The sound of rumbling machinery was heard. In the abandoned city area below the family area in the northeast, large machines were working. A large number of recall officers were investigating everywhere in this abandoned area.

This area used to be a mining area. It used to be very lively, but as the mining operations in the city stopped, this area gradually became uninhabited and eventually became deserted.

Many years ago, there were still many scavengers living in this area, but after several vigorous investigations by the administrative department, the scavengers disappeared, and the place had become a secret base for rioters.

Now this area will be eradicated directly. The entire area will be cleared first, because many criminals would hide in it in the past, and then go to the barrier area from Black Mountain.

Osman looked at everything in front of him quietly, pressing the place on his chest. His health has been getting worse and worse recently. Ever since he was injured while trying to stop Alpha half a century ago, he is still not getting better.

Zijuan said with a smile.

"We have checked this area many times before, do you remember?"

Osman nodded. The current command and dispatch is very smooth. Although most of the department members have retired, for them, the work of the administrative department is still relatively familiar.

The recall officers used a carpet-like investigation, not sparing any corner. Sure enough, some problems were discovered during the investigation, especially some corpses, including people who had been missing.

Some staff investigated on site and found that these problematic areas would not be bulldozed for the time being. They would be bulldozed after a thorough investigation. The main area is equivalent to two districts, and it is not in the district of Bright City.

This area has been neglected for too long. Although the operations department has conducted a thorough investigation before because of the problem of rioters, because the main area is relatively large, there are many missed areas.

Osman never thought that one day he would see such a scene. He and his wife Zijuan witnessed everything. In this city, what they thought they could really do in the past took over from the previous manager. Everything about the city.

At that time, everyone was full of confidence. They felt that the reason why the previous managers failed and made the city become extremely chaotic was because of their laxity and selfishness, so the city became such a mess.

"We were once full of hope, what else? Before the establishment of the administrative department, we were all holding our breath outside the trial of the Hydera case."

Zicuckoo said, and Osman hummed.

"Indeed, at that time we thought that as long as we took office, everything would change. As a result, we gradually found that we could do nothing and lived like the people we hated most. Watching Alpha end, we also ended own time."

Zicuckoo laughed and shook her head.

"Maybe we can still do some things, but there are more things we can't do."

The two looked at everything in front of them with emotion. Many of the recalled clerks were very attentive, and each of their faces was full of joy. For many retired clerks, they can now see such a dramatic change in the city. Change is gratifying.

Many people worked hard in the past. Not everything was bad. The end result was bad. Many people felt uncomfortable when they retired.

"Everyone, come on, there's a barbecue tonight."

Osman shouted, and many people laughed. Zijuan looked at the family area in the distance behind him, where a clearing operation was also being carried out.

On First Avenue, the recalled clerks, led by King Xue, were checking some of the family's assets.

The members of the family were all reviewing their assets in front of the clerks. Although many members of the family were unwilling, they knew that if they were not willing, they would be thoroughly investigated.

Some families have already handed over their planting land. Those planting lands will be directly included in the name of the 12 families in the short term, but the families can still enjoy part of the income from the planting land.

This is good for many family members, because they do not need to take care of the land themselves, there are no labor and maintenance costs, and they can receive a sum of money every year.

King Xue smiled and looked at the patriarchs of the seven major families in front of him. Starting today, the family will not have economic privileges, Avano said with a smile.

"What's wrong, everyone, our family has made enough money over the past century."

Chen Qiao sighed and said.

"Who would mind making too much money?"

Wang Degui on the side did not speak and directly signed a document. In the future, the family will not have any privileges in business. If they want to make money, they will have to compete with ordinary businessmen in business.

Field laughed.

"It's better now. Alas, the children in my family are not living up to expectations. It may not take many years for the family fortune to be ruined."

Charles said helplessly.

"It's the same thing at home."

Jiang Hao laughed and said.

"Your family is not in a good place. Michelle is already at the top. If she is willing, there is no problem in inheriting your family business."

Locke smiled helplessly.

"Indeed, Michelle is so outstanding. No one in our entire family can compare to her."

King Xue looked at the eight clan leaders and smiled helplessly.

"Hurry up and sign. We still have a lot of things to do. We are all old friends, so there is no need to write any more ink."

Chen Qiao said helplessly.

"My grandson won't be born for several years. Our family is completely finished now."

Soon the heads of the seven major families signed the document, and there was a commotion on the street not far away. A bunch of department members stood up and saluted and bowed.

Le Xiao ran over in a hurry. She came over with a blushing face. King Xue signaled a clerk to hand her a bottle of water. Le Xiao unscrewed it and drank it in one gulp, panting heavily.

"I'm sorry, Lord Xue, I forgot."

King Xue said while pressing his glasses.

"I remember I said that last night."

Le Xiao signed the document in a hurry, she even forgot that she was the patriarch of the Su family, Locke said with a smile.

"Girl, you can go and take a look at the construction below when you have time."

Le Xiao hummed and then asked.

"I can go now."

After seeing King Xue nodding, Le Xiao turned around and started running. Chen Qiao sighed and said.

"Where did this little girl suddenly appear from? I think it's better to go over there."

Wang Degui smiled.

"No more ink stains, hurry up and start asset inventory."

The reason why we need to inventory the family's assets is to completely end the family's monopoly chain. The family must follow the law and cannot hold more than 30% of any industry. The excess must be resold.

