Deguna drove very slowly, because there were many cars on the road, and it would be troublesome if they hit them too fast.

Although Deguna was a little surprised by what Jean just said, she actually felt the same way herself. It did seem that the muscles and skin of her body had begun to become younger, her energy had also become much better, and some of the spots on her face had recently disappeared. Starting to fall.

Gene beside him had fallen asleep. Deguna yawned and continued to drive seriously. Suddenly she stopped, and both Gene and Werther woke up.

There was a truck in front of them, lying in the middle of the road. At this moment, the three of them were a little desperate. The three of them immediately got out of the car. There were some building materials in the compartment of the truck. The key was not found. It was an old truck, and they did not have it. Any tool can take apart a truck's ignition.

"There must be food over there."

Just when Gu Yi and Tang Rao were helpless, Gene said. The two of them immediately thought that judging from the traces, the truck must have been parked for a long time. It should be more than 20 kilometers away from the village, and they could only walk. It's past.

After Deguna reversed and turned, she parked the car. The three of them got their own water and squeezed past the mountain wall. Although they didn't know why the truck was lying across the road, it was certain that it should be In order to prevent some people from going to mountain villages along this road.

Sure enough, after passing by, the three of them saw a car that had been blasted behind the truck, as well as several bodies, including some shell casings scattered on the ground. There were also several cars behind the truck, all of which had been shot to varying degrees. The three of them saw They immediately searched and found that several cars still had gasoline in them. It looked like they were lucky.

It was almost impossible to see the village in the distance, so the three of them could only walk along the road, climbing uphill and downhill for a while, which was a huge drain on the three people's physical strength.

The road in front of me was almost endless, and even if I walked, I still couldn't see the end. The three of them had been walking for almost an hour, and Werther finally couldn't help but sit on the ground.

"Rest for a while before leaving. Get up quickly and try not to sit down."

Deguna said, and Witte naturally knew that if you sit down like this if you are too tired, you will easily become more tired. He got up with difficulty, and the three of them rested for a while and continued walking.

Conversation has almost disappeared, and the three of them are walking with their heads down. If they are in good mental condition, this kind of road will not be a problem for the three of them.

Finally, the village could be seen on the hillside in the distance. It was already 11 o'clock in the evening. The three of them couldn't help but sit down any longer. This long slope looked like it was at least seven or eight hundred meters long.

Jean was panting heavily. He felt that his heart rate was a little too high and he had to calm down. Performing such strenuous exercise in a weak body could easily lead to sudden death.

Half an hour later, the three finally stood up again. The long ramp looked only a short distance away, but after walking for a while, the three stopped again.

Deguna threw away the gun. She could no longer walk. Jean moved forward step by step. The two of them rested temporarily. Their bodies seemed to be split apart. The hunger during this period destroyed their health. They will surely die if they can't find food.

More than ten minutes later, Jean crawled into the village. The place was also in a mess, but it looked promising. Jean stepped into the village first. The doors of many houses had been forcibly opened. Jean was a little disappointed after entering. No food.

After a while, Deguna and Witte also came up. There was sweat on their foreheads, and they had almost finished drinking the water they brought. The temperature was very low, and the three of them began to search quickly.

"It's saved."

Jean shouted. In a house next to a courtyard in the village, Jean saw piles of dried corn. Witte and Deguna both came over. The three of them looked at the pile of corn. My heart is extremely excited at this moment.

There is no door or wall directly opposite the corn area. It looks like a pig-raising place on the left, but the pen is empty. The corn has been dried in the sun, not moldy, but very hard.

"Make something to eat first."

Soon the three of them found a pot from a house. Werther built a stove with some scattered bricks and found water from a well in the village. Soon the three of them were excited in the firelight, and the water boiled. After opening, dried corn was put in.

But they couldn't take all the corn with them, and because of the big truck, the car couldn't get here smoothly. But now they were saved. They planned to cook the corn, eat and rest for a while, then return and give it to them. Everyone brings food over.

"Your guess is correct."

Deguna laughed. The corn in the pot was still turning, and an aroma wafted out. This was the aroma of food that the three of them had not smelled for a long time.

Deguna couldn't help but take one but Werther stopped her.

"Don't eat it yet. We are weak now. We have to boil the corn thoroughly before eating it, otherwise we will definitely get intestinal diseases."

Werther got up and looked around again, and sure enough he found a steamer. When the corn was cooked to a certain level, he would have to use a steamer. After all, the temperature of the water was too low and it would be too slow.

Werther found some salt and sugar, and added them carefully. After a while, the corn was placed in the upper steamer, and a piece of gauze was placed underneath. Soon the corn was put in.

