Alpha stopped attacking. At this time, there was silence in the venue. The entire ring was torn apart. Alpha announced directly.

"The exam is over, perfect score."

At this time, there were bursts of exclamations in the stadium, and many people stood up and clapped their hands. This kind of battle was really too exciting, but it can no longer continue because many people feel the danger.

The destructive power of the battle between the two was astonishing, and if not careful, it might affect the audience outside the ring. Alpha looked at Michelle, and then a group of secretaries came up.

Michelle looked at Le Xiao and felt a little strange, because Le Xiao looked completely different from before, as if she was not Le Xiao.

"Michelle, please handle the follow-up, I have something to do."

Alpha finished speaking and was about to leave when Ellie said.

"Let them come together. I will wait for you in the Congress Hall. I will call Wu Qun and others. It is necessary for you all to know about this matter. It is related to the future and we do not have much time."

Alpha asked with a solemn expression.

"Are you sure you want to tell others?"

Ai Li nodded slightly and turned to leave. At this time, amazing cheers erupted in the venue. Le Xiao came under the stage, glanced at the people in Section 13 and said.

"You go to the Congress Hall with me first."

Both Ran Zai and Ran Zhi felt something was wrong, because Le Xiao looked a little strange, Xiong Dabiao scratched his head and said.

"Girl, what's wrong?"

Olivia grabbed Xiong Dabiao and then said.

"Let's go."

Everyone felt that something was extremely wrong. Le Xiao now had a very strong aura, and his every move seemed a little different.

Wu Lei looked at Le Xiao with a solemn expression. At this time, Ai Li looked at the people on the stage and then said.

"Wu Lei, go and call the heads of several big families. I have to tell you something."

Wu Lei nodded, he felt incredible, and Ai Li said at this time.

"Call Xiong Dabiao and Tian Ai, as well as the previous section chiefs and secretaries of the business department."

A group of people followed Le Xiao to the entrance of the passage. The cheers of mountains and tsunamis continued. Guna, Li Chu and Rose in the passage looked at Le Xiao with joyful faces.

"Welcome back, Ellie!"

Deguna stretched out her hand, and Ellie took it. Several people behind her looked at Le Xiao in shock. The moment Le Xiao turned her head, she saw a pair of glazed eyes, emitting a faint light.

"Let's go. There's a lot to say tonight. Those of you who go there first can get some food in advance. I want to tell you everything in Central Park."

Everyone nodded, and now everyone discovered that this person was not Le Xiao.

Ai Li took out her phone and called Ye Chunwang after leaving the venue and getting on the lift.

"Girl, what's wrong?"

"It's me, Xiaoye, I'm Ellie. Come to the Congress Hall."

There was silence on the phone, and after a while, Ye Chunwang's voice came.

"Is it really you, Lady Ellie?"

"Well, I can only stay here for a few hours, come here quickly."

Everyone got on a large take-off and landing aircraft, and soon the take-off and landing aircraft took off and flew towards the Congress Hall.

"You may have felt something before, right Alpha."

Ellie said on the takeoff and Alpha nodded.

"Indeed, I felt like this when Jamie's child came, and sometimes I can feel it too, especially about this girl Le Xiao, I can always feel a strange aura. "

Ellie smiled and nodded.

"I finally established a connection with Le Xiao, otherwise I wouldn't be able to talk to you."

Everyone in the lift had solemn expressions. Soon the lift landed. When everyone came out, Ellie clapped her hands and said.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and buy some food. Let's chat while eating and drinking later. I haven't been this happy for a long time."

Xiong Dabiao whispered.

"Who is this?"

Olivia on the side shook her head.

"Let's not make random guesses yet. After all, letting us know these secrets is already a great act of kindness."

As soon as Olivia finished speaking, Ellie turned her head and said.

"You are right Olivia, the reason why I let you know this is because everything is about to begin, and the past, future and present will be connected together."

