Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2539 Heading towards the mountains

The mountains in the distance are majestic and towering, and the edge of the grassland under the clear sky is almost invisible. Occasionally, you can see groups of herbivores passing by.

Li Chu originally proposed to hunt some and make them into bacon to take away, but everyone else refuted it. At this time, everything in front of him became more and more precious.

After they hid last night, while they were heading to the gray stone land connected to the entrance of the mountain, the eight people quickly left the ship with all the supplies and stepped directly into the vast grassland.

It is easy to lose direction on such a grassland, but that is for ordinary people. For Jean and others, there are many ways to determine the direction. Now that the compass is no longer usable, it is certain that there should be another one on the periphery of the earth. An unstable magnetic field that disrupts everything.

They have walked at least thirty kilometers, and the enemy is not pursuing them. It is impossible to pursue them in such terrain. Even if they are pursuing them, in such a wilderness, Jean and Deguna can easily kill them. of people, no matter how many they come, are the same.

Ellie smiled in a good mood, and Gene beside him looked particularly relaxed. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and both Deguna and Tang Rao came over.

"Why do you still have it?"

Deguna asked, and after Gene opened it, he gave one to each of them.

The eight people decided to rest on this hill for a while before continuing forward. Now they had to go around an extra seventy or eighty kilometers to enter the mountain forest, but there was no other way. They could only go around a river. After crossing the river, you can enter the mountain forest, and the base is on the mountain.

The crisis was finally over, and they brought seeds of hundreds of crops. This was their hope for the future and the hope of future mankind.

Everyone took out dry food. Gu Yi turned on a small solar stove and started making vegetable soup. Others began to search nearby. After pulling up the roots of some plants, they went to some small puddles nearby to wash the roots. Put into pot.

Although there are very few edible things in this land, if you look carefully, you can always find a lot of food.

Grass roots can provide a lot of trace elements that are very needed for the human body, as well as some grasses. Soon the eight people started eating. Although they took a long way now, as long as this land was still under the sun, they would You can find something to eat.

The dry food was probably enough for them for 5 days, but it was completely enough. All eight of them felt that their bodies were very relaxed. They did not feel tired from the hard work in the past few days, but were very energetic.

Li Chu was still charging the solar battery of his laptop. Gu Yi looked at the map and was confirming something. He followed the detailed satellite images of this land that he had seen in his memory and kept clicking on the screen. Some red dots.

"You must not make a mistake."

Li Chu reminded.

Gu Yi laughed.

"When I was in my teens, I had a photographic memory. I could remember everything in an instant. You must be the same, too."

Soon the eight people set off. They had to get to a river as soon as possible. As long as they found the river, they would not be far from entering the mountain. And as long as there was a water source, it meant that at least they could find food in the water. stuff to give them a good meal.


Allen looked at some drawings quietly. The technicians he brought were all talking about the exquisiteness of the drawings. These drawings were about using cars to build some can houses. Everything from ventilation to heating, water and electricity, etc. were taken into consideration. Very reasonable, but the appearance is not very beautiful.

In such a doomsday, it would be nice to have a shelter from the wind and rain. Eddie has announced that he will take over the area, and his confidants are arranging various arrangements.

Last night's battle did not cause too many casualties. Many people surrendered directly. It was just a pity for Eddie that the eight scientists ran away. If they could be allowed to stay here, this place should be formed soon. In this city, they hold the most cutting-edge knowledge, and Eddie has clearly realized this.

Although Sanggu proposed to send people to pursue them, it was obviously unrealistic. Two of them were very accurate with their marksmanship. Such a pursuit would only result in the death of many people.

Now relying on the many things they left behind, it should be possible to build this place. Allen has asked his technicians to take a good look at the various objects they made, and they only need to copy them.

Allen has decided to take root here. Since crops have been grown on this land, it will definitely survive. Eddie no longer wants to return to the city.

It was better to take root here first than anything else. Eddie still sent a few of his confidants back to the city. If the situation in the city was not right, they would move all the things they left in the city and build a city here.

His subordinates have already participated in the reclamation and planting of fields, as well as the construction of jar houses. Allen lives in the tent where the eight scientists lived before. Some of his subordinates persuaded Allen to kill Jed and the others directly, but Allen I feel it's completely unnecessary.

Now is the time when manpower is needed. Conflict is only in its early stages. The reason why Jed and the others were driven out of the city before was just because they caused the dispute first. If nothing is done, the control will be weakened.

The tent curtain was opened and Jed walked in.

"Let's have a drink. I'll ask my men to bring something delicious."

Allen was holding a bottle of wine, and Jed's eyes were a little solemn. This bottle of wine was what Jean and the others had confiscated from Allen's men before. It was because of this bottle of wine that he had doubts about Jean and the others, and Jean Naturally, it is impossible for them to say anything to themselves again.

Jed sat down and Alan sighed.

"I think we also overcame many hardships and came to that city together. Do you still remember?"

Jade hummed. Allen was indeed among the large-scale escape team, but they had not had any intersection before.

Allen took out two wine glasses, filled them up, and the two of them took a sip each.

"What kind of people are they?"

"To me, they look more like elders. They are all wise and principled like you. In fact, you don't need to be like this, Allen. If you can sit down and have a good talk, maybe they won't leave."

Allen nodded. He knew better than anyone how important an excellent cutting-edge scientist was in such a doomsday world.

