Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 257 Long forgotten (Part 2)

Jean hugged Nia and pulled her body to avoid the fist that came. Nia's fist hit a muscle like an iron wall. Quasimodo stretched out his thick muscles. His arm was in front of Alpha's cheek.


There was a loud noise, and Quasimodo's arm was dented. His seemingly bulky body began to tilt, but soon he stepped on the ground with his feet, stabilized his figure, and hugged the shaky body with his other hand. alpha.

"What are you doing, bastard Gene."

Niya stood on her feet angrily, and blood continued to flow from her mouth and nostrils. Gene smiled helplessly. For a while, Niya was still struggling, and the red thunder marks on her body were gradually fading.

After a while, Nia gasped, sweat mixed with blood on her body, flowing all over her body. Alpha across from her sat on the ground, Quasimodo half-crouched to support her.

"Sorry for not telling you in advance."

Niya was so angry that she wanted to raise her hands, but found that her arms had begun to tremble, and she couldn't exert any strength. Her legs were trembling. Alpha on the opposite side held Quasimodo's arms and stood up. There were only a few rags left in their clothes, and both of them were injured to varying degrees.

"I said, what are you doing? Isn't it reasonable to call people over at night? They need to rest."

A coquettish voice came from the steps at the back. Gu Ningning walked over quickly in her uniform. Locke sighed helplessly.

"Go help those two people take care of their injuries."

Gu Ningning blinked, and Le Xiao finally reacted, closed her mouth and swallowed.

"Eh? What's going on? What's wrong with Section Chief Niya? The other lady, Alpha Angus?"

Gu Ningning was surprised and ran over from ear to ear. Le Xiao was still in shock. She had never seen such a scene, a fight between two women.

Gene smiled and took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and put it in Niya's mouth. She took a good puff. Alpha, who was opposite him, took out a cigarette and seemed to relax after lighting it. Her breath was normal, sweat was like water, dripping from her body, she grinned slightly, and the dozens of wounds on her body stung a little.

"Wow, Miss Alpha, you are"

Gu Ningning shouted as soon as she came over. Alpha stood up straight and said nothing. Gu Ningning swallowed, took out a light and shadow clothing bag from his pocket, took out gauze and clearing potion, and planned to help Alpha treats the wound.

"Take care of the seriously injured one over there first."

Niya's eyes widened in displeasure, and she tried to get up, but found it difficult.

"Who are you talking about? Asshole guy."

"No, I can't handle your wounds."

Gu Ningning saw that many places on the two people's bodies were covered in blood and flesh, which was beyond her ability to deal with.

"I can only do simple wound treatment. I will send a helicopter to take you to the hospital."

But at this time, Nia was even more surprised that Quasimodo was standing next to Alpha. She had hit him with all her strength just now, and the dented area on his arm had begun to slowly return to its original state. She looked at him with a strange look. like a man, wearing a linen hood.

"Who's that sackhead Gene?"

"A criminal I arrested before was just released from prison today."

Gene pulled Nia and let her lie on the ground, and Nia grinned.

"If you hadn't come, she would have been the one to fall, bastard Gene."

Gene patted Alpha's cheek without saying anything, and helped Gu Ningning treat Niya's wounds.

"Can I ask a question? Why are they two sisters?"

As soon as Le Xiao asked, she found that everyone's expressions were a bit complicated. She looked at the two sisters in front of her quietly, the standing sister and the lying sister. They were covered in injuries, but their expressions had softened at this time. A lot.

A lift slowly came down, and the personnel from Section 4 came out with two stretchers and carried Niya and Alpha up. At this moment, Jean walked over slowly.

"I'm sorry. Just pretend you didn't see what happened tonight. I have to go to the hospital next. Lexiao, you take the other four people home first. Remember to make a report."

Gene smiled and Lexiao nodded.

"Oh, it's true. I'm late. Lord Jean, if you didn't tell me earlier, I would have seen this wonderful fight. And you still called me out in the middle of the night. Seriously, Lord Jean, why didn't you tell me earlier? go"

"Ningning, can you please be quiet?"

Jean said with a smile. More than a dozen Department 4 personnel had already begun to suture the wounds of the two people lying on the stretcher. A white machine the size of a cigarette box, a light and shadow external trauma suture device, could use threads the size of cells to sew the wounds. The sutured wounds are also very dense, and the sutured wounds cannot be seen without looking at them under a microscope.

The infusion was also going on, and both of them had lost a lot of body fluids. At this time, they both looked up and said nothing.

Gu Ningning wanted to speak eagerly, but she could only hold it in. Hospitalization was inevitable. External wounds could be sutured, but the areas on the body that had been hit would begin to swell after a while. Worst case, It will take two or three days. Even if they are powerful mutants, their alienated genes still need to be checked to see if there is self-phagocytosis. After several 4th Department personnel conducted a fluoroscopic examination of their skeletons, they found that in many places Cracks have appeared in the bones and internal surgery is required.

"You still have to go to work tomorrow, right Niya?"

Gene asked abruptly, and Niya snorted coldly.

"Bastard Gene, it's not because of you that you will go to 5 subjects for me tomorrow and go to work instead of me, bastard, I probably won't be able to get up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Who asked you to act like that?"

"You didn't teach me."

Niya stared furiously. The staff of the 4th Department next to her all had scalp numbness. The bleeding area inside had been injected with medicine and simple sutures were performed. However, there was no equipment for the bone part, so they had to go to the hospital.

The lift slowly stopped on the roof of the nearest No. 8 Hospital, and soon the 4th Department staff waiting outside came over with carts to lift Niya and Alpha down.

Gene took a step forward.

"Mr. Jean, regarding the medical expenses, that's it. Our 4 subjects are not free, so..."

Gene tilted his head.

"Ning Ning, look for my secretary."

Gu Ningning had a headache and smiled.

Looking for Le Xiao who doesn’t know anything, don’t you want me to teach her how to do it? It simply increases my workload.

After a while, Alpha and Nia were pushed into the operating room. Gene sat in the corridor, raising his head and taking a puff of cigarette.

"It's not that bad, the result."

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