha stood behind Fit, with black scabs on his face. It was slowly dissipating, and black smoke was rising from her clenched fists, and a blazing temperature even set the table next to it on fire.

"That was just now."

"It's a missile launched by the enemy!"

Gu Ningning swallowed. At this moment, the door of the room opened and Mo Xiaolan came in.


Alpha took out a cigarette, lit it on the flames and blew out a puff of smoke.

"It worked. This time we won."

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