Everyone's expressions were solemn. These words coming from Le Xiao's mouth may make people feel ridiculous, but these words coming from the mouth of this person who is not Le Xiao are worrying.

After all, there are gods in this world. They have already transcended the category of human beings, and everyone has just seen them.

Ran Zai asked at this time.

"Can you tell us your name?"

Ai Li glanced at Ran Zai and said.


Ran Zai walked over and said with a smile.

"Then Miss Ellie, if I guess correctly, you should be a god like Mr. Jean and the others."

Ai Li nodded and Li Chu smiled.

"She is Gene's girlfriend. You should all have heard that we were once the top scientists on this planet. After a huge disaster occurred on this planet, we had no choice but to make an emergency landing from space."

Everyone nodded, they all knew about this before.

"There were eight of us at the time. We walked tens of thousands of kilometers to this land and experienced countless cruel things. Finally we came here and started helping people build here. In the end, this city was in our plan Down, established.”

Everyone's expressions at this time were extremely shocked. When these words came from God's mouth, they were even more shocking, because they could not imagine how these people built such a huge city and planned it. Various scientific systems come.

"It's so respectable. Such a feat was accomplished by eight people."

After Ran Zai finished speaking, Ellie shook her head.

"This is not something to be happy about. This is a deviation from our plans."

Deguna took out a cigarette, everyone looked at it, she lit it and said.

"Indeed, at that time we only wanted a maximum of 500 to 1,000 people. The place where the Congress Hall is now is the mountain base we once studied. We considered various possibilities in detail, because humans want to continue 500 to 1,000 This base is doable.”

Ran Zai asked.

"Then why did you want to build a city later?"

As soon as Ran Zai finished speaking, everyone looked at the four gods. This is what Ellie wanted to say tonight. Ellie said with a smile.

"Let's wait until someone comes."

The lift slowly landed on the square of the Congress Hall. At this time, there were still lifts coming in the distance. The family patriarchs and congressmen who received the notice quickly gathered and came over.

After a while, a Section 5 helicopter landed. Qin Dong walked out of the cab. His expression was slightly solemn, and so were the councilors. Wu Qun looked at his son opposite with a smile, and Wu Lei walked over.

"What's wrong? You summoned us all of a sudden? Dear gods."

Wu Qun said, and everyone bowed formally, but at this time everyone discovered that Le Xiao was standing next to Deguna, Li Chu and Rose, without bowing and saluting, and there was something wrong with Le Xiao's expression.

"What's going on? Secretary Le Xiao."

Qin Dong asked.

Ellie shook her head.

"I am not Le Xiao. I have occupied her entire consciousness now. When the secretaries and section chiefs come over, I will tell everyone the truth."

Everyone frowned slightly, because the woman in front of them was indeed not Le Xiao. Honghong stared at Le Xiao suspiciously, while Jiang Hao kept swallowing. The patriarchs of several families did not expect that God would allow them to come.

At this time, the Angus couple walked up the stairs. Ellie looked over with a smile. Avano and Violet were both a little confused. As soon as Avano walked over, Ellie said.

"Long time no see, Avano. You really did it. I have worked hard for you all these years, and you have not abandoned your childhood ideals."

Avano was a little surprised, Violet looked at her husband in confusion, Avano wiped his eyes, and the next moment his eyes were moist, and he said tremblingly.

"Is it Lady Ellie?"

Ellie smiled and nodded. She looked at the landing gear approaching from a distance, and then said.

"Okay, we can start now, let's go in."

A group of people marched towards the Congress Hall. At this time, the elevator landed. The section chiefs and secretaries ran over one after another. Ye Chunwang in the crowd hurried over.

"Ms. Ellie, it's really been a long time."

Ai Li looked at Ye Chunwang, and Hawke was also beside him. He seemed extremely excited, and his tone of voice became normal.

Ellie said looking at the two of them.

