Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 335 Gold Diggers (Part 2)

congress hall

Li Ang stared angrily at Peng Yu opposite him, but Peng Yu had a smile on his face at this time, not losing control at all because of Li Ang's verbal stimulation.

All congressmen know that Li Ang, the chief of the 7th Wallet Management Section, is famous for his bad temper. He basically treats businessmen in a way that those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. Although Li Ang seems radical over the years, he is still stable. Under the strict financial management policy, Bright City's economy has been growing year by year, and there has been no inflation or deflation.

"There is no need to talk about humanistic sentiments. Please answer my question, Congressman Pengyu, about the qualifications of these two companies."

"Haitian and Tide Company have strong funds and can solve any problems in the vacant area, and can also promote the economic development of other surrounding areas. As for what kind of area they want to build, I personally think it should be based on plans to move into this area. It’s up to the residents of the two districts to decide, after all, it’s up to them.”


“This is a big problem, Representative Pengyu. According to Article 10 of the Economic Law, no company is allowed to occupy more than 50% of an industry. Haitian currently occupies 51% of the liquid food market, while Ted occupies 51% of the liquid food market. Nearly 60% of the photovoltaic market, these two companies are no longer qualified to bid, but you let them get this proposal, do you really think I am an idiot or something? Or do you have some shady transactions in private!"

As Li Ang spoke, many businessmen in the auditorium stared at Zou Yun and Chen Qiao in front of them.

"It is true that the law has stipulated it, but over the years, the two companies have made great contributions to the entire city. Section Chief Li Ang must also know that the law is dead and people are alive."

Peng Yu coughed and continued.

"According to Article 47 of the city law, when the city encounters any crisis, individuals or companies must provide unconditional help to the city. Nowadays, the emergence of vacant areas has caused a transaction supply gap in several lower-level districts. District 113 and In District 114, the vacant houses can accommodate 300,000 people. The area of ​​nearly 40 kilometers has been blocked. Therefore, most of the three areas 115, 116, and 117 have to carry out economic activities with several areas in the southwest and south. Bypassing District 101, District 102 and District 103, which have tight housing density, the economy of these districts has undergone significant changes in the past 20 days. In three weeks, the comprehensive index of consumption levels has dropped by 14%, which is normal. The economic supply chain has been cut off, and forecast data has been obtained from Section 2. If the crisis lasts for three months, the economy in the above-mentioned regions will be severely hit, and urban crisis emergency laws can already be activated. Therefore, Haitian Company and Tai German company, the two companies are fully capable of restoring the original trading bridges in these areas within one month. It is out of this consideration that the plan was entrusted to the two companies."

Li Ang smiled for a moment and stared sideways at Mo Xiaolan in the seat behind him. She shook her head helplessly.

"Well, since you have said it in an orderly manner, I have nothing to say, but please tell me, if you do this, won't these two companies become extremely rich? After the house is given to them, they can legitimately provide photovoltaic products. , and food supply, you can make a lot of money in total comfort. After all, you only need to subcontract this project to large and small companies at the bottom and middle levels, and what do they do? In fact, they just act as a pimp. , making a lot of money, and in order to make more money, companies at the middle and lower levels must lower prices. The result of lowering prices is that there are problems with the quality of housing in the area. Even if it can boost some economies, for many workers at the bottom, There is not much change from the past, and even because of the problem of lowering the price, in order to be able to take on a large amount of work, the price of the work is lower than before, and the contractor continues to hold down the price, such as an ordinary worker in the past The salary is more than 10 yuan a day, and you can get 300 to 400 yuan for 30 days a month, but there is not that much work to do. Nowadays, there is a lot of work, and the contractor has lowered the price to less than 10 yuan a day, but It can be done for a long time. This is equivalent to exploiting the surplus value of the bottom population in a disguised way. In the end, the two old ladies over there can drink tea comfortably at home and have a large amount of money enter their pockets, so I ask you again. , are the qualifications of the two companies qualified? Don't tell me how fast it is. I will find 100 small and medium-sized companies. They do not need to go through big middlemen and plan the houses that each company is responsible for in the area. I am afraid that the speed will be faster than these two. The company is fast, and there are no quality problems. So, Councilor Pengyu, do you and the two old ladies on the other side often go to nightclubs together? They give you some money from women, and you happily sell the city. To two pimps? Haha, when it comes to stimulating the economy, the economy created by 100 small and medium-sized enterprises is much higher than that of two monopolistic large enterprises. Let me ask you again, which of their qualifications do they meet? "


Li Ang knocked on the table with unusual fervor, cracks appeared on the table, and debris flew in the air.

At this time, Peng Yu's face became a little embarrassed, and many businessmen in the auditorium showed mocking smiles. Looking at Zou Yun and Chen Qiao, both of them looked a little bad at this time. They had gotten through a lot of things. They won this big cake because of their relationship, but now Li Ang is like a beast standing in the way and does not intend to let them make this money.

"What's wrong? Qualifications, tell me quickly, when do they meet them?"

Peng Yu looked a little nervous. He swallowed and continued.

"Then let me ask Section Chief Li Ang, so many small and medium-sized enterprises cannot afford it in a short time."

"Is our wallet management department just a decoration? We can provide loans with reasonable interest rates to 100 small and medium-sized enterprises so that they have funds to carry out construction projects. Once they start construction, they can boost the economy of the entire Bright City. All walks of life All industries will start to move because of this bill. The market economy can drive the prosperity of the entire city, instead of being exploited by two old pimps. Answer me, what are the qualifications of those two companies? Or are you talking about it? How much money did you receive from them? Tell me, if you don’t give me a fucking explanation today, I’ll send people from Section 7 over later to check and find out what those bullshit bills of yours are. Made by my bastard leather bag company!"

With a loud boom, the protective walls around Li Ang shattered instantly, and yellow particles flashed around his eyes.

Li Ang said and glared fiercely at the businessmen in the auditorium.

"Among the 27 bidding companies, I want to see which ones are not afraid of death. Although you can cause trouble, don't make the economy at the bottom more and more difficult. You bunch of pigs, really think that we people in Section 7 are Idiot?"

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