late at night

In the main film, except for the lights near the reservoir, the lights in other places are scattered. A small group of more than 30 people is drinking wine. They are looking at the food comfortably, many of which are seasoned. .

Most of the people who can eat food with seasonings on this grassland are gang members, because some people have begun to grow some spices in their planting fields. When the gods came, they had already taught many people to extract some substances from corn kernels. Method used for seasoning.

"Boss, I think we should be more careful. After all, those guys were killed by Jed and his men during the day."

A man reminded, and the leader, who was already drunk from the game, laughed.

"What are you afraid of? Jade and the others don't dare to do anything."

A group of people started laughing. Part of the rumors about Jed's gang were slowly released by them two months ago. Today they were indeed worried about Jed's revenge, but Jed and the others quickly dealt with those few After releasing the rumor, there was no further pursuit, so the leader concluded that Jade did not dare to do anything now.

Stability is the most important thing at the moment, and the leader also decided to wait for a while before starting to spread rumors.

"Head, is it really okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

Their territory is within Jed's territory, so many people under his command are still worried. After all, if Jed and the others want to kill them, they only need to move their fingers, and they have no chance to resist.

A group of people planned to go to bed after drinking because they had been working at the power plant all day and were very tired. The leader stood up and said while holding a glass of wine.

"Don't worry, brothers, as long as we can get more places, we will do it in the future."


Before the leader finished speaking, arrows were fired in the air. Someone was shot immediately and started wailing. The leader was in pain to the end. Looking at the shoulder that was shot through, some people who reacted quickly picked up the shot. He fired his gun, but a large number of arrows flew over like raindrops.

In less than a minute, these more than 30 people lost their resistance. Some died directly, and some were wailing. A large number of people came over quickly. They were all Jed's men. There were more than 100 people, all of whom were equipped. Crossbow arrows.

"Boss Zhang, why are you doing this?"

The leader pressed his shoulders in pain, and the other men were already begging for mercy. In front of him, a man named Zhang Qi, one of Jade's confidants, came over. He looked at the leader fiercely, and stepped on the leader to take out the money. The gun hand then squatted down and pulled out the arrow from the leader's shoulder.

"You know why we want to kill you."

The leader's eyes widened and he said immediately.

"I don't dare anymore, please forgive me."

At this time, Jade's men all around used their blades directly as if they were killing pigs, easily killing the people who were still wailing.

The leader was still pleading, Zhang Qi sneered.

"Why did I do it in the first place if I had known it that day?"

The leader was desperate for a moment. He shook his head and looked at the blade approaching his neck in horror.

"Please, Boss Zhang, I will never dare to do that again. For the sake of my children, please."

Zhang Qi did not pity the man, because they had already touched their bottom line. A blade directly scratched the man's neck. The man wanted to struggle violently, but his hands and feet were stepped on by others. He slowly stopped. Moved.

"Dispose of the body directly."

It is already past 2 o'clock in the morning, and most of the people who have worked hard all day are fast asleep. The weapons of Jed's men are all crossbows, and they only bring a small number of firearms. On such a grassland, there is no point in shouting loudly. It's not strange to bark, as long as there are no gunshots, it's basically fine.

Some wooden crossbow arrows were made by Jed himself, while some metal crossbow arrows were sent by Allen and the others.

The lethality of crossbow arrows at medium and short range is very powerful, not inferior to that of pistols, and the key is that it can be silent.

Tonight, more than 20 small gangs in Jed's territory will be cleaned up. The largest one has only more than 80 people, and most of them are gangs of about 30 to 60 people.

Zhang Qi looked at the dead people on the ground. His men carried them in pairs. They would throw the bodies directly under the cliff. The men quickly took off the clothes of these people and took away their weapons. Then take the body away.

Zhang Qi and Jade had discussed early on that these small gangs that were slowly forming themselves in their territory had to be contained, but Jade hesitated at that time.

Such gangs should be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise they will one day cause problems or be exploited by external forces.

Sure enough, just as Zhang Qi had guessed, he angrily kicked the dead leader again, and then turned to another place. People in other places should also start to take action.

At this time, there was another small gang stationed in Erin Mountain Forest. There were 45 of them in total, plus some family members, nearly a hundred people. They all lived in shacks, and no one was on duty at night. One of Jed's confidants took him with him More than two hundred people have surrounded this place.

They all held crossbows, each with ten arrows. After waiting for the formation to unfold, with an order, the crossbows immediately shot into the shed that had been picked up and wrapped with some plastic sheets.

Screams rang out, and people soon realized it. However, the arrows penetrated the plastic sheet easily, one after another. Within a few minutes, gunshots rang out. Many people were a little panicked, but they kept pretending. Attach the arrow and shoot until there is no sound.

A man with a weapon touched over, and someone shouted and started to get scared from the ground, but the sound of gunshots rang out, and the sound of the wind was enough to cover up everything in this place close to the mountains and forests.

Soon everyone in the shack was dead, including the women and some old people.

"Hurry and clean up."

In a truck that had been prepared, a group of people started to lift the body and then recovered the crossbow arrows and the gang's weapons.

Jed issued the death order tonight without any hesitation. The gangs that were eliminated tonight are all troublemakers. They have joined forces with some large external gangs and have created a lot of problems in this place.

4 a.m.

Jade held up his wine glass, already a little drunk, and a confidant entered the tent.

"Boss, we have solved it here. 8 people were injured and 3 died."

