Gene looked at the little girl in his arms, his eyes were blurred, indicating that she had been sick for many days.

"Where are your parents?"

Gene asked and the boy shook his head.

"They went out to work and haven't come back for a long time."

Sam laughed.

"There's nothing we can do, Mr. Jean. There are quite a few children like this around here. Many of their parents may go out and never come back. Either they really encounter problems, or they just don't want to come back."

Gene looked at the swelling in the little girl's abdomen and roughly understood the cause. It seemed that surgery was needed. Soon, Gene took the little girl into a small hospital. There was only one nurse inside and it was crowded.

"Sorry, give in."

Jean shouted, but no one moved away. Jean walked over and pushed away the crowd with telekinesis. Jean carried the child and came to the doctor's office. The doctor was treating people.

Gene ran over.

"Doctor, this child is in serious condition."

The doctor took a look. There was a putrid smell in the air. Looking at the dirty child, the doctor asked.

"Do you have money?"

Gene smiled and nodded, and took out the money container.

"I want her to lie down and let me take a look."

The doctor put the child down, then opened the child's clothes, took a look at the entire black and bulging abdomen, took out a disc-shaped instrument and placed it on the child's chest.

"It's hopeless. Take him back."

Gene was stunned.

"This is just hydroabdominal fluid. All it needs is surgery. The child's heart rate is not too low."

After Gene finished speaking, the doctor said impatiently.

"If you can't do it, this kind of child will still suffer even if he survives."

Gene suddenly became furious and grabbed the doctor's collar and pulled him up.

"It's useless for you to get angry at me. It took me so long to bring him here, and even if you didn't see it, it's turned black. His intestines are probably rotten. It's a miracle that he's alive. Such a complicated surgery is done in a small hospital like ours. No."

Gene grabbed the doctor and picked up the child. The little boy cried.

"I'm here to do the surgery."

The doctor looked at Jean in shock.

"Come here and help me."

Soon in the operating room, the doctor looked at Jean suspiciously. Jean looked at some drugs. Many of the drugs looked the same as before, but there were some new drugs. Jean could only ask quickly.

"Are you okay? These are the most basic medicines."

Gene said.

"Just tell me the properties and effects of these drugs. I can understand the chemical formulas."

After Gene finished speaking, he began to ask in detail, and then directly prepared the anesthetic drugs. He picked up some drugs and quickly mixed them skillfully before starting the little girl's infusion.

"Were you a doctor before?"

The doctor became confused because Gene quickly combined the best medicine for this kind of patient.

"That's right, bring me the surgical tools and take a look."

After Gene finished speaking, the doctor brought over a bunch of surgical tools, many of which were electric. In the past, there were electronic scalpels, which could assist doctors in operating the surgery more accurately. Unexpectedly, such technology is still active in society here.

"We don't have AI equipment to perform this kind of ultra-fine surgery, so we can't do it."

Gene shouted immediately.

"You help me anesthetize, and I can do it if I can."

Jean looked at the little girl's weak appearance. Jean had done more difficult surgeries than this one.

Soon, Gene took the scalpel and began to operate skillfully. The doctor on the side was frightened.

"How dare you."


The doctor immediately started the drainage machine, and Jean watched as the black liquid with a rancid smell was drawn out. Jean quickly saw the necrotic part of the little girl's stomach, and then began to remove it.

Soon Gene brought over a bag of sticky stuff, the doctor said.

"This is an artificial tissue for use. It's intestinal-shaped. You just need to connect the artificial tissue inside to some parts of her body."

Jean nodded, and the doctor explained the method in detail, and Jean soon mastered it.

"Where did you work as a doctor before? Your skills are so good."

The doctor couldn't help but praise that if such technology was assisted by AI medical assistance, he would definitely be a very powerful doctor.

"Don't talk nonsense. Pay attention to your heart rate and blood pressure. The blood transfusion speed is too fast now. Slow it down by 0.5 immediately."

