Kelly climbed out of bed tiredly, but there was still the noisy sound of machinery. Although the soundproofing equipment in the room had been replaced, the sound of machinery could still be heard. Kelly hadn't been out for a long time.

There are dozens of machines in the house. Kaili gets up every day to make supplies. Many of the machines belong to neighbors in the community. Kaili first saw some families who were too busy to help them make them.

When she came to her senses, the room was already full. Kelly could only get up, eat something, and then take the raw materials and prepare to start processing.

After a while, several machines in the room started to move. Kelly's forehead was already wet with sweat. She didn't know why she had to do so much. Just because she agreed at that time, neighbors kept coming to the door.

Kelly did not refuse, just thinking that she still had plenty of time, so she agreed. However, what Kelly did not expect was that neighbors kept coming over, and there were more and more small material manufacturing machines in Kelly's home.

Now Kelly is miserable every day. She hasn't set up a stall for a long time. Kelly feels a little uncomfortable at this time.

"I should have known I wouldn't have agreed."

The life that had finally become better has now become miserable. Kelly also tried to take the machine back, but the neighbors kept complaining and said they would come to pick it up every few days.

Kelly wanted to complain to state staff, but when she thought about still living in this community, Kelly became silent. She did not want to have a bad relationship with the people in the community because of this matter.

"I wonder if Mr. Jean still goes for walks often now."

Kelly misses Gene a little. This is the best person Kelly has ever met since she knew him. Gene exudes a sense of intimacy that Kelly has never seen before.

Gene is like a friend Kelly hasn't seen for many years. He can talk about anything and talk about anything. Gene will also give some thoughtful suggestions.

Kelly wiped her sweat. At this moment, the doorbell rang. Kelly hurried over to open the door. Suddenly the fatigue on her expression disappeared, and she smiled in surprise.

"Mr. Jean, why are you here?"

Gene took a bouquet of flowers and handed it to Kelly, and she smiled happily.

"Why are there so many machines in your house?"

Kelly sighed helplessly and explained the situation, Gene said.

"This kind of thing should be rejected."

Kelly hummed and said.

"Yes Mr. Jean, I should have refused, but I don't know why there are more and more."

"You are kind, but the world is not friendly to kindness."

Kelly hummed, and she also felt that if you are always kind, you won't get any good results. Kelly had experienced it before when she was working.

Because of Kaili's discussion, some people in the supermarket not only bullied her, but also gave Kaili all the dirty work. It was clear that Kaili did nothing and even helped others. However, many people thought that Kaili was Fool.

"Go back later."

Gene said, Kelly nodded and hurriedly poured tea for Gene, when Gene stood up and went over.

"I'm here to help you. Let's talk while doing it. I'll help them one last time today."

The anxiety on Kelly's brow disappeared, and she smiled happily.

"Yes, I'll help them one last time."

With Gene's help, Kelly quickly completed today's task, and then Kelly took the machine to the next door.

"Mr. Cross, I'm sorry, I'm already too busy. I'm here to replace the machine with you today."

A bearded man, smelling of alcohol, smiled.

"Miss Kelly, just help me do it for three more days. Just three days. It only takes three days."

Cross said and Kelly shook her head.

"I've already prepared my share for today. I'll leave it to you, Mr. Cross, to figure out the rest."

Cross' attitude changed.

"I'm just asking you to help. What do you mean? We neighbors should help each other. When you need help in the future, we will also help."

At this time Gene stood over.

"So how long will we be able to help?"

Cross looked at Jean and then said.

"I didn't say it for three days."

Gene took out a cigarette and lit it, then exhaled the smoke and said.

"Please get the machine back now."

Faced with such a tough attitude, Cross could only angrily take back the machine and take back the materials produced by this machine today.

"Hmph, didn't you just help me for a few days? What's so great about it? If you have any difficulties in the future, don't come to me. I won't help."

Gene said.

"Miss Kelly has been helping you for 14 days, or are you planning to leave all your own work to Miss Kelly?"


Cross slammed the door, Kelly was startled, she lowered her head in embarrassment, Gene said.

"There's no need to feel sorry for anyone. This is their job. Let's go to the next one."

All morning, when it was time to eat, all the neighbor's machines were returned. Kelly felt completely relaxed. There were still three material manufacturing machines left in her house. She only needed 2 hours a day to complete the work.

"Now I can set up a stall again, Mr. Jean."

Gene smiled and shook his head, Kelly started to clasp the dough together, preparing to make burritos for Gene, Gene said with a smile.

"Miss Kelly, stalls should not be allowed in many places now."

Gene said as Kelly became confused.

"Recently, streets in various places have issued notices strictly prohibiting the setting up of stalls. Many people have to go to the store to buy food, or buy the ingredients themselves to cook. Many eating places are closed."

Kelly was shocked. While she was waiting for the dough to ferment, she read some news. She was shocked to find that in less than a month at home, the country had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Why is this like this? I thought it would be the same as before. How come everyone has become like this?"

Kelly didn't know why, but in a short period of time, it felt like a lifetime ago, Gene said with a smile.

"That's because everyone has begun to adapt to this kind of life, and in the end, all stores in the country will only have material goods, not goods in the traditional sense."

Kelly scratched her head. She didn't quite understand this, but what was certain was that these things did not have much impact on Kelly herself, because Kelly felt that she was very happy now, much better than before. .

"I've been really exhausted lately, Mr. Jean."

Gene laughed helplessly. After a while, the burritos and coffee came over. The taste was still as good as before. Gene gave a thumbs up.