"Things have already happened and there is nothing we can do about it. They should have a destination that we know about, and that destination is in the mountains and will definitely allow them to survive."

Jade sighed. After a while, someone brought very rich food. The two of them started eating, and Jade sighed.

"Aren't you going to go back to the city?"

Allen shook his head.

"You should be very clear about what is going on in that city. What we can do now is to establish order here. Only in this way can we continue to survive and allow humans to reproduce."

Jade nodded. Everything outside looked so pleasant. Allen hadn't seen anything like this for a long time.

"They've said before that growing fields are dying in that city."

Allen certainly agrees with this. He felt the crisis a month ago. When the crop production began to decrease, Allen was actually a little worried, but such worries have now become a reality.

"One thing I hope you remember, Jed, is that I want to develop the city, not make everything chaotic, so I don't want anything to happen. Restrain your men and don't form gangs."

Jade nodded, he also saw that Allen just wanted stability now.

As long as everything on this grassland is properly stabilized, they will be able to stand firm before a more cruel era comes in the future.

"Time is running out, they once said."

Jade said, this is what Alan is worried about. He looked at the sun in the sky. He didn't know when this thing would suddenly disappear. Once the sun disappears, the whole world will be shrouded in darkness. For humans, It's the most terrifying thing.

Near dusk

At around 5:50, Gene and the others saw a small river extending into the distance in front of them. It was only four or five meters wide, but the water flow seemed relatively clear.

"You can eat fish tonight."

Li Chu said with a smile, and everyone started to work, planning to build a small dam, and then directly trap some fish flowing down the river. When it is almost done, they will use the net they carry to catch the fish.

Guyi started to make soup. This meal was very important to them. They did not plan to stop, but prepared to go into the mountains after eating. After all, the air humidity is a bit high now. If it rains on such a grassland, They will be very uncomfortable.

Soon a small dam was completed, and some fish began to enter the dam. After a while, many small fish gathered. There was no big problem with the water quality. Many small fish can be cooked and eaten directly.

They also had to make some smoked kippers so they wouldn't have to worry about food along the way.

Soon the small fish were cooked in the pot, the sun had set, and now the wind was picking up, and the smoked fish was being made.

"I haven't eaten fish for more than half a year."

Li Chu was chewing a piece of fish, and the fish soup was also very delicious.

It was not until 8 o'clock that everyone packed up everything and started on the road again. They decided to go to a place close to the mountain forest and rest where they were. They only needed to take a nap for an hour or two.

Everyone continued to walk. Fortunately, the moonlight was very bright tonight. They did not need to use lighting equipment. They only needed to wear night vision goggles for the people in front, and the people behind them only needed to follow the people in front.

"What else is there in the base besides some of the equipment you mentioned?"

Li Chu asked, and Gu Yi scratched his head, still recalling that he had only been to that base when he was young. He had stayed there for several months for some top-secret research, and he was still very impressed.

"By the way, why did I forget this? There should be a lot of compressed dry food and canned food in that base. I remember there are many types of canned food, including fruits."

Everyone became excited. Although it had been so long, it was certain that there would still be some food left in the abandoned base. After all, according to Gu Yi's recollection, the base was still considered a shelter at that time, so some supplies were shipped in advance. Go in and compress dry food and canned food. As long as the preservation process is good, there is no problem in preserving it for hundreds of years.

Unknowingly, everyone also felt that they had strength under their feet. Soon they saw the dense mountain forest in front of them. The eight people stopped. They could not move forward now. They had to wait until dawn to determine the terrain and direction before they could go in. Otherwise, they could not go in. Once inside they find it difficult to turn back or change course.

Mountain forests are completely different from plains because there are too many obstacles and you may get lost if you are not careful.

After they found a sheltered place from the wind, they started to rest next to each other. After a while, everyone fell asleep. There was no need to keep vigil in such a silent night.

The eight of us slept soundly, but the sound of the wind was a bit uncomfortable.

When the sky turned pale, the eight people began to take out the food. After eating, they could start to determine their position when the sky got lighter.

At 8 o'clock, the sky was completely bright, but dark clouds could be seen in the distance. It was right for them to keep walking, because it wouldn't take long for the dark clouds to come over and it would rain on the grassland, and then they would be unable to move. , and will also fall into crisis due to heavy rain.

Gu Yi took the telescope and searched everywhere. Soon he laughed happily and pointed to a mountain top in the distance.

"As long as we reach the outpost over there, we will be close to the base."

Everyone took a look at the telescope. In the distance, the sentry tower was about 100 kilometers away from here. This distance was the final ordeal for them.

"Let's go, we'll try to arrive within 5 days."

Deguna said, and everyone started walking. Now they only need to ensure that they are within a straight line of distance from the sentry tower, but what is certain is that it is definitely not a straight line along the way. Many routes can only be determined while walking, although it seems that Within 100 kilometers, it is possible to triple or four times the actual distance.

However, the good thing about this kind of snow-capped mountains is that the forest is only dense for a short distance. As long as they enter some sparse forests, it will be much easier to walk.

Jean and Deguna walked in the front with blades, constantly splitting some plants. The eight of them walked carefully, and Li Chu and Gu Yi were at the back to determine the route.

Because they may need to go out in the future, they must record the route carefully.

"Come on everyone, we can have a good drink as soon as we get to the base."

Gu Yi shouted, and everyone laughed happily. Everything in the mountains and forests in front of them was unknown, but for them, it was already a lot easier because there was no one here.

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