Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 235 Beauty Area (Part 1)

Le Xiao's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. She didn't know what to say at all. Thinking about the scene along the way, there were really almost no men in sight. They were all women, and they were beautiful women.

The women I saw in my mind when I was a child used to call themselves the butterflies of the night. Whenever night fell and the lights were on, they would solicit customers at the door of some small shops, and they would stick to them whenever they saw a man.


Lu Xi burst out crying in front of him, as if he were a child. He kept wiping away the tears with the back of his hands, and his body became limp a little bit. He lay on the ground and cried hoarsely. Lu Xi, who was completely out of control emotionally, had a look on his face. The makeup is also starting to wear off.

Le Xiao hurried over and supported Lu Xi. She saw bruises on her back and arms pinched by her fingers. Le Xiao didn't understand why Jewell didn't tell Lu Xi about this. This is an extremely important thing for a woman, and there is a reason why the woman in front of her is so excited.

Are section chiefs the kind of guys who keep everything in their hearts and say nothing?

Le Xiao thought of Gene with a smile on his face, who also said nothing to him and made himself do everything like a blind man touching others.

Lu Xi was still sobbing and shaking her head. Le Xiao gently patted her back to comfort her. Until half an hour later, Lu Xi's eyes were red and she was snoring and the corners of her mouth were raised. Le Xiao was also a little affected. Wiped the tears that overflowed from his eyes.

"Congratulations to you, Miss Lu Xi, but Section Chief Jewell really didn't say anything. Obviously the entire department knew about it. Could it be that he wanted to give you a surprise?"

Lu Xi nodded.

"Maybe, but now"

The two women looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Lu Xi. It's really true that Section Chief Jewell didn't propose to you. I was sent an order document by the Secretary-General early this morning. I'll make up for the gift later."

"Master Le Xiao, I really appreciate you, thank you, for being able to deliver such a small thing when you are so busy."

Le Xiao hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands.

"its me"

When Le Xiao thought about Wu Lei saying that he was an idler this morning, he immediately blurted out.

"I'm an idle person. If you want, just call me Le Xiao, Miss Lu Xi. No need for honorifics."

"Then I'll call you Le Xiao. Thank you Le Xiao."

Le Xiao grinned and put one hand on the back of her head. She helped Lu Xi stand up, and it was hard to ask where her injuries came from.

And Lu Xi was also keenly aware that the 26-year-old Le Xiao, secretary of the 13th Department, was not a genius among geniuses as advertised on the surface, but was manipulated by the Department of Business. Perhaps this girl, like herself, had a bad birth, and He didn't look like a genius, he seemed a bit clumsy. He didn't seem to know anything about District 29, but he seemed very enthusiastic and easy to talk to. Lu Xi took a look at the uniform that Le Xiao had casually thrown on the sofa. , and when she first arrived, she was not wearing a uniform, so she did not recognize the person from the business department and thought she was a shameless woman who wanted her to help introduce him to Jewell's bed.

"By the way, Lexiao, you don't wear a uniform, is that okay? I remember Jewell told me before that you don't have to wear a uniform except for the 3-day vacation period every month. If you are caught once, you will be deducted for one month. For salary, if you do it twice, your year-end bonus will be gone, and if you do it more than three times, you will be fired.”

Le Xiao's heart trembled, but she immediately said with a smile.

"It's okay, Mother. The secretary-general can't see me, and"

"There is surveillance."

Le Xiao began to shiver, a chill tingled on her back, and sweat began to evaporate. The words "monitoring" were all in her head. She hurried over, grabbed her uniform, and quickly Weared on the body.

"It seems that it is no longer useful, Le Xiao. I heard Jewell say before that there was a director who was drunk and acted violently on the street, and then threw his uniform on the ground. As a result, he received it in just 10 minutes. Demotion and half-year salary deduction."

Le Xiao swallowed and hurriedly opened his light and shadow phone. It was a text message from the secretary-general, just 20 minutes ago.

"Secretary Le Xiao, please correct your behavior and stop embarrassing our business department. In the salary item of the 13th department's account book, please indicate that your salary will be deducted for one month because you are not wearing uniform."

Le Xiao has already begun to calculate in her head. There is no salary this month, and 12 months' salary has been paid in advance, plus the current salary deduction.

“I’m going to work for free for over a year.”

Lu Xi looked at Le Xiao in confusion. After a while, Le Xiao seemed to want to find someone to complain about, and talked about some of his experiences.

Lu Xi's scalp felt numb after hearing this.

Is such a person a genius? Can I be a secretary? Can you still survive until now?

"You really have character, Le Xiao."

But immediately Lu Xi said cautiously.

"Sister Le Xiao, you can tell me these things, but don't tell others, otherwise it will be terrible."

"Sorry, sorry, Lu Xi, I'm obviously here to inform you. By the way, come out with me and I'll buy you a gift."

Saying that, Le Xiao pulled Lu Xi to go out, but Lu Xi shook his head.

"This place only has cheap goods, not the high-end gifts you want to buy. Forget it, I will buy them myself when the time comes. I will tell the people in the business department that you sent a gift, and then I will tell you what the gift is. Just give me the money and do the accounting."

Le Xiao hummed and nodded continuously.

At this moment, Lu Xi came to the window, the shock in her heart was still there. She didn't know why Jewell didn't tell her about the marriage. She had teased Jewell a long time ago, jokingly saying that if she got married, His wife would take good care of everything for him, but Jewell was angry and slapped her. Although Lu Xi was happy now, why didn't Jewell say anything but wait for action? Ask someone to come over.

Lu Xi tremblingly took out the phone and pressed 0011.

Le Xiao hurriedly came over and listened with a smile. She was in a good mood.

If one day Jean would be like this with me.

Le Xiao immediately showed a complicated smile.

It's impossible.

"Jewell, it's me."

"What's wrong Lu Xi?"

The voice was a little cold, and Lu Xi hummed.

"The secretary of Section 13 just now"

"Speak quickly, hurry up."

Le Xiao spoke excitedly on the side, but her voice suddenly became louder, and Jewell on the phone heard it.

"Who is there?"

"Secretary of Section 13, Master Le Xiao, is Jewell real?"

After a while of silence.

"Ah, it's true, Lu Xi, I love you. Please marry me. If possible, I will come over later and go to Section 1 with you to get the corresponding documents."

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