Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 434 Fierce fight! Karma (middle)

5 minutes ago

Frye walked out of the office feeling a little uneasy, holding a black ball in his hand, and he quickly ran to the top of the building.

Although Becky said that the people from the Business Department were still running around in the north of Area 101, they would not notice that the wise man had been forced to the abandoned stinking area in the south. Fry planned to go directly and catch the old man earlier. Be at ease.

As the right-hand assistant of biological genetics, Becky cannot make mistakes, and now there is Quasimodo at the bottom. This is why Fry is worried. Becky is not Quasimodo's in any case. The opponent, according to the video that night, that guy's alienated gene has entered the realm of God, and it is a violent black alienated gene. It seems that he can control it freely. This is where Frye feels dangerous.

Frye walked through the long hospital corridor, surrounded by the sneers and roars of some patients. Frye's mind became even more uneasy. He came to the elevator and went directly to the top floor.

Becky's body has been implanted with a quantum state. He can use quantum movement to reach Becky's side instantly. Although it will cause a big commotion, there is nothing he can do. He has to go there in person. It's already Two hours have passed since the arrest. It doesn't take that long to face an ordinary person, no matter how smart he is.

After arriving at the top floor, Frye looked towards the dark south. Since he was going out, he had to take confidentiality measures. Frye took out a small black ball from his pocket, only the size of a table tennis ball. Holding it in front of and behind him, Frye let go of his hand, and immediately a beam of light emitted from the top of the ball, turning into a light and shadow screen.

Mimic biological device armor

Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ.

There were XX numbers 1 to 5 on it. Frye chose III. In an instant, the ball began to turn into a liquid-like thing and covered Frye's body. The black liquid extended from Frye's chest in an instant. It quickly covered Frye's entire body, and then the black liquid on the surface began to change its shape, gradually becoming like a black jumpsuit.

The head is a ferocious face with fangs, the eyes are blood red, the oval helmet has two thumb-long horns on it, and the black smooth armor has irregular patterns on its surface. Red lines, lines shining with dark red light.

Frye held up the big ball, and at this moment a voice came from Frye's communicator.

"It looks like I'm dead tonight. Teacher Witte, can you please let me go for the sake of the past?"

Frye's eyes widened for a moment.

"Source of the Matrix. Activate."

With a buzzing sound, the ball split open instantly, and the dust-like black and white gray matter spread around like gas. The moment the white wrapping covered Frye's body, he had already disappeared on the rooftop.


Becky's eyes widened. Her right hand was completely missing. Werther dodged her right side, but her left hand was intact.


Along with the sound of the blade hitting a hard object, Becky felt her left hand being grabbed, and then a ball was handed to the heart of her left hand, which was in great pain and had three fingers cut off.


Becky's eyes widened, and in an instant, the remaining thumb pressed the ball, and the white substance accompanied by dust-like smoke covered Becky's body.

"The Source of the Matrix."


Becky disappeared from the corner of Werther's eyes, replaced by a ghost-faced man in black jumpsuit standing on the roof.

"It seems like it's not Halloween tonight, are the ghosts in the cemetery coming out?"

Werther lowered his voice and stared excitedly at the ghost face two meters behind him.

"Sorry Werther, I'm not a ghost, I'm a human being."


As Frye spoke, he instantly moved in front of Werther with the floating light blue particles. He kicked his left knee. Werther's eyes widened. When he wanted to dodge, he suddenly felt a huge telepathic force behind his back. As he moved, Werther could see purple particles in the corners of his eyes.


With a loud noise, Werther flew out in an instant. His body smashed the houses and then fell to the ground with a loud bang. The gravel flew, dust flew everywhere, and a large piece of the ground was dented.


Werther pressed the left side of his cheek that was dented by his knee. Blood was dripping from the dented and broken cheek bones. He shook his head. The moment he got up, he only saw a light blue light streaking across the face. But this time, Werther unhurriedly held the orange crystal sword behind his back and held it horizontally in front of him. His movements were very slow, and the shadows of the sword could be seen.

Frye pressed his fists tightly against his ribs, and his body rushed straight towards Frye in the smoke like an arrow. He saw bursts of orange particles dancing in front of him.


Accompanied by bursts of sound that broke through the air, Frye's eyes widened. The fists he originally planned to strike began to cross to protect his body. His hands also retracted during the movement in the air. The moment his whole body curled up, green The scabs instantly covered a large area of ​​the body.

Ding ding

Accompanied by the sound of blows, orange blades of light cut towards Frye from all directions in an instant.

As the green scabs like crystals shattered and scattered, Werther's eyes widened.

"Blue, purple, and now green, the awakening of the third divine power, not bad, Ghost Face!"

Werther was spitting out blood, and his sunken cheeks had begun to recover.

The green particles slowly dispersed around Frye's body, and the crystal clear green scab still disappeared, with not even a scratch on it.

Witte quietly stared at the ghost face in front of him. In his other hand, another shorter orange sword condensed with a crunching sound. He knew very well that the green power of God has the hardest alienated cell hardness. This kind of alienated gene lock that was born possesses the power of green God. After being condensed on the surface of the body, it has the hardness to withstand light nuclear weapons at close range.

The blue God's power is the fastest among the seven kinds of God's power. It has the fastest telekinesis, movement and attack, while the purple God's power has unparalleled telekinesis control and perception ability. The guy in front of him was very difficult. Werther stared at his heart sideways.

Frye noticed this small move, but he soon laughed. Werther did not dare to take off the power suppressor and transform into the form of a god. This was because Frye had expected that Werther would not dare, so he planned to stay. Now he still It was not time to escape. He had wanted to try it a long time ago. Now he could only control three kinds of divine power, which was already his limit.

"Who are you? Ghost Face, are you the messenger from hell?"

Werther asked half-jokingly, and Frye nodded.

"You can understand that I am the incarnation of darkness in Brilliant City. You can understand that I climbed up from hell to be a demon who challenges you gods!"

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