The doctor did as he was told, and soon the operation had lasted for an hour. The little girl's condition was still very bad. Gene did not give up. He was still looking at a lot of medicines the doctor said. He directly combined some medicines and gave them Inject yourself.

"What are you doing?"

Gene smiled.


Soon, Gene felt the actual effects of these drugs with his body, and he felt confident. In the past, they made drugs, and many of them were introduced after experimenting after taking them. Therefore, the medical treatment in Brilliant City, from its development to the present, There are almost no major medical incidents.

Gene looked at the little girl's condition and saw that it was still not stable, the doctor said.

"Then it's up to fate."

Gene smiled.

"The next step is the most important stage. Prepare some of the medicines I mentioned immediately."

The doctor was a little confused and Jean explained.

"Many patients die in the so-called resignation stage after surgery. Now I will use medicine according to her physical condition to help her body slowly recover its functions."

The doctor scratched his head. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing, Gene said.

"It seems that although the medical technology here has developed, the medical process is still stuck in the past."

The doctor looked at Jean suspiciously, and Jean said with a smile.

"Don't pay attention to what I say, just go and prepare."

After a while, the doctor brought a bunch of medicines. After Gene asked about some medicines, he immediately tested them on himself. The doctor understood.

"No wonder you are so strong, you are a mutant. There are risks in using your own body to test medicine."

Gene smiled and nodded.

Soon the little girl's condition improved a lot. Jean hadn't sutured the wound yet, but was still waiting. The doctor became confused, and soon he saw changes in the little girl's abdominal cavity.

"See, if it were stitched, this tiny change would kill her."

Jean quickly began to deal with the bleeding area. After a while, the little girl's condition completely stabilized. It was already past 3 o'clock in the morning. Jean looked at the doctor who looked tired.

"I'll just keep watch. You can go to sleep."

The doctor yawned and took out a machine.

"Pay the money first, sir. If you do this, the operation will cost at least 700D. 500D is the medical fee and follow-up medicines. You also know 200D. You are not qualified as a doctor and you are already practicing medicine illegally. I have to Deal with some problems. People at the Medical Regulatory Authority are not vegetarians.”

Gene nodded and paid, and the doctor left with satisfaction.

At this time the little boy came in and Gene said with a smile.

"It's okay, your sister will get better slowly," the little boy smiled and nodded.

Gene asked looking at the helpless little boy.

"How long have your parents been out?"

The little boy shook his head.

"It could be three months, it could be longer."

Gene nodded, and then asked the little boy to watch. After going out, Sam was already asleep and snoring, and Shakira was still awake.

"Are you okay Gene?"

Gene nodded, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"It's okay for now. This enemy is very similar to the neighborhood I used to live in."

Shakira nodded.

“It’s such a chaotic place and it’s hard to move around without money.”

Gene nodded.

At this time, Sam beside him also woke up, and he yawned and said.

"How's it going? Mr. Jean."

Gene smiled and nodded, and Sam took out a cigar and lit one.

"Actually, this kind of thing is not surprising. The situation in this place is like this for many families. There are quite a lot of unsupervised children here."

Gene smiled and nodded, and Shakira looked at Gene's helpless look. The three of them sat there until 8 o'clock in the morning, when the little girl's condition improved.

Jean gave the little boy 1000D and asked him to take good care of his sister. The doctor also promised to pay close attention to the little girl's follow-up situation.

Leaving the small hospital, Gene looked at many people in the neighborhood. Many people were busy, and most of them were doing some handicrafts, Sam said.

"This is the source of economic income for most people in this area, and many handicrafts will flow to the city."

Jean looked at the back of the cage house. He could see a large number of high-rise buildings in the distance, and he could vaguely see a lot of vehicles flying in the air.

"Is there no such flying means of transportation here?"

Gene asked, and Sam looked at Gene strangely.

"Mr. Jean, where are you from? Flying is prohibited in the ghetto. This ban has been in place for many years."

Gene smiled, and Sam looked at Gene suspiciously, but as long as he made money, he wouldn't think too much about it.

