"What on earth are you doing?"

Tang Ye stared blankly at Zhao Zhen, who looked calm on the light and shadow screen. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this in the end. Tang Ye looked at Zhao Zhen on the screen angrily.

It is very difficult to carry out follow-up plans at present. Without Zhao Zhen's plan as an introduction, many subsequent plans will not be carried out.

"What does that bastard Zhao Zhen think of everything we have done over the years?"

Tang Ye knew very well that he could not go back to the past, his identity had been exposed, and Feite had been arrested. Now all of them could only continue to hide in the city, and such a large-scale investigation by the acting department found that they would only be found sooner or later. question.

Tang Ye is now in an apartment on the upper floor. The owner of this apartment died many years ago. However, with the help of AI, the employer is still alive. This is what Tang Ye did not expect. The new human beings are so... It has long penetrated into human society.

Tang Ye looked at the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa without saying a word. He had replaced this man named Luo Er six years ago. Now the rioters are living in the homes of the new humans.

Several investigations by the Xingke Department have been dealt with by the new humans. Tang Ye is extremely anxious now because he cannot contact other people. If there is only a little unknown signal now, the Xingke Department will 100% track the signal. , and then thoroughly investigate the area where the signal occurs.

Tang Ye looked at the light and shadow screen. What Le Xiao said just now made Tang Ye feel his heart tremble. Such words were very powerful. Looking at some speeches on the Internet, Tang Ye felt what Zhao Zhen had done. Already in vain.

Since Le Xiao's appearance, the direction of the city has changed. It is like dew coming out of a long drought. The truth has indeed been announced, but it has not achieved actual results.

At this moment, a message appeared on Tang Ye's mobile phone. Martial law would be lifted at 6 o'clock the day after tomorrow and everything would be restored.

Tang Ye was completely shocked. He was thinking about what he had to do. If nothing was done, the situation that was finally created would return to the past.

"Don't act rashly. If you plan, the failure rate is 100%!"

Luo Er spoke, and Tang Ye roared angrily.

"What are you doing? Why don't you just detonate the bomb?"

"Because the control is in Zhao Zhen's hands."

Tang Ye flew away the teacup angrily, and the teacup hit Luo Er's cheek directly. However, he remained motionless, completely falling into silence.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen fell on the sofa and fell completely into a coma. The live broadcast was temporarily interrupted. Tang Ye saw Hua Shen running up and the screen went black.


Huashen looked at Zhao Zhen who was already lying on the operating table. Several other directors from Department 4 had already come in. The operation had started for two minutes. Zhao Zhen's condition was very bad. Huashen planned to remove Zhao Zhen first. The bomb in the body.

The bombs in the CBV building are being steadily defused. News has just arrived that the bomb disposal robot has accurately found the location of the bomb and has partially dismantled it, but the overall operation will take at least two hours.

Other bombs inside the building are also being dismantled simultaneously. Section 10 is using improvised machinery near the building to mass-produce bomb disposal robots.

There is no time to delay now. Once Zhao Zhen dies, the bomb will explode. The situation is beyond everyone's expectation. They did not expect it to end in such a peaceful way. This is what Hua Shen did not expect. He looked behind him Le Xiao, she seemed to be smiling, looking at some news on the light and shadow screen.

Le Xiao's approach is completely different from Jean's, or there is a certain similarity, but they are different in direction. Jean has always been protecting the order of Brilliant City, while Le Xiao broke this order.

The solidified system will also take this opportunity to gradually loosen in the future. The direction of urban development in the future is a big issue because the truth has been announced.

This planet will be finished in 50 years, and if we don’t start preparations now, it will be impossible for everyone to move to space and live in space in 50 years.

Huashen can probably imagine what those who hold a large amount of capital in Brilliant City will want to do. What they want to do is probably to complete the transformation as soon as possible and inject the type II life-span vaccine.

There is no need to think too much about this. After all, the oldest among them are over a hundred years old, and their lives are running out. No one wants to close their eyes after sitting on such a huge asset.

In order to promote future plans to go to space, capital should vigorously promote mechanical technology, so that the process of the mechanization era will be accelerated. As for Le Xiao’s plan to allocate resources to everyone, regardless of Both the risk and difficulty are too great.

Many people in the city should already know what to choose. What they need to face next is a more difficult problem. Huashen looked at Le Xiao. He didn't know how far this girl could do it.

But it is indeed because of Le Xiao's appearance that the city has completed drastic changes in just a few months, which Huashen could not have imagined.

"We must be careful not to cause the patient too much pain, otherwise, a slight pain may cause the patient's heart to stop."

The difficulty of this operation is very high. If you want to compare it, it is similar to the operation performed on Ran Zhi in the past. Fortunately, there have been greater breakthroughs in medicine now, and surgical drugs have fewer side effects on the human body.

Now the only thing Huashen could do was to extend Zhao Zhen's life until the afternoon, and they succeeded. This kind of operation seemed successful, but there were many examples of sudden deterioration.

Due to individual differences and people who have been ill for a long time, the body is already extremely weak.

Le Xiao looked nervously at the dozen or so doctors busy on the operating table, all of whom were very careful in their movements.

"It's really ironic that the best doctors in the city are trying to save the life of a criminal."

Nia muttered, and Alpha smiled helplessly.

"If it weren't for that little girl, it might be difficult for things to progress to this point."

Alpha refers to Taotao, the female anchor who has lived with Zhao Zhen for more than a month. Even if Le Xiao has made up his mind to reveal the truth, without that female anchor to come forward, everything may be difficult to achieve.

