Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 312 A Difficult Beginning (Part 2)

"Okay, okay, if there's anything to argue about, just sit down and talk calmly."

Gene smiled helplessly and pressed Lexiao down. Noah also pulled Guoguo back with a look of helplessness. Alpha's face was a little solemn. She seemed to have forgotten something important. She immediately turned on the light and shadow screen. Sure enough, there was something. The wise man sent back the actual situation in Area 108 last night, but after opening it, there were only four words.

dead end

After Gene couldn't hold back, Alpha hurriedly turned off the light and shadow screen. Le Xiao was still angry. It was fine at first, and the handover work was also smooth. However, when pricing the mechanical ball, Le Xiao and Guo Guo had a quarrel. Moreover, the noisy sound disturbed the sleeping section staff, and the two of them got into each other's throats. It was the staff of Section 10 who helped to pull them apart.

Alpha pressed his forehead and smiled helplessly, and Gene lit a cigarette without saying a word.

"Can't it be done? A machine that only costs 1 yuan a day. Since the bill is to be implemented in District 108, it must comply with the actual situation in District 108."

"Why choose that kind of dirty, messy and bad garbage area? The people in that place are garbage. Can't it be a middle-class area? In the middle-class area, even 100 a day."

Le Xiao stood up awkwardly, blushing.

"Isn't that my home? I grew up there."

Noah pressed Guoguo's head.

"I'm sorry Le Xiao, this guy doesn't hold back his words."

Guoguo was a little panicked for a moment, especially after saying that Area 108 was a garbage area. Le Xiao became excited for a moment, and she sniffed.

Jean put a hand on her head.

"Just do what you want. I said it from the beginning, Guoguo, although it's a little troublesome, but..."

Guo Guo immediately stood up straight and snorted coldly.

"I'll let you see, mortal, how useful my genius is. If you give me 5 days to make a machine that costs 1 yuan a day, I will show you how useful it is."

Le Xiao calmed down for a while, but she still felt a little uncomfortable. Not everyone was born to want to be like that, but no one wanted to pay attention to everything in District 108.

We must get this bill done!

Now Noah sighed.

"In three days, Le Xiao, I will help. Guoguo, don't just talk nonsense. I'm afraid it's impossible to make a multifunctional mechanical ball that costs one dollar a day. After all, this thing costs more than 10,000 yuan. According to the market price , this is just the cost, plus the technical fee, it will be at least 50,000. This was developed by a team of 10 people led by Guoguo for nearly 3 years, which was developed by our 10-department staff day and night. Life is indeed not easy for people, but unfortunately, there are too many root causes. Let’s stop this topic here, Le Xiao, I can give you a price for renting your mechanical ball for one day, at least 5 yuan, do you think it’s okay?”

Le Xiao stood up hurriedly and looked at Guo Guo with a furious look on her face.

"Sorry, okay."

At this moment, Alpha left with an excuse, came to the back of a room, and dialed the wise man's number.

"I said, Alpha, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you stop it? The slums are not a good place for the implementation of the bill."

Alpha took a puff of cigarette, exhaled the smoke and smiled easily.

"I'm sorry, old man. I can't bear to see this rampaging child. After all, that's her home. Who is willing to sit back and ignore the problems at home? I'm afraid there are no such people!"

"Are you talking about yourself? Alpha."

Alpha raised his head with a slightly bitter expression, but immediately started laughing again.

"No matter how difficult it is, you can always find a way, right?"

The wise man's helpless sigh came from the phone.

"I know, I will find a suitable store within today. Who asked us to tie Jean to the feet of a fledgling bird that is learning to fly? This is the only way."

The wise man hung up the phone, grabbed the peanuts on the plate and chewed them, his eyes became sharp.

"Let's go Quasimodo."

Kamomodo got up from the ground and walked quickly with the wise man. At this time, the wise man wanted to go to the center of Area 108. Because it was close to the ravine area, the stench area was some distance away from the central area. Everything from the center to the west looks a bit withered.

If you want to attract the attention of people in Bright City, you cannot choose the most popular street, because that is not the real situation in District 108, and if you choose a remote place, it will be difficult to implement the plan, so the wise man plans to go near the 108th Hospital Go for a walk and see if there are any suitable locations over there.

Although many people hate going to the hospital, life, old age, illness and death are inseparable from the hospital. From a distance, the wise man saw the largest building in District 108, with a total of 20 floors and 6,000 beds, the District 108 Hospital under the 4th Medical Department.

There are many cheap snack bars and shops selling some daily necessities near the hospital. Most of them are cheap bedding made of agricultural fiber, as well as some clothes. Although they don’t look good, they are durable. Real clothes only have the bottom layer. As you can see, all the clothes in the middle and upper classes, including some wealthy places on the bottom floor, are made of X-mimetic materials.

In particular, rough paper for wiping buttocks is also sold here. It is too expensive for lower-class families to install a complete set of light and shadow toilet equipment, and they also need to pay for monthly consumables. This is not something a family can afford.

About half an hour later, there was a small road leading directly to the hospital. There were pharmacies on the left and right sides. Many people were queuing up to buy medicine. People were coming and going on the street. There were long queues at the two service desks at the door of the Congressman's door. team.

The wise man looked around. The tallest house in the neighborhood was only five stories. Most of the houses were three-story buildings with pavements, and some were old. Fortunately, there were stone slabs here, which made them a little cleaner. The streets were 20 meters wide. It’s not too congested, and there are lifts in Section 4 here. If anything happens, you can use the lifts in Section 4 to go to the middle and upper floors. There is just a small problem. The houses here are only more than three meters long.

First of all, it is necessary to establish a good image. The Wise Man Plan requires at least a 10-meter-long pavement and some display stands in the store, preferably with a backyard. The backyard can be used to display multi-functional mechanical balls. The place.

But it’s wrong to think this way, and you won’t see the actual effect.

The wise man sighed. He had already arrived at the entrance of the hospital, but he still couldn't find a suitable store. He only had 10,000 yuan in hand. He didn't know how much money Congress would allocate to Lexiao. Now he had to build a 20-meter-long store, part of which was used as a store. Part of the store is equipped with light and shadow explosion-proof glass. On weekdays, when Alpha is there, the glass can be opened. If Alpha is not around, it is better to set up an office for Lexiao inside the explosion-proof glass, which is safer.

When secretaries go to any district to make proposals, they only need to bring enough manpower. After all, there are not many people who can bring down the secretaries of the administrative department. There are not many people in the bright city. No matter whether they use explosives, bullets or even lethal weapons, the secretaries of the administrative department can These can all be stopped with great strength.

The wise man pressed his aching head. There were too many issues to consider, and the effect of this bill must be highlighted. However, Le Xiao refused the businessmen's entry, which was the biggest mistake.

"Old man, are you looking for a house, haha."

The wise man squinted at a man with a moustache who came closer, rubbing his hands with a smile on his face. He was wearing a white suit. One look at the wise man told him that this guy was an intermediary.


"Oh, then you have to look for me. I'm the best at finding houses in District 108."

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