Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2816 Everyone has their own agenda

10 at night.

Tommy took out a bottle of wine and poured Justin a glass. The meeting would start again at 3 o'clock in the morning. Now they could only drink some wine, eat something and then go to bed, matching the schedule of the kangaroos.

Because once the point is reached, the daytime dormancy function in the kangaroo genes will activate. Although the kangaroos have tried to improve such genes, it is very harmful to the kangaroo's body.

This has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is extremely difficult to improve it.

"I think such cooperation is difficult to achieve. After all, we have no trust in each other."

Tommy nodded.

"You know now what kind of war is going to happen."

Justin nodded. He had read a lot of information about Brilliant City recently, and he said helplessly.

"Why can't we take more peaceful measures? Those gods might be willing to hand over the life-span vaccine."

Tommy laughed out loud, and Justin also knew that his statement was extremely naive, but technology that can extend human lifespan is a huge boon to all mankind.

If people can maintain their youth for a longer period of time, then it will be completely fine for humans to achieve interstellar travel and leave this dying planet in the future.

"They were all people from three centuries ago. Do you think they, who have experienced great storms, would so easily give up more than a century of hard work? Why should they give it to others for free?"

Justin nodded.

"Then we can exchange some core technologies, or work together to develop a spacecraft to leave this planet, and plan to go to Mars?"

Tommy sighed.

"This is why I have spent so much effort to turn the country into a factory. After all, it is extremely difficult to achieve a high degree of trust between people."

Justin took a sip of wine. He felt very uncomfortable now. After all, for them, the only way to go is war.

"If humans want to continue and escape from this dead planet, Brilliant City's life extension technology is essential, as well as Asgard's mature space technology. As well as the new energy source of Steka that we discovered."

Justin hummed.

"What about those kangaroos?"

Tommy laughed.

"I really didn't expect that they could get involved. They are hostile to us humans. Don't forget that they enslaved millions of humans."

Justin hummed. He always felt that it was indeed very unethical to start a war without talking about anything. And the most important thing is, if Brilliant City really has strong war strength as shown in the data, , then their United States will encounter a very big crisis.

"The only thing we can do now is to turn the entire country into a war machine and win this war, so that mankind can have a future. Otherwise, when this planet is destroyed, we will no longer have a future and will only be Something far more brutal happened.”

Tommy said, and Justin nodded. At first, when he didn't know the complete truth, he just thought that what Tommy did was really too crazy. But after knowing the truth, he also understood that he must do this in the future.

Not all people can leave this planet. According to the current capabilities of the United States, only one percent of the people can leave, and the remaining 99 percent of the people are waiting to die.

Justin understood such a cruel thing after thinking about it for a moment. It was the same as the various tragedies that happened after the apocalypse in the past. People would start killing each other in order to fight for the right to escape.

After thinking about this, Justin understood Tommy's approach. As long as the war is won and human lifespan is extended, human beings will have more time to develop technology, and even send out advance teams to report the situation in space. Once we figure it out, we can let humans leave this planet in large numbers.

It will take at least three generations to complete so many things. However, if humans can extend their life span, then everything can be connected together, and these three generations can make a huge contribution to human escape more quickly.

"I'm afraid what we and the kangaroos are most worried about now is the problems in cooperation. As long as one party fails to abide by the agreement, this war will become extremely chaotic."

Tommy hummed.

"Indeed, we have to bring those kangaroos with us, otherwise they may turn their guns and attack us when the critical moment comes."

Justin laughed out loud. His idea was very clear now. It was better to let the kangaroos participate. It would be better if they put in more effort and would not stab the enemy in the back.

"The biggest question now is Asgard. What do they mean?"

Justin asked and Tommy laughed.

"They definitely want to get the maximum benefit. After all, they are the strongest. If we just tolerate it, we will definitely be kicked out in the end."

Justin took a helpless sip of wine. He was a little confused now. It was impossible to cooperate with each other, and only war could solve the problem.

"We can only try our best to bring Brilliant City to the negotiation table at the beginning, so that we can talk frankly about some things. They may give us the life-span vaccine."

Justin shook his head.

"If those gods are really like the data, and have experienced three centuries of bloody storms and finally built the Brilliant City, then they will only launch a more violent counterattack."

At this time, in a room, the kangaroos had just finished eating, and many kangaroos were having a heated discussion. Jamming devices were placed in the four corners of the room, and each column emitted light. The light was like water. Slow flow around the room.

Green listened quietly to the remarks of some of the kangaroos accompanying him this time. They all came from the five major legions and were the pillars of the five major legions.


Grian glanced around, and the kangaroos shut up. Now the country has begun to integrate, because the kangaroo scientists discovered that the planet is dying at a very fast rate, and they must do everything possible to escape. Just fine.

Perhaps it was the sense of crisis that threatened to annihilate the kangaroos that united the kangaroos who had originally planned to go to war.

Now the kangaroos are united in saying that only by gathering together can they solve the current survival crisis.

"I know you are worried. Now we can only forcefully intervene in this war, because if we don't care about anything, Asgard and the United States will definitely destroy us at some point."

