
Ellie quietly stared at some values ​​on a screen. As a biologist, she knew very well what these values ​​meant and what they represented.

Witte's expression on the side was a little solemn at this moment, and the other six people were waiting for the two to announce the results.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Li Chu asked with serious eyes. He could tell from the expressions of Ellie and Werther that they had definitely discovered some big problem, but it seemed that neither of them wanted to explain it.

"If you don't want to talk about it, just keep it a secret and bury it in your heart forever."

After Rose finished speaking, she stood up and looked like she wanted to leave, but Gu Yi held her back.

"We will all respect your choice, tell us or not."

Deguna laughed.

"What exactly did we find? Even if we have turned into monsters now, I don't think there is anything strange."

After finishing speaking, Deguna pulled the baggy clothes, and the newly made clothes became baggy again. Although she had been trying to control the force that made her smaller, it was just delayed.

Deguna now looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, and her height and figure have become smaller and shorter.

Gene didn't say anything, he just smoked silently and Tang Rao laughed.

"It doesn't seem like a minor issue, and speaking out would help us all."

Finally Ellie spoke.

"Our cells will change human cells, or genetic structure."

In a sentence that shocked the other six people present, Witt added.

"If someone eats our cells, they may develop the same superpowers as us and become mutants."

"real or fake?"

Li Chu muttered that such a discovery was too shocking, and it was a bit unexpected for the eight people. At present, they have made breakthroughs in all aspects, relying on the new substances they brought back.

This is an item that can simulate the atomic structure of most materials. They call it a mimic. With this thing, human technology will completely change.

Now that they have figured out how to restore mimics, they have begun to use mimics to conduct various difficult and complex scientific experiments. Next, Gene plans to go to the center of the Pacific Ocean and continue to bring back more mimics, so that Let them start researching in full.

"One of the things is that after our cells change human genes, their cells can survive for a much longer period of time."

When Ellie said this, everyone immediately understood that this meant that the life span of living things could be extended.

"Sure enough, those worms may be some of the alienated cells in our bodies."

Li Chu understood it this way.

Humans have been living on this grassland for 12 years, and now the fertility rate has increased across the board. However, the current available labor force is too small, because some people are already covered in illnesses due to the erosion of the harsh environment.

Drugs are also the biggest problem in human society at present. Although Ellie and Witte have developed some new drugs, they still cannot fully meet human needs.

"So if we put our cells into water and let humans drink it, some mutants might be born in humans. This might solve the problem of labor shortage."

Rose spoke directly, but was quickly met with opposition.

"If everyone became like us, then God wouldn't exist."

Witte explained after Deguna finished speaking.

"It is impossible for them to have the power we have, because the cell mutation situation is different from ours. Our mutations are more like unlimited, but they are limited, and they may also cause a very heavy burden on the body. "

"Just do it like this. I don't think it matters. Adding some mutants will also change the situation of human society."

Tang Rao seemed unconcerned, but Ellie and Werther seemed more troubled.

"Let's put this matter aside and not discuss it for now. I think it is necessary to start the next step of human technology transfer."

Deguna was the first to speak, because now the eight of them are in urgent need of manpower. The best way is to select some children of the right age, provide comprehensive education, and train them to become scientists in human society, so that they can solve the current technological problems of mankind. Low question.

There are still many resources on this land that can develop science and technology. These resources are an important foundation for the future development of human society.

One is about technology, and the other is about labor. It will take at least seven or eight years or more until the labor force explodes, because so many newborns have been born.

According to the current situation reported by each town, there are nearly 100,000 newborns born in the past five years. This is a rather terrifying thing.

And this rate is still rising steadily with the current stability of human society. According to the current growth and stability, the human base will reach more than 20 million in 30 years, and will exceed 100 million in 50 years.

In order to allow newborns to grow up healthily, many high-quality foods are given priority to newborns, and many towns have jointly established drug production factories specifically for newborns.

Although the current situation in the town is not what the eight people want to see, because the town is now based on families, with as many as 128 families, large and small, and this rate is still increasing with the newly opened towns.

Many people will adopt the method of marriage to increase the number of family members. In this way, some families that did not have a large number of people at the beginning evolved into new families after marrying some people who already had a large family size.

The family and ordinary people are completely different concepts. The family enjoys all the excellent resources in the town and controls everything in the town.

The reason for such rapid development is that the accumulation of original capital has accelerated, and the family, as a powerful tool for accumulating original capital, is extremely effective.

The blood theory has become the only belief that many families believe in. It is like an unbreakable chain. As long as they are connected by blood, everyone is a family, and they can discuss everything together and deal with the outside world unanimously.

Everyone in the family can enjoy everything under the huge shadow of the family, and this relationship is becoming unbreakable.

"There are two paths before us now. One is to continue to allow human beings to develop on their own. We will continue to provide some technological products, and when the time is right, we will find some suitable people to teach us."

Li Chu raised his hands and said, and then he continued.

"The other option is to find some people now and lead them around our base to establish a technological society under the authority of the gods."

Both are extremely difficult choices for them, because if human society continues to develop now, war will definitely be inevitable after reaching a certain level.