"Come on, Mr. Jean, I'll take you to where you live. I guarantee it's a better place."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Please be my guide these days."

Sam nodded, and Gene gave Sam 100D. He was very satisfied.

Sam led Jean and the others through a large block. At this time, people on both sides were fighting not far away. It looked very tragic. Jean stopped and saw a man lying on the street with his face covered in blood. , the person who beat him didn't stop and hit him hard with the metal stick in his hand.

Screams sounded and Sam laughed.

"There are always conflicts like this in this neighborhood."

Jean wanted to stop him, but Shakira held Jean back.

"Jean, don't go there."

Jean walked over with a smile, his eyes moved slightly, and some imperceptible white particles floated over. Soon, people on both sides looked around in surprise, because they were separated by a force.

"There are mutants."

Immediately, people on both sides began to disperse, and Jean felt strange.

"Can mutants do this?"

Sam smiled.

"Yes, mutants can do things like telekinesis. There must be a mutant hiding around here."

After passing through a large low-rise block, there was a block in front of him that seemed to have a relatively good environment and green plants. Although many people looked fierce, they were well-dressed. Sam greeted some people and quickly took him with him. Jean and the others walked into a courtyard.

"Mr. Jean, this hotel is good. You only need 5D for a day. It also has hot water, air conditioning, and many TV programs to watch."

After Gene nodded and walked in, Sam talked to the person at the front desk for a while, and Gene went over to pay 100D for 20 days' room fee.

"Mr. Jean, I won't disturb you anymore. If you want to go out, remember to call me. I'll be there when you call. I'm going back to sleep for a while."

Sam yawned and left, and Gene took Shakira into room 308. After entering, he saw that the facilities were quite complete, and some of the equipment looked the same as before.

Especially the coffee machine, toaster, and some daily necessities, the bathroom is pretty much the same as in the past.

Shakira sat down and sighed.

"Obviously I should have brought Jean, who you are familiar with. I'm sorry. I must have caused you trouble."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"Because I have rich experience like this. Let's live here for ten days and a half before we go there. You didn't have any rest last night, so go to bed quickly."

Shakira nodded, curled up tiredly on the bed and quickly fell asleep. Gene left the room, found a small balcony on the third floor, made a cup of coffee, sat down comfortably and began to browse the Internet.

"I see, it's still pretty much the same as before."

Gene saw that advertisements for the parliamentary election were overwhelming on the Internet. There were a lot of online shopping and online activities, and there was also a lot of entertainment content, some of which required payment.

Gene lit a cigarette and looked at the low-rise blocks in the distance. What he didn't expect was that under such an impact, so many humans could still exist in these coastal places.

Soon Jean found the population of the United States, which currently numbered 367.89 million.

"It's a huge number."

Jean didn't expect that there were so many people in the United States. Soon Jean saw the factions in the United States. There were 29 factions in the United States, and there were two largest factions.

"It's really surprising. It's really hereditary!"

The president of the United States is basically elected by these two factions. Therefore, the system of the United States has revolved around the two parties since a long time ago. Therefore, many well-implemented systems are immediately abolished after the hostile parties come to power, which will cause A very big waste of resources.

Many systems have collapsed due to disputes between two parties.

Gene smiled and continued browsing. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and a beautiful woman in sexy and voluptuous clothes came over. She had big wavy hair, fair skin, handsome appearance, and a well-proportioned figure. The woman smiled and sat next to Gene. .

"Handsome guy, why are you here alone? Do you want to have some fun?"

Gene smiled and shook his head. The woman took a sip of Gene's coffee. She licked her lips and looked at Gene seductively.

"Miss, I'm sorry, I don't need any fun."

At this moment, a group of people rushed in from outside the yard. The woman's expression suddenly changed, and she lowered her head and hid under the table.

"Sir, if they come to cause trouble, can you help me block it? I beg you."

Gene smiled and blew out the smoke, smiled and nodded.

"Glad to oblige, miss!"

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