A red kangaroo asked at this time.

"Chief, why don't we contact Brilliant City?"

Gryan laughed.

"Contact Brilliant City. If we fail, where should we obtain space technology from?"

Green's words made the kangaroos nod. What they want most now is space technology, because vaccines that extend human lifespan are meaningless to them, and this technology is only available in Asgard.

"Once we obtain reliable technology, depending on the situation of humans, if they have the intention to attack us, then we must strike first."

Green knew very well that in such a cruel era, nothing could be gained from cowardice and concession. Only by constantly moving forward could they have a future.

"But chief, they don't seem to believe us."

Green nodded.

"Indeed, they don't believe us because we are not their kind. Even if we are their kind, they will not trust each other. This is just like us. If it were not for the crisis of destruction, perhaps we would have had a large-scale war."

Green sighed. He knew very well that they would have to be tougher during the 3 a.m. meeting. In order for this war to start earlier and achieve results earlier, the kangaroos couldn't wait.

"Everyone, please continue to express your opinions."

As Green said, the kangaroos began to speak one by one, and many kangaroos made direct threats.

"No, it will only make this negotiation completely collapse. Threats are only useful to weak guys, and are meaningless to strong guys. We can only reveal some of the science and technology they want as much as possible."

Now in the entire Kangaroo Kingdom, the best technology is mecha technology. This individual combat mecha was developed with a lot of effort and can be suitable for battlefields in various environments.

It's no problem even in space. They have already conducted space simulation experiments, using various records of space left by humans.

"Everyone, there is only one thing we have to do now. We are not going to threaten those two countries, but we must make them believe in us. So in the meeting later, even if everyone is dissatisfied, we hope everyone will keep quiet. Just let me do the talking."

The kangaroos nodded, and Green then stood up and asked the kangaroos to rest.

Green sat quietly in the corner, staring at the lights outside the window. In the past, the kangaroos thought that their place was the only one left in the world, but what they didn't expect was that there were so many humans in this world.

"The disaster at the seaside reminded us that if we continue to fight, we will be completely destroyed like that disaster."

In Green's mind, everything happened after the explosion of the Harbor Energy Base. All the kangaroos inside were reduced to nothing. The explosion was caused by a kangaroo traitor named Fredo. After the explosion, the kangaroos felt something. thing.

"Maybe that's the meaning of that guy's existence."

Green laughed. Although he had heard about this lone ranger in the wilderness a long time ago, he never expected that he would do such an earth-shattering thing just to let a human go.

"Once we can control the situation, we will definitely take one step ahead."

Green's eyes were sharp, and he thought very clearly that the initiative was not in their hands now, but once the war started, as long as the initiative was in their hands, Kangaroo would not hesitate to start his own plan.

Stay away from the war and immediately prepare an escape plan. Now, a large number of factories have appeared throughout the kangaroo country. The kangaroos already have a very good engineering system, and it is no problem to create a large number of factories.

Then Green returned to a small single room, intending to continue to see some things, what this human society looks like.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At 57:00 AM, Green brought the kangaroos back to the conference room. The originally black screen lit up. Katerina appeared in front of the screen. Tommy and Justin yawned. just woke up.

"We are sorry that our behavior has caused inconvenience to Her Majesty the Queen and Mr. President."

Green said, Katerina smiled.

"Don't worry, Chief Green, I went to bed very early."

Tommy also nodded.

"Yes, Chief Green, we slept well."

Green asked looking at Katerina on the screen.

"Queen Katerina, we only hope that everyone can cooperate sincerely and firmly with each other and win this war quickly, because time is running out for this planet."

Katerina nodded and smiled.

"We know this, Chief Green. I have just discussed this with other people and we can give space technology to you and the United States in advance."

As soon as Katerina said this, both Green and Tommy were stunned for a moment, and then Green asked.

"What about the conditions, Your Majesty the Queen? Please tell us your conditions. If we can meet them, we will definitely meet them."

"If a war really starts, what will you two do?"

Tommy looked at Katerina doubtfully, and Green also felt doubtful.

"I mean, who's going to direct this war?"

Tommy laughed.

"Your Majesty, we in the United States have a military genius who is fully qualified to command."

Tommy knew what Katerina meant, but Green refused at this time.

"We kangaroos have our own thinking and fighting methods, and we don't need anyone else to direct us."

Although Katerina smiled, her smile was already a little stiff.

"Our country also has such a general, who can win every battle. How about this? We will provide you with some initial space technology. As for the command of the army, I think how about our general?"

Green refused again and shook his head.

"Your Majesty, our troop structure is completely different, and I don't think it will be very effective when commanded."

Tommy remained silent. He stared at Green with side eyes. It seemed that these kangaroos were still too naive, because this was Katerina's test, and they didn't even notice it.

"What do you think, President Tommy?"

Tommy waved his hands helplessly.

"Of course it's no problem, Your Majesty, it's no problem to leave it to your excellent generals, but there is one thing I hope Her Majesty can answer us. Is the space technology you provide us in the early stage? What should we do next? At what stage can it be fully provided?" (End of Chapter)

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