The movie ended, the lights in the screening room turned on, and Le Xiao sighed helplessly. The tone and rhythm of the entire movie were extremely dull.

But at the last moment, the man seemed to wake up, but there was no way back. At this time, Nigel and Hert seemed to understand something. After their eyes exchanged, Nigel stood up first and said.

"It's a very good movie, Your Excellency Le Xiao. It's really well shot. I wonder if there will be a sequel?"

Le Xiao said helplessly.

"Unfortunately, the director has passed away and there will be no sequel."

Hult seemed a little helpless, and then everyone in the mission clapped their hands and praised the movie. It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. The people in the mission would go back to rest, and Le Xiao would send a helicopter to pick him up at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. They went to visit the ramparts.

When the group of people left the cinema, Le Xiao was already so hungry that her stomach growled. She could only endure it and escorted the delegation to the embassy.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, thank you for arranging the itinerary for us today."

Nigel said, Hult said.

"It's a really good itinerary. Today we can see the greatness of this city."

People from other missions were also chatting with the directors of the General Affairs Section. Everything was very pleasant. After sending the people from the mission into the embassy, ​​Le Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"The first day is finally over, and there are still several more days to come. It would be good to let them watch movies every night."

Wu Lei frowned slightly.

"Aren't you afraid that watching horror movies every night will give them nightmares and affect their rest?"

The two of them walked on the street, heading towards the General Affairs Department at the bottom. At this time, the reports in the city were all about the mission, and the mission would have a brief press conference later.

Wu Lei has arranged for Zi Yu'er to take charge. Now they can relax a little and discuss tomorrow's itinerary. They also need to communicate with the staff at the place of tomorrow's itinerary to let them do their job as well as possible.

"But I feel like after watching the horror movie tonight, maybe they will have some ideas in mind."

Wu Lei didn't know what was wrong. He always felt that when the two generals were watching a movie, it seemed more like they were watching something else than a movie. Wu Lei couldn't explain clearly.

Le Xiao stepped onto the stairs of the General Affairs Department and ran over happily. After the exciting movie, Le Xiao was very hungry, and she decided to have a drink tonight.

Wu Lei reluctantly followed in, and the directors behind him also saw some clues.

Le Xiao went to the food table, and the chef came over immediately. Lexiao asked for a lot of things. The chef took out a bottle of home-brew wine and handed it to Le Xiao. Le Xiao opened it with a smile and drank first. Small mouth.

"It tastes pretty good. Teach me when you have time next time, and I'll brew it myself."

Wu Lei sat next to Le Xiao, turned on a light and shadow screen, and a brief press conference began. The two generals said something, basically praising everything about Brilliant City.

Many of the remarks were routine and polite. The press conference ended in less than 20 minutes and the members of the delegation went to rest.

After a while, the food arrived, and Le Xiao happily started eating and drinking.

At this time, two people came into the cafeteria of the General Affairs Department, Mo Xiaolan and R. R pushed Mo Xiaolan directly upstairs. Mo Xiaolan glanced at Le Xiao and smiled.

"That little girl is really a good target. It seems that the other party is already feeling numb."

The two entered the elevator and went all the way to Locke's private lounge on the top floor. Once inside, Locke and Michelle were there, and King Xue was also drinking tea.

"How's the situation?"

King Xue asked, Mo Xiaolan nodded and made an OK gesture.

"I got something good. These two people are not simple. They are both excellent in communication skills and psychological quality. Moreover, they discussed the plot in low voices on the scene, but it didn't look like they were discussing the plot. They should have understood something. Stuff, from this movie.”

Locke sighed helplessly and said.

"Then what do you think, girl? Let people watch horror movies on the first day, so that people may think about the two countries."

King Xue picked up the tea cup and smiled.

"Isn't this great? Let the enemy remain in the illusion, and we can gain a lot of useful things. If we follow their illusions to hold talks with them, the effect should be quite good."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled, this couldn't be better for their current situation. If they were to receive the reception normally, the candidate would be Qin Dong, because he is the most suitable candidate.

But no matter what, Qin Dong has climbed from the bottom to the top step by step, and has been in the power world for so many years, so letting Qin Dong go will make the other party see something.

The other party's thoughts are very complicated, and every move and wording of Qin Dong will not escape their eyes. The people in these envoys should also bring corresponding experts in human behavior, and they even have other experts. Talent.

This point is not clear yet, so if Qin Dong goes, he will definitely be evenly matched with the envoys of Tianji Space Country, because neither party wants to test or talk directly, but try something in a very subtle way.

This is the most troublesome problem for many people in the power world. Many things cannot be explained in words and can only be understood.

However, the situation is different now, because Le Xiao is a blank slate and has no attributes of a person in the power world. She is basically a very ordinary little girl. When it comes to rights, her mind is basically blank. of.

Using the simplest things to deal with the most complex things often has miraculous effects. This is the current situation. The other party does not know Le Xiao's situation, so in their impression, Le Xiao is a very powerful genius, the elite among the elites. .

So they would only think of Le Xiao in higher places, without realizing that Le Xiao was just an ordinary person.

"It looks like our strategy is initially successful."

Mo Xiaolan said, R said.

"We should be a little better by the time we get over there, all thanks to that little girl."

Everyone laughed, and Michelle's expression became more relaxed.

At this time, Le Xiao downstairs was laughing, holding a drink in her hand, and talking about interesting things to some of the directors. The directors felt that today was actually a good day.

"What are you going to show them tomorrow night?"

A director asked, Le Xiao scratched her head and said.

"Do I have to watch a movie?"

Wu Lei said.

"Not necessarily, but you have to arrange some entertainment in the evening."


Lexiao scratched her head and said.

"It's better to take them to the film and television area."

