Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2329: Like a stuck in the throat (Part 2)


Honghong and Beckinsale came to the square of the General Affairs Section. At this time, the Square of the General Affairs Section was already crowded. The crowd was not as excited as in the morning. They heard that the General Affairs Section had sent a Secretary of the General Affairs Section to give a clear answer to these questions. The unemployed in the film and television area will definitely take measures to solve their problems today.

Both of them are worried now, because the problems in the film and television area can no longer be calmed down. Criminal evidence is constantly being unearthed. Nearly 3,000 people have been arrested, and 238 corporate studios, large and small, have been sealed.

These companies are involved in multiple crimes, and economic crimes are particularly serious. A total of nearly 2 billion in tax evasion has been detected. This number is extremely terrifying.

And this number is still rising. The business department is sparing no effort to investigate everything in the film and television area, and it does not intend to let everything calm down. The most difficult thing at the moment is the work of these film and television area employees, as well as the related peripheral companies of the film and television area. things, this area is particularly important for the city.

Although many citizens only discuss certain matters after dinner, without the entertainment content provided by the film and television area, this is unacceptable to most people after work.

Many people hope that the current situation will calm down. Practitioners in these film and television areas are also in a state of worry and joy, because now it is tantamount to a major reshuffle in the film and television area, and many of their practitioners have the opportunity to fill the upper-level positions. It is indeed a pleasure to have vacant seats, but at the same time, without income, they simply cannot continue to live in the film and television area.

Some people who couldn't bear it have already left the film and television area, but most people are still persisting, because if they leave at this time, if the situation calms down, there will be a large gap of practitioners in the entire film and television area.

Hundreds of famous celebrities have been arrested now, and other celebrities who are fine cannot be in peace either. They are being questioned by Section 5 and Section 7 every day.

Beckinsale still clearly remembers that when Alfa started to check the film and television area many years ago, the scene at that time was somewhat similar to now, but in the end everything came to an abrupt end when the investigation reached a certain level. At that time, many people felt that The thunder was louder and the raindrops were lighter, so after handing over some innocuous things, the entire film and television area returned to tranquility.

But it's completely different now. Honghong looked worried. The two of them were in a business restaurant opposite the General Affairs Department. There were very few people in the restaurant now, and they planned to wait for the results here.

Honghong had already called Locke before, and Locke also made it clear that he was already formulating a plan.

"How involved is that guy Jiang Hao?"

Beckinsale asked, and Honghong smiled.

"I probably know about 70% to 80%. As for whether that idiot was involved, I can't guarantee that."

Beckinsale nodded. Now hundreds of congressmen in the film and television area have been arrested. Many of them have participated in dirty activities during their term. Beckinsale also knows it well. She has repeatedly reminded many congressmen. They kept themselves safe, but it was a pity that no one listened. In this film and television area where people are obsessed with money and materialistic desires, Beckinsale is a breath of fresh air among the parliamentarians.

Therefore, in this investigation, Beckinsale was only called for questioning, and there was no evidence or report indicating that Beckinsale had participated in crimes in the film and television area.

“The era of exchanging compliance for some power from capital is completely over.”

Honghong sighed helplessly. She naturally knew that Beckinsale had been both a leader and a servant in these years. When Beckinsale established a foothold in the film and television area a long time ago, it was indeed in the early days after he became a member of parliament and the president of the Film and Television Association. , the power in hand played a certain role.

The film and television area at that time was much cleaner than it is now, and Beckinsale also wanted to be strict in managing the actors. However, ugly things behind the scenes still happened from time to time, because there was a lot of money in this place, and everything had to do with money. If you have a relationship, it will start to deteriorate.

Not many people can keep their bottom line, especially those who have finally climbed up, and the city's capital is constantly crowding into the film and television area, because this is a place where long-term returns can be achieved as long as investment is made, and culture and art will So true.

Under the constant squeeze of digital capital, Beckinsale also gradually realized that the power in her hands was losing little by little. It was difficult for her to launch some policies. If she wanted to implement them, she could only compromise with capital.

There is a price for compromising with capital. Capital is no longer a tool under the power, but has suddenly become the owner of the right. Only after meeting some of the requirements of capital will they push the right to perform certain things.

Over the years, Beckinsale has done a good job of checking and balancing everything, allowing the entire film and television area to flourish. The only drawback is that capital is completely out of control.

Under the light of capital, all ugliness will be buried, and everyone will be involved in the whirlpool of capital. Honghong was the same in the early years. She can only coexist peacefully with everyone. What can and cannot be done, everyone Everyone knows it well, and over time, the film and television area has become like this.

Honghong naturally knew about the poor actress who committed suicide before. She was just a small tool of capital. When the incident occurred, the administrative department had already investigated it, but all the witnesses and physical evidence pointed to this. The famous actress suffered from depression before and was under too much pressure from work, so she committed suicide.

But now it's different. If one point is broken, a series of things will come. The business department continues to announce the details of this case. Many things are outrageous, and Niya also threatened that all the bastards related to this case will not last for a hundred years. Don't think about getting out of jail.

Because this shocking case has covered up some cases of equally bad nature, it has not formed a bigger storm now, because compared with this vicious incident, other cases are not too evil.

Many retired people have also been implicated. Nowadays, people are being summoned to the public security management center every day. Some of them are people who were injured in the film and television area and finally left. They are all testifying to some things.

"What do you think will happen?"

Honghong asked, and Beckinsale smiled.

"Everyone has nothing to do now, and I don't know what will happen. After this big reshuffle, I will start over, and so will you."