Jed nodded with satisfaction. This was already the 17th group. No matter what happened tomorrow, Jed had to solve these nails entrenched in his territory tonight. He couldn't bear it anymore.

Jed was hesitant at first and considered some issues because he couldn't bear it, because the people in these gangs were the ones raising their families, but they were the ones who provoked the trouble first, and Jed was not going to let anyone go.

The places vacated by these gangs can be taken over by some fringe subordinates tomorrow. They will only be grateful. Although Allen has repeatedly reminded not to be impulsive, he can no longer control so much.

The seven electric trucks on Jed's side have already been dispatched. They will be used directly to transport the corpses. If they are thrown off the cliff, no one will notice anything. Even if some blood stains are found the next day, no one will say anything. Yes, this is a warning.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon at 5 o'clock in the morning, a confidant ran in. The 22nd group was solved, and Jed breathed a sigh of relief.

There are still 6 small gangs entrenched in the territory, but there is currently no evidence that they communicate with outside gangs to cause trouble.

Soon the cadres came back, and the night was fruitful. More than 500 firearms were seized, as well as a lot of ammunition, as well as some food and wine. These things were equal to trophies.

Some of the fringe men also participated in tonight's battle, and they will get the spoils tomorrow.

After Jade gave some instructions, he fell asleep. In a daze, Jade heard some noises, and he got up immediately.

It was very noisy outside. Jade went out and found that some ordinary people had gathered. They all said they saw massacres last night, and the real intention of many people was to want the inheritance of those who had been massacred. Jade De holds the loudspeaker equipment.

"Stop arguing, everyone go back, I will assign them directly."

Some people still refused to let go. Jed raised the gun in his hand and pointed it directly at the man who made the most noise. He looked at Jed in horror.


Gunshots rang out, and for a moment the man's head was shot through, and for a moment there was silence.

"Soon order will be established in this place. If anyone makes trouble for no reason again, he will be killed. No matter who he is."

Jed's words worked. He had seen the gods do this before. It was very effective and could resolve disputes instantly. Soon many people dispersed. Several of Jed's men came over to report on the situation this morning.

It is true that many people saw the massacre last night, but they all knew it. The massacre had nothing to do with them, but the vacant land was what they wanted.

Jade no longer intends to handle things gently, because gentleness is of no use. Reasoning with them is far better than using force. As expected, no one from the outside gang spoke out today.

"It's time to stop."

Jed muttered, everyone around here knew that those people were killed by Jed. Some even went to the edge of the cliff and saw the bodies that were thrown down.

But it didn't matter what happened now, everything was business as usual. After everything was over, Jed drove the vehicle directly to Allen's fortress at night.


Jed led his men into the fortress, and as soon as he went up, he saw Alan who had been waiting at the observation deck.


Alan gave Jade a hug as soon as he went up. Jade said in a good mood after sitting down.

"Sometimes you have to be impulsive. There is another point that you already know, Allen. We will definitely take action."

Allen nodded, he did not avoid the question, because he had indeed guessed that Jed would definitely take action early in the morning.

"Why do powerful people have to endure clowns dancing in front of them and constantly mocking them? Right?"

Allen nodded. He took action after considering the pros and cons. His gang was now very strong. If the guys outside wanted to take action, they would definitely consider whether it was worth it or not.

"A brief period of peace will come."

Alan said and Jade nodded.

If the big external groups don't speak out today, they won't have any chance to speak out in the future.

"But one thing I have to remind you is that they should convene a meeting next year."

Jade picked up the wine and took a sip and said.

"No matter what they say, it doesn't matter. If they want to start a war, I will always be with you. When do you plan to start?"

Allen laughed, because some of his men who went out today were beaten. Although it was not life-threatening, it was extremely frustrating for Allen and the others.

"You had another chance to become the most powerful gang in this area, Allen. Why did you give up?"

"Of course it's because I just want to live a more stable life. I've had enough of the life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. We won't take action for the time being, because once we do, we won't be able to contain other big gangs. "

Jed laughed, because he thought the same thing. The reason why some big gangs didn't take action was because it was not worth it, and also because Allen's fortress was right in the middle of several big gangs. If they attacked Jed If Allen takes action, they will be attacked from both sides.

These big gangs will not allow such things in a short period of time. They want to use this strategy of creating rumors to divide Jed's gang first, and then find an opportunity to attack Allen's fortress.

Allen knew this better than anyone else, so he was able to endure it again and again. Fortunately, Jade took action and their plan had been cracked.

Now they have no chance to brew anything again. Peace will last for a while, but this is also precious time for Jed and Allen to prepare. They must continue to accumulate strength. War will always break out in the future.

"Let's have a nice drink tonight."

Jed stood up and shook his head.

"I have to go back and rest. They will definitely come over tomorrow. I have to have a good sleep."

Allen stood up and bowed slightly before saying.

"Sure enough, our cooperation was the right one."

Jade said with a smile.

"For now, yes."

Allen watched Jed leave, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart, because Jed had begun to change, and the gentle Jed before had disappeared.

Allen had heard what happened in front of Jed's tent today. Allen had already heard from one of his subordinates. Jed's actions made Allen very puzzled. There was obviously no need to do this to this extent, but it would make other people in the area unhappy. Fewer people are more frightened, but Jade kills one of the troublemakers.

"Let's make preparations as soon as possible, we don't have much time."

Although the big gangs will not take action for the time being, because it depends on Jed's attitude next, if Jed's attitude is still tough at tomorrow's meeting, they will definitely take action in a short time.

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