Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2237 Crime and Punishment 6 (Part 1)

"The experiment begins!"

Noah and Noah stood on a table, looking at the test site below. A protective suit that had just been researched and manufactured was used to defend against the enemy's superfluid weapons.

The superfluid that has been created at minus 271 degrees can be successful as long as it can withstand it. This is the simplest solution that the two of them have thought of so far.

Soon a mist-like gas spurted out from a metal can and flew towards the protective clothing hanging in the research room. Soon a thin layer of white substance appeared on the surface of the protective clothing, but The next moment, the superfluid easily passed through the protective suit.

Noah looked at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panel, pressed his forehead and laughed.

"Can it only defend 75%? In this case, it is equivalent to useless."

Noah's huge mechanical body twisted.

"It seems that we can only make weapons that can destroy the momentum conservation of the enemy's superfluid weapon. But if we don't understand how the enemy's superfluid weapon works, it is impossible to destroy the superfluid. weapons, so at this stage we can only consider how to resist the superfluid. At such low temperatures, the atoms of this type of protective armor will lose activity and undergo fission."

Noah turned around and started walking.

"You don't need to explain these things. You continue to see if there is any plan. I will continue to wander around the city. If I find the enemy's superfluid weapon, I will rush there as soon as possible."

Noah hummed and glanced at the protective suit in the research room. The red light on the metal head was flashing rapidly.

Soon Noah drove the elevator to the temporary headquarters in Area 58 on the middle level. Only King Xue stayed in the headquarters. All the other section chiefs and secretaries quickly dispatched and went directly to the sites where bombs were found.

"How's the situation?"

Noah shook his head, and after pouring a cup of coffee, King Xue looked at the reports that were constantly coming up on the light and shadow panel.

"Not too optimistic. We have not yet found a way to effectively deal with the superfluid weapons in the hands of the enemy."

King Xue pressed his glasses and laughed.

"Maybe it wouldn't be so nerve-wracking if we could catch them before they use this weapon."

Noah curled his lips and laughed.

"It's so simple to say, but it's too difficult to do it in a short time, and the AIs have already rebelled."

King Xue took off his glasses and laughed.

"I'll leave it to you here. I have to go to the western factory area. The businessmen are still waiting!"

Noah was a little confused. After all, the production of supplies had been finalized yesterday. King Xue wiped his glasses and put them on, smiling gently.

"It is true that at times like this, those businessmen who still have to raise prices are very bad. Secretary Le Xiao did come up with a solution, but this solution is based on the condition that the city can be safe and sound, so we cannot allow daily necessities to be produced and then sold. To give it to the public, we need to have stock in advance.”

Noah also knew this truth, and he asked while holding the cup.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Lease factories, just let businessmen rent their factories to the companies on the list, and then pay the businessmen a certain price for the materials produced. After all, this city is already chaotic enough. If the businessmen are in urgent need of medical treatment, , the situation will be even worse, and this kind of thing must be dealt with properly."

After King Xue left, Noah looked at the light and shadow screen. At 5:11 in the morning, 103 bombs had been found in the entire city.

Once this number explodes, at least several thousand people will be affected. Although the number is not large, the blow to the people of the entire city after the bomb explodes will be very tragic.

We can only search as many places in the city as possible after dawn and before 9 o'clock when Le Xiao delivers a televised speech to find more bombs, and at least control the number of bombs within 5%, so that even if there are some omissions If it is dropped or not discovered for some reason, the impact on the city will not be too great. This is within the controllable and acceptable range.

Although there are bound to be casualties, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, this is the limit that the acting department can do with all its efforts.

Noah checked the bomb as soon as he got it. This new alloy, which has never appeared in the city, has an extremely complex material structure and can communicate and store information.

This was probably invented by some rioter. Noah really wanted to meet the guy who invented this alloy. After all, he was able to develop such an outstanding thing under such harsh conditions. Apart from being a genius, It's impossible to do.