Businessmen are of course happy to take over some of the family's businesses, after all, many of these businesses are relatively profitable.

Although the industry has changed hands, the family has lost its management rights, but it still owns part of the shares in the industry. If the family does not want it, it can sell the shares directly.

Everyone in the family knows that the entire city will enter an unprecedented economic era in the future.

The only property in the family that will not be sold off is the service-oriented industry built by the Angus family for the city. Water, electricity and subways are still operated by the Angus family. Over the years, the service-oriented industry of the Angus family has basically been Nothing went wrong, and the Angus family even made a loss every year.

These industries are invested and constructed by the city and are not for profit, so these industries will not be affected in any way.

The Angus family had given away their property to some businessmen many years ago and only held part of the shares.

At this time, in the middle east school zone, a large number of school principals gathered on the lawn of Shengde Women's College, as well as many well-known teachers, including many investors of the school.

Chris stood on the stage and explained the upcoming education reform. Although many people were reluctant, they had to make concessions now.

Chris said as Whit helped Chris sort out many education documents.

"Now we must make changes. We cannot continue to allow urban education to only serve families with good economic conditions. Instead, we need to provide services to all schools."

Everyone knows what Chris said, and the principals of most schools understand what education at the bottom is all about. Chris has been committed to fair education in the past, but it is obvious that such resistance is extremely huge.

"I hope that in the future, all basic education in our city will be treated equally, so please make good arrangements when you go back, sort out the teaching status of the teachers in the school in the past ten years, and send it to me."

Many principals nodded. In addition to universities, basic education will bear the brunt of this education reform. Basic education teachers in the city need to be evenly distributed to all schools.

The salary package of basic education has been adjusted to the same level, and will increase according to the teacher's ability.

Although many people knew that education would definitely be reformed, because Alpha had already put forward specific opinions on education reform in the past, they did not expect that it would come so quickly.

Moreover, the teachers' dormitories will also implement integrated standards, so that the upper floors will not be the same and the lower floors will be the same.

Some universities will simply cease operations. Especially the third-rate universities that have relied on some marketing gimmicks to recruit students in the past ten years will be completely banned.

In the future, any businessman who wants to host a university will need to undergo strict review.

Whit is very clear that now all available resources must be integrated to avoid the waste of educational resources.

Cities have launched many educational reforms in the past, but all failed because the universities behind the reforms were controlled by capital. Capital only cares about making profits and does not care about the quality of education.

There were reporters outside the school, but Whit did not let them in because it would take a lot of time to discuss the specific plan.

Whit plans to establish a teaching college run by the state, and he will tightly hold the resources of teachers in his hands and will not allow capital to enter the school.

Whit had discussed it with Alpha, who agreed with her idea, and so did Chris.

Standardized teacher training is to ensure that there will be no teacher resource vacancies in the city in the future and to avoid wastage of educational resources.

There has been chaos in the education sector in recent years, and many problems have been accumulated from generation to generation. Therefore, we must act ruthlessly now to cut off the links with past problems before we can open up a new era.

"It's almost time. Let's eat first and then start the afternoon's agenda."

Whit said, Chris hummed, and everyone in the audience stood up. At this time, Whit asked the people from the business department to open the school door, and the reporters rushed in frantically and began to interview.


In the private rest area of ​​the general affairs department, Alpha looked at the documents in front of her mentally. The corner of her mouth was slightly raised. No one in the family had any objections. They had all signed the documents. Alpha felt relieved.

Monopoly must be eradicated. Only in this way can the city's economy not deteriorate due to the direction of capital, Michelle walked in and said.

"Manager, a lot of problems have been cleared up in the northeastern area."

Alpha nodded and lit a cigarette. At this moment, a figure walked in. As soon as Niya came in, she took out some food from the cabinet, poured a glass of wine and drank it.

"What's wrong Nya?"

Niya said with a sigh.

“There are so many people applying this year that we are stretched to our limit.”

Niya came here to deal with some matters in Section 5. She had just finished dealing with it and she hadn't eaten yet.

"Let's eat something first."

Niya drank some wine and then stuffed something into her mouth. After eating, she opened the rest room and said.

"I'm going to sleep for a while. Sister, wake me up at 2 o'clock."

Alpha smiled helplessly. After Michelle sat down, she began to discuss other things with Alpha.

"By the way, manager, the people from the envoy would like to invite you to dinner. Tonight."

Alpha nodded.

"You can go there at 8 o'clock."

At this time, a bill was sent over. When Michelle opened it, it was a preliminary bill on education reform. Many places had already been done very well. Michelle read it over and gave it to Alpha.

"These points must be paid attention to."

Alpha said, Michelle looked at the place pointed by Alpha and nodded.

"Indeed, we can't go too far. If we go too far, some teachers may not be able to bear it and resign."

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Michelle, let's go there in person and deliver a televised speech at noon."

Michelle nodded, and the two of them stood up. Then Michelle asked a secretary next door to wake up Niya at 2 o'clock.

Now we have to disperse the teachers throughout the city. This approach is a bit too hasty. Both of them feel that they should first make a good inquiry on the basic education situation in the upper, middle and lower schools in the past ten years before making allocations.

The two of them did not take the elevator, but went directly to the rooftop, jumped towards the distance, and shuttled between the floors very quickly.

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