In a laboratory, some mechanical equipment was running. Gu Yi and Deguna looked at the materials in a small reaction furnace. They were trying to make an alloy with excellent hardness.

It is a pity that it has failed many times. This alloy can be used to build houses, bridges and other things in the future. This is extremely important for future mankind. Now we must establish a complete set of materials science.

Everyone plans to compile some systematic teaching materials, from simple to complex, link by link, so that humans can learn top knowledge and use this knowledge to rebuild a human civilized society.

Everyone has already thought about all the subjects. We can only give priority to science and technology. We can only wait until about the same time to figure out solutions for culture and art.

"No, I've tried many combinations, but it doesn't seem that easy. This kind of laboratory is too crude."

Gu Yi said, Deguna thought for a moment and then said.

"If that doesn't work, just change to another hardness alloy. After all, we can't."

"Don't be too anxious. I think we have enough time, so it is better to make the most reliable technology. Other alloys may be less difficult than this one, but their reliability is not as good as this one. As long as this alloy is manufactured, it can If we make the house strong, there will be no problems for a hundred years. Now that resources are so scarce, we have to make it strong and durable."

Deguna thought it right and could only continue the experiment. The two shut down the furnace and prepared to use equipment to analyze the reason why the alloy could not be completed because of the problem of the proportion of each metal added and the accuracy. The problem is that the conditions here are currently difficult to achieve, but Rose can do it easily, but at best it is impossible for her to use her abilities to make something that cannot be mass-produced without any standards.

After testing for a while, the two began to discuss, but many parts could only be recorded one by one and improved. Now the eight people are full of enthusiasm for the work, and everything seems to be back to the past.

And they are far more passionate than before, because they know what they want to do next, to create a civilization for the remaining humans.

Outside the laboratory, with the help of the robot, Rose was doing experiments next to some large petri dishes. He took some discarded parts of plants, added some things, and put them into the petri dishes. Look at the petri dishes. biological changes in it.

Now Rose is making a culture solution. Whether it is plants or meat, such a culture solution is needed, because once the sun disappears completely in the future, all ground animals and plants in the dark will slowly die.

The inedible parts of plants must be used to make culture fluids, and these parts can be used to continue to replenish the fields, and even some cloned meat products. After all, there is no way now. In the future, humans will not be able to remain vegetarians, and meat is also necessary.

A lot of meat cells were extracted from some pickled cans, so they could be cloned directly. Fortunately, after collecting some materials, there was still enough.

Cloned food may become a staple food for humans in the future. They can only be continuously cloned and improved to minimize the damage to the human body, and then they can meet human needs.

Growing human plants requires a lot of nutrients, and it is obvious that some fertilizers cannot meet all the needs of the crops. Now Rose's idea is to make a nutrient solution that can meet the growth needs of all plants. This research can only be done by her at present. Done alone.

Originally, Rose wanted Ellie to help, but now she and Werther are conducting research on drug cultivation. In the past few days, the two of them have searched the nearby mountains and forests to bring some plants that can provide ingredients for drugs. Bring them back to cultivate and improve.

Medical treatment is an indispensable thing for mankind in the future, but if we want to restore the complete medical system of mankind in the past, we must have medicine as the basis.

Now the two of them have successfully cultivated some antibiotics, and they plan to go directly into the production stage and send some to people on the grassland at about the same time.

Rose yawned and sat boredly next to the vessel. She had to wait for the biological reactions that would occur after these things were added, as well as the content of some of the ingredients, etc., and then conduct experiments with the experimental potted crops.

The whole process was extremely complicated and time-consuming. Rose felt quite bored, but had nothing to do. She got up directly and planned to follow the robot to take care of the farmland. In the central control room in the distance, Li Chu was still outside the window. Busy on the side.


Li Chu is now a man with two heads. He wants to write various corresponding AIs, which will be of great help to mankind's future industrialization. AI can help mankind save a lot of unnecessary time. In the past, he collected The huge database currently has to be selectively incorporated into the AI ​​system.

Because the world has completely changed, many things can only be started from scratch. Li Chu is now in the world of code every day, trying various methods and methods to build AI system programs.

"There seems to be something wrong here."

Li Chu looked at a piece of code. After thinking for a moment, he just replaced some codes, and immediately there was a problem elsewhere. Li Chu scratched his head, and he leaned back, resting his head with his hands helplessly. It was only the early stage now. The work was so difficult, Li Chu couldn't imagine what would happen next.

Therefore, what Li Chu is now writing is an AI that can continuously collect big data and realize self-evolution. Complete artificial intelligence allows AI to have independent learning and analysis capabilities. This is what future AI needs to do.

Although Li Chu's idea was good, it was extremely difficult to implement. Li Chu looked at the code on the screen with a headache.

To do this, it is not just the original digital character code, but also complex functions such as pattern recognition, cognitive recognition, etc. Li Chu stood up and planned to go out for a walk.

As soon as he came downstairs, he saw Rose busy in the field with tools.

"Just let the robots do it. These robots should have collected enough data and should be able to deal with all problems in the fields."

Rose laughed. There are now cable tracks dedicated to robots in the planting fields. The robots only need to move back and forth in cycles. Watering, loosening the soil, and fertilizing are all done by the robots.

The temperature control system here has been improved by everyone's joint efforts. The temperature is suitable for crop growth all year round, and there will soon be no shortage of electricity.

Jean is using materials alone to make a special battery for Li Chu. Once it is completed, Li Chu can release the power in his body to charge this large battery, so that the base can have inexhaustible supplies of energy. electrical energy.