Although similar things have indeed been mentioned in AI simulation technology, Noah had previously considered that AI might have leaked such an alloy to the rioters, but now that he thinks about it carefully, theory and practice are two completely different things. This alloy The technologies applied are very diverse and cannot be accomplished by one or two people.

"Really, how long will it take to catch these guys?"

What Noah is now considering is the value of these guys. If they can really be caught, Noah wants to convince everyone that instead of putting them in prison, it is better to let them contribute to technology.

5:21 am

King Xue looked at the open factory door and the faces of the businessmen on the light and shadow screens in the lift next to him, all of them frowning.

"This is the maximum I can help you. If you are still dissatisfied, just stick to the original situation."

The businessmen all agreed, and soon the documents for renting the factory were sent over. The businessmen all signed quickly. Some small and medium-sized enterprises had already sent people over, and the businessmen did not need to do anything now. The leased factory would Work will start immediately, and the materials produced will be sold at the lowest price in the market.

All scheduling is done by these small and medium-sized enterprises that are responsible for the production of daily necessities on the list. The businessmen no longer say anything. After all, it is already thankful that the businessmen can get the factories started.

King Xue has assigned a large number of Section 1 personnel to enter the factory to supervise and manage the factory. Half of the people in Section 1 have been assigned to supervise and manage the production of daily necessities, and the other ordinary people are helping to detect bombs.

Section 1 could no longer mobilize any manpower. King Xue looked at the horizon in the distance. The sun was about to light up the city. What the rioters hiding in the corner would do tomorrow could only be waited and seen.


Niya came out of an apartment building anxiously. After she lit a cigarette, she looked at the number of bombs found, 108. It would be dawn soon, the network would be restored, and Zhao Zhen would definitely know what he had arranged. The good bomb has been found, and the next step is to deal with it.

Niya has given an order to be on guard and to minimize the harm that may come after dawn. Even if it is possible to continue to control the sending and receiving of information on the network, it cannot be controlled for too long, because many factories will start working at dawn. If there is no way to send and receive information, If this happens, it will be devastating to many factories that produce daily necessities and the places where these supplies are sold.

"How long can I last?"

Niya held the phone, and Mo Xiaolan on the phone smiled helplessly.

"You should know that it must be restored at dawn. The backlog of goods last night is about to burst the warehouse. If the logistics network cannot be restored,"

Niya's expression was completely relaxed. It was already 5:52, and the Internet would be opened in 8 minutes. After that, she could only resign herself to fate. At this time, Niya noticed a figure passing through the room upstairs. Niya quickly followed.

"It turns out it's you."

K stopped and smiled helplessly.

"Once Zhao Zhen shows up, I will rush over as soon as possible, and I will end everything, with my own hands!"

Niya walked over and patted K on the shoulder.

"You don't want to die with him."

K laughed.

"What are you thinking about, Niya? No matter what wrong decisions we made in the past, how many people can make the right decisions at that time?"

Niya did not answer. Niya had thought about this matter before. If she had been present, she might have made similar considerations to them, but she would definitely give priority to the hostages, but there was no if or if.

Many things in this world are like this. When you think it is a joke, it is actually true. When you believe it is true, you don't know that it is just a joke.

"A few more minutes."

K glanced at the time: 5:58.

The two of them looked at the horizon in the distance. As time passed by, many people who had obtained the right to travel during this time were already taking to the streets, planning to face the rising sun, buy good things quickly and then return home.

A flash of fiery red appeared in the darkness, and soon the fiery red expanded rapidly, and the city was dyed blood red. In just a few seconds, the gentle sunlight lit up the Brilliant City.

Looking around, the streets and alleys are filled with members of the executive branch, and a large number of mechanical balls are floating in the air.

After ten minutes, the two of them relaxed a little, and there was no problem anywhere.

"Hopefully I can have a little more time."