"You have worked hard all these years. I'm sorry Hawke, I saw it clearly but I couldn't do anything."

Hawk lowered his head, his expression extremely solemn. Everyone present knew that Hawk's wife had been killed in the riots of mutants, and the fetus in her belly was also killed.

After that, Hawke left the management and opened a bar. Until now, he has not gotten over the grief of the past. After that, Gene handed over Tianai and Tianhen brothers and sisters to Hawke's care.

Only then did Hawke's gloomy life gain a glimmer of light. Ellie came to the door, raised her finger, and the door slowly opened.

Everyone exclaimed. If the door of the Congress Hall wants to be opened, only the steward and the gods have the authority.

Alpha walked over and said.

"I've heard Gene talk about you before, although only a little."

Ellie nodded.

"I think Gene was reluctant to mention my matter, because there was really no other way at the time. Xiaoye and Hawke should know it very well."

The two nodded, and everyone looked at the two in confusion before Hawke explained.

"At that time, those plants were already heading towards this place, and only this base was safe, so everyone rushed towards this base, trying to get in. There were piles of corpses outside the base, and it was Jean who stopped those people. . It is not until the artificial sun rises that those plants disappear, and this land can be bathed in sunlight. The price is that Lady Ellie will turn into the consciousness of the artificial sun."

Everyone was silent, all this sounded a bit incredible, because no one had experienced such despair, although if you think about it, you will know how desperate it is.

"I was guarding a small town with my father, but when those plant-like plants attacked, the town was still breached. A brutal fighting took place in the small town, if the sun did not rise in time. It will all end."

Everyone walked into Central Park one after another. Noah and Guoguo were already waiting. Some robots were putting down fresh ingredients. Noah walked over and bowed with a smile.

"Sir Ellie, I very much hope to have a good talk with you. How do you control the artificial sun? I think with our current technology, we should be able to do it. You don't need to do it yourself, Sir Ellie, and you can still control it. Nuclear fusion.”

Ellie looked at Noah and shook her head.

"It is not possible to control the sun through human power. Only my power can do it."

At this time, Locke came over with a group of retired section chiefs and secretaries, all of whom were once students of the gods.

After everyone understood the situation clearly, they began to work on their own. Ellie sat in front of the Crystal of God. Everyone gathered respectfully around the central square. Deguna looked at Ellie blankly.

"Why didn't you want to see Gene before he left?"

Ellie shook her head.

"Because I can't synchronize with this girl yet, someone helped me. You should also know that the child named Jamie who lives with this girl. In the future, I know him, he is Le Xiao's master The children he brings up are also the ones who inherit Le Xiao’s legacy.”


Alpha said with a solemn expression.

"What do you mean by legacy?"

Ellie smiled and shook her head.

"I will slowly tell you the origin of everything and everything you need to face in the future. Noah, bring some plant-like plants over here."

Noah nodded and immediately brought up the light and shadow screen. At this time, the sidelines were filled with fragrance, and Ellie said happily.

"Let's talk while eating, tonight will be long. I have to tell you everything now, because everything now, I think is enough to cope with the impact of the future."

Alpha is still thinking about what Ellie just said, because it was too shocking, because Ellie was talking about Lexiao's will, which means that Lexiao will be dead in the future.

"What about me? What kind of future will I have?"

Alpha asked.

Ellie looked at her and shook her head.

"Knowing the future is not a lucky thing. I will not tell you clearly what will happen in the future. But there is only one thing I need to tell you, the matter of Devourer."

Ellie looked at Alpha and then continued.

"The black particles are the power of the Devourer. You did a good job Alpha. You relied on your strong willpower to completely restrain the Devourer's will."

Alpha raised her hands and looked at her body as she said.

"Indeed, I always feel that there is some kind of consciousness that controls my behavior, making me become murderous and violent, angry, unwilling, and sad."

Ellie said while pressing Alpha's arm.

"Let's eat first."

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