Kelly asked with a smile.

"Mr. Jean, are you free this afternoon? Let's go watch a movie."

Jean shook his head.

"There are no good movies to watch right now, so why don't we chat."

Kelly hummed. This would make Kelly even happier. If she could chat with Gene all day long, it would be much better than watching a movie.

"Why do everyone have such an attitude? Even though I helped them, they are so angry?"

"This is probably just a human being, Miss Kelly. What you did is absolutely right, but that's how humans are. Everyone longs to be able to enjoy the benefits and have fun every day in comfort, but in the past, only a small number of people had such treatment. , but today’s society is no longer good, lazy people will starve to death, only hard-working and positive people will have a way to survive.”

Kelly hummed, she smiled brightly and said many things, all of which looked good to Kelly.

Gene has visited many people these days, and many people have the same views as Kelly, because they all feel that today's society is really much better, and those repetitive things no longer seem like anything to many people.

Gene also felt that what Tommy did was obviously correct, but there were still too many objections, and now there were more and more objections.

"By the way, Miss Kelly, what do you think will happen if you no longer have the freedom to work?"

Gene said as Kelly became confused.

"Suppose this country encounters a crisis and everyone has to work day and night to help the entire country survive the crisis. What would you think?"

Kelly was stunned, but then she said with a smile on her face.

"Then there's nothing we can do about it. After all, we all live in this country."

Gene laughed happily. He chatted with Kelly about many things throughout the day, and Gene did not leave until after dinner.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Miss Kelly."

After Gene left, he walked on the street. Now the streets are dark at night. There are no people in many places. A large number of shops have closed down because no one goes to work. Many people can only cook their own food. The overall pace of life is slow. down.

Gene walked step by step. He planned to meet Tommy and have a good chat with Tommy.

On the streets at night, there were obviously no lights, but the sound of machinery continued to come. Gene soon came to the outside of the presidential residence. He walked over step by step, but before he got close, there were some PICs. They are coming.

"Sir, please show me your identity."

Gene said with a smile.

"Please tell Mr. President that his friend Gene is here."

Some PLCs began to take out handcuffs, Gene said.

"I'm from the Special Investigations Bureau."

Several PLCs panicked, and they immediately notified the past. Within a few minutes, a PLC hurriedly said.

"Mr. Jean, Mr. President, please come over quickly."

Gene nodded, took out a cigarette and lit it, and walked slowly into the mansion. As soon as Gene went there, he saw Justin. He looked at Gene with a serious face, and then Justin bowed slightly.

"Mr. Jean, long time no see."

Gene smiled and nodded, then said.

"President Tommy is waiting for you in the office."

Gene nodded and patted Justin's arm and said.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to talk to Mr. President."

Gene came to the door of the office. The door was open and Tommy was already pouring wine. He smiled happily. Gene walked in and pulled the door handle.

"Very good, the series of measures you have taken recently."

Tommy was extremely happy and raised his glass to drink with Gene. He held Gene's hand and said.

"I am able to do all this because of Mr. Jean. Without Mr. Jean, I would not be able to do all this."

Gene shook his head and drank a drink with Tommy. Tommy took the cigarette from Gene's hand and said.

"Mr. Jean, I know your reason for coming. You have been in this country all the time, but why did you come to me today?"

Tommy said, exhaling a puff of smoke, and Gene sat down with a smile.

"I just want to see how far you can go."

Tommy laughed.

"Yeah, I also doubt how far I can do it."

Tommy's eyes were filled with pink particles, and Gene's body was also wrapped. In a trance, Gene saw the dark sea in the distance and the completely ruined houses around him.

"Why do you want to come to the beach?"

Gene asked and Tommy smiled.

"Why did Mr. Jean choose me?"

Tommy asked and Gene smiled.

"I just made a decision casually. It doesn't matter who I choose. What matters is whether this person matches the power."

Tommy looked at Gene in shock, and then said.

"I see. This is the doubt that has been bothering me for a long time. Why can I, as an ordinary person, become a god?"

"No matter what you choose, it's too late now. It's a pity that you have to continue. No matter what you do in the future, and what kind of future the world is about to face, I will always see it until the end."

Tommy hummed, looked at Gene seriously and asked.

"Mr. Jean, are you sure? Don't do anything. Even if I destroy Brilliant City in the future, you won't do anything?"

Gene nodded, his eyes were calm, light blue particles overflowed from his eyes, Tommy laughed, and he bowed.

"Mr. Jean, thank you very much. Because of your decision, the world will undergo a huge change in the future. I will transform human society into a society without any disputes."

Gene laughed.

"Such a world might be boring."

Tommy laughed.

"Yes, it is a very boring world, but it can operate stably forever, allowing human beings to continue and realize interstellar migration."

"Then such an era is completely fixed. Humanity should be completely dead one day in the future."

Tommy hummed, and he stared at Gene sharply and said.

"Isn't this the answer you saw early on, Mr. Jean?"

Gene hummed, he raised his head and blew out the smoke.

"Such a mechanical world is the ultimate answer. Maybe it is. I have thought about this answer countless times before, but no matter how you think about it, in the end, only when humans are as precise as machines can human society not have major problems."

"That's true, Mr. Jean. Only by following the path I planned can mankind avoid making the same mistakes in the future. The sadness and helplessness of the past will disappear. I guarantee that mankind will have an unprecedented future."

Tommy bowed again with a serious expression, and Gene laughed. (End of chapter)

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