Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2250 The Truth (Part 2)

8 a.m.

The streets were lined with people, and many people were shouting that the purchase of daily necessities today was further limited. Many people were dissatisfied, but some people heard that there was a large-scale strike in the factory area last night.

Because the factory has not yet fully opened, daily necessities have been further restricted, and the CBV channel has always been shady. What is the current situation, is a question that most people are concerned about.

Martial law has been in force for five days, and many people have become unbearable. One-hour travel every day has become a luxury for many people. Most of them can only queue in long lines on the streets to buy what they need from places where biological supplies can be purchased.

Once it exceeds 1 hour, no matter where you are, you will be found by the nearby office and asked to return home.

A lift flew across the sky and was heading towards the CBV building. Soon the lift landed on the rooftop of the CBV building. A group of people from the special management team carried large boxes on their backs and quickly walked from the rooftop. Go down to the entrance.

Today's breakfast for the hostages has been delivered and will be placed directly at the door of each conference room where the hostages are now. They only need to come and pick it up.

In the studio on the 59th floor, Zhao Zhen was already awake, looking at the members of the special management team who had opened the door and came over carrying a large box. Although he was confused, there was no need to worry about anything anymore.

As soon as Le Xiao came in, he saw the food delivered. He hurried over and took some out, walked to a table, sat down, and started eating. Hua Shen also took a piece of food and sat next to Le Xiao.

"How is he doing?"

Le Xiao looked at Zhao Zhen who was drinking porridge, Huashen smiled and said.

"Many days better than yesterday, but time is probably running out."

Le Xiao swallowed a mouthful. Huashen looked at Le Xiao who was devouring food and felt a little incredible. There was no sound from within the business department now because this matter had reached a point where it couldn't get any worse.

Publishing the truth is difficult for every senior executive in the department to do, because it requires courage and responsibility, and this is how the whole body is mobilized.

"Have you thought it through?"

Huashen asked, Lexiao wiped his mouth and hummed. He looked at the almost finished breakfast and smiled helplessly. In the past, Huashen was researching in the medical field and never asked about rights issues. .

Obviously everyone knows what the problem is, but everyone will choose to compromise in the end. This compromise is a compromise with the city, because it is enough to see the sunny city functioning normally every day.

But those things that are hidden in the dark will always breed a large number of potential problems. These problems will accumulate for many years and one day they can no longer be suppressed.

After Le Xiao finished eating quickly, she sat across from Zhao Zhen. The staff began to work, and the live broadcast started again soon.

"Okay, Mr. Zhao Zhen, let's continue with last night's topic, the mechanization era."

Le Xiao said and Zhao Zhen nodded. He had never thought that such a rumor that had existed in the city for so long could be true.

"So were all the technological openings and construction in the city in the past to prepare for the transition to the mechanization era?"

Le Xiao hummed.

"Please tell me, Miss Le Xiao, what kind of mechanized era is this?"

Le Xiao closed her eyes, and her heart beat violently again. What she heard from Alpha was too unbelievable, and on the way here, Alpha told Le Xiao a lot of things.

"Conduct biochemical mechanical transformation on human beings, leaving only the brain, and the other parts are all biochemical machinery."

Le Xiao answered clearly, and Zhao Zhen laughed loudly, and then kept shaking his head.

"Is this the truth? Are the people in this entire city working hard just for such a ridiculous era? Then please tell me, can people still be called human beings?"

Le Xiao shook her head.

"Indeed, this approach is too cruel. The city has been plagued by various problems in recent years, many of which are caused by the serious insufficient allocation of resources."

"Then most people in the city should pay for this!"

Zhao Zhen seemed a little excited. Many people knew what was going on in the city. They had to pay for such a ridiculous reason. This was the reason why Zhao Zhen was so angry. In order to transform people into robots and let humans disperse. Lose everything except your thoughts.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

Le Xiao nodded, she also thought so, because if people are really transformed into robots, then they will lose most of their original things, and such people can no longer be called human beings.

“This is what I know about the mechanized age.”

As Le Xiao said, Zhao Zhen kept shaking his head. He was in great pain at this moment. He didn't know what he had been living for all these years. Although hatred was one aspect, Zhao Zhen wanted more. It’s time for this city to stop being so cold.

And now those people actually want to make the city even colder, which Zhao Zhen cannot accept.

"What do you do after you transform into a robot? What does it look like?"

Lexiao licked her lips and closed her eyes again. What Alpha and she had said flowed in her mind.

"AI controls the operation of the entire city. Once a person is born, he or she will choose a corresponding job based on his/her IQ. At a certain age, he will be transformed into a mechanical biochemical person."

"What do you think people are? What do you think they are?"

Zhao Zhen clenched his fists, roared angrily, and pounded the table. Le Xiao just looked at Zhao Zhen seriously.

"But there's a reason!"

As Le Xiao said, Zhao Zhen stood up and looked at Le Xiao angrily.

"Time is running out for this planet."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhao Zhen asked.

"This planet is slowly dying. Although I don't know how long it will take, if nothing is done, humans will perish. That's why the gods want to transform humans so that their genes can continue and transition to mechanization. After the era, space colonization began, and eventually humans had no choice but to leave this planet and go to other galaxies to find planets suitable for human habitation."

Zhao Zhen was silent, and everyone present was silent.

