"You have already excluded people."

Gene was walking on the street with a cigarette in his mouth, followed by the fat man who had just suddenly chased Lexiao. The guy in front of him looked discouraged, holding his hat, his skin was fair, and he seemed to be a little depressed after not seeing the sun for too long. .

Finally, when Jean saw Fatty return home, he gave up the idea of ​​asking directly. Last night Tianhen had done a thorough check for him. Starting from six or seven years ago, the chaebols behind Haitian Company had different relations with the military department. Cooperation in few aspects.

Many of the equipment, including the Military Section's mission to the barrier area, were provided by this chaebol. Tianhen had already said that the Military Section had been infiltrated, and some kind of transactions were going on in many invisible places. Jean warned Tianhen Don't move.

There is indeed a huge force in Congress, related to Haitian Company. Over the years, they have indeed been able to help the rioters in the city, allowing them to effectively operate in the city. From the biological brain control discovered in Xu Ming's head, The chip can transmit consciousness through long distances, making it easier for the rioters to move. It is impossible to know how many rioters are still in the city, and the clues have been completely cut off.

After waking up, Shi Ke and Mana knew nothing after being severely tortured. Le Xiao's father, Le Wen Criminal No. 017, had been defined as a LV0 criminal more than 20 years ago, and then Le Wen disappeared. He left his wife and daughter and fled.

Looking back, it was Niya who briefly mentioned this incident to Jean. Lewen, as a researcher at a certain technology company, was later defined as a LV0 criminal. At that time, Jean was dealing with the wise man, the biggest criminal in the city. Didn't take this into consideration.

When he heard that Lewen's wife and daughter had been treated inhumanely and their lives collapsed for a time, Jean went there and solved the problem, because in Jean's view, the relatives of the perpetrators were not responsible for any crime. .

The wise man's conditions kept emerging in Gene's mind. Five criminals were released from prison. None of the guys chosen by the wise man were ordinary LV0 criminals.

"Oh, I found you after all, Jean."

Jean looked at the entrance of the alley in astonishment, his eyes widened, and with a sly movement, the ladyboy wearing heavy makeup flew towards him. Jean turned around and was about to run away, but was stopped by a thick-haired hand.

"What are you doing Hawk?"

"Hey, little Jean, I won't let you run away today. You still plan to enjoy my kiss!"

A chill ran down Jean's spine, and Hawke's mouth had already moved over.


Hawke's head was embedded in the wall, and Gene gasped and coughed. The thing he couldn't deal with the most was this guy. He was so powerful both internally and externally.

With a whoosh, Gene jumped up and went directly to the roof of the building. Just as he was about to run away, Hawke was already standing in front of Gene with a coquettish look, ogling him.

"Appoint it, little Jean. Ai'ai has been under a lot of pressure at work recently, so you have to stay with her. After all, she has helped you somewhat in this matter."

Gene swallowed and finally nodded.

"No, miss, your resume is a bit bad."

"Miss, our company doesn't need garbage."

"Miss, if you are willing to accompany me tonight, I will hire you."

Le Xiao dragged herself tiredly and climbed the stairs step by step. She was rejected by more than a dozen companies without exception, all because of her citizen level 3. The people in charge of recruitment in those companies were all the same, which was very excessive. He refused to give her any chance.

As soon as she went up the corridor, Le Xiao saw a lump of something sitting at the door of her house. She was startled and she blinked slightly in high spirits. A snoring sound came from it. It was the fat man from noon.

"There are perverts."

Le Xiao exclaimed, but no one answered. The dim lights in the corridor were shining. In this society, no one wants to cause trouble. They are extremely indifferent in dealing with others. Everything is based on profit. Le Xiao took out the The phone is ready to call Section 5.

Suddenly the fat man at Le Xiao's door woke up and ran over as soon as he saw Le Xiao. Le Xiao put down the phone and rolled up his sleeves.

"Don't think I'm easy to bully."

There was a howl like a killing pig. The fat man covered his lower body and huddled on the ground in pain. Le Xiao kicked and beat him.

"No, don't hit Miss. I'm not a pervert, I just want to see you for something."

After a while, the fat man squatted in the corner with his head in his hands. Le Xiao took away the fat man's things and was still going to call Section 5's phone number.

"Please, miss, a friend of mine is in trouble. Only you can help. If you don't help, he will die. Can you contact 13 Cogin?"

After hesitating for a while, Le Xiao took Fatty into the house. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Maybe she had another reason to call Gene.

"First of all, what is your friend's name?"

"Leng Rui."

The fat man said submissively, not daring to look at Lexiao, and still rubbing his inner thighs.

Le Xiao took out her phone and was shocked as soon as she checked. The LV0 cybercriminal Leng Rui was arrested and imprisoned 5 years ago.

"Please go back or I will make a phone call."

"Do you want to know about your father?"

Le Xiao was just about to call the number of Section 5, but she put down the phone because of Fatty's words.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will"

"I won't lie to you, absolutely not. I believe my lady and my friend are innocent. He is about to die."

The fat man's name was Luo Han and he worked in a certain network technology company. The reason he came to see Le Xiao was because on the day of the riot, his friend left something in an extra-territorial network server they had set up together before. It was a letter for help. Basically The content was that Jean must be found, and a list of people who could contact Jean was also provided. In the end, Luo Han found Le Xiao under balance.

"Who are they?"

Luo Han opened his phone with a smile and took out a black thumb-sized box. Then the box opened with a creaking mechanical sound, revealing a black convex mirror in the middle, which evaporated with a beam of light. After coming out, Luo Han connected his mobile phone. A three-dimensional light and shadow keyboard appeared on the side of the mobile phone. After playing with it for a while, a picture appeared with a series of numbers and names on it.

"Look, you are the only one who is most suitable."

Le Xiao swallowed and looked at the list. The person who called Jean was either a section chief or a member of Congress, and even some people from the business community. She was the only one who was an ordinary citizen.

"Tell me about my father first."

Luo Han hummed.

"We will have to wait until Leng Rui comes out to know the details. The only thing I can tell you now is that your father is the research leader of the biochemical robot project."

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