At this time, the crowd began to stir. The two realized something and hurriedly got up and headed to the square. Sure enough, they soon saw that the Business Department used a light and shadow generator to create a stage, and Le Xiao, the secretary of Department 13, also boarded the stage. , Locke Jiahui also followed, the two of them were still discussing something.

Everyone looked at Le Xiao with anticipation. The uneasiness on the faces of many practitioners in the film and television area disappeared at this time, which surprised Honghong and Beckinsale who had just arrived on the sidelines.

Some people are already talking about it, because it seems that this matter will be left to the secretary of Section 13, Le Xiao. She has solved many problems in the city many times before. People in the city speak very highly of Le Xiao. High.

"First of all, thank you all for being here today. I'll keep it short."

Le Xiao spoke, and everyone listened attentively. She scratched her head, and Locke sighed, then nodded.

"I think now everyone can set up their own and publish some works in the name of individuals or studios. As for investment, I think we can solicit it from people in the city."

Le Xiao's words shocked everyone present, and she continued immediately.

"Many of us have relevant professional qualification certificates. As long as we have these qualifications, whether we want to set up a personal studio or a small company, Department 1 will immediately approve it and open a green channel for everyone."

Le Xiao looked at the people present who were all silent, and was a little confused for a moment. Le Xiao looked at the plan she had just discussed with Locke Jiahui, and she said hurriedly.

"As for the programs produced by everyone, whether they are short films, small theaters, or all light and shadow things, they can be played unconditionally on the website produced by the business department and a special video channel. The business department only charges a part of the management fee, but We will strictly review the content you shoot, and as for paying, it depends on your own ability. If you can turn what you shoot into money, then naturally you don’t need to work part-time."

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, the crowd became excited. Many people couldn't believe that they could do this. In this way, everyone is fair and does not need to be linked to some large companies. They can freely shoot what they want. Shoot something.

"As for the work model including some fees, of course it is the same as before. What you have to do now is to put your creativity up, and then draw up a share ratio yourself, and attract some individuals or companies who are willing to invest. Work production The rights are in your hands, but I hope you can remember that our review is very strict."

Le Xiao said with a smile, and everyone cheered happily for a while. This may be difficult for many people, but it is also an opportunity to show themselves. Many people immediately looked at the people around them. People and some familiar people immediately hugged each other and planned to set up their own studio.

At this moment, Beckinsale on the sidelines was shocked. Although some people were still scared or a little reluctant, most people were happy.

"Okay, everyone, it's getting late. We still have things to do. You can start on your own, no matter when. It's the Chinese New Year. I hope everyone will work harder. After all, everyone wants to see some programs during the Chinese New Year. Also, I will talk to some businessmen in the area as soon as possible. I also need your help in preparing for the New Year program in the area. Once the talks are completed, I will directly contact all the businessmen who want to take advantage of the New Year to prepare some activities. Gather them together and let them publish their needs, and everyone can grab the order by relying on their own strength. There are also some advertisers who are like this. If advertisers want to shoot advertisements, they can bid on the Xingxingke website starting today. As long as you meet the qualifications and can pass the advertiser, you can take orders on your own. Finally, I have to say, please prepare your financial statements truthfully and do not evade taxes. The management fee we charge is only per month. It’s enough to cover all the expenses to maintain the operation of the website. As for labor, we will work with the councilors from the film and television area to form a review team. There will also be a complete review mechanism before tomorrow, and we will tell everyone at that time."

The crowd began to surge, and many people turned around and ran away. They wanted to return to the film and television area as soon as possible and then start preparing, because this seemed unbelievable to many people.

Although there was such a model in Bright City in the past, it did not have large capital. For many people, this was difficult to implement. But it is different now. As long as your creativity is attractive enough, you will definitely be able to attract a lot of investment. Yes, and it can be invested by individuals, which means that as long as you attract enough people, you will still have the funds to shoot some works.

Such a solution shocked Beckinsale. She did not disagree, because she had thought a long time ago that if you want the film and television area to develop in a better direction, capital cannot determine the direction of creators. , but obviously this is impossible.

At this moment, Beckinsale was extremely excited. Honghong also felt that the entire film and television area was about to undergo extremely significant changes. Once this was really done, it would be difficult for capital to control the creators.

Soon several members of the General Affairs Department came over, hoping that Beckinsale would go in first to discuss something, and Honghong also followed.

"Ms. Honghong, you cannot participate in such a meeting. You can wait in the lounge."

Honghong was a little unhappy, but Locke Jiahui and Le Xiao happened to come over at this time.

"Let Honghong also participate. There are some things that I think it would be better for everyone to discuss carefully. After all, this strategy that is full of expectations can be further improved. Thank you, Secretary Le Xiao."

Beckinsale stretched out her hand, and Le Xiao took it with a smile. Honghong looked at Le Xiao. She knew very well that a series of changes in the city started when this secretary came to power. Although the city has become a bit strange now, it is still It's full of surprises.

The four of them entered the General Affairs Department and went directly to Locke's private rest area.

"From today on, you have to consider building a real film and television entertainment association, not one controlled by businessmen."

Locke whispered, Honghong looked a little surprised, and Beckinsale laughed.

"I'll be ready for anything."

Things began to ferment in the city. Another shocking move by Le Xiao made the whole city boil. Many people immediately expressed their desire to invest in some filming and were looking forward to the website of Xingxingke going online as soon as possible.

"You idiot, let me do it temporarily, and I will make you a big-headed monster!"

Leng Rui held the phone angrily, and on the other side of the phone was Le Xiao with a playful smile.

"Do you want to tire me out?"

"Xiao Leng, please do me a favor and take some time to get it done. It will be done in a few days."

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