Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2413 Change of Power (Part 2)


Alfa was sitting in Locke's private lounge. She had just taken a shower. There was food on the table. She started to eat, and Locke smiled happily.

"I can finally retire. After I retire, I will take my wife and children with me, play around, and cook every day."

Alfa smiled helplessly. Locke had been working for seventy or eighty years since he started in the business department. He hardly had any rest time on weekdays because there were always problems in the city.

"There will probably be a lot of people scolding you when you retire."

Alfa said, Locke smiled and said.

"It doesn't matter, they have their mouths, but I won't completely retire. I will teach in a business academy and give lectures to train new people."

Locke walked to the wine cabinet comfortably and took out a bottle of wine and poured a glass for Alfa.

"We have a meeting later."

Locke smiled.

"No problem, just drink a little and you'll feel more relaxed later."

Alfa nodded and drank with Guy Luo, and the two chatted about some past events.

A while later, at 7:50, Michelle walked in and saw Locke holding a wine glass, so she shouted.

"Manager, it's better not to drink. The section chief and secretaries are already here, and the three gods are also here. They are waiting for you."

After the two drank the wine in the glasses, they stood up, and the three of them walked directly towards the section chief's conference room. Alfa looked at everything familiar in front of him. It was still the same as fifty years ago, and it was still very new, because it had been changed for a while. Will be renovated.

Two staff members in the section chief's conference room opened the door. Locke did not move forward, but pushed Alfa. Alfa glanced at the section chief's secretaries sitting in the conference room and stepped in.

But soon Alfa discovered that Le Xiao was missing, and Michelle frowned slightly.

"Everyone, please wait."

After saying that, Michelle went out and as soon as she picked up the phone, she saw Lexiao running over from the elevator.

"Sorry Secretary-General, I just took care of things, um, I haven't eaten yet."

Seeing the grease on Lexiao's mouth, Michelle took out a handkerchief and handed it to Lexiao. Lexiao wiped it quickly and followed Michelle into the conference room.

As soon as Le Xiao entered, she saw Deguna, Li Chu and Rose sitting on the left. The secretaries and section chiefs were sitting in some round tables on the right. Alpha was standing in the middle. Le Xiao looked around. , seeing Gu Ningning wink, she hurried over and sat down.

Locke glanced at everyone, and then motioned to Alfa to sit down first. After Michelle and Alfa sat down, Locke said.

"Three gods, thank you very much for coming here."

Deguna nodded and then said.

"Have you thought about it clearly? Fatty."

Locke bowed and raised his head and said.

"Yes, Lord Deguna, I have decided to announce my resignation tomorrow morning."

After Deguna nodded, Li Chu said helplessly.

"It's a pity, little fat. In fact, you are not that old. Look at Xiaoye, you are still able to move."

Ye Chunwang said helplessly.

"Master Li Chu, I have no choice. Now when the city is so critical, I can't leave."

Locke said with a smile, and then looked at the section chiefs. Everyone nodded, Locke said.

"I'm really sorry. I just hope that in the future, under the leadership of Alpha, everyone can completely solve all the problems in the past, and there will no longer be rioters like the Creator who are nourished by the darkness of the city."

Rose smiled helplessly.

"In the future, if you have nothing to do, come and sit with me often."

Locke smiled and nodded, then looked at Alfa. Li Chu directly took out a handover document. Three gods had already pressed their fingerprints on it. All that was left to do was to complete the handover.

Le Xiao was a little excited when she saw it, because she didn't expect that Alfa would suddenly become a manager. Although she also suddenly changed from an ordinary person to a secretary, she was different from Alfa.

During this period of time, Le Xiao would look at the internal management regulations of the business department every day. She felt that these regulations were really good in all aspects, but there were only some areas where Le Xiao felt it was too hasty, but overall it was very good. Not bad.

It is this internal management regulation that has restricted the practice department for so many years and made the practice department form a whole. This regulation was written by Alfa little by little.