“I feel like both can go hand in hand.”

Jean said and everyone looked at him.

"Let's make a selection. I also agree with Jean."

Deguna said, and the others finally nodded. Now they really have to lead a group of people to build some facilities near the base, and then ask these people to help. There is currently a serious shortage of manpower.

"Finally, let's talk about our cells. These cells will cause a certain degree of damage to the human body."

Deguna spoke first, and Ellie nodded.

"Indeed, our cells will cause a large number of cell death in the human body, which should be the biggest disadvantage. Whether or not humans can mutate depends on the individual."

"To put it bluntly, it's just probability. I think it's completely possible for humans to mutate. All you need to do is make up a theory. If you can't think of it, let me explain it. Just say that humans have been exposed to abnormal sunlight, plus After the disaster, something was inhaled that caused mutations in humans. Let everyone know in advance so that they won’t panic when mutants appear.”

Li Chu's words made it clear to everyone that only by doing this can a sufficient labor force be born in the future, and a city with advanced science and technology and civilization be established.

"Now that the decision has been made, we can start screening. I personally think it can be based on IQ."

Li Chu said, and Aili immediately retorted.

"Those who are in difficulty should be given priority to come here according to their difficult circumstances. Although they may not be very smart, at least they are."

"Then just follow your own preferences. There are eight of us. Each of us can choose 50 men and 50 women, a total of 800 people. This is the most ideal situation. Of course, if there are children, it will be about 1,000 people."

After Li Chu finished speaking, everyone agreed that this matter must be done as soon as possible. As for whether to mix their cells into the water and let people on the grassland drink it, we will not discuss it for the time being.

"Who will convey it?"

Tang Rao asked, and everyone looked at Jean.

He put out the cigarette butt in his hand and nodded.

"I understand. If you draft a document, I will go to every town and ask them to deliver it."

Gene didn't know what it meant, but one thing was certain, it would cause a huge sensation.

"At that time, we just need to pick a time and choose some people according to our own preferences."

Tang Rao said, and everyone nodded. Now we only need to carry out various measurements and construction on the periphery of the base, and design various facilities, so that humans can start working directly when they come over.


Allen climbed out of bed in pain. He felt something strange in his waist, which was often sore and swollen. It seemed that he had suffered from strain-related diseases. Medicines to treat such diseases were almost scarce. Allen had already asked the fortress to People have found a way, but it is obvious that it is difficult for them to buy such drugs.

Allen struggled to get up from the bed. The situation in the fortress had become worse in recent months.

Guns can no longer be sold at all. Many towns have their own weapons workshops. It is no longer possible to trade directly with some towns. Private possession of weapons is a felony in many towns. Coupled with their inconvenient transportation, it is difficult to Trade further afield.

The blockade of the fortress in the town has reached the most severe level. Anyone who dares to do business with Allen will be punished with very severe penalties or even be hanged. Although many people want to continue trading with Allen , but retreated in the face of hanging.

There is now a serious shortage of food in the fortress. Allen has asked everyone to use resources to build shacks. But obviously the situation is terrible now. There is another quarrel outside. Allen immediately goes out. Seeing the quarrel getting worse, he fires a gun, but the quarrel continued until Allen's men came over and finally stopped the quarrel.

"What exactly are you arguing about?"

Allen asked. It turned out that when people on both sides were eating, one person felt that the other had eaten too much, so they started to quarrel. Looking at the eager faces, Allen was panicking in his heart.

Allen originally thought that the threat from Jed and Su Kang was only temporary, but he did not expect that the two were so determined this time. Allen also knew that if the blockade continued like this, there would be big problems. He considered joining the financial system, but once Joining is bound to require bloodletting.

Allen had previously arranged for many people to go out to ambush and rob some pedestrians on the road. The effect was very good and they could often grab something. However, this kind of thing was soon put to an end by the security teams of the towns patrolling along the way. If caught, they will be executed directly.

At this moment, a man ran over quickly. Allen immediately asked the people on both sides to disperse, and said that the lack of food was only temporary, and he would get better if he persisted for a while.

The person who came over was responsible for contacting Allen's undercovers, and Allen called them into the office.


After hearing from this person that the gods would select a group of people and go directly to the base of the gods to build a town, this was a huge shock to Allen.

"What about the conditions?"

Allen asked, and the person who came over immediately shook his head and said.

"Lord Jean said that the gods will personally come down to select 50 men and 50 women. I don't know the conditions. It should depend on who the gods choose."

Allen was a little excited at this moment. He immediately asked this person to tell the undercovers that they must strive for the opportunity to go to the gods. Once an undercover came over, what exactly would the gods be doing there, including some technology and production? All materials are available.

Allen laughed loudly, and after his men left, his wife walked in.

"What's wrong, dear, did something good happen?"

Allen explained something in a showy way, and his wife said with a solemn expression.

"Ellen, I don't think this is good. At least there is peace now. We can't rely on force and plunder like in the past."

Allen shook his head.

"No matter what era humans are in, they are all the same. If you don't plunder, others will naturally take your place."

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