The spacecraft advanced slowly in the air. Jean sat in the control room and looked at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen. The outside world was pitch black, and nothing could be seen except the black ground that seemed to have been solidified after being dissolved.

The oxygen content here is close to 0. We have been driving for three days. The speed is very slow because there is no way to speed up.

It's really hard to think of Jamie coming here from a remote island with only a mecha and some rations.

Gene picked up the wine on the side and poured a glass while everyone else went to rest.

Guyi, Witte, and Tang Rao were still studying some collected dust.

"I don't know what's going on in the city now."

Gene was a little worried, because although he had felt at ease before leaving, Gene was worried when he thought about the situation in the city. After all, after he had gone out many times, he would always see mountains of problems when he returned to the city.

There is no way to contact the city now. The signal cannot be transmitted from such a long distance and will be blocked by the metal particles scattered in the world.

After so many years, only Jamie came to Brilliant City to let Jean and the others know that there were other civilizations in the outside world, and then came Asgard, who had been in contact all year round.

Jean didn't believe that there were people who could survive in other places. Although across the ocean was the powerful country that once stood on top of the world, the United States of the World, they were only less than 2,000 kilometers away from the center of the explosion in a straight line, and they would definitely suffer extreme damage. Severe shock.

As well as the impact of the annihilation virus that quickly spread in human society, mankind should have fallen into a desperate situation.

Tasia also said that the humans in the Frozen City had perished before she lost consciousness, and there were no humans living further away.

Jean actually doesn't really want to go. If he really goes, Jean will return quickly if there are no humans. But if there are humans, Jean must stay and investigate.

At this time, a prompt appeared on a light and shadow screen. Jean quickly adjusted the lens. Soon, Jean saw a large and strange forest not far away.

Jean immediately began to slow down, and the spacecraft slowly floated in the air. Jean stood up and could see this extremely strange forest. The trees inside were dressed in strange shapes. Many of the trees looked like some kind of sculptures, very strange. of clutter.

"What's going on? Why did you stop?"

Tang Rao walked in and Gene said.

"Have you seen such woods?"

Tang Rao took one look and smiled.

"It looks like some guy's performance art."

Gene nodded. These trees seemed to be spliced ​​together. There were all kinds of trees, and they were all black.

After a while, some members of Section 10 got up and started to prepare. Tamai was still sleeping, as if he was too tired these days.

Jean and the others left the spacecraft and landed directly on the edge of this strange forest. Jean looked at a tree in front of him that was spliced ​​together by pine and oak trees. He was very strange. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the trunk.

Black dust began to scatter on the trees. People from Section 10 detected it and found that the trees here were not carbonized, but had a structure similar to the nearby dust. With a gentle push, the trees fell down and scattered.

A group of people walked into the forest, but no monster was found. Jean and the others judged based on the past maps that this place was probably the border between the plateau and the plains.

"We should have passed through this forest before."

Witte said, Gu Yi nodded, but in this situation, it is impossible to tell.

The shape of the trees can no longer be described as strange. It really looks like someone has deliberately spliced ​​some different trees together, and there are almost no cuts in the splicing places.

After the people in Section 10 took samples, everyone continued to walk around, and soon everyone returned to the spacecraft.

The spacecraft started, and people from Section 10 went directly to the research room to study the organizational structure of these trees.

"I always have the feeling that the world we know has completely changed."

After Tang Rao finished speaking, Gene smiled.

"It must have changed, not now."

Tang Rao shook his head.

"It's not that there are any weird changes, but"

Tang Rao didn't know how to describe her current feeling. She thought for a while and said.

"It's like we think it's a solid, but it's actually a gas, we think it's a gas, but it's actually a liquid, we think it's a liquid, but it's actually a solid."

As soon as these words came out, Gene's face became solemn.

"You mean, the world has changed in shape?"

Tang Rao nodded.

"It's most likely that the weird things we see may be some form of matter that we don't know about."

This theory makes everyone feel incredible. After all, the three states of solid, liquid and gas are the basic forms of matter, and there will be no fourth form.

"I think this theory is quite interesting."

Gu Yi said, and then everyone looked at him.

"We have done some experiments on freezing and dissolving pressure before, and wanted to see the performance capabilities of some materials under high and low temperatures, as well as high and low pressures. But at that time, there were always some situations in matter that were difficult for us to understand. For example, it was obviously When the solid state is converted into a liquid state, impurities will appear, and these impurities are caused by the destruction of the atomic structure. But maybe not."

After a discussion, everyone began to leave, leaving Gene alone in the control room.

What Gene needs to do is the work of at least 20 people, and he needs to pay close attention to all the numerical changes on the light and shadow screen, as well as the external situation. This kind of work is a bit boring, but Gene does not want to go back to a more boring laboratory.

Gene looked at the world outside, and the world in his mind was indeed illuminated by light.

There is no going back to that kind of world. Jean knows very well that this planet will eventually be destroyed. At that time, humans must leave the solar system and go to the distant heart system to find the next place to live.

"But that will be many years later, maybe we have disappeared."

At this time, the door to the control room opened, and Tamai came in scratching his head.

"What's wrong with you these days?"

Tamai yawned, looked at the wine in Gene's hand, took out a cup and poured a glass, took a sip, and then took out some dried meat to eat.

"I don't know, I feel inexplicably tired. I have checked my body and there is nothing abnormal. Maybe my body is not adapting to it at the moment. After all, it is in such a dark environment."

Gene nodded, and the two chatted. Gene told Tamai what he had discovered.

"By the way Tamai, when you took over as section chief, didn't you consider continuing everything about Alpha?"

Tamai smiled awkwardly and said.