Niya saw that the number of bombs had reached 117, and she swallowed. The only thing she could do now was to pray, and then go to the scene when there was an explosion.


Zhao Zhen woke up. After he got up, he planned to make breakfast for Taotao. Taotao was sleeping soundly. Zhao Zhen came to the kitchen. As soon as he arrived in the kitchen, he saw the surveillance camera on the street outside the window, which was rotating. Zhao Zhen didn't pay attention. After making breakfast, it was already 6:31.

Zhao Zhen returned to the living room and turned on the light and shadow screen. The next moment he was stunned. His expression changed from doubtful to ferocious in just a few dozen seconds. With a bang, Zhao Zhen threw the things on the table to the floor. He was angry. roared.

"Who is it, who is it?"

Zhao Zhen roared, flashing through his mind the incident where the business department entered the room for inspection last night. At that time, Taotao's expression came back. Zhao Zhen rushed into the bedroom, woke up Taotao roughly, and held her tight Her wrist.

"Tell me, what did they do here last night?"

Taotao sobbed and told exactly that they were in the house to check for bombs.

Zhao Zhen was completely angry. He stared at Taotao, and Taotao cried.

"Stop it, Zhao Zhen. If you surrender now, it's still too late."

Zhao Zhen was completely stunned, his mind went blank. He raised his head quietly. After a while, Zhao Zhen said with a sinister smile.

"Are you going to force me to get on the final stage so soon?"

Taotao was at a loss and looked at the marks on her wrist with some horror. Zhao Zhen came over and opened the handcuffs and said.

"Let's go have breakfast. Once we're done, we'll be on our way."

Taotao sobbed and kept shaking her head. Zhao Zhen looked a little dazed. He didn't know how many of his bombs had been confiscated by the acting department, but this could not hinder his revenge plan.

Soon Taotao finished her breakfast in fear and shed tears. Zhao Zhen also ate some. He seemed to be in a happy mood. Then Zhao Zhen pulled Taotao and said.

"Any idea where our last stop is?"

Taotao shook her head, and Zhao Zhen walked over and stretched out his hand to caress Taotao's cheek.

"In CBV, I have arranged it a long time ago. This place where lies are spread should be very interesting."

Seeing that Zhao Zhen's expression was completely distorted and his eyes were extremely terrifying, Taotao kept shaking his head. Zhao Zhen walked to the bedroom and took out a set of cute pink work clothes that Taotao often wore for news reports.

"Hurry up and put it on, we can go out."

"Is it really not possible? If you want, I can"

Zhao Zhen looked at Taotao angrily.

"Who do you think you are? Move quickly. The reason why I am good to you is just because of the child in your belly. I just want to expose everything about the acting department, and you are just a pawn in my hand. , make no mistake, stupid woman.”

Taotao shed tears silently and could only obey the instructions and started to change into clothes. However, the clothes were no longer able to be worn and the buttons could not be buttoned because Taotao's abdomen had obviously bulged.

Zhao Zhen walked to the window with a smile and held up the black ball in his hand. Soon a number 9 appeared on it. This was the number of bombs left in the city. Zhao Zhen was a little shocked.

"It's enough. It's enough to attract their attention and allow me to enter the CBV building smoothly. I have given you the passwords needed to activate the bombs. You just need to detonate the bombs at the right time and assist me. Just let me enter the CBV building."

Zhao Zhen said and turned around to leave the kitchen. Taotao had already changed her clothes, but the buttons were not fastened. Zhao Zhen walked over with a smile and touched Taotao's abdomen.

"Let's go, this may be the last day of your anchor career. Before it passes, if you have important people, I can allow you to leave what you want to say."

Taotao covered her mouth and kept shaking her head. She no longer had anyone important in the world. During this period of time, Taotao also thought about this problem. Her closest parents were gone, and her lover and friends also had no one. People can leave messages.

Taotao shook her head.

"Let's go!"

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