"Stop, please show me your ID."

At the entrance of a criss-crossed alley, a member of the 5th Section of the Operations Section was sweating, holding up the gun in his hand. His expression was extremely nervous, and his movements were slightly stiff. The sweat on his forehead had seeped into his eyes. Standing in front of him was a black man. The man in a robe, with his back to the clerk, raised his hands.

"Slowly come closer and take off your clothes."


The black robe of the man in black robe in front of him floated up, and the man disappeared.


The gun rang out, but the member of Section 5 opened his eyes wide. There was an obvious blood mark on his neck. He fell to the ground with a thud. He tried to get up with difficulty. He pressed his hand on the ground, and his body The strength is disappearing little by little, and the eyes are turning gray little by little.

"Young man, I've warned you not to interfere."

The man in black robe had long hair, pale skin, and a shriveled face. He picked up the robe on the ground, put it on his body and disappeared into the street. A breeze blew by, rolling up the withered yellow leaves.


The director quietly looked at all the split images shot from multiple angles on the light and shadow screen, selected images from several angles, and stored them in a folder at the bottom.

"No, you two, this is an important opening. It needs to be more realistic. The atmosphere is not intense enough. Xiaomei, you will ask Xi Ke to come over tomorrow. The script needs to be slightly modified. Also, ah Actors can’t.”

At this time, the man on the ground who had just played the role of Section 5 member stood up panting, and the actor who played the man in black robe also came over.

"Where is the director?"

"It's not where, it's everything. This chase scene requires a sense of tension and excitement. If you can't achieve the immersive feeling, it will be easy to mess up. Wu You, how many times have I told you, what is needed in one shot? It’s the softness, your performance is too stiff.”

The director in front of me, who looked to be over a hundred years old, was named Lanny. He had a large bulge on his forehead. He had a serious look, high cheekbones, and a wide and full face, full of majesty. The staff on the scene began to The lighting was adjusted. This was a chase scene at dusk, and the 8 minutes and 37 seconds of the opening scene, which required one shot to the end, was particularly important.

As a top director in the industry, Lanny's first famous film was "The Queen's Day Off" and his latest movie is "The Iron Lady". Over the past few decades, the worst movie he has directed has a box office of over 100 million. He is a veteran hardcore director in the industry.

As a director, Lanny likes to isolate the important parts, complete the shooting first, and then connect these important points together. Now this one-shot scene is the first part of a movie that can last up to 3 hours. It will also be broadcast live on the entire network as an independent promotional video. However, this one-shot scene has been filmed for more than two days, and it still did not achieve the effect Lanny wanted.

There are only two actors in this scene, Wu You, who plays the member of Section 5, and Luo Er, who plays the criminal. Both of them are relatively good actors, but they can only be regarded as second-tier actors. Their roles are only more than 8 points, but Lanni wanted to promote the two of them, so he approached them. After all, their careers had hit a bottleneck. Several low-budget movies they had starred in had failed at the box office.

"Hey, I think it's a good performance."

A sudden sentence came out, and Lanny, who was reading the script and thinking of countermeasures, tensed up his forehead for a moment and glanced sideways at a bunch of extras wearing business uniforms.

"Where's the good?"

Lanni asked angrily, Le Xiao who was in the crowd was startled, Ji Qing hurriedly pulled her, Le Xiao immediately closed her mouth and watched quietly, she thought it was pretty good, but Why did the director say no.

It was still early, the dinner wouldn't start until 8 o'clock, and there was still about an hour left, so Le Xiao wanted to continue watching.

"Director Lanny, Luo Er and I will go back and rehearse carefully."

"Two more times. If it doesn't work, we'll talk about it then. You guys can rest for 5 minutes."

At this time, Lanny walked over and shouted to a bunch of actors wearing Division 5 uniforms.

"You all have worked hard. We have to rehearse two more times and ask irrelevant people to go out."

Ji Qing was startled and hurriedly turned around with Le Xiao.

"Where did that girl find an extra? That kind of actor is also found. What are you doing, Xiaomei?"

Lanny stared at the assistant Xiaomei next to him angrily. She said apologetically that she was no longer needed after today.

Lanny looked at the woman wearing a business uniform who had walked out of the scene with confusion. He became even more angry for a while, and he walked over in person.

"If you don't want to do it, get back here."

Le Xiao groaned and blinked, but she soon realized it.

"I am not, I am"

"Little girl, there are not many opportunities like this. Many actors started from the era of bit players. Please show the corresponding spirit. You just said that you acted well, right? Didn't anyone teach you? Basic etiquette on the job site?”

Lanny turned on the chatting mode, which was his favorite thing, but then a cheerful voice came over.

"Lanny, I think you are mistaken. This lady is the secretary of the business department."

Lani looked at Le Xiao in surprise for a moment, then confirmed the pattern on her left arm, and then apologized hurriedly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Le Xiao, I'm really sorry."

Le Xiao shook her head hastily. At this moment, standing next to Le Xiao was Xing Yuan. Ji Qing exclaimed softly as soon as she saw Xing Yuan.

After a while, the misunderstanding was resolved. Lanny sighed and looked at Lexiao and laughed.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, can you please do me a favor? I was indeed rude just now."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly. Xingyuan took the phone from Lanni's hand and looked at the script on the light and shadow screen. He and Lanni were old friends, and he had provided Lanni with several high-quality scripts before.

"Ah? Me, me"

Le Xiao shivered, and Alpha, who was further outside, pressed his forehead and walked over quickly.

"This is a promotional film for the administrative department, so I hope that the 13 section chiefs can go abroad in real life. This will be more conducive to the publicity of the administrative department, as well as your secretary. The producer asked me to go to the administrative department to discuss it myself. Mr. Le Xiao, can you help me ask your section chief, Mr. Jean?"

"Okay, I'll ask Gene about it."

Le Xiao said happily. Alpha just wanted to pull Le Xiao, but Le Xiao blurted out as soon as he stretched out his hand. She could only sigh helplessly. At this time, Xingyuan looked at Alpha in confusion, as if she had seen him somewhere. I had passed this woman, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

Wu You looked quietly at Lani, who looked happy, and Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, who was in the outer circle of the shooting scene.

"You are really young, that secretary."

Luo Er said enviously on the side, Wu You hummed, always feeling like he had seen this girl somewhere. Ever since he learned that Le Xiao became a secretary, he had been wondering if he had seen this girl somewhere. Now he saw the real person. Later Wu You became more convinced that he had seen this girl.

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