Le Xiao was a little nervous. Wu Lei on the side looked at Le Xiao doubtfully, and Le Xiao blushed and whispered.

"What should I do if I need to urinate urgently?"

Wu Lei frowned slightly and said.

"Then you go."

But Le Xiao was completely attracted by the current plot, and she continued to endure it. At this time, Nigel and Hult also felt the charm of this movie.

You can see full of details from the lens language, and every detail echoes each other.

Nigel whispered.

"This man must be trapped in some kind of world, and the trigger is the knock on the door at 1:11 a.m. every night."

Hurt nodded and whispered.

"I think the same as you, but I'm afraid it won't be that simple."

Both of them looked sideways at Le Xiao, who looked a little strange. After their eyes interacted, they both thought that this was not just watching a movie, but a suspense thriller movie to test them.

He even wanted to convey some information to them in a subtle way through a movie. Otherwise, how could he let the people in their mission watch this kind of movie that would make them feel bad on the first day, unless the person receiving them was a fool.

But it was obvious that Le Xiao was definitely not the laughing fool he appeared to be. The two of them continued to watch the film, watching it extremely seriously. They had to see Le Xiao's intentions from the film.

At this time, Le Xiao couldn't hold it in any longer. She stood up and wanted to go out, but still hesitated, Wu Lei said.

"Go quickly, or you'll be in trouble if you pee your pants later."

Lexiao could only smile and ran out. Such behavior made Nigel and Helt suspicious.

The man lived a normal life, and his work in the tavern went very smoothly. A few days passed, and every day the man worked hard, full of fighting spirit, and stopped drinking.

Everything seemed to be back to normal. The wife also said that she would pick up her daughter in a few days. The man was also trying hard to communicate with the owner of the sawmill, hoping to go back to work. After all, the wages in the sawmill were much higher than in the tavern. .

The man's world began to become brighter. Running on the sunny streets every day, he felt as if he had grasped hope. The man no longer thought about those things that were vague before.

But what makes the man embarrassed is that tomorrow is the day when the landlord promised to come to collect rent. The man has made a little money these days, and his wife has just arrived. The man does not want to talk to his wife.

The man saw that the little money he had earned in the past few days was not enough, but he planned to beg the landlord tomorrow.

At night, the man hugged his wife tiredly and soon fell asleep peacefully.

Now that the man has great hopes for the future, he sleeps peacefully.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door, and the man woke up with a start, only to find that his side was cold and his wife was not there. The man was horrified to see that the food and wine he had bought with counterfeit money were still there, as well as the administrator's repair tools.

"what happened?"

The man pressed his forehead and called his wife, but no one responded in the empty room. The angry knocking on the door continued, and it felt like the door was being knocked down.

The man ran over angrily, opened the door of the car, and the knocking on the door suddenly stopped. The man pressed his forehead and called his wife, but it was obvious that his wife was not there. The man ran downstairs and knocked on the administrator's room.

"Your wife? I've never met her. Didn't she leave half a year ago?"

The man pressed his forehead. He didn't know what was going on, whether he was daydreaming or what. After returning to the room, the man looked around anxiously.

There is no trace in his memory these days, and his wife has not come back, which makes the man fall into pain.

The man banged his head, hoping to remember something. However, the man still looked at the wine in the room, then picked up the bottle and unscrewed it, but at this time the man hesitated.

My wife has talked about the issue of quitting drinking more than once, and she has nagged her many times in the past few days, for fear that the man will return to his old ways.

The man held the wine, and the alluring aroma kept stimulating the man's emotions. He finally picked up the wine, took a big sip, made some more things, and started drinking.

The man once lost to alcohol. He fell into a coma and fell asleep soon.

When he woke up, the man looked at the gray sky. Today was gloomy again. The man still ate something in a daze. Seeing that there was still a lot of money left in his pocket, the man was a little surprised.

Then the man went to the fat woman to buy things. The fat woman was still nagging, but this time the man readily paid the money he owed.

But he still got scolded by the fat woman. The man bought wine and food, went to the tavern, and found that the tavern was closed. He went to the sawmill again, and the door was still closed.

People on the street still lowered their heads and went home quickly, as if they didn't want to stay outside for too long. The man also noticed something was wrong at this time. The sunny streets were completely different from the streets under the gloomy sky.

The same goes for the people the man met. When he returned to the apartment, he saw the administrator's gloomy face again.

"When will the tool be returned to me?"

After the man went upstairs, he took down the administrator's tools and returned them to him. Then he entered the house. The man cooked a lot of food this time. He wanted to have a good drink and then go to bed.

The man didn't know when he started to become so decadent. The reason why he got involved in gambling was because he owed a lot of money.

In a gambling game, the man tasted the sweetness and paid off his debt. His wife was also very happy at that time. As long as there was no debt, the family would return to the harmony it had before.

The man also had motivation at the time, but after his daughter unexpectedly fell ill, the man's family fell into misfortune again. Relying on his good luck last time, the man once again saved the day and won the gamble.

But this time the man changed. He fell in love with wine, and he always felt that such good luck should be used again.

The man started to drink alcohol, and when he was drunk, he would gamble, losing and winning. Generally speaking, it was good at the beginning, but his wife was firmly opposed to it.

But the man didn't listen to his wife and dove in until he was so heavily in debt that he had to sell the house and take his wife and daughter to this old apartment.

The man also woke up at the time, but alcohol drove him to the casino again and again. Until one day when the man was drunk and his wife was nagging him, he broke out and beat his wife.

Everything ended at this moment. After that, the couple didn't speak for a long time, as if they were strangers in two worlds. Until one day, the man was lucky and won a lot of money from the casino. He bought a lot of things and went home. His wife and daughter It has disappeared without a trace.