"I'm going to see how Gene's progress is."

Li Chu walked into a passage on the side. After a while, he came to a room. There were originally many forklifts, including the previous helicopters, but now there were only a few left. The helicopters had been torn into pieces. , completely disassembled.

Gene stood in front of a large metal box, which was filled with thick black cables, many sheets, and many circuit boards. Gene was still building with tools.

There are a few things that are not ideal. It may be that the materials are not suitable. I have to wait for Deguna and others to come up with the alloy I need. Gene put down the wrench in his hand. Li Chu looked at the huge battery with helplessness. said.

"My ability is really convenient."

Gene laughed. After Gene came out, he sat aside and lit a cigarette. Then Li Chu asked.

"Aren't you going to go to the grassland?"

"You want to go for a walk?"

Li Chu laughed and nodded.

"I'm a little bored. I feel like my mind is very confused recently. It would be a good idea to go out and relax."

"Okay, after I finish working today, I will take you there early tomorrow morning."

Li Chu nodded. He only planned to go with Jean, because Jean was very fast and it was really convenient to go back and forth. He could go out to relax without having to walk so many unnecessary roads.

"Hurry up and get busy, I have to finish here."

Gene said and picked up the tools again. Li Chu left helplessly. Next door was the biology laboratory. Li Chu smelled the bitter smell in the air. He walked over and looked at Ellie and Ali inside. Witte, both of them were at different workbenches, manufacturing some medicines.

When Li Chu walked in, he saw a plastic box containing many white tablets. He was about to reach out and open it when Allie stopped him.

"Don't touch the medicine with your dirty hands."

Li Chu smiled awkwardly.

"what is this?"

Witte explained.

"It is a complementary medicine that treats trace element imbalances in the body."

Li Chu nodded, and Witte continued.

"The environment on the grassland is not good for humans in the long term. Many trace elements in the human body are actually imbalanced. Once these trace elements are imbalanced for a long time, it will lead to many physical problems."

When Li Chu got closer, he saw that Werther was removing tiny parts from a plant and placing them in a petri dish.


Vit nodded.

In today's situation, cloning technology must be used to clone all plants with medicinal ingredients, and then only extract the required medicinal ingredients. Only in this way can a large amount of drugs be produced.

At present, Werther and Ellie are making antibiotics, as well as fever drugs, including pain relief drugs, and antibacterial drugs. These drugs are all routine drugs in human life.

When drugs are so scarce, time must be expedited to develop some drugs so that human medical care can be guaranteed.

Many drugs were manufactured by the two of them based on the medicinal chemical equations in their minds, and some were experimental drugs, which could only be known after being tried by people on the grassland.

Although the two of them know the formulas for some drugs that treat serious diseases, the formulas published for those drugs in the past are just a framework, and there are more specific secret ingredients, which is impossible for others to know.

"If nothing happens, get out quickly. You haven't been treated before coming in, and the bacteria on your body will contaminate the laboratory."

Li Chu smiled awkwardly and could only exit the laboratory. He also planned to go back and continue working hard. After all, everyone was working hard, but Li Chu didn't see Tang Rao.

"Where has Tang Rao gone?"

"Going out to do some mapping."

Ai Li muttered. Li Chu could also understand that all the topography and landforms around here are very important. Not only the topography and landforms, but also possible changes in some places, temperature difference zones and other things, it is necessary to investigate of.

If humans want to conquer nature, they can only fully understand nature and make corresponding changes when nature changes.

All eight people have used their systematic and accurate knowledge to summarize everything that mankind needs in the future. Now is the time to turn this knowledge into physical objects. Now that they have plenty of energy and time, they naturally do not plan to advance. To contact humans and establish a stable civilized society.

After all, when construction really starts, they don't have the time and energy to make these scientific products, nor do they have time to conduct research. At that time, they must convince everyone as gods, and finally let everything come together, and then slowly proceed Only by giving science and technology to human beings and letting them move forward can we build the civilized society that we once were.

When she returned to the planting site, Rose had already returned to the petri dish and began to look at the values ​​detected in the petri dish in detail. Li Chu also returned to the central control room. After walking around, his head became much clearer. .

But soon Li Chu saw that it was already 5 p.m., and immediately after dinner it was time for four hours of combat training. What Li Chu was most afraid of was coming. He was really afraid of pain, and it was very annoying. Violence.

In the past, Li Chu was like this, scorning those who resorted to violence, thinking that only people with developed brains were qualified to survive, but it was obvious that his concept only applied to the past human society.

Li Chu saw too much along the way, so he naturally knew the importance of fighting. He scratched his head helplessly.

"That guy was too cruel."

Deguna was still as aggressive as ever, leaving no room for them at all. At the end of every day's training, everyone had broken hands and legs, bruised noses and swollen faces, but they would be back to normal after one night.

Li Chu has been feeling a little numb from the pain recently, but it still really hurts when he was beaten.

Time passed by, and when it was time for dinner, Tang Rao came back. She seemed very happy and brought back some plants.

"The current latitude of the sun is normal, and the situation in the mountains and forests is much better than expected."

Everyone gathered in the canteen, and Gene came over with a large barrel of wine. This was a high-grain wine brewed last month, and it tasted very mellow.

Deguna smiled.

"After you have eaten and drank enough, start exercising."

Everyone got some food that they liked, and then started eating and drinking. The current time was extremely happy for everyone, and they forgot all the sorrows and worries of the past.

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