Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 34 Beneficiaries (Part 2)

"Don't you believe me Gene?"

Mo Xiaolan asked in a low voice. Gene lay on the lawn, smiling comfortably, but inside he was helpless and a little angry.

In this riot, 1,983 casualties were reported in 12 departments, including 217 deaths. The most casualties were in departments 3 and 5. During the riot, 487 crimes were committed, including robbery, violation, theft, etc., during the riot 569 people died. Later, the number of people directly deported to the barrier zone due to the riots reached 286,753, and nearly 300,000 people were expelled. This is the biggest benefit to Congress.

Most of the people who were deported were people at the bottom, people with citizen level 2. From the end of yesterday's riot to now, the deportation has ended. Jean can do nothing but watch all this happen.

From the moment the incident came to light, everything was out of control.

"How much market share can Haitian Company gain today?"

"About 43.89%, fluctuating up to 1%."

Mo Xiaolan said and Gene laughed, his eyes turning cold.

"Gene, things have just calmed down. I beg you, don't do anything."

"Give me their company information."

Jean said categorically, and finally Mo Xiaolan nodded, took out the light and shadow phone, and quickly sent Jean a piece of information.

"I'm going to the prison tower."

Mo Xiaolan looked at Jean with a sullen expression.

"Everything is a foregone conclusion. No matter what you do, Gene, you can't change anything. Do you remember? Ellie said it."

"Shut up."

Jean tilted his head and stared at Mo Xiaolan angrily. She stopped talking, then stuck out her tongue and made a face.

"Whatever you want, go to hell, Gene, for being cruel to me."

After leaving Section 2, Jean went directly to the nearby underground station. He needed to go to the prison tower again to find the wise man. The old guy must know something, and some of the previous false information came from the prison tower. Gene was a little suspicious of Jewell, but his friendship with him was not a year or two, but more than 20 years. During this period, he had never seen Jewell interact with the chaebol behind Haitian Company.


Gene pulled out his phone and dialed the number for the end of the season.

"It has been transferred to a dedicated line. No one will monitor it. At the end of the season, tell me honestly, what exactly did you find out?"

Ji Mo's slight tutting sound came from the phone, and after a while of silence, Ji Mo said.

"It is true that I found something, but Jean, I can't tell you about it yet. I hope you can understand that once these things are exposed, there will be too many things involved. I will tell you in detail after my daughter's birthday. your."

"Asshole, this is going to put you in danger."

The phone was hung up on Ji Mo. When Gene called again, the phone was turned off. He held the phone tightly.

An hour later, Gene stepped through the door of the prison tower, and what surprised him was that the wise man had moved to the upper floor of the prison tower to live in a separate cell, and was not allowed to contact any prisoners.

"Jewell, I remember you are the young master of the consortium behind Haitian Company. I remember you told me about it before."

On the elevator, Gene asked, and Jewel laughed and touched his head.

"Jean, you have a really good memory. It is true that I am the young master of the consortium, but I have severed ties with the consortium long ago. After all, I don't like the methods of those old men, and I want to rely on myself. Did you agree to the wise man before? That old man, that’s why I arranged for him to live in the upper cell to save him from torturing the guards below us all day long.”

Jean smiled. The elevator reached the 14th floor. After walking to an independent room at the bottom, Jean opened the door. The wise man lay leisurely on the soft bed and smiled.

"Jewell, please go out and turn off all equipment."

"Let me come too, this old man Jean is not very honest, you"

Jewell glared at the wise man fiercely, and the wise man immediately stood up and fell to the ground.

"I'm old and my memory is bad. I can't remember many things. Jean, if you want to ask me, I have to think about it carefully."

Finally, Jewel left the room, and Gene leaned against the door, closing his eyes for a while before opening them.

"There's no one around anymore. Tell me what you know."

"As I said before, Gene, you must get me out of prison first, and then I will tell you. Also, think carefully about the correlation between things, and who is the biggest beneficiary. You will understand after thinking about it. You want to find evidence and do something, but what can you do? Jean, who can't do anything, many things cannot be solved by relying on strength. If it can be solved by relying on strength, I believe that in this city, there is no one like you. opponent."

Gene sneered and took out a pack of cigarettes, took one and threw it to the wise man.

"Okay I'll find a way to get you out."

At this time the wise man raised his five fingers.

"Five people is the lowest price for this transaction. I need you to fish out five people. I plus the other four people can live under the sun under your supervision. Of course we will sign an agreement with you. If we do If you do anything bad, you can just kill us."

"You really know how to speak like a lion."

A trace of anger appeared on Jean's face, but immediately the wise man blew out a smoke ring.

"Do you know why you can't do anything this time? Because the other party had planned it from the beginning and used your own darkness to push you outside. By the time you react, your biological mother has cooked the rice and you can't do anything. , fighting alone will eventually lead to success, Jean, you should think carefully, my conditions are not bad, the five of us will be more or less useful to you, because as criminals, we understand the nature of crime better."

Gene turned around to leave.

"Let me think about it carefully. Do you really think I can decide this matter? Still..."

"I still know very well who you are, Jean. Just put away the trick of deceiving children. Five people, Jean, this is my trading weight. We will naturally help you properly after we go out. Isn’t it too bleak to be the only one in Section 13?”

With a wise smile, Jean left the room.

The wise man lay down with a sigh of relief and looked at the ceiling comfortably.

"These idiots, the biggest beneficiary this time is not the company or Congress, but us."

In Jewell's office, Gene sat on the sofa and looked at the information Jewell gave him.

"Why are the prisoners who provided the information gone?"

"Who knows, some chose to go into self-exile, and some died in prison. If you really want to check, Gene, it would be a bit troublesome. How about I ask Xiaoxuan to ask you, she usually does these things. I'm taking care of it, do you want to go to HAPPY together tonight?"

Gene smiled and stood up, shaking his head.

"Take care of yourself."

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