It was Alfa who set the overall tone of the Xingke Branch. The fact that the Shixike Branch is able to deal with all problems so quickly is all because of the solid foundation laid by Alpha from the beginning.

Many systems, including those in the administrative department, were set by Alfa. Le Xiao just felt it was a pity, a very pity. She spent 50 years in prison. Le Xiao didn't know how Alfa got through these years.

But what is certain is that she may live in the pain of the past for countless days and nights.

Alfa stood up and Locke signed the handover document on the light and shadow screen. Alfa walked over and signed his name.

A tear overflowed from the corner of Lexiao's eyes, and Niya stood up and clapped her hands.

"Congratulations, sister."

At this time, all the section chiefs and secretaries stood up, even the gods stood up. Alfa was a little surprised, Li Chu said helplessly.

"We were wrong at the beginning. If we hadn't suppressed you then, there shouldn't have been so many problems."

Alfa looked at Li Chu and said.

"I hope that no matter what decision I make in the future, you will not interfere with me."

Deguna nodded.

“Just let it go.”

Rose raised her hands and smiled.

"We will not interfere with you now, because some things have been verified clearly."

Everyone clapped their hands and leaned towards Alfa. Ivy and Leona looked at Alfa in surprise. Ivy shyly stretched out her hand and said.

"Miss Alfa, I have always regarded you as my idol since a long time ago."

Leona also extended her hand and said.

"me too."

Alfa smiled and held their hands.


Nia shouted.

"Come to my house tonight and let's have a drink."

Everyone nodded, and King Xue came over and said.

"President, I believe our department will be better in the future."

Heathcote smiled and came closer, Alpha looked at him and held his hand.

The two most senior section chiefs here, Xue Wang from Section 1 and Heathcote from Section 8, were both former students of the Academy of God, as well as Huashen from Section 4 and Li Ang from Section 7.

Le Xiao nodded happily, Gu Ningning looked at Huashen who was a little excited and asked.

"Doctor, I remember you used to talk about some things, but now you seem to be fine."

Huashen said with a hum.

"Yes, there have been many times when I felt really uncomfortable. Especially during the medical reform, if it weren't for Alfa's tough attitude, the city's medical care would still be in the hands of capital."

Everyone felt very happy, and Letty on the periphery smiled.

"Our generation basically worshiped Alfa. She is a living legend."

Ye Jiao nodded.

"I was saved because of Miss Alfa. If it hadn't been for her, I might have died. Because of the internal management regulations she set."

Zi Yu'er's face was filled with a smile. She knew better than anyone else about Alpha's affairs. Her parents were both Alpha's classmates. Zi Yu'er had heard many stories about Alpha since she was a child, even some that she didn't expect. Things people know.

Tianhen smiled.

"Fat man, now I don't have to look at your face anymore."

Locke frowned slightly, Xima pulled Tianhen on the side, and Locke burst out laughing.

At this time Niya's phone rang, she picked it up and said after a while.

"Come on, sister, mom has prepared delicious food. Those congressmen are already at our house. And I also invited people from the envoy."

In order not to cause a huge commotion by suddenly announcing it, after tonight's meeting, the news that Locke will retire and Alfa will take over as the manager of the department will be revealed at the banquet.

When Locke is officially announced tomorrow morning, there won't be much commotion.

In the case of Le Xiao, the sudden announcement caused a huge commotion in the city, but if we do this now, there won't be much of a problem at all.

Once Le Xiao's secretary position became vacant, there would be many competitors, so many people would naturally be dissatisfied because Le Xiao would not be convincing in terms of qualifications, experience, or background.

Although everyone is convinced of Le Xiao now, because Le Xiao has achieved a feat that no one in Bright City has accomplished, but it took a lot of time and the participation of the entire business department.

But Alpha is different. Regardless of her family status, ability, and qualifications, she has no problem taking over the position of general manager. Even Michelle, the original successor as general manager, will not have any complaints.

Michelle just watched silently. She once heard her mother say that there were many things about Alpha that were too numerous to count.

