Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 388 The Long Night (Part 1)

In the empty theater, at 10:31 pm, Gene folded his hands and was still waiting. Everyone in the theater had already left, and the first act of "Starry Night" ended.

Gene just took a brief look at the history of the Reed Theater. It was established 49 years ago by a man named Reed who was born in a theater family. He resurrected this ancient interpretation method. Now it has After his death, his daughter Jalyn inherited the Reed Theater.

The play performed tonight is not as annoying as Morse said. The performance of the play is indeed exaggerated, but in Gene's eyes, several actors on the stage tonight performed very well, although they were exaggerated. But it is affectionate, natural and elegant.

There are many well-known actors in the city who have performed in the theater. The reason why Gene is interested in this theater is because 40 years ago, Mansha was one of the students of this theater and stayed in the theater for the whole time. It took 10 years for him to go out, and then he became a well-known singer with his slightly dramatic and slightly hoarse singing voice. He also relied on his foundation in the theater to successfully enter the film industry and achieve great success.

Gene couldn't figure out why Luke liked drama. In Luke's past 30 years of life, none of his friends or even relatives had ever heard of it.

There was still a warm yellow light on the stage. After checking the stage for a while, the last staff member left. The lights were still on and did not go out. Jean exhaled a puff of smoke. Nowadays, the city's theaters have ten fingers. It can be counted that most people don't like this thing very much. Many people who want to become actors are not willing to be students in theaters. They would rather work on the shooting sets of film companies.

Most theaters are depleted and can only rely on some classic plays to maintain their operations and make ends meet. Gene looked through "Starry Night" and found that the last performance was half a year ago, with a total of four acts for four consecutive nights.

Gene has also watched the movie and TV series versions of "Starry Night". This work was a disaster when it was released 50 years ago, and it was only in the past 20 years that it finally received the praise it deserved.

Mansha is the protagonist of the movie version of "Starry Night". It is rumored that Mansha once had a love affair with Xingyuan, the author of "Starry Night". Although Xingyuan admitted this in the previous investigation report, the two of them were in the movie. After the theatrical release, there was only a brief ambiguity for a few months before it ended. The theater where Mansha stayed for more than 10 years also said that Mansha, as the top star in the theater at the time, ungratefully abandoned the Reed Theater. He took an offer from the music industry and never came back.

All these things are related to the Reed Theater. The first person in Xingyuan to authorize the copyright for "Starry Night" was Reed. Section 2 is now keeping an eye on Mansha 24 hours a day. She has not yet discovered that she has been exposed. Oh, Chense has betrayed her.

Jean's expression was stern, his eyes were cold, but he was extremely angry inside. The last riot involved many innocent people, and this morning's bombing also involved innocent people.

No matter what goals and beliefs these guys have, in Jean's eyes, they are evil, and they are evil that must be eradicated.

dong dong

There was a knock on the door behind him, and along with the sound of wine glasses clinking, Gene smelled the fragrance of flowers.

"Lord Jean, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Jie Lin put on a very formal white dress with a starburst pattern on it, and some small accessories sparkled in the dim light. She also put on light makeup for this outfit, and her hair was well combed and long. Scattered on both sides, with a smile in his eyes and a very dignified look, his white arms are tearing off the petals and putting them into the cup.

Jean bowed slightly, bowed like a gentleman, and put his hat in front of him.

"Excuse me, Ms. Jeline."

Jie Lin's eyes were like autumn water, and her energetic and feminine eyes were looking at Jean's body.

"This is our first meeting, Sir Jean. Since my father's generation, I have heard him say that Jean from Brilliant City is a man that women cannot resist no matter what."

Gene smiled, put out the cigarette butt, and looked at Jaylin quietly. He remembered that when Reed was most embarrassed, he took some people on tour around the city. Gene only talked to Reed once. At that time Reed said that some people will like this thing. This is an important link in human civilization and cannot be lost. Reed was very enthusiastic at the time and did not feel at all that wandering around the city's big and small pubs every day was extremely bad.

A strange aroma of wine wafted out, and pale pink petals floated on the somewhat yellow wine.

"It would be an honor to have a drink with you, Lord Jean."

Jie Lin held the wine, and Jean took it and took a sip. The taste was slightly bitter but not astringent, and after entering the throat, there was a sweet aftertaste in the mouth.

"This is the wine my father used to brew himself. It is made from real grain."

"Very good, Ms. Jeline."

Jie Lin sat across from Jean with a smile on her face. Her eyes did not avoid Jean's gaze at all, but looked at him with appreciation.

god? Just an ordinary person.

"Miss Jie Lin, let me tell you the truth, in your theater."

Jie Lin pursed her lips, moved to Gene's side, and pressed Gene's lips with one hand.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jean, I can call you that!"

Jie Lin raised her head and held the wine glass in her hand.

"I'm sorry, there is such a beautiful lady drinking with me."

Gene smiled, and their glasses clinked together.


When it was nearly 11 o'clock, Le Xiao happily returned to the comfortable Central Park cabin and lay comfortably on the bed. The meeting tonight was very relaxed. All the motions proposed by several members were rejected. Le Xiao Xiao was happy for a while.

Especially the bill to establish special service centers in the lower districts made Le Xiao so angry that she almost wanted to climb on the stage to question the congressman opposite.

And the most important thing is that you can go to bed early today, so that you still have seven full hours until you get up before 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. In the past, Le Xiao always felt that she had a lot of time. Although the day's work was hard, she still felt relaxed at night. Yes, I curl up under the quilt and watch TV series and movies, then go to sleep, and my life is boundless.

But now Le Xiao understands that time is a luxury for her. Thinking that the total time spent sleeping in these nearly two days is no more than 10 hours, Le Xiao is exhausted.

dong dong dong


Le Xiao muttered and called up the influence information at the door. It turned out to be Xingyuan.

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