At this time in the city, those who were watching the live broadcast on the street and waiting to buy daily necessities were also silent. Everyone was thinking about something because what Le Xiao announced was too shocking.

"real or fake?"

A man muttered something, and the woman next to him said.

"Whether it's true or not, I don't want to let my body turn into a machine."

"Yes, if we decide what we want to do as soon as we are born, then what value and opportunity do we have for our efforts?"

There were commotions everywhere, many people were shouting, and many members of the administrative department who maintained order on the street also looked extremely shocked, because such a thing is unacceptable to everyone.

In particular, many people cannot accept the fact that AI controls human beings. Some people think of the AI ​​network decades ago, which used AI to assist humans in all aspects of work and even life. However, the AI ​​network is After rising for a while, it disappeared.

The reason given by Congress at that time was that the AI ​​network was temporarily canceled because the technology was immature and would cause instability in the industry in the city.

Many people who had experienced the AI ​​network at that time felt that it was extremely convenient, as if they had a wise butler who could give very accurate suggestions and help, whether at work or in life.

Even many people with insufficient abilities can rely on AI networks to work in some large companies, because AI can accurately help this person improve his abilities in a short period of time.

After the AI ​​network was cancelled, many people protested. Now all the truth has been revealed before everyone's eyes.

Many people have begun to think, if everything can really be managed by AI, then what is the value of a human being and what is the point of people working hard to live a life.

You just need to follow all the instructions of the AI ​​to spend every day. You don't even need to think about it. Some people can't help but start discussing it with the people next to them.

"How long can this planet exist?"

Zhao Zhen asked, Le Xiao hummed, and then said.

"Half a century at most!"

50 years!

Many people watching the live broadcast felt the crisis. There is only fifty years left for mankind. This is a real crisis for most people, because many people in their forties, fifties, or even sixties or seventies must have Can wait until the day this planet is destroyed.

"So the gods have been preparing for the mechanization era half a century ago. Now the city's mechanization technology and AI management technology are very mature."

Zhao Zhen sat down and looked at the table blankly. Niya and Alpha lit cigarettes under the table. This was an inevitable fact.

"Is there no other way to solve it?"


Following Le Xiao's answer, the people discussing in the room on the street stopped for a while. They didn't know what Le Xiao's method was.

"Actually, there are other human civilizations outside our Brilliant City."

Another shocking fact was announced, and everyone was completely shocked, because many people could not imagine what the outside world was like, and Congress had never announced what the outside world was like.

But everyone knows that the previous human social civilization has been destroyed long ago, and Brilliant City was built by the remaining humans.


Zhao Zhen asked, Le Xiao stretched out a finger and pointed upward.

"Outside this planet, there is a country called Asgard, also called the Sky Country. We have established communications with them for more than half a century. Asgard will send representatives next year Visit Brilliant City.”

Someone immediately thought of letting the humans in Brilliant City leave this planet and live in space through contacts with Asgard before it is destroyed.

"Is this the alternative plan you were talking about?"

Le Xiao nodded.

"With the current technological capabilities, can it be realized?"

Just when Le Xiao was about to speak, the studio door was opened and Noah walked in slowly.

"I'm sorry. It's up to me to answer these questions. Since it has been announced, there is nothing I can do about it."

Noah said and walked up directly. When he appeared on the stage, the city fell silent again, because as the chief of Section 10, Noah naturally knew everything.

"Although the truth is cruel, since everyone wants to know, we are not going to hide it."

Noah said, patting Lexiao on the shoulder, she swallowed, and Noah immediately spoke after sitting down.

"Unfortunately, the current technology can only accommodate less than 1 million people to go to space. Even in the past half century, it can only accommodate 2 million people at most."

Le Xiao opened her eyes wide in shock, and Zhao Zhen looked at Noah in disbelief.

"And what happens to the rest of us?"

"If they are all mechanical bodies and human brains, no matter how many people are left, they can be brought up. This is the current problem. The human body is too fragile and cannot adapt to the harsh space environment. Therefore, in the mechanization era, Advancement is inevitable, and I think all citizens should be aware of this. Think about the people in the barrier zone, even if they can survive, what are they in the eyes of everyone?"

Zhao Zhen lowered his head. There was no need to discuss this issue anymore, because no matter how much we argued, it was an established fact that the planet was about to be destroyed and humans were about to lose their current living place.

"It's just that we have a third plan."

Noah said and everyone who was still thinking looked towards the light and shadow screen.

"Create an artificial planet before this planet is destroyed. At present, cities do not have such capabilities, but it is possible. If we start this plan from now on, it is possible. A planet that can make thousands of A moving metal planet inhabited by thousands of people, but the place we are going to is still in space.”

Le Xiao stood up in shock.


Noah nodded.

"The current situation is too difficult. The city has been struggling with various problems over the years, and there will always be various disputes due to this or that problem. So if we cannot solve the internal problems, there is only one way out in the end. You can go, everything is for the continuation of the human race, and it will completely enter the mechanized era. Everyone is like a gene, and the meaning of existence is only to allow human beings to continue into the future!"

Noah said, directly opening a light and shadow screen, and quickly called up a document, which was the structural layer of the planet.

"The temperature inside this planet is dropping every year. When the surface temperature drops to a certain level, severe cold will come. At present, cities have no means to deal with it. Such an environment is not suitable for human survival, because the planet The surface temperature will drop to minus one hundred degrees!"

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