Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2234 Crime and Punishment 5 (Part 1)

"Hurry up, please don't panic and follow the indicated route."

In a residential area located in District 49, many people rushed to the streets. People from Section 5 were conducting evacuation measures. In front of them was a large block filled with thick smoke.

A fire broke out here just now, but with the help of the fire-extinguishing robot, the fire has been brought under control. The next problem is the smoke and dust.

Section 5 has set up a cordon, and a large number of residents have been temporarily placed in temporary light and shadow houses with intervals on some empty streets.

"That's almost it."

Niya said solemnly, and Noah laughed. There was a huge metal object in front of him. The smoke came from this place. Because there was a fire in District 49, emergency power fuse measures were taken. The network is now It's completely disconnected.

It was almost 6 o'clock at this time. After discussing the battle plan with Mo Xiaolan, they immediately started to implement it. They used fire to directly disconnect the network in a reasonable and well-founded way. The information fed back by the AI ​​to the rioters should It was because of a fire that the power supply was cut off and the network in the area was stopped.

Noah has also called some fire-extinguishing robots with built-in signal jamming equipment and spread them out nearby. This illusion is just to find out whether someone has taken over Zhao Zhen's bomb package.

This was a risky move. Area 49 was the area between the two bombings. There were many places chosen before between the two bombings in Areas 48 and 50, but in the end Mo Xiaolan decided to do it. A bomb inventory is conducted in this area.

As long as a intact bomb is found, Section 10 will be able to make instruments to detect such bombs, and then such bombs hidden throughout the city can be dismantled.

Time is running out, and it is necessary to determine whether there are rioters hiding in District 49. District 49 has gone through several rounds of inspections before, and the probability of there being rioters is the lowest.

This is also the reason why Mo Xiaolan chose this area to check for bombs. This is a gamble. If he loses, the rioters will realize that the business department has learned about the AI ​​and start to take precautions.

Area 49 was also the area where there was no explosion that night when the rioters invaded Section 2 a few days ago. After careful calculations in all aspects, Mo Xiaolan ruled out many things and felt that this should be the safest place.

The only question now is how many people Zhao Zhen has grasped and how many bombs he has sent. This number should be a lot. After all, he has been secretly planning for so many years.

"about there."

Noah said and asked several department members to turn off the smoke-making machine, and the investigation officially began. Personnel from three departments have been mobilized to block the perimeter of Area 49.

Mo Xiaolan said that there was only 2 hours. If the blockade was not lifted after this time, I'm afraid the rioters would notice.

At this time, on a street, a family of three had just entered a temporary resettlement house when a person from Section 5 knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, have you ever received such a package? If so, please tell us. This kind of package is very likely to contain a bomb."

The family was startled, then took a look at the package in the picture and quickly stated that they had not received it.

Because the packages in Bright City are all classified by size, the package in the photo is homemade, so the size is different from the package size that has been used in the city for many years.

The number of Section 5 members who had been slowly transferred to District 49 half an hour ago has exceeded 10,000. There are nearly 200,000 people living in District 49. If one person checks 20 people, it can be completed within 2 hours.

"Please double check and if you have really received it, please tell us, otherwise there will be a tragedy."

The members of Section 5 who entered the house were still confirming repeatedly. The family shook their heads and said that they had never seen such a package.

The doors of every house were knocked open, and it was almost nightfall. People from Section 5 had prepared strong lights in advance to provide lighting.

Many residents complained that they could only eat liquid food because there was no electricity. The explanation from Section 5 was that because the burned place involved the intersection of electrical circuits, emergency repairs were being carried out and it would take at least 2 to 3 hours to restore. powered by.

The investigation work was in progress. Niya looked at the light and shadow screen quietly, and she only needed to check one item.

6 o'clock sharp

The artificial sun went out, and the neighborhood fell into darkness. Soon the bright lights came on, and the noisy noises resumed. On the light and shadow screen, the number of people currently being investigated has reached 2317. In just a few minutes, After checking so many people, this number is still rising every minute.

"Relax Niya, we have at least three chances."

Noah said, Niya hummed and lit a cigarette.

After this investigation is over, if nothing is found, there will be some problems in the next area selected for investigation. Investigation will start as soon as the power outage starts. People from subjects 3 and 5 have been removed in advance. Members of other departments will also coordinate the investigation.

One hour passed quickly, and the number of people being investigated has exceeded 100,000. There is still one hour left, but there is still no news.

"If there is a problem with the power supply system, it will cause some chain reactions. Therefore, if there is a problem in other areas, it will be within a reasonable range, or within what the AI ​​considers to be a reasonable range. Facing an invisible enemy, the only choice is to make Something that makes the enemy think it’s reasonable.”

Noah said, and Niya frowned slightly.

"Can you please say a few words less? I've been listening to you nagging for an hour. Is there any way to solve this damn superfluid weapon? My people can't die in vain."

Noah hummed.

"Don't worry, there will be a solution, I promise you."

The moment Noah finished speaking, a piece of news came. It was suspected that a family had received such a package. Niya was shocked and immediately jumped to the roof and went directly to that family. Niya Niya came to an apartment building. Several people from Section 5 had already arrived. Niya opened the door.

"Stand away, I can do it alone."

Niya turned on the light source on her mobile phone and entered the resident's home. She quickly opened the door of a utility room. After rummaging for a while, she didn't find anything. Niya just picked up the things one by one. Soon several members of the special forces came in and began to help.