Wu Lei shook his head.

"This way they will lose some of the novelty when they go to visit it themselves."

Le Xiao sighed.

"It's really difficult. Why don't you take them to a nightclub or something like that?"

Many council officers laughed, one joked.

"Master Le Xiao, you might as well take them to Qinglong Street. I think they will like it very much."

Wu Lei said.

"It's better to take them to Section 6."

Everyone was confused, Wu Lei explained.

"They should be very interested in the history of Brilliant City. There are many books and records in 6 Cory for them to read."

Le Xiao nodded immediately.

"This is a good idea."

Wu Lei had only one purpose in doing this, to see what the envoys wanted to do. This was something other senior officials were happy to see.

"Hurry up and go back to bed. Although we won't leave until 9 o'clock tomorrow, you still have to be energetic."

After Le Xiao nodded, he continued to eat and drink. Wu Lei looked at the door of the hall behind him. He could see light in the distance. Next to him was the embassy. Now the game had begun.


In a small living room on the 16th floor of the embassy, ​​Feiya was pressing the detector to make sure there was no information equipment in the room.

Hult and Nigel sat in the middle, and there was another man, who looked ordinary, but he was Cook, an expert in psychology and human behavior from Skyrim.

"What do you think of that Le Xiao?"

Nigel asked, Cook said.

"I think it's very ordinary."

Helt on the side also had the same idea, and Feiya couldn't help but interject.

"General, I don't think she looks like a high-ranking person. I always feel that she has a certain air about her. How should I put it?"

Feiya also seemed a little helpless, always feeling that Le Xiao was weird.

Cook laughed.

"Chief of Staff Feiya, this is the power of this Le Xiao."

Nigel laughed.

"Tell me."

"I have seen countless powerful people, but no powerful person has ever been able to lower her body so low like her. Today on the street at the bottom, I think the two generals also saw it. She and that place It matches very well.”

Everyone nodded, and Cook continued.

"This is what amazes me the most. She is more like a civilian, without any airs. She usually goes to dirty-looking shops. Although the two generals did not show any displeasure, their actions It’s already a little slow.”

Nigel said.

"It's true that when I saw the oily place, I felt a little uncomfortable."

Cook laughed.

"This is inevitable, because General Nigel has not been exposed to such an environment since you were a child, so you will naturally be repelled by such a bad environment. And it is certain that she can become one of the heirs of the seven major families in Brilliant City. What is true is that her living environment was extremely favorable when she was a child. However, she was kicked out of the family probably because of the feud between the big families, and suffered a period of hardship as a child. But such hardship does not negate her background. "

The other three people nodded after hearing this, and Cook continued his analysis.

"And she has already held such a high position at the young age of 26. You can imagine how much power it takes to push her up. And according to previous intelligence, Section 13 is relatively mysterious. So this department is quite important. So I think she acted like this to confuse us."

Nigel stood up and clapped his hands.

"As expected of an expert."

Cook bowed.

"Tonight seems a bit bad to me. She clearly told us through this movie that if we don't cherish the present moment, we will probably be doomed. After all, in the past, when we didn't know the situation in Bright City, we had used the aborigines to do this many times. They used words to communicate with them, and many congressmen talked to them in a condescending manner. They must also have anger in their hearts, so tonight is a showdown on us."

Hult also agreed with Cook. After all, no one would let them watch a horror movie on the first day of reception, unless the person has a brain problem.

And Le Xiao didn't look like a person with brain problems, so Helter thought of many things from the beginning, why he let them watch horror movies, what was the purpose of watching horror movies, and what did he want to convey after watching horror movies? .

Hert was thinking about these things before he stepped into the cinema, but there are indeed a lot of things he wants to convey. Through this movie, although the film is of good quality, this is not the key point. The key lies in what Le Xiao wants to convey to the envoy. What does the group convey?

"Let me add something."

Hurt stood up and said.

"They may have had a preliminary understanding of some things, especially the existence of the United World. Perhaps they have secretly arranged for people to enter the United States to investigate, and even learned about our movements through the United States."

Helt's words made Nigel laugh and he said.

"It is indeed possible. This city's technology is highly developed. I'm afraid they have already investigated it clearly, but they are pretending to be confused. So I think we have to be careful in the next few days. This Le Xiao has good intentions. "

Cook laughed.

"It is indeed very scary. He is so powerful at such a young age. He can convey some things to us inadvertently, and the method he uses is also a bit scary. And why did he go to the barrier zone the next day? I still can't figure this out."

Everyone fell into silence for a while, then Feiya said.

"Two generals, my subordinates believe that she must have some purpose. Otherwise, who would let the people from the mission go to see the slums on the first day? Go directly to the wilderness the next day? I think they want to understand. Her purpose in doing this is the key to our next meeting."

Hurt nodded.


Cook said.

"Such a person is difficult to deal with. She is very good at creating a certain kind of relaxed and happy atmosphere. People are full of loopholes when they are relaxed and happy. It is easy for us to be led into it by her, so we must be careful in the future. "

Nigel laughed.

"Tonight's movie, I think, is also about betrayal, or about how two countries should get along. This may be what she wants to convey."

Hurt said.

"Anyway, we have to deal with it well tomorrow for the formal talks that will follow."


Wu Lei was carrying Le Xiao. She was already very drunk and didn't know what to do in the morning.

"I'm really impressed by you."

Wu Lei quickly jumped off the house and returned to the place where Le Xiao lived. After opening the door, bursts of laughter came from inside. It was Jamie and two people from the 2nd department watching a movie and eating barbecue.

"You two."

The two saw Wu Lei hurriedly stood up and bowed, Wu Lei scratched his forehead and said.

"I've been assimilated. I really belong to you."

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