Under the scorching sun, the grassland was full of people. Many people were busy. The number of people who came was more than Gene and his team expected. There were aborigines and a meteorological station more than 30 kilometers away from here. The number of people at the small observation station has exceeded 500.

This number of people exceeded Jean's expectations. Many people were eager to join Jean and the others. They also spontaneously brought their own rations, but Jean and the others could only take out part of it. After all, there were so many people. You can't work every day without food.

Accommodation is a very big problem now. Although many people can only go to some nearby abandoned cars to rest at night, the body cannot bear it.

This is the ninth day that Gene and the others have planted vegetables, and some crops have begun to emerge. Many people see hope in these experimental fields, so they are so enthusiastic.

Because most people were waiting to die, some people tried planting, but no matter what, they were never able to grow anything. Jean and Deguna took some men and women and planned to dismantle all the cars on the road, and then Make a simple house out of car exterior parts.

Nowadays, many living facilities for people must be built slowly. Houses cannot be built on the grassland. This will affect the situation of the grassland as the number of people increases.

The only way is to build a residential area directly next to the highway, and then handle domestic waste in a unified manner. Some excrement can only be disposed directly under the cliff.

Many people looked clean and tidy. Some people thought that the seats in the car could be modified so that they could sleep. Gene laughed.

"If this continues, the body will not be able to hold on, and we originally wanted to take root in this area to survive, so we have to think about it in the long term."

Jean's words made many people nod and applaud, and Jean continued.

"The initial stage may be a little difficult, but as long as we all work hard, golden food will grow on this land in the future."

The work of dismantling a car is not complicated. It only requires some screwdrivers. Jean and Deguna started to demonstrate first. With some tools, they quickly disassembled the car's body. Then everyone lifted the shell away. The shell is good for making a roof, but you need to put some cotton cloth or the like otherwise it will make a loud noise when the wind blows at night.

This kind of simple house does not need to be too high, just 2 meters long, and has a certain amount of space for activities. It can only temporarily use some disassembled car mats as beds, and then put some hay on them, which will be much more comfortable.

Just use some car doors to weld the walls together. As long as houses of this size are placed close together, there will basically be no problem. They are like an upside-down can, simple and practical.

It can meet the needs of one person per room, and then only needs to connect the water and electricity, and install car lights for each room. The materials are all existing. There are at least four to five hundred cars in this place. You can find cars along the road.

Throughout the morning, a four-sided, 2-meter-high, 4-meter-wide, and 2-meter-long simple house with a small door was completed. Although it looked strange, someone went in and tried it and found that the space inside was quite good. , this feeling made many people excited.

To build such a house, it only consumes the shells of 4 cars, and some other materials are left. This is already very good for them. Although it is a bit laborious, many people no longer feel tired. Because everyone can have their own independent room, which is much better than dozens of people crowded into a small space.

Moreover, Jean and the others also designed ventilation and exhaust ducts so that the room would not be too stuffy or too cold at night.

In the farmland, many people look at the newly harvested vegetables with joy. Many of these fast-growing vegetables are already the favorite things of many people every day.

So now everyone’s biggest wish is to build this place as soon as possible and turn it into a large food base. When there are many people, energy consumption is a problem. Gu Yi and the others are planning to use the power of some cars to make A human-powered generator, so that when there is no power, people with enough food and drink can go up and generate electricity.

This can not only save energy, but also allow many people to exercise moderately.

Gene returned to the shack where they lived. Ellie had already prepared food. After entering, Ellie came over.

"What's going on? I see you have already built a house."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

Li Chu laughed.

“It was really the right choice to choose here.”

Eight people sat together, started to eat, and began to make plans for the next step. After the house is built, other living facilities will follow one by one. This land was so unbearable in the past, but now maybe It is the place where humanity’s only hope lies.

The eight of them had not seen such enthusiastic humans for a long time, but they were still a little worried because there were more people coming along the road. They didn't know what happened in the two cities they passed before, but What is certain is that some people are completely unable to survive and have to leave.

"If too many people come here, there will still be problems."

Witte said worriedly, Jean and Deguna looked at each other and smiled.

"This time we have to establish order ourselves."

Deguna said and began to explain to everyone that she and Jean would select a group of young adults from the people here and then form a defense team. This is the best way to do it. The number of people will be at least 100 at the beginning. , this is to facilitate their command, coordination and management, and it is ideal for 100 people to fight in such a place.

The two will teach them something step by step, and then when the place is established, these defense teams will be able to effectively establish an order system, so that the place where they finally take root can become safe and reliable.

In order to be able to deal with the big problems that may occur next, their only way is to make some modifications to some places close to this land to make them defensive, so that they can directly check people passing by, and any weapons must be confiscated of.

The next step may be the most difficult and dangerous. When everything is almost done, Jean and the others plan to collect the weapons directly once they have established a defense team, because as long as there are no weapons, when a dispute occurs, it will only be fists and kicks. The problem will not lead to death.

In a small society that has reached a certain level, once death occurs due to fighting, it will have a big impact on the entire society.