Day after day, the man searched everywhere for the whereabouts of his wife and daughter, but found nothing. His wife and daughter seemed to have disappeared from the world.

The man lived painfully by drinking and gambling, and his belongings were moved away one by one. Until it became so empty, the man went to a rehabilitation center.

With the last bit of money left, he gave up his alcohol addiction and returned to the apartment to live. At this time, the man stood up and walked to the window. Opposite the road at the end of the gloomy sky, there was a small city where the man once lived with his wife and daughter. Rather than this desolate town outside the city.

The man tried hard to stay awake and think about what had happened in the past few days, but he fell and quickly fell into a coma.

dong dong dong

When he woke up, there was another desperate knock on the door. The man wiped his tears in pain and cried.

Tears had not flowed from the man's eyes for a long time. The man cried and opened the door. There was nothing at the door. He was going crazy.

The man closed the door and returned to the house. He was extremely sober now, but looking at a lot of wine, the man walked over, opened a bottle of wine and drank it. He only had wine to rely on now.


The light in the room went out. The man tried several times, but the light could not be turned on. The man was drinking wine and lying on the bed. At this time, a black shadow flashed in the room. The man remembered the disgusting dream. Curly Hair was eating the maggots that fell from his cheek and felt shuddering.

A breeze floated the curtains, and the man's eyes opened slightly. He saw a lot of things, and thought of too many things. However, I don't know why the man was a little uncomfortable tonight. Even after drinking a bottle of wine, the man was still awake.

dong dong dong

The knock on the door rang again, waking the man up from his drowsiness. The man angrily smashed the bottle on the door. He rushed over and opened the door, only to find the landlord standing at the door.

The man subconsciously glanced behind him, and he seemed to see something extremely horrifying. A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the darkness. The man stepped back step by step, but the next moment the landlord took off his mask, revealing the lower half of his withered cheeks and Sharp black teeth.

"The rent is due."

The man woke up suddenly. He seemed to remember something. He looked at the landlord and said.

"Give me a little more time, just a little bit."

The next moment the landlord closed the door, and the faint screams suddenly stopped.

The landlord glanced at the clock on the wall and laughed strangely. It was 1:11 in the morning. The hands kept jumping back and forth, forever fixed at this time.

After a while, the landlord opened the room. Seeing that the room was empty, he took out a piece of paper and stuck it on the door.

(vacant house for rent)

The landlord began to go downstairs step by step, and the sound of leather shoes could be heard in the empty corridor.

At this time, the landlord came to the first floor, and the building manager came out of the room, took the roster, and crossed off the 10th floor.

The landlord laughed.

"The next visitor is coming soon."


The door to the room opened, and the old woman on the first floor came over with a kitchen knife. The kitchen knife hit the landlord's neck, and the old woman roared angrily.

"How long are you going to torture us, and when can we leave?"

Black blood emerged from the landlord's neck. The landlord turned his head and stared at the old woman fiercely.

"Forever! If you can't wake up, you will never be able to leave here. This town will always be open to you visitors who have fallen into the abyss."

As the landlord spoke, the old woman began to cry. She slapped the ground angrily. At this moment, outside the room, a car slowly stopped. A man with dull eyes and skinny bones took the car from the truck. He asked after taking out a bag of luggage and walking in.

"I am the tenant who said I wanted to rent a house before."

The landlord nodded, and the old woman returned to the room. She looked at all the mess in the room. The boss was on the hospital bed. This scene would happen every day. The boss pointed the knife at her body and stabbed her.

Blood splattered, and my wife screamed in pain. The old woman felt sad inside at this moment, and she cried.

"I've taken care of you for too long, too long."


The door of the room was closed, and the landlord took the new man to the 10th floor. Then he opened the door. The room was empty and everything was in good condition. The man walked in and pinched his nose and said.

"There's a weird smell."

said the landlord.

"No one has lived there for a long time. It will be nice to get some fresh air in a few days."

The man renting the house seemed very happy. He took out some clothes from his luggage. Many of the clothes looked like women's clothes. The man smiled.

"This place is quite quiet. I can be alone."

The landlord smiled.

"Our principle here is that you cannot default on rent within three months. If it exceeds three months, you will be evicted. Please pay attention, sir."

The man smiled and took out the money from his pocket and paid half a year's rent first. The landlord was satisfied and went out, closed the door, and then went to the 17th floor.

The man opened the room where Curly Hair had been. It was empty. He smiled and took out the note (vacant house for rent) and pasted it on the door.

Then the landlord came downstairs, came to the empty street, and smiled coldly.

"This town never lacks visitors."

A late-night bus stopped, and a man carrying a bag got off. He looked around. The landlord walked slowly and walked to the small store with the lights on. The honest clerk who had received the man's counterfeit money before was nervous. looked at the landlord and said.

"I will definitely pay the rent next month."

said the landlord.

"You only have three days."

The clerk looked around in panic and shook his head.

"I don't want it to happen again. I don't want it to happen again. Please let me go."

The landlord did not answer, but smiled ferociously, floating slowly on the dark streets. This town has no boundaries and is endless. Everyone who mistakenly enters the town will be reincarnated here forever.

Experiencing despair countless times, until one day someone finds hope and is able to leave. However, unfortunately, in the eyes of the landlord, many people are stupid.

As long as you have hope and take action, you will definitely be saved.

The landlord looked regretfully at a family of three drunken gambling men driving a car on the street not far away. They came to the town again.

The landlord walked over with a welcome. The man asked for information about renting an apartment. The landlord said that there was an apartment on the 17th floor that was vacant.

The landlord happily took the family to the apartment. The man smelled of alcohol. He took his wife and daughter upstairs, opened the door to the 17th floor, and the family of three went in.

"Welcome to my apartment, guest."

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