Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 402 Father and Son (Part 2)

Le Xiao raised her hands and clenched them into fists. When Wu Qun passed by, she whispered, "Come on."

Le Xiao was shocked when she just learned that Wu Qun was Wu Lei's father. That greasy middle-aged uncle who liked to make malicious jokes. Le Xiao thought about it before knowing that when Wu Qun was with Ada that day, he was actually It was a satire on Ada who used to be a prostitute, and Ada likes to ask little girls for help, which means she is criticizing herself.

If Gu Ningning hadn't told her, she wouldn't have known, but now Le Xiao's heart is a bit complicated, because Wu Lei has helped her several times, and Wu Lei is not like his father at all.

"Don't worry, no matter who the opponent is, it will not affect my normal performance."

Wu Qun turned around and said something comforting to the councilors behind him. The six gods in the middle also looked at the father and son with interest.

"It's really interesting. The duel between father and son, you both should work hard!"

The purple god said with a giggle, and at this time the orange god looked around with a smile in his eyes.

"There have been times like this before, when father and son were on opposite sides."

Wu Qun looked at his son quietly. Many female department staff behind him were giving him cheering looks. Even many department heads looked on with joy.

At first Wu Qun felt that his son was sent by Locke Jiahui and Michelle to disrupt him at the beginning, but at this moment Wu Qun didn't feel that much.

You brat, you still hold grudges about what happened in the past. Really, he is my son after all, so he seems to have to deal with it well.

Wu Qun knew very well that the current battle was not easy to fight. His son was the person who knew him best, and he often talked to his son about everything he had understood in his life. Therefore, after his son entered the business department, he had both sides. , climbed very fast, and everyone liked their son very much. After he arrived at the General Affairs Section, he also became the first secretary of the General Affairs Section from the director to the director and then to the secretary because of his outstanding performance. If his son can become the first secretary of the General Affairs Section in the future, As secretary or section chief of the administrative department, Michelle's fastest promotion rate will be exceeded by her son.

No matter who he tells this to, Wu Qun is worthy of pride. However, in the past few years, the dialogue between father and son has become less and less, and Wu Qun also knows that his son's position is different from his own.

"The hearing has officially begun."

As Locke Jiahui shouted, the conference hall fell silent, and Wu Lei bowed to Wu Qun seriously.

"Tell me, Secretary Wu Lei, if you have anything you want to ask."

Wu Qun was still smiling. He had already guessed what his son wanted to ask, and had quickly found at least five ways to deal with it in his head.

"Congressman Wu Qun, first of all, I want you to answer my question. Does such a thing as high quality and low price exist?"

Wu Qun was caught off guard for a moment, and he immediately laughed.

"Secretary Wu Lei, I don't know if you want a fixed answer from me, or an uncertain answer."


Wu Lei stared at his father quietly. He originally planned to use educational resources as a breakthrough, but gave up after talking to Le Xiao, because the fixedness and long-term nature of educational resources is a long issue. If it is prolonged, He is definitely no match for his father.

"First of all, the meaning of this word lies in people's intuitive feelings and definitions of commodities. Of course, it exists in some cases, but in some cases it does not exist because of its paradoxical nature."

Wu Qun did not give a straightforward answer. He had already planned to go around in circles with his son. If he gave a straightforward answer, you get what you pay for, and the bill would be dead. He understood what his son wanted to say, and it ultimately reflected on education. , you get what you pay for, cheap means no good education, and no good education will harm the future of the city. This is a series of chain mechanisms, the so-called butterfly effect.

"Then Representative Wu Qun, please tell me the existence and non-existence of what you call."

Wu Lei already understood what his father wanted to do, and he knew very well how flexible his father was on these issues.

"This needs to be explained from the perspectives of humanistic development and historical development."

Wu Qun laughed as he spoke, and then pulled out a light and shadow panel.

“First let’s explain it from primitive society.”

As soon as Wu Qun finished speaking, Mo Xiaolan started laughing.

"How could such a small problem as Representative Wu Qun be brought up in a primitive society? There seems to be no intuitive horizontal comparison between such a society and everything we have today."

Wu Qun looked at Mo Xiaolan and said.

"Chief Mo Xiaolan, your words are very interesting. What you call horizontal comparison is the comparison between society and society, and what I call primitive society is the comparison between human nature and the nature of modern society. No matter how Over time, people have always been people. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the most basic physiological needs of people. The second level is safety needs, the third level is entertainment and social interaction needs, and the fourth level is dignity, face, morality and other needs. The fifth level is about the needs of one’s own spirit, so I think it is necessary to explain it carefully, so as to prove the multi-faceted nature, depth and extension of high quality and low price.”

Wu Lei smiled and then nodded.

"Then please ask Councilor Wu Qun to explain it to us in detail."

Wu Qun immediately entered the word "primitive" from the photo gallery of the light and shadow panel, and then found a picture of primitive society and some video files. They were all virtually produced pictures and videos, but they were extremely realistic.

"In primitive human society, the biggest needs were physiological needs, food, sex, clothing and warmth, as well as shallow second-level safety needs. So at this stage, there is a need for good quality at a good price. Lian Yi said it."

Wu Qun said as he adjusted the light and shadow panel. Two primitive people were exchanging a stone ax and a bag of food.

"In the trade of food and tools, please take a look at this stone axe. It is well polished and made of good materials, but it was exchanged for such a small bag of food. This is high quality and low price. The tool can break the animal after hunting it. The bones are used to make some weapons or other things, or the shells of offal are found after finding some nuts. The practicality is not that such a small bag of food can be exchanged, but it did happen in the past society. Why such a situation exists lies in the consensus of both parties who are willing to exchange. Sex, if the extension of this stone ax has other meanings, such as to join a certain tribe, or to please a certain person, or to dominate some subsequent hunting operations, that would be another matter. But if we discuss its value, it is impossible to exchange such a stone ax for such a small amount of food."

"Then let me ask you, how do you prove all this, Representative Wu Qun."

Wu Lei said immediately, and Wu Qun smiled.

"What I have stated is a conclusion drawn from conjectures, and the conclusion extends to the present. If it coincides with people in today's society, it is correct. If you insist on my proof, then please ask 10 subjects Taking out the time machine, I can go back to 10,000 years in prehistory, record all aspects of people's lives in primitive society, and make a complete and detailed record to prove that what I said about high quality and low price is certain to a certain extent. The occasion exists.”

For a while, many congressmen behind him showed relaxed smiles, while the smile on Wu Lei's face was a little solemn.

Le Xiao under the stage felt a little dizzy, and now Noah laughed.

"That is really embarrassing for us. The development of time machines, like perpetual motion machines, will always be two major problems in science. Even God may not be able to solve it."

I have to go to the hospital again. Hey, I've been taking injections and taking medicine these past few days. It's miserable. I'm sorry. I'll make up for it when I feel better.

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