"This is a bit difficult to handle, Gene."

Tang Rao muttered something, and Gene smiled and said.

"As long as everything is stable, no one is willing to hold on to their weapons."

The eight people have experienced countless conflicts in the past, and they know very well what people are like. The current situation is exactly the opposite from the two or three months when the disaster occurred.

Most human beings are tired of fighting. They just want to survive in peace. If they are in a good place, human beings are full of hope. Even in a bad place, human beings will do a lot of unbearable things in order to survive. things to come.

At this time Jade ran in, happily holding some dried meat.

"This is a gift from them."

Gene smiled and nodded. Jade no longer hesitated. He knew very well that as long as he followed Gene and the others, he would have a bright future. They were all kind-hearted. Although their actions were sometimes unacceptable, they were all In order to stabilize the situation.

Jed has been thinking a lot lately about how the city he stayed in was doing. Recently, several people who came from there said that the situation was not very good.

Sure enough, as Jean and the others expected, some of the planting fields on that land were producing less and less, and the city became chaotic, because people continued to move towards the city, and The number is increasing, and many people even come here on foot from some mountains and forests.

So Jed is a little worried, because the situation is getting worse. He is worried that more and more people will come here before it is established.

"Are you worried about us being attacked?"

Gene asked, Jed nodded, and then Gene patiently explained his thoughts to Jed, who said that this matter should start immediately.

"So impatient Jade."

Deguna said, and Jade laughed. It is true that although people are full of hope now, they are not stable yet, and they cannot believe them unconditionally.

"I hope it will be better over there."


Many people were watching in the block where Jed was before. Allen was sitting quietly on a chair. In front of him was Sanggu who was tied up. There were many corpses around, including those of ordinary people. There are the bodies of Sanggu’s men and the gangs that took over the neighborhood.

"Can you wait first? I have important information I want to tell you."

Sanggu was extremely weak at this moment. As soon as he arrived here, he began to organize his men to attack directly. He planned to rely on the weapons and ammunition he still had in his hand to capture an area, but unexpectedly he was self-defeating. , more than ten of his men died, and he was forced to surrender.

Allen said with a smile.

"You have violated our order now, so you will be dealt with publicly now."

As soon as he saw many people around him applauding, Sanggu immediately said eagerly.

"There should be a few scientists here."

Allen thought for a while and said casually.

"It is true that a few guys who claimed to be scientists came here and caused quite a commotion here, but they have left now."

Allen stood up and said.

"Okay, everyone can start. No matter who has a family member or friend who has been killed, you can participate, and you can use any means."

Sanggu shouted immediately.

"Mr. Allen, please listen to me first. This piece of information I have can allow us all to survive and live the past life in this doomsday."

Allen looked at this fat guy and didn't want to pay attention to it, but what he said made Allen a little concerned, because he did hear that those people who claimed to be scientists repaired the machine as soon as they came, and they were the ones who helped Jie. Germany made suggestions and easily won the war, as well as the poisonings and explosions that occurred during the war.

Although Jade had some weapons and ammunition in his hand, they were not many. At this time, many people were shouting to peel off Sanggu's skin, and Sanggu was still shouting.

"Wait a minute."

Allen called for a stop, and many people stopped.

"I'll give you one chance. If you dare to lie to me, I guarantee you will die miserably."

Soon Sanggu was taken to a room, with several Allen's confidants pressing him down.

"Mr. Allen, those eight people are really omnipotent, you believe me."

As he spoke, Sanggu began to tell everything about his situation in the city. Many things sounded like fantasy, especially the ability to repair thermal power plants and manufacture missiles. There were several such things. The men all laughed out loud.

But Allen didn't think so, because he did hear someone say that in that city, someone used bombs and the like, and they were powerful bombs, and a very tragic battle took place.

"So, they are indeed omnipotent?"

Allen asked with a smile, and Sanggu immediately answered.

"Yes, they really know everything. As long as you control them, many things can be guaranteed."

Allen stood up and came to Sanggu, and then spoke.

"So how do you prove what you say?"

Sanggu immediately said happily.

"I have the design drawings when they made some things. I deliberately let people take the preserved ones. Although I can't understand them, Mr. Allen, you can find some people who know about them to come and take a look."

Soon enough, a lot of design drawings were found in Sanggu's car, and Allen immediately called some technicians over.

"Mr. Allen, we can understand some of these things, but they are definitely genuine."

Allen looked at Sanggu in surprise, and then pulled him up.

"What else do you know?"

Sanggu continued to talk, telling in more detail many of the incredible things that happened at that time. Allen pressed his forehead. He didn't think much about it at the time, but now that he knew there were eight such powerful scientists, he must have Can't let go.

"Immediately send people to investigate along the highway. Once you find anything, don't alert the snake. Come back and report to me immediately."

Allen laughed and Sanggu swallowed.

"Can you let me go, Mr. Allen?"

Allen thought for a moment and then nodded.

"I'll just leave you alive for now."

"thanks, thanks."

Sanggu rolled and crawled to Allen.

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