After a while, everyone found a package similar to the one in the photo in the corner. After Niya picked it up, she signaled the special team to leave. She opened the package and sighed immediately.

The thing was not a bomb, but a child's toy. It had been dismantled and checked, but there was nothing inside. The hope of finally finding it had failed again, which made Niya a little helpless.

It soon became clear that this family had bought some things before. Because they went to work elsewhere, many of the things they bought had not been opened. This package was just an ordinary package. After the size test, it was indeed express delivery. company's.

The time soon reached 8 o'clock, and all the residents had been checked, and no one who had received such packages was found.

Soon the power supply was restored, and with a burst of cheers, the blockade was lifted. However, the network was not restored. The reason given by the business department was that there was a problem with the server due to the sudden power outage and it needed to be repaired.

At this time, in District 15 on the upper floor, the lights suddenly went out, and many people screamed. Soon, the sound of the business department came from the street, and there was a malfunction in the electrical equipment.

Because the circuits in Districts 15 and 49 are on the same line, many people walked out of their homes, because many people were not used to it in such lightless darkness, but people from the business department soon arrived. in front of them.

A new round of interrogation started again, and Niya went directly to District 15. She wanted to get the results as soon as possible. There were only about 150,000 people in District 15, so the investigation should be much faster than that in District 49.

If the bomb cannot be detected in this plan, the rioters will know about it once the network is restored.

There is no way to disconnect the city's network. Once disconnected, major problems will arise in the lives of residents and the factories that are still in operation.

In just 10 minutes, 4,000 people have been checked. If the bomb cannot be found this time, they have one more chance, which is also the last chance. At this time, a report was submitted, and Niya quickly ran out of the command center. , more than a dozen members of the special forces followed.

The group of people soon arrived in front of a villa. The owner of the villa was already outside. He lowered his head in an indescribable manner.

"Tell me, what did you get caught with?"

The man swallowed.


Niya ignored her and quickly entered the house. She quickly found the package in a corner of the man's study room with a pile of books. Niya showed a happy smile when she opened it. A square black metal object .

Niya did not touch or move, because the bomb most likely had a positioning function. People from Section 10 came over in less than a minute. Noah walked directly in with people, and soon the people in the room were Everything was moved out.

Noah plans to complete all investigations on the bomb directly in this room. Less than an hour has just passed, and they will definitely complete everything before 12 o'clock tonight.

"Don't worry, if the bomb explodes, I can ensure everyone's safety."

A bunch of Section 10 members wearing protective clothing nodded. Other section chiefs or secretaries might be a little worried, but Noah was different. Yellow particles were already dispersed in the air.

Once the bomb explodes, Noah can quickly create a wall of air for each department member, which can completely protect them.

Niya was sitting in the villa. The man in front of her looked uneasy. He was the owner of a company. He had already confessed that he accepted the things from the rioters because he had been caught. He also explained that Everything was going on, but the man never said anything about what circumstances he was caught with.

"Hurry up and say it. If you don't say it, when the matter is over, we will just classify you as a crime of endangering the city. Then you can go to jail and think about it slowly."

The man immediately stood up in horror.

"Lord Niya, please stop joking. I said it this time. Isn't it a meritorious service? Can you let me go?"

Niya laughed.

"First of all, tell me what kind of circumstances you were caught by the rioters?"

After the man swallowed, he sat down and thought for a long time before finally speaking.

The man was originally poor and came from the bottom. At that time, the man had a like-minded friend. The two of them seized some business opportunities and started a small company together. After that, the company successfully made a profit, but at this time, differences also came.

The man had a disagreement with his friend, so there was a disagreement. The man felt that he could expand his business by relying on some gang members, but his friend disagreed. In the end, the two had a falling out and the company began to suffer losses.

The man could only part ways with his friend in the future, but if he gave his friend a large amount of shares now, the company would probably be ruined. The man didn't want to see his hard work go to waste, so he secretly planned with the gang members. some things.

The man's friends knew about it, but in the end they had no choice but to agree to the man's conditions, voluntarily quit the company, and only took away the 3,000 yuan they originally invested.

The man felt that everything should be stable. In just one year after cooperating with the gang members, the man's company expanded. However, what he didn't expect was that the friend who was threatened by his tricks would actually be in this year. He found criminal evidence that he had colluded with gang members and reported the man.

The man's company was directly sealed, and then the man was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. The man was very angry. The anger made the man lose his rationality. He gave the gang members a lot of money, and then the former friend Disappeared into the city.

At this point, the man lowered his head with a guilty look on his face. Niya lit a cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke, and then said.

"Just do whatever you want. You have enjoyed enough over the years. In view of your performance in this bombing case, you will be given a certain reduction in sentence. The sentence should not exceed 20 years, so you only need to spend your time in prison." It only takes 20 years. You can take care of the company yourself, or you can leave it to your family or professional managers."

Niya stood up as she spoke. The man seemed to be relieved. Niya stared at the room on the second floor quietly. At this time, she only hoped that Noah would solve the problem as soon as possible, and then start searching for bombs throughout the city. , because there are too many people like this man in the city who have ulterior secrets.

"It's okay Nia."

Noah opened the window and shouted, and Niya's expression completely relaxed.

"Produce detectors on a large scale immediately, and we must check and dismantle all bombs in the city tonight."

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