"Come on everyone, just think of this as my farewell party."

Locke shouted, Niya opened the door of the section chief's conference room, and everyone walked out. At this time, there were a large number of directors and secretaries of the General Affairs Section standing outside.

Locke smiled and nodded. After just signing the order, everyone at the top already knew about it.

"Everyone should work hard and be serious."

After Locke finished speaking, he put his arms around Alfa's waist, pushed her out and continued.

"This is the new manager of our business department, Alpha Angus."

Everyone bowed and saluted, and Alfa glanced around resolutely and said.

"I just hope that you can redouble your efforts in the future. We still have a lot to do."

Everyone nodded, and soon the group left the General Affairs Department. After going downstairs, the staff in the cafeteria stood up one after another, stood on both sides, saluted, and watched everyone leave.

"what's up?"

A clerk in front of the food table asked, and the head chef smiled.

"You will know tomorrow. Something will happen in Brilliant City that will go down in history."

After the chef saw a group of people, he probably understood. He raised his head and smiled with some emotion.

"Is Lord Alpha coming back?"

Although it has been 50 years, the chef still knows very well what Alfa likes, he immediately shouted.

"Go to bed early tonight. There will be something big tomorrow. We have to work harder."

On the street, five departments formed a long wall of people, extending all the way to First Avenue. Section chiefs and secretaries walked by, and reporters on the periphery took photos frantically. Many people didn't know what big event had happened in Brilliant City.

Seeing that the people from the mission had just passed by, Alfa quietly stared at the First Avenue in front of her. She had thought many times that if one day she could return here again, she would use both hands to wipe everything out. Get rid of everything that is unreasonable.

Le Xiao smiled and walked towards Alfa, holding her arm and laughing.

"Sister Alfa, I think Jean will be happy if he knows this."

Alfa hummed and said.

"Work harder for the exam next month."

Le Xiao hummed and said.

"I will work hard, Sister Alfa, don't worry, I've been very serious recently, and my brain is much more flexible."

Alpha glanced at Michelle beside him and said.


Michelle nodded slightly.

Soon the group walked onto First Avenue. All the facilities at Angus's house to welcome the envoys had been successfully dismantled, and a barbecue dinner was now being held on the lawn.

Although Le Xiao had just eaten, she could still drink the wine and it would be okay to eat more.

Mr. and Mrs. Angus came over with a bunch of MPs. Violet hugged her daughter tenderly, tears streaming down her face, and Alfa smiled.


Wu Qun said as he and Beckinsale on the side clapped.

"Congratulations, Miss Alpha. Today is a day worth celebrating. If the opponent were you, we would work even harder."

Alfa nodded.

"Of course."

At this time, the people from the mission came closer, and Hert and Nigel shook hands with Locke respectively.

"Although the time we got together was short, I really appreciate you, manager."

After Nigel finished speaking, Locke pulled Alfa and said.

"From now on, Chief Alpha will contact you."

Alpha shook hands with both of them.

The grand banquet began. Niya laughed, holding Tianhen with one hand and hugging Li Ang with the other. Jewell looked solemn, and Niya looked at him and said.

"Let me drink as much as I can with my wife tonight."

Jewell said.

"I'm too lazy to accompany you, a crazy bitch."

Niya suddenly jumped up and clamped her legs around Jewel's neck.

"If you want to run away, there is no way."

Jewell looked at Alfa, he pushed Nia away and walked to Alfa, bowed seriously and said.

"I would like to thank you, Miss Alpha, on behalf of my mother Wilsey. Thank you very much."

Alpha nodded and said.

"I'm really sorry about your mother. If I had been tougher, maybe"

Jewel laughed.

"It's over now, Miss Alfa, I don't care anymore."

Avano raised his head, looked at his two daughters, and smiled reassuringly.

Violet said from the side.

"Actually, I've thought about this day, my dear. Even after Alfa, I often fantasize about this day."

Avano laughed.

"They are our daughters and there is nothing to worry about now."

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