"Of course I tried my best to implement the system according to some of the plans left by Alfa at the beginning, but soon I encountered resistance and attacks from those families. Money and women kept coming to me."

Tamai said and Gene smiled.

"You bastard, if you could withstand all the pressure, the city would not have reached the point where it was almost destroyed."

Tamai smiled awkwardly, and at this time Tamai looked at the wine glass absentmindedly.

"By the way, Sir Jean, I seem to have forgotten something. This feeling has been very strong, and I don't know what happened."

Gene asked.

"Is there something wrong with you and me?"

Tamai shook his head, took a sip of wine and smiled.

"Who knows."

Didi didi.

At this time, the external imaging equipment prompted again. As soon as Jean and the others turned around, they saw a little light faintly shining through the darkness in the distance. Jean felt something was wrong and began to adjust the direction of the spacecraft towards the distant place. The dark pillar passed by, but gradually Jean saw it was a black pillar, and there seemed to be something on it.

Tamai felt something was wrong, and gradually the spacecraft stopped, and Gene stood up.

Soon many people came to the control room. Everyone looked at this huge pillar that shot straight into the sky. It was more than 10 kilometers in diameter. It was an extremely huge pillar, and the surface of the pillar was made of rocks. What shocked them was that there were human remains in the rocks.

Soon, Jean took some people from Section 10 to the huge stone pillar in an aircraft. The people from Section 10 began to collect it, and soon saw human skeletons that looked like fossils from some stones.

"What's going on?"

Tamai didn't quite understand. At this time, there was a loose movement, and stones fell from the top. With a flash of blue light, the fallen stones were shattered in an instant. People from Section 10 stepped up to collect the stones on the surface of the stone pillar.

There was a rattling sound and stones kept falling from above.

"It's okay, Sir Jean, let's go back."

Everyone returned to the spacecraft. It was impossible for the spacecraft to rise. However, the top of this huge pillar could not be seen at a glance. The same was true for the aircraft going up. It would definitely encounter interference from the strong magnetic field after going up.

"I'm going."

After Jean finished speaking, Tang Rao raised his hands and said.

"I'll take the equipment with you and prepare some climbing tools. We can only climb up directly."

After a while, Tang Rao and Jean returned to the edge of the huge stone pillar. They had already put on climbing tools, which were claw-like machines on their hands and feet. They had very strong grip and strong stability.

The machine is integrated, and the two of them feel more like they are sitting in a robot. This climbing equipment is designed by AI. Although it is very stable and reliable after practice, it is rarely used in Bright City.

The mechanical claws moving up and down quickly moved upward easily under the analysis of the AI ​​system. Gene and Tang Rao were carrying a large amount of equipment, and Tang Rao was laughing and joking.

"If we fall, will we die?"

Gene laughed.

"Do you think that's possible?"

The two chatted all the way, but half an hour had passed, and they had climbed more than 3 kilometers, and still had not seen the end. Just when the two felt strange, the machine took them to the top.

At the top was a huge plain, with no end visible at a glance, and nothing. Jean and Tang Rao moved quickly. Both of them were checking for abnormalities around them, but there didn't seem to be any problems.

"How did this come about?"

Tang Rao asked, and Jean shook his head. However, at this time, the ground beneath the two of them began to tremble slightly. Jean felt that this tremor was not simple, but at this moment, cracks began to appear around the ground, and then Some rocks popped out.

Along with the violent clicking sound, Tang Rao scratched his head and said.

"Isn't the stone pillar about to break?"

Gene calmly took out a cigarette and lit it, then smiled.

"We'll wait until it collapses before deciding. Protect the equipment. After all, it's very expensive."

The two people ran backwards, and the cracks became bigger and bigger. They returned to the side of the two machines. At this time, the vibrations stopped suddenly, and the cracks on the ground stopped spreading.

"Forget it, it doesn't look like anything, just go back."


There was a crisp sound of bones, accompanied by the bones of a dark human hand touching the cracks. At this time, monsters composed of human skeletons came up from the cracks.

"What's this?"

After Tang Rao finished speaking, he looked at the monsters spliced ​​together with some strange bones. They were coming towards them. Jean had already taken a step forward and jumped out. In an instant, the monsters that came over were scattered.

The bones were directly broken and shattered. The monster was torn apart, and other monsters also came closer.

"You don't need to do anything, just let me do it. You are responsible for testing."

There was a crackling sound, and the white-bone monsters were made up of human bones. Under Jean's repeated attacks, the scene soon became quiet. Tang Rao walked over and picked up a bone.

"How are these things put together? It's really hard to understand."

Gene laughed.

"Maybe it's the dust. Tasia used this kind of power before to keep us, didn't she? Maybe there is something in this pillar," Gene clenched his fists, while Tang Rao scratched his head and laughed. "

"Go ahead and do it, but at least wait until I bring the equipment and machinery back."

Gene nodded. He planned to release a little power to destroy this huge stone pillar directly from the center of the top of the pillar to see what was inside.

Jean came to the edge and watched Tang Rao go down with the equipment. When Tang Rao and the others went down and the spacecraft was farther away, Jean planned to take action. The cracks were pitch black and bottomless. Jean picked up a piece of bone. This was indeed Human bones.

But this was the first time for Jean and the others to see this kind of monster made of bones. This situation was too unbelievable.

Half an hour later, Jean saw the spacecraft begin to move. He quickly turned into a blue light and came to the center of the pillar. Looking at the cracks around him, Jean smiled and took out a cigarette to light it. It's starting to become translucent.

"Just wait a little longer. If you use too much force, those rocks will hit the spacecraft."

Light blue blisters began to appear on Jean's body. Gurgling, his whole body seemed to be boiling. This was the third stage of God's power. Jean was reluctant to use it because the power was too great. It is not available in the city.

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