Now Taotao is still sitting on the sofa, motionless, her expression looks terrible, because everything she did is already a crime, and criminals who assist in destroying the city can be directly classified as crimes against the city.

Even if there is no need for law to judge, Taotao's life in this city will probably not be easy in the future. The gathering voices can already drown her.

Alpha stood up and walked to Lexiao. After saying something in her ear, Lexiao swallowed and looked at Taotao.

After Le Xiao thought for a moment, he immediately called the staff over. Then they changed the table and Le Xiao walked to Taotao.

"I think you have to say something to the whole city, otherwise"

Taotao shook her head.

"No need, Master Le Xiao, I"

Le Xiao took Taotao's hand.

"You have to say something. In this city, although many voices are mean, if you do something bad, you will definitely be scolded."

Taotao looked at Le Xiao blankly, she didn't know what to say.

"What you were thinking at that time, you just need to say it. Someone should be able to understand. To be honest, if you hadn't come in, it would have been difficult for me to make up my mind, because I was the only one in favor of announcing the results of the vote at that time. the truth."

Taotao looked at Le Xiao in astonishment. After a while, she came to another stage, and the CBV staff started the live broadcast.

The calm city became noisy again. Many people saw Taotao, and some people directly scolded her because she actually leaked the rescue plan of the business department to such a dangerous criminal. Even though the situation has calmed down now, But more people are angry about what this female anchor did.

"Tell me what you were thinking at that time."

Le Xiao smiled and finished speaking. Taotao licked her lips as if she didn't know where to start. Le Xiao said to the camera.

"Please don't scold this woman. Indeed, her previous behavior was a crime!"

Le Xiao said and Taotao nodded.

"But if it hadn't been for her, the truth might have remained hidden as always. It takes a lot of courage to do such a thing. She knew exactly what would happen if she did this, as I said before Yes, we all are eager to know the truth, because the truth is very important, but when it comes time to announce it, it is often due to one or other evil reasons. This has been the case with many things in the past, so in the end, lies can only be used to cover up the truth. But today at least we did it and took this as an opportunity!”

Le Xiao said, smiling and patting Taotao on the back.

Taotao still lowered her head and wiped away the overflowing tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I did something I shouldn't have done!"

After Taotao hesitated for a while, she pressed her belly and said.

"I have a child. What I have been thinking about most during this time is whether my child will be born smoothly. I have been in this industry for almost ten years. I have seen and heard a lot of things. These things are all It cannot be exposed to the sun. Obviously there are many things that are terrible, but I can only smile every day because it is required by work. I have been very tired over the years! Especially after being a third party and interfering in other people's marriages. Until After having this child, I often thought that after my child is born, he will have a difficult life like me in the past in this indifferent city full of lies! I have considered this issue countless times."

Taotao covered her mouth, tears falling uncontrollably.

"Finally I came to my answer. Is it really wrong to want to know the truth? What is wrong are those who cover up the truth with lies and those who obtain the truth through such criminal means. I'm sorry, really. I'm sorry, I'm willing to accept any punishment!"

Lexiao hugged Taotao comfortingly, and she sniffed. After a while, Niya came over, looked at Taotao and said directly.

"No matter what you have done, a crime is a crime, Miss Taotao. Now I am arresting you for the crime of urban endangerment. In view of the complexity of this matter, you can hire a lawyer, and I will conduct various investigations and inquiries on you later."

Taotao nodded and said thank you. Niya walked over and helped Taotao up and asked her to rest first.

Although Le Xiao still wanted to say something, she couldn't say or do anything. In the past, she felt that many things were unfair, especially according to the law, some people who were obviously completely innocent were found guilty because of this or that. relationship can only accept the sanction of the law.

Le Xiao had asked Alpha this question before, and Alpha asked Le Xiao to think carefully about why the law exists. Now Le Xiao vaguely understands the meaning of the law.

This is something that no one can touch easily, even someone like Alpha. Le Xiao was extremely shocked when she learned about everything she had done in the past, but she had already received the punishment she deserved.

The same thing happened this time. Niya was still talking about the urban endangerment crimes committed by Taotao. Le Xiao stood up and bowed slightly, left the stage and returned to the bottom. Alpha nodded.

"You have grown up a lot Lexiao."

"There is no Sister Alpha. I am just learning now and selling it now. Your Excellency Michelle gave me many drafts before, and I just took some things from those drafts."

Alpha didn't say anything else. Le Xiao yawned. She slept very comfortably last night and is in good spirits now. After this incident is over, Le Xiao plans to go back to the office and continue working. After all, the city will continue to be normal the day after tomorrow. It's working.

At this time, on the page of Section 5, the crimes committed by those who were previously coerced to accept Zhao Zhen's bomb were listed one by one. More than 100 people had committed crimes in the past. In the end, it was these crimes that made They had to accept Zhao Zhen's bomb.

These people will get the punishment they deserve, and some will even spend the rest of their lives in prison. Alpha asked after taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"What's the next step? Have you thought clearly?"

"Well, Sister Alpha, we must establish an agricultural base in the barrier area. As long as there is enough food, the people at the bottom of the city and those in the barrier area who live in darkness all year round can live in this sunny place. In the city.”

Alpha hummed. She knew very well that the resistance would be very strong. I am afraid that 99% of the people in the city who control most of the resources would not agree.

How to pass and successfully implement this plan is a big problem, and now the recycling factory in the gully area must be established as soon as possible to lay the foundation for the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area.

"Sister Alpha, are you hungry? How about we go out to eat first?"

Alpha was a little surprised and smiled.

"Where did the food you ate go?"

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