After more than an hour, the corn was completely cooked, and the three of them had their first hot meal in more than a month.


Ai Li woke up from hunger. Tang Rao was sleeping soundly next to her. She stood up carefully, got some water and drank it, her stomach growling.

She was a little worried now. Gene and the others were also very tired. It would be troublesome if they couldn't find food when they went out, or if they encountered any problems on the way, Ellie didn't dare to think about it further.

In the recent period, Ellie's body has actually recovered very well. She vaguely feels that her body is different from the past, and the same is true for other people, and Ellie always feels that there seems to be something in her body, some kind of perception. , more like a voice, talking to her, but Ellie couldn't hear or hear it clearly.

At first Ellie thought it was a hallucination, but now that Ellie knew it was not, Ellie began to become anxious because she was worried about Gene and the others. Although Gene said it was okay, Ellie knew very well that Gene would be in trouble all the way. Distribute food and water to others as much as possible, and also give it to yourself.

"What's wrong Ellie, what time is it?"

Tang Rao got up from the bed, Rose also woke up at this time, and the three of them were hungry.

"I'm worried about them."

"If you're lucky, no problem. If you're not lucky, we can only do what Li Chu said."

Tang Rao held down Rose's head.

"Don't say such depressing words."

Rose smiled awkwardly and looked at Ellie's worried look.

"Sorry Ellie, I was joking."

The three of them lived in the bedroom on the second floor of the small building, while Gu Yi and Li Chu lived below. At this time, they also woke up because of the conversation and noise between the three of them.

Five people gathered in the living room, and the light connected to the chemical battery made by Gu Yi turned on.

It was already 2:40, but the three people who went out had not returned yet. Li Chu stood at the door and looked outside the town. If he saw a light, it meant they were back.

Just when the five of them were at a loss what to do, a light came from the distance, and Li Chu shouted in surprise.

"They're back."

The five people left the house and went directly to the entrance of the town. After a while, the car drove slowly over. After seeing two small sacks in the car, Li Chu realized that he had found food.

"Eat quickly."

A pot of warm polenta made the five of them appetite immediately.

"Eat slowly. Eating too fast will cause damage to your body. Try to exercise restraint."

Witte reminded, the five of them found bowls and spoons from some rooms and started eating. They had not eaten hot food for more than a month.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, the eight of them were drinking hot tea and waiting for dawn.

"Let's recuperate for a few days first. When we have strength, we can go to the mountains to find some medicinal materials. After all, our bodies are very weak."

Witte said, and everyone laughed happily. Deguna looked at everyone with a serious expression, explaining that the corn there was enough for them to eat for a month or two, but the key was where to go next.

"I still think we should go directly to AS, because the distance is not too far from here. We just need to be well prepared."

Werther still felt that he should go to the United States.

Li Chu thought they could just walk along the road and use it as a shelter if they could find a suitable place. After all, they had relied on their professional knowledge to survive crisis after crisis.

The current situation is to find a place that can become a foothold for at least the next few years, otherwise they will have no future at all.

"It's better to go to the highest place. At an altitude of 5,000 meters, the energy loss of the sun's rays will be much less."

Jean said, and everyone began to think about it. It was indeed a good idea, but it was really difficult to get over it, and they didn't know what they would encounter along the way.

"I hope everyone can think carefully. Once we make a choice this time, there will be no turning back. No matter what we encounter on the road, we must move forward."

Gu Yi said something. Rose looked at the seven people. She actually didn't have any opinions. She was the youngest among the group of people. Anyway, she would follow them wherever they went.

When the sky was getting slightly brighter, everyone returned to the house, planning to rest until noon, eat something, and start exercising. As long as they could eat enough along the way, they must exercise.


The corn is boiling in the steaming pot. They plan to wait a day or two to live directly in the village on the mountain to recuperate. Then they will find a way to make corn flour from the corn, then add sugar, salt and water for fermentation, then air-dry and compress it. , make corn into dried corn so that you can carry it with you.

But when it comes to where to go, everyone is actually hesitant, because this is their last decision. In the past, they had a chance because the planet has not completely cooled down, but now it is different. Human beings seem to disappear overnight. Gone, and the animals are basically nowhere to be seen.

No matter where I go, I see corpses and ruined cities. Even if there are still people alive, they have become chaotic.

Over the past four months, they have seen how human beings become crazy step by step. In such an apocalyptic world, there are only a few people who can still stay awake.

After everyone had something to eat, they began to walk around the town and talked while walking, especially about the situation of various countries before the disaster and other information. Deguna still suggested going to AS because the straight line distance was very close to the past.

"Make a decision as soon as possible. Where to go next? If we still can't make a decision in a short time, it will be difficult for us to devote 100% of our energy to preparations."

Rose said directly.

"Listen to me and go to AS. That place should be the best shelter."

Everyone had hesitation on their faces, and Gene said with a relaxed smile.

"Then have you ever thought about how many months it will take for the sun to disappear?"

Gu Yi expressed his calculation. The sun may completely disappear in five months at most, but there may be certain special circumstances.

"There is another problem, the issue of water sources. With such low temperatures, rivers in alpine areas have frozen, and in coastal areas, many water sources may have been contaminated. How can we ensure drinking water in the future? "

Everyone began to explain the solutions, but these solutions were always just on paper and had not been tested in the field, so this was where everyone was struggling.

"The ship is dilapidated. We can't guarantee that we won't encounter a storm when we cross the ocean. We were lucky last time, but we won't be so lucky next time."

Deguna sighed and handed Jean a cigarette. After they lit it, they looked in different directions.

"If you don't listen to Jean, let's go to higher ground. Most of the cities along the coast have been submerged, and a higher place can buy us time."

Gu Yi said that he knew Y Continent best. Witte's face was solemn, he closed his eyes, and then said.

“When the time comes to decide, let’s vote.”

Rose spoke first.

"Raise your hands if you are in favor of going to the plateau."

Rose and Gu Yi both raised their hands, as did Jean and Ellie. Deguna, Li Chu and Werther did not raise their hands. Everyone on the left and right looked at Tang Rao.

"Jean tell me, why do you want to go there?"

Tang Rao asked seriously. If they were to pass by land, they would still have to go through a lot, because some humans might have formed groups to snatch everything from each other in the apocalypse.

Tang Rao didn't want to experience such chaos again. Gene scratched his head and then exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Because when we fell, I saw the light on that land was bright and dazzling. It should be a large area of ​​agricultural land."

Gu Yi also nodded. In the past, they had successfully reclaimed and planted large areas of farmland on the plateau of their country.

"Okay, I'll trust you just once, Gene."

Tang Rao raised his hand and Aili said with a smile.

"This means that 5 people agree, and there is no need to discuss the rest."

Li Chu and Werther both nodded. Deguna was a little angry when she hesitated, but in the end she nodded.

"Sorry, this isn't the military right now."

After discussing everything, it became much easier. Everyone clearly divided the labor and started to raise funds in all aspects. Gu Yi had to prepare a large number of chemical batteries first, so that they could have power to start the electric car.

Obviously the car cannot seat so many people, so the car has to be modified. Jean and Deguna can do this, and then it is up to Ellie and Werther to make and process the dry food, while Tang Rao and Li Chu are in charge. Collect some communication materials to make a simple signal detection and communication device.

Rose will help Gu Yi search for raw materials for making some chemicals.

But the most important problem at present is to move the large truck crossing the mountain road. This time Li Chu followed Deguna Jean and Witte. They also brought tools, the primitive electronic igniter. It is not difficult to start a truck. You only need to open the part where the electronic ignition is connected to the engine, and the car can be started easily.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone came to the truck and used tools to disassemble the part under the truck's steering wheel bit by bit. Li Chu took the tool and cut the connected wires directly, while Deguna held the steering wheel.

However, after trying many times, there was no way to succeed. After a while, Li Chu said with a solemn expression.

"It should be that the electric frequency is broken. There is nothing we can do unless the electric frequency can be repaired."

"Everyone needs to get out."

Deguna said and brought over a large bag of weapons. Li Chu knew what she was going to do.

"It's better to keep the weapons for use."

"Save your strength, we must have a good rest now, otherwise we will definitely have physical problems."

Indeed, it would be a kind of torture for them to remove the electric frequency of the truck and then repair it. It would take a lot of effort and the corresponding repair materials.

There is no more fuel in the truck's fuel tank, so we have to collect a little bit of gasoline.

Deguna tied a bunch of high-explosive hands together, and then used a slender rope to make a mechanism. After Jean measured the current position of the truck with the rope, he told Deguna the stress point. Probably somewhere.

Soon after the grenade was placed, everyone drove the car farther away. Deguna opened the grenade. After a while, with a loud bang, the truck moved due to the huge explosive force, and then directly hit the ground due to its own weight. Fell into the valley.

The truck had been cleared, but the road surface had been blown out of shape. Everyone started to clear away some gravel, and the car was just able to pass.

"Weapons can still be collected on the road."

Deguna said and everyone nodded.

When the car started again, they had to go to the village to find a suitable house to clean up. Then after finishing their work in the town in a few days, they would go directly